PM Salam may quit over ministerial statement


tammam salamTelecommunications Minister Boutros Harb said on Wednesday that Lebanese prime minister Tammam Salam might resign on Thursday after rival parties failed to reach a consensus on the ministerial policy statement.

“I believe that Prime Minister Tammam Salam will take a political stance to end the controversy on this issue, and this stance could be a resignation or something else,” Harb said following his meeting with Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Beshara Boutros al-Rai at the seat of the Patriarchate in Bkirki.

Harb’s comments came after the committee charged with drafting the new government’s policy statement failed again on Tuesday to agree on a draft that meets the demands of the rival March 8 and 14 camps and for this reason it decided to refer the issue to the cabinet, which will convene on Thursday at the Baabda palace to take the appropriate stance on the matter.

Labor Minister Sejaan Qazzi told reporters after the committee’s tenth meeting: “Hezbollah is still insisting that the resistance be granted freedom of mobility and action away from the authority of the state.”

The ministers were given a Thursday deadline to reach an agreement on the cabinet’s ministerial statement.

“The deadline aims at pushing the ministers to agree…. because the problem is political, not constitutional.” Harb added

Change and Reform parliamentary bloc member, Deputy Walid Khoury, ruled out the possibility of Salam’s resignation after a long journey of suffering which he had overcome.

During an interview with “Al-Sharq” radio, the MP warned that” Lebanon is passing through a critical stage.”



11 responses to “PM Salam may quit over ministerial statement”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    “…. passing through a critical stage.”
    Imagine. They take ages to appoint a ‘committee’ to solve a problem and make a new constitution which will work for all … and then everyone ‘resists’ and ‘rejects’ for another age while the committee attempts the uber-careful wording to have everyone happy or equally unhappy … and what the committee has decided is best for the country to get it working again finally becomes impossible??
    And now we hear; ‘Oh Dear, Why would the committee-head think of giving up? “I believe that Prime Minister Tammam Salam will take a political stance.” And the whole idea was, that ‘politics’ needs to be replaced by a ‘non-political’ entity called a committee.
    Well, really?? So … how about a ‘SANITY STANCE’?? Something along the lines of ‘F.U.’
    Seems reasonable. No-one could blame a committee head.

  2. Leborigine Avatar

    During an interview with “Al-Sharq” radio, the MP warned that” Lebanon is passing through a critical stage.”

    Lol. Lebanon has been passing through a critical stage for the last 40 years!! When are we going to be in a non critical stage??!

    1. I think we will need to add another 40 to that My friend.

      1. can I add another 100 years.. Please … please

        1. You know TK, I was being generous I think. Lest add another 100, why not.

  3. The real lebanese Avatar
    The real lebanese

    Since Hezbollah technically doesn’t abide by the state rules, it shouldn’t be considered part of the state, and a statement should be made excluding them.

  4. Constantin7 Avatar

    Do we really need a “ministerial statement” for the 2-3 months that this government is going to govern. Let go the ministerial statement and take care of business and public affairs. Who cares about a piece of paper with crap on it. It is obvious that the ministers (from 2 opposing political camps) will not agree on a publicized statement, so let go with the statement and work. Enough words and interpretations just show us PUBLIC SERVICE ! It would be a real shame if Salam resigns over a piece of paper ! After having waited for so long to see this government….

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Problem #1 …. it’s not ‘2 opposing political camps’ … it’s 2 opposing religious camps.
      And ‘the kids’ are suffering.

  5. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    Nassrallah said in his one of his speech after the gov’t was formed that he helped facilitated the formation of it. Now he is dismantelling it.. so how did Nassrallah is helping here. he is a cry baby.. he wants his milk. oh please add da the resistance or i will milk you to death..

  6. 5th ass Avatar

    mitil tizi! quit !

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