Israeli jets suspected of attacking Syrian missile base


s300 russia iran
Israel is suspected of being behind an attack on a Syrian military base that targeted a stock of Russian-made missiles.

Storerooms holding the missiles near the port city of Latakia were hit by Israeli war planes late on Sunday, according to a Syrian opposition source talking to Israel Radio. No confirmed details of the strike had emerged last night.

Official Israeli government and military sources declined to comment on the attack. But former Israeli Defence Forces intelligence chief Amos Yadlin said any such airstrike would be in keeping with Israeli policy to intercept the transfer of advanced weapons to Hezbollah or to Syria.

“Israel has declared four weapons system as a red line: advanced air defences, advanced and accurate ballistic missiles, surface-to-sea advanced missiles like Yakhont, and chemical weapons.

“In each case where Israel has intelligence that these are moving from Syria to Lebanon, or arriving to Syria from Iran or Russia, it seems – if the sources are right – that Israel is acting upon this,” he told the Telegraph.

Residents of Latakia reported hearing loud explosions just around midnight and there were also reports of Israeli planes heard breaking the sound barrier.
Prof Uzi Rabi, a Middle East expert at Tel Aviv University, said Israel was “obligated to take action” if the Assad regime or Hizbollah obtained missiles like the S-300, which posed a threat to Israeli warplanes flying over Syria or Lebanon.

Other attacks on weapons convoys in Latakia have been attributed to Israel in the past. Last November, US sources said that Israel had destroyed a Hizbollah-bound shipment containing long-range, Russian-made missiles.

In July 2013, Israel also struck a Syrian missile warehouse near Latakia which contained Russian-made Yakhont anti-ship missiles, according to US sources.

But that attack did not succeed in wiping out all of the weapons, American officials revealed to the New York Times.

US officials said at the time that further Israeli strikes were likely.

The daily Telegraph



28 responses to “Israeli jets suspected of attacking Syrian missile base”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Sneaked in, and sneaked out. Sneaky people.

  2. cook2half Avatar

    Homs can sleep safely tonight

  3. Leborigine Avatar

    Those bases are useless anyway. Lets see if they retaliate!!

    1. The real lebanese Avatar
      The real lebanese

      They’ll hit them back with the empty threats for sure.

    2. cook2half Avatar

      You have more of a chance to win the lottery

      1. Hence the reason Israel loves this disgusting pig assaad

        1. cook2half Avatar

          Assad is a clown no doubt, but its the people backing him that are trouble.

          1. Obviously he can’t do all this killing, raping, torturing, starving, exiling etc on his own.

          2. cook2half Avatar

            Of course not. He has more than 27 foreign militias fighting for him (@Fredsta I hope you’re okay with me copying this)

            1) Iran Revolution Guard (Iran)
            2) Hizb Allah (Lebanon)
            3) National Arab Guard
            4) National Syrian Social Hizb
            5) Hizb AI-Ba’th (A’sim Qansoh)
            6) Abu aI-Fadhl Battalion (Iraq)
            7) Dhul Fiqar BattalIion (Iraq)
            8) AI-Imam Al-Mahdi Army (Iraq)
            9) ‘Ammar bin Yassir Battalion (Iraq)
            10) Al-Hamd Battalion (Iraq)
            11) Mercenaries from Russia & Ukraine
            12) Mercenaries from Hoothiyeen in Yemen
            13) Ahmad Jibril Militia (Palestine)
            14) The people front for liberating Skandron (Ali Kiali)
            15) Druz United Army
            16) Hizb Al-Arabi (Shakir Brijawi)
            17) European front in support of Syria
            18) AhI-AIHaqq gang (Iraq)
            19) Private Russian Security company
            20) Amal Movement
            21) Afghani Shi’a Militias
            22) The Democratic Arab Group (Rlf’at Eid)
            23) Asad Allah Al-Ghalib Battalion (Iraq)

          3. Is the iraqi hezballah in that list under a different name? Thanks for the list btw, most of them I was already aware of. And we have the Iranians barking about foreign intervention. Btw where the hell is skandron

          4. cook2half Avatar

            No I dont think theyre on that list, but undoubtedly there are also other groups joining the fight. I actually dont know about Skandron, maybe its badly translated Arabic.

          5. It must be badly translated coz I just googled skandron and got very little besides some graffiti artist (obviously the artist wasn’t from Syria).

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well, he did up to 2 years ago … 😉

          7. When I say his own I mean just him.

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Ok .. 3 years. And I got a ‘bondage’ site on Yahoo with ‘skandron’ – SO MIGHT BE THE ONE. ;-)))))
            Dialing in ‘People Front’ is REALLY interesting …. Judea, communists, etc …

          9. LOLOLOO omg that’s too funny. It “ties” in with their name regarding liberating.

          10. 5thDrawer Avatar

            We are often amazed at what a ‘name link’ of a word or phrase can pull up. ;-))
            Computers are still stupid … can’t read a mind. 🙂
            Try ‘Christmas Pudding’. :-)))))

          11. Just got the usual cooking sites associated with pudding on both yahoo and google. Can u screen shot ur results?

          12. Yes barabie,hit prtscreen then alt+print open paint and paste it. BTW what kind of pudding do you like? let me guess vanilla!

  4. Secret Iranian team in Beirut to counter suicide attacks and upgrade Hizballah intelligence

    1. cook2half Avatar


  5. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    A reliable source told me they only hit a storage facility holding yensoun, I guess the wind and stomach pains remain in Latakia.

  6. It would take just 1 IAF plane to destroy all of the Syrian air force these days.

    1. Hind Abyad Avatar
      Hind Abyad

      This site is financed by Israel .Lebanon is satelite country of Israel.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Yes … we know … it’s up there in the ‘headers’ … location of Disqus is in USA … and we can still say whatever the hell we want. Isn’t it lovely?? ;-))

        1. Hind Abyad Avatar
          Hind Abyad

          Yes? Not over in the West, not in Canada, Luc Perreault from
          Le Devoir complained the press (is being censured by Federal Gov.)
          whe were not accostumed. I this naturaly, the fact was the Whole audience
          sheered for War..

  7. Hind Abyad Avatar
    Hind Abyad

    Why is Israel bombarding, was she attacked? Havent the Lattakiah suffered enough?
    In August 2013 there was a Planed attack on civilian population, these brave armed men massacred dozens of villages.
    The HRW report from Oct. 2013 “You can still See the Blood” says; Syria executions, hostage taking
    by rebels planed attack on civilians constitute Crimes Against Humanity.
    The National Coalition of Syrian Revolution Forces sent a letter to HRW on the same day.

    Executions, indescriminat shooting and hostage taken by 0pposition Forces in Lattakiah countryside
    105 page report, represent evidence that civilians were killed on 4 Aug.the first day the Opposition
    FSA, Islamic State of Irak al Sham and Jaish al-Muhajireen Wal-Ansar, are still holding hostages.

    I know people and Zionists here will scream to the skys, but, people are all human beings
    (eccept canibals), cheering for War is same thing as Allahuakbar.
    I tought he said he didn’t go to Lattakiah

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