Free Sunnis claim responsibility for rocket attack


The Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigades claimed responsibility for the rocket fire on Beqaa’s Beit Shama on Wednesday, saying the attack was in retaliation to the death of a Sunni protester in a protest in Beirut’s Qasaq the day before.

“This operation was in retaliation to the death of the young man Hussam Shawa, who was killed during a protest in solidarity with Arsal in Qasqas,” the little known group said on their Twitter account on Wednesday.

Earlier on Wednesday, two rockets fired from the Anti-Lebanon mountain range along the border with Syria hit vineyards in the central Beqaa area of Al-Aqeediyeh close to the town of Beit Shama.

Shawa suffered fatal wounds when the Lebanese army on Tuesday night opened fire in the air and shot tear gas canisters to disperse a protest in Beirut’s Qasqas, one of a wave of protests held by Sunnis in support of Arsal, which has been cut-off from the Beqaa’s main highway by protesters in neighboring Shiite-populated Labweh.




6 responses to “Free Sunnis claim responsibility for rocket attack”

  1. Constantin7 Avatar

    Great another new military group: “The Free Sunni of Baalbeck Brigades”. How about brigades for Beirut, Tripoli, Saida, Sour, etc… let every region/town/village have their own brigade……HOW SAD !!!!

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Brigade of Clear Windows VS Knights of Tinted Glass.
      Street Sweepers Of Greater Sands VS Tyre-Burners Of Asphalt.

  2. Hannibal Avatar

    Free from what?

    1. cook2half Avatar

      Pre marital sex lol

        1. cook2half Avatar


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