Lebanon signs oil surveying contract with US company


bassil gibran- 0209 defLebanese caretaker Energy Minister Gebran Bassil signed a contract with the American company NEOS GeoSolutions, to survey Lebanon’s oil and gas resources.

“This new contract with the US firm is a positive and encouraging sign, as international companies have begun to show interest in investing in Lebanon without the Lebanese state incurring any expenses,” Bassil said Friday in a statement issued by the Energy Ministry.

“The oil [exploration process] has started and shall not cease. No one has the power to stop it,” he stressed.

Bassil said Wednesday that the bidding process on the first round of licenses for exploring Lebanon’s oil resources was postponed “for the last time” until April 2014.

Last April, a group of 46 firms qualified to bid on licenses to explore Lebanese offshore gas fields, with 12 qualified to bid as operators.

Bassil has called on the cabinet—which resigned last March—and the parliament to hold extraordinary sessions to approve the oil sector decrees.

He had originally planned to conduct the first round of licensing that May, but the cabinet’s resignation put the process on hold.

The government must still pass two decrees – laying out the model for the Production Sharing Agreement that companies will eventually sign, and officially delineating the blocks available for bidding – before bidding and negotiations can begin.

Lebanon has been slow in exploiting its maritime resources compared to other eastern Mediterranean countries. Israel, Cyprus and Turkey are all more advanced in their drilling efforts for oil and gas.




20 responses to “Lebanon signs oil surveying contract with US company”

  1. delaterre Avatar

    this guy is a joke! please get someone who knows what he/ she is doing – pathetic!

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Better to get something started finally, instead of only the stupid arguing for years about a lousy couple of miles – where they can paint a line on the ocean bottom between Israel and Lebanon.
      We know Hezzy’s want ALL the income to buy guns. Don’t let them keep screwing up the economy. Income TO the COUNTRY is the idea ,,,, and not having to pay for the oil to power electric-boats all the time would be nice too.
      If anyone had any sense (unlikely), there could even be a health plan based on the income – including a food bank for the starving – who might not be if they got the jobs.

      1. Yes, jobs …jobs … jobs. Dig baby dig. They only problem is that Syrians and Sirlankans will get the work while the Lebanese looking for white color jobs.

        1. Yep, you are right… whereas in places like Australia people fight over work on Oil riggs, big $$$$$$$$$$$……

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I bet they even take the women there. 😉

  2. delaterre Avatar

    this guy is a joke! please get someone who knows what he/ she is doing – pathetic!

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Better to get something started finally, instead of only the stupid arguing for years about a lousy couple of miles – where they can paint a line on the ocean bottom between Israel and Lebanon.
      We know Hezzy’s want ALL the income to buy guns. Don’t let them keep screwing up the economy. Income TO the COUNTRY is the idea ,,,, and not having to pay for the oil to power electric-boats all the time would be nice too.
      If anyone had any sense (unlikely), there could even be a health plan based on the income – including a food bank for the starving – who might not be if they got the jobs.

      1. Yes, jobs …jobs … jobs. Dig baby dig. They only problem is that Syrians and Sirlankans will get the work while the Lebanese looking for white color jobs.

        1. Yep, you are right… whereas in places like Australia people fight over work on Oil riggs, big $$$$$$$$$$$……

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I bet they even take the women there. 😉

  3. Gebran, you are full of energy. With the Great leadership Lebanon will be full of GAS and fuel to power the whole empire he will reside on. Suffocate the opposition with Lebanon’s GAS.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      We can see where the ‘gas’ has been coming from, in the Aoun-poet’s lines. 😉

      1. We are glad to help in the GAS arena.

  4. Gebran, you are full of energy. With the Great leadership Lebanon will be full of GAS and fuel to power the whole empire he will reside on. Suffocate the opposition with Lebanon’s GAS.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      We can see where the ‘gas’ has been coming from, in the Aoun-poet’s lines. 😉

      1. We are glad to help in the GAS arena.

  5. delaterre Avatar

    This guy can’t even compose couple of words in his own language! he is an insult to all the Lebanese- if this guy look for a job outside Lebanon no one will hire him!

  6. delaterre Avatar

    This guy can’t even compose couple of word in his own language! he is an insult to all the Lebanese- if this guy look for job outside Lebanon no one will hire him!

  7. delaterre Avatar

    There are a lot of misinformation here related to extracting gas / oil- it would take years after a huge investment to harvest the fruit of these investment- let it alone the corruption that run the country – this new venture will be plundered-

  8. delaterre Avatar

    There are a lot of misinformation here related to extracting gas / oil- it would take years after a huge investment to harvest the fruit of these investment- let it alone the corruption that run the country – this new venture will be plundered-

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