A christian will be deputy leader of Syria’s MB party


Ali Sadreddine Bayanouni
The Syrian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood will announce the formation of a political party on Nov. 12 with the party’s deputy leader set to be a Christian, the London-based Asharq al-Awsat newspaper reported on Friday.

The new party will be named the National Constitution and Freedom Party and will be known by the Arabic name Waad (the Promise), Syrian Muslim Brotherhood General Guide Ali Sadreddine Bayanouni told Asharq al-Awsat.

Bayanouni said the party will be led by UK graduate Mohammad Walid and his deputy will be a Christian priest.

Despite that it is a Muslim Brotherhood party, Waad will have members from various political and nationalist backgrounds.

Bayanouni said a third of the membership will go for Muslim Brothers, a third for other Islamists, and the final third for liberal and nationalist figures.

The party will seek to achieve “equality, justice, dignity and freedom” for the Syrian people and strive to establish democratic mechanisms and promote Islamic scholarship.

“The party leaders have agreed to adhere to the principles of democracy and freedom for our people and not to exclude anyone,” Bayanouni was quoted by Asharq al-Awsat as saying.

Waad will “support the oppressed and realize righteousness, stand by the weak, [and] return all rights to all Syrian people, regardless of their background or ethnicity and without discrimination,” he added.

Al Arabiya

Photo: Syrian Muslim Brotherhood General Guide Ali Sadreddine Bayanouni



106 responses to “A christian will be deputy leader of Syria’s MB party”

  1. SaifAddawla Avatar

    waw from pain again; is it taquyya? a world premiere; maybe next american vice president would be chinese

    1. Why not? The current one is African.

  2. SaifAddawla Avatar

    waw from pain again; is it taquyya? a world premiere; maybe next american vice president would be chinese

    1. Why not? The current one is African.

  3. SaifAddawla Avatar

    what about a christian at al azhar? or a muslim botherhood as deputy pope?

  4. SaifAddawla Avatar

    what about a christian at al azhar? or a muslim botherhood as deputy pope?

  5. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    Ying and yang may work in theory, but in reality you can’t combine truth with error.

  6. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    Ying and yang may work in theory, but in reality you can’t combine truth with error.

  7. wow we bomb your churches, kill your people but come and join us we need some legitimacy.

    1. Hmmmm… Reminds me of Aoun/Hezbollah’s memorandum… He He!

      1. one can also say the same of khataeb and ouwat alliance with mustaqbal….wouldnt you as a citizen rather see alliances that can develop into poltical organisations regardless of race colour creed or history? It has to start somewhere.

        1. How about a new alliance? Lebanese with Lebanese… Or is that too hard to fathom?

      2. What better alliance do you …ibal ???? The Great is aligned with Liberator what else do you want? Definitely much better than old traders aligned with new traders …..

        1. t3iish wu tfii2

    2. Muslimbrotherhood will be thrown out of the office as they were thrown out in Egypt. The Guy in the picture should not accept the offer but if he does then he is another crook

      1. SaifAddawla Avatar

        the jews (unfortunately judaism like its cousin islam is a political system going astray from religion, thats to say less religion and more politics) said one day and they were right in it: you annihilate a radical islamic movement only to create a more radical one to the extent that you will regret the relative tolerance of the one you annihilated. The reason for this in my opinion is the lack of hierarchy in the tribal islamic political system…. my message is the following: muslim botherhood are choir children compared to your radical stance….

    3. SaifAddawla Avatar

      lemme just point to you an observation: since hizbollah was founded by israel, there has been an alliance between jews shiites and christians; the alliance with the jews broke down for a reason in the spirit of jacob (fi nafsi ya3koub) but the alliance with the christians remained solid till now. Actually, strange enough, hizbollah was founded by israel to counteract the syrian domination of the shiites in the form of amal; if you review history, hizbollah most important battle was against amal: the hizbollah injured used to be hospitalised in east beirut and in israel; irony of the sort… hizbollah is now prosyrian

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        We can note that is still the case … the wounded and diseased who manage to fall over the border into Israel – without their weapons of course – as well as ordinary citizens from all the countries which surround it who need special care – are taken in as humans needing the help. And they get it, actually.
        Perhaps in what is called ‘the American Hospital’ in Beirut, there is a ‘slight delay’ while money is searched for … and in Tripoli we can add the money-search to the danger of being in a hospital where nurses and doctors are killed by the waring gangs continuing their idiocies around and inside the hospitals.
        I suppose the ‘logic’ of hating Israel so much, is that it works.

        1. SaifAddawla Avatar

          thanks for coming back to my original theory which is fighting zionism and imperialism in mass media does not necessarily imply it in the middle east even though your analyis is just meant to hurt hizbollah rather than being realiistic nevertheless your conclusion was right

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I wasn’t ‘theorizing’ anything there. Just stating facts. Noting what people DO.
            Why you think I want to analyse it to death is beyond me.
            Why you attempt to is futility.

            Oh; and the last line was a ‘supposition’ … although after years of examples to draw from, we might begin to make it a conclusion.
            I don’t need to try to hurt Hezzys … they do enough to themselves.
            But if they are Shiite, they eschewed ‘logic’ in 1400, and never looked back. :-)))

          2. SaifAddawla Avatar

            i dont think hizbollah are hurting themselves, they are playing the game as drawn by uncle sam textually letta by letta

  8. wow we bomb your churches, kill your people but come and join us we need some legitimacy.

    1. Hmmmm… Reminds me of Aoun/Hezbollah’s memorandum… He He!

      1. one can also say the same of khataeb and ouwat alliance with mustaqbal….wouldnt you as a citizen rather see alliances that can develop into poltical organisations regardless of race colour creed or history? It has to start somewhere.

        1. How about a new alliance? Lebanese with Lebanese… Or is that too hard to fathom?

      2. What better alliance do you …ibal ???? The Great is aligned with Liberator what else do you want? Definitely much better than old traders aligned with new traders …..

        1. t3iish wu tfii2

    2. Muslimbrotherhood will be thrown out of the office as they were thrown out in Egypt. The Guy in the picture should not accept the offer but if he does then he is another crook

      1. SaifAddawla Avatar

        the jews (unfortunately judaism like its cousin islam is a political system going astray from religion, thats to say less religion and more politics) said one day and they were right in it: you annihilate a radical islamic movement only to create a more radical one to the extent that you will regret the relative tolerance of the one you annihilated. The reason for this in my opinion is the lack of hierarchy in the tribal islamic political system…. my message is the following: muslim botherhood are choor children compared to your radical stance….

    3. SaifAddawla Avatar

      lemme just point to you an observation: since hizbollah was founded by israel, there has been an alliance between jews shiites and christians; the alliance with the jews broke down for a reason in the spirit of jacob (fi nafsi ya3koub) but the alliance with the christians remained solid till now. Actually, strange enough, hizbollah was founded by israel to counteract the syrian domination of the shiites in the form of amal; if you review history, hizbollah most important battle was against amal: the hizbollah injured used to be hospitalised in east beirut and in israel; irony of the sort… hizbollah is now prosyrian

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        We can note that is still the case … the wounded and diseased who manage to fall over the border into Israel – without their weapons of course – as well as ordinary citizens from all the countries which surround it who need special care – are taken in as humans needing the help. And they get it, actually.
        Perhaps in what is called ‘the American Hospital’ in Beirut, there is a ‘slight delay’ while money is searched for … and in Tripoli we can add the money-search to the danger of being in a hospital where nurses and doctors are killed by the waring gangs continuing their idiocies around and inside the hospitals.
        I suppose the ‘logic’ of hating Israel so much, is that it works.

        1. SaifAddawla Avatar

          thanks for coming back to my original theory which is fighting zionism and imperialism in mass media does not necessarily imply it in the middle east even though your analyis is just meant to hurt hizbollah rather than being realiistic nevertheless your conclusion was right

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I wasn’t ‘theorizing’ anything there. Just stating facts. Noting what people DO.
            Why you think I want to analyse it to death is beyond me.
            Why you attempt to is futility.

          2. SaifAddawla Avatar

            i dont think hizbollah are hurting themselves, they are playing the game as drawn by uncle sam textually

  9. There is a conflict about how some Muslims consider Christianity. The Holy Quran is against Trinity and the deification of Jesus (PBUH) which are Christian core beliefs which conflict with Islam. On the other hand, we are told that they are a people of the book and the friendliest ones of them.

    1. Constantin7 Avatar

      Exactly the Koran is full of these contradictions. It this book was from God, it would be without any contradiction and simple to understand by humans. Only the devil’s arguments are full of confusion and contradictions. I wish more and more muslims realize this lie old of 1400 years.
      As for the Syrian MB choosing a christian as their deputy leader, this is nothing but propaganda in front of the west to be accepted, and this christian who will accept this position is doing it by fear of repercussions on christians if and when the MB take power. Hypocrisy at its best in the Middle East.

      1. There is no contradiction in the Quran but there are contradiction in the Bible.Oldest Bible found in Palestine reveal Jesus was a PROPHET not god & no TRINITY. Watch the following youtube video to see the Bible


        1. Jeffrey Christ Avatar
          Jeffrey Christ

          Bc trinity isn’t in the bible is an invalid reason to say it isn’t stressed. Word bible, also does not reside in the bible. Does that make not a real thing? Not at all clearly. Bc words are not present in the bible does NOT mean it’s concepts not taught. Learn my brotheren.. Focus and think clear. Love

          1. SaifAddawla Avatar

            I am sorry to contradict you, i believe the Bible is a book of metaphores and philosophy rather than a book to be taken textually; even though i am not an atheist, the reading of religious books by some radicals makes me understand the irrational stance of atheists like 5thscotch

          2. Jeffrey Christ Avatar
            Jeffrey Christ

            That it is friend. Was edited metaphorically for reason that human obedience compassion is essential to an ever evolving culture of future creation. Truth is sugar of evolution when understanding is ripe for consumption. Witnessing bare truth requires patience for one day the father shall waken those elect whom stand patient. All that’s needed when dust clears is unified understanding of greater power outside of Man’s own. Metaphors were constructed so law could be transitioned to all cultures of time. Peace be with you Love and charity to all!

          3. SaifAddawla Avatar

            many thanks for your wise warm words; not used to it on this blog

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well, when speaking of scotch, then …..
            AND Golfing in Winter…..

            A Scot and an American were talking about playing golf during the various seasons of the year.
            “In most parts of the U. S. we cannot play in the wintertime. We have to wait until spring,” the Yank said.
            “Why, in Scotland we can even play in the winter time. Snow and cold are no deterrent to us!” exulted the Scot.
            “Well, what do you do? Paint your balls red?” asked the American.
            “No, nothing that drastic,” said the Scotsman. “We just put on an extra sweater or two.”

        2. SaifAddawla Avatar

          i previously explained to you that the concept of God being a trinity is present in the quran if you read the quran in aramaic; “wa kol anna allahou houwwa a7ad, assamad…. “refer to the quran misread, mistranslated and misinterpreted by Gabriel Sawma; you can buy the book at amazon dot com for 2 dollars; i am sure it will enrich your understanding of the quran

          1. “O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) a messenger of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His messengers. Say not “Trinity” : desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah: Glory be to Him: (far exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs. (Quran4:171)

            Yes the Quran talk about Trinity and we find nothing about trinity in the Bible ……LoL

          2. SaifAddawla Avatar

            quran says allah is trinity

        3. SaifAddawla Avatar

          well, let me philosophise things with you in a rational way without me siding in my analysis to one side or the other: if the quran comes from allah then you as a human being cannot detect its perfection and would certainly see a lot of contradictions in it not because these contraadictions are there but because you, as a human being, you are unable to detect perfection; on the other side, if you believe the bible is an artifact, thats man made, it is unlikely for you to be able to detect the contradictions in it since whoever wrote it is certainly a million time more capable than you. Does it make sense to you?

          1. If I say your have meat in your head then you disagree. How do you know you have brain in your head ? do you see it? Its an example of faith. To us Jesus(peace be upon him) is a prophet of Allah. He will descent in Damascus.

            The prophet of Islam prophesised his descension in Damascus in the end of time. Jesus will marry and he will have children , he will kill the Antichrist. Jesus will experience a natural death and will be resurrected on the day of Judgement like all other human being. Prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) instructed his companions to allocated a place for Jesus beside his grave and that place is safeguarded for Jesus for centuries. Here is a video where Jesus will descend. Please watch the youtube video

          2. SaifAddawla Avatar

            there is a bigggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg hugeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee gapppppppppppppppp between what you believe in and the TRUTH; all what i am asking you is to respect others and stop insulting Jesus in public by calling Him pbuh; you can say Jesus pbuh at home as many thousand times as you like but please not in public, it offends christians; thanks for your understanding

          3. “They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three in a Trinity: for there is no god except One Allah. If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them.” (Quran5:73)

            Jesus (peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah. Allah Hu Akhbar

          4. SaifAddawla Avatar

            Then why quran says allah is trinity? btw trinity does not negate one God; lemme explain to you trinity in a scientific way, even though i really doubt you will understand it: H2O is water: it can be liquid, vapour or solid (ice); thus H2O has three forms (liquid, gazeous and solid) yet it is one molecule…capito!!! of course no

          5. It is not and cannot be 3 forms at the same time. Can the same exact molecule water molecule be liquid, vapor and solid at the same time? No. Please stop comparing God to created things such as water to try to explain trinity. It doesn’t work. Trinity is three persons are in one God while we believe God is one person.

          6. SaifAddawla Avatar

            omg, havent you ever seen in one single container water, ice and water vapours!!!!! Trinity is ONE; THREE in ONE. Even quran says allah is trinity: “wa kol anna allahou a7ad…..assamad…. translated from the aramaic (or korayshian arabic if that pleases you), the original language of the quran it means allah is trinity. reference: the quran misread, mistranslated and misinterpreted by Gabriel Sawma

          7. You said one molecule not one container. Now you change it. Still trying to compare God to water. Your argument doesn’t hold water. The Holy Quran was written in Arabic and not Aramaic. Anything else is just a translation. Perhaps the New Testament was written in Aramaic and not Greek. You know God is one (person), indivisible and undivided, eternal and immortal, imminent and transcendent, etc.

          8. SaifAddawla Avatar

            one container is the universe buddy; guran originally was q=written in aramaic; never heard of the aden manuscripts!!!!! btw the original quran does not exist; all what can remain eternal is the internet copy that is available; all previous copies have been fabricated, refabricated made and remade, corrected and recorrected

          9. Because this is one of the worst sins (blasphemy), there can be no reconciliation and understanding between Islam and Christianity.

          10. “And behold! Allah will say: “O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, ‘Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah’?” He will say: “Glory to Thee! Never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart, though I know not what in Thine. For Thou knowest in full all that is hidden. [Qur’an 5:116]

            Jesus (peace be upon him) is a messenger of Allah . Allah Hu Akhbar!!!!!!

          11. SaifAddawla Avatar

            for your own govern, obviously you missed that, christians believe in ONE GOD

          12. “Christ the son of Mary was no more than an apostle; many were the apostles that passed away before him. His mother was a woman of truth. They had both to eat their (daily) food. See how Allah doth make His signs clear to them; yet see in what ways they are deluded away from the truth!

            Say: “Will ye worship, besides Allah, something which hath no power either to harm or benefit you? But Allah,- He it is that heareth and knoweth all things.”

            Say: “O people of the Book! exceed not in your religion the bounds (of what is proper), trespassing beyond the truth, nor follow the vain desires of people who went wrong in times gone by,- who misled many, and strayed (themselves) from the even way” (Quran 5:75-77)

            Jesus (peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah. Allah Hu Akhbar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          13. SaifAddawla Avatar

            thats your opinion; unfortunately for you many many more people do not share your opinion; hence try to respect the beliefs of others if you want others to respect your belief; i see you already crying like a sissy and asking beheading if someone else did the same disrespect to your belief

          14. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Now it sounds slightly Jewish …..

          15. So if there is a YouTube video no I’m not going to waste my time. Really wow where do you get this shit from man. So will you answer my ? That I put to you many times before. Would you look in the mirror and say to ur self hey look I’m an idiot. Would you? ??

        4. Was this YouTube put out by God or Jesus. Tell me why do you believe everything about YouTube or sorry get brainwashed by you tube. Your a Muslim how could you say the Quran is full of contradiction that would mean you are becoming a Christian lol

          1. SaifAddawla Avatar

            mr master; there is a big difference between what people believe in for real and what they claim to believe in; lemme ask you a question and i hope you will answer honestly: do you think all muslims believe the quran is devoid of contradictions? do you believe all muslims who claim they fast ramadan do fast ramadan? what percentage of muslims do really fast ramadan? have you noticed most females have their period during ramadan to avoid fasting? do you think all muslims who claim they eat halal food do really eat halal food? do you believe all muslims who claim not to eat porcine products really abstain from eating pork? last but not least, do you believe it is possible to avoid eating pork even in saudi arabia?
            lemme answer one question only: i dont think it is possible to avoid pork even in saudi arabia

          2. There is no contradiction in the Quran. Its in your head. We dont need to convince by the Youtube video. We know Jesus(peace be upon him) is a prophet. The Muslims are the true Christians. Allah Hu Akhbar.

          3. And it’s not in your head wow the perfection of Islam. Good on you bro your never answer the ? When put to you, tell me can you say anything wrong about the Quran even if was in front of you. Really think about the? Let me answer it for you of course NO. Lol it’s like me saying to my self I do not exist , now that would Be funny. I can hundreds of you tube of Muslims saying Quran has so much contradiction I say Muslims not Christian does that make them facts or what do you say. But all that you say is facts rite. Lol

    2. SaifAddawla Avatar

      sorry guest but saying Jesus PBUH is an insult to Jesus and to christians; i wonder what if a christian did the same to you and insulted your allah, what would you do?

  10. There is a conflict about how some Muslims consider Christianity. The Holy Quran is against Trinity and the deification of Jesus (PBUH) which are Christian core beliefs which conflict with Islam. On the other hand, we are told that they are a people of the book and the friendliest ones of them.

    1. Constantin7 Avatar

      Exactly the Koran is full of these contradictions. It this book was from God, it would be without any contradiction and simple to understand by humans. Only the devil’s arguments are full of confusion and contradictions. I wish more and more muslims realize this lie old of 1400 years.
      As for the Syrian MB choosing a christian as their deputy leader, this is nothing but propaganda in front of the west to be accepted, and this christian who will accept this position is doing it by fear of repercussions on christians if and when the MB take power. Hypocrisy at its best in the Middle East.

      1. There is no contradiction in the Quran but there are contradiction in the Bible.Oldest Bible found in Palestine reveal Jesus was a PROPHET not god & no TRINITY. Watch the following youtube video to see the Bible


        1. Jeffrey Christ Avatar
          Jeffrey Christ

          Bc trinity isn’t in the bible is an invalid reason to say it isn’t stressed. Word bible, also does not reside in the bible. Does that make not a real thing? Not at all clearly. Bc words are not present in the bible does NOT mean it’s concepts not taught. Learn my brotheren.. Focus and think clear. Love

          1. SaifAddawla Avatar

            I am sorry to contradict you, i believe the Bible is a book of metaphores and philosophy rather than a book to be taken textually; even though i am not an atheist, the reading of religious books by some radicals makes me understand the irrational stance of atheists like 5thscotch

          2. Jeffrey Christ Avatar
            Jeffrey Christ

            That it is friend. Was edited metaphorically for reason that human obedience compassion is essential to an ever evolving culture of future creation. Truth is sugar of evolution when understanding is ripe for consumption. Witnessing bare truth requires patience for one day the father shall waken those elect whom stand patient. All that’s needed when dust clears is unified understanding of greater power outside of Man’s own. Metaphors were constructed so law could be transitioned to all cultures of time. Peace be with you Love and charity to all!

          3. SaifAddawla Avatar

            many thanks for your wise warm words; not used to it on this blog

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well, when speaking of scotch, then …..
            AND Golfing in Winter…..

            A Scot and an American were talking about playing golf during the various seasons of the year.
            “In most parts of the U. S. we cannot play in the wintertime. We have to wait until spring,” the Yank said.
            “Why, in Scotland we can even play in the winter time. Snow and cold are no deterrent to us!” exulted the Scot.
            “Well, what do you do? Paint your balls red?” asked the American.
            “No, nothing that drastic,” said the Scotsman. “We just put on an extra sweater or two.”

        2. SaifAddawla Avatar

          i previously explained to you that the concept of God being a trinity is present in the quran if you read the quran in aramaic; “wa kol anna allahou houwwa al a7ad, assamad…. “refer to the quran misread, mistranslated and misinterpreted by Gabriel Sawma; you can buy the book at amazon dot com for 2 dollars; i am sure it will enrich your understanding of the quran

          1. “O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) a messenger of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His messengers. Say not “Trinity” : desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah: Glory be to Him: (far exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs. (Quran4:171)

            Yes the Quran talk about Trinity and we find nothing about trinity in the Bible ……LoL

          2. SaifAddawla Avatar

            quran says allah is trinity

        3. SaifAddawla Avatar

          well, let me philosophise things with you in a rational way without me siding in my analysis to one side or the other: if the quran comes from allah then you as a human being cannot detect its perfection and would certainly see a lot of contradictions in it not because these contraadictions are there but because you, as a human being, you are unable to detect perfection; on the other side, if you believe the bible is an artifact, thats man made, it is unlikely for you to be able to detect the contradictions in it since whoever wrote it is certainly a million time more capable than you. Does it make sense to you?

          1. If I say your have meat in your head then you disagree. How do you know you have brain in your head ? do you see it? Its an example of faith. To us Jesus(peace be upon him) is a prophet of Allah. He will descent in Damascus.

            The prophet of Islam prophesised his descension in Damascus in the end of time. Jesus will marry and he will have children , he will kill the Antichrist. Jesus will experience a natural death and will be resurrected on the day of Judgement like all other human being. Prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) instructed his companions to allocated a place for Jesus beside his grave and that place is safeguarded for Jesus for centuries. Here is a video where Jesus will descend. Please watch the youtube video

          2. SaifAddawla Avatar

            there is a bigggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg hugeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee gapppppppppppppppp between what you believe in and the TRUTH; all what i am asking you is to respect others and stop insulting Jesus in public by calling Him pbuh; you can say Jesus pbuh at home as many thousand times as you like but please not in public, it offends christians; thanks for your understanding

          3. “They do blaspheme who say: Allah is one of three in a Trinity: for there is no god except One Allah. If they desist not from their word (of blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them.” (Quran5:73)

            Jesus (peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah. Allah Hu Akhbar

          4. SaifAddawla Avatar

            Then why quran says allah is trinity? btw trinity does not negate one God; lemme explain to you trinity in a scientific way, even though i really doubt you will understand it: H2O is water: it can be liquid, vapour or solid (ice); thus H2O has three forms (liquid, gazeous and solid) yet it is one molecule…capito!!! of course no

          5. It is not and cannot be 3 forms at the same time. Can the same exact molecule water molecule be liquid, vapor and solid at the same time? No. Please stop comparing God to created things such as water to try to explain trinity. It doesn’t work. Trinity is three persons are in one God while we believe God is one person.

          6. SaifAddawla Avatar

            omg, havent you ever seen in one single container water, ice and water vapours!!!!! Trinity is ONE; THREE in ONE. Even quran says allah is trinity: “wa kol anna allahou a7ad…..assamad…. translated from the aramaic (or korayshian arabic if that pleases you), the original language of the quran it means allah is trinity. reference: the quran misread, mistranslated and misinterpreted by Gabriel Sawma

          7. You said one molecule not one container. Now you change it. Still trying to compare God to water. Your argument doesn’t hold water. The Holy Quran was written in Arabic and not Aramaic. Anything else is just a translation. Perhaps the New Testament was written in Aramaic and not Greek. You know God is one (person), indivisible and undivided, eternal and immortal, imminent and transcendent, etc.

          8. SaifAddawla Avatar

            one container is the universe buddy; guran originally was q=written in aramaic; never heard of the aden manuscripts!!!!! btw the original quran does not exist; all what can remain eternal is the internet copy that is available; all previous copies have been fabricated, refabricated made and remade, corrected and recorrected

          9. Because this is one of the worst sins (blasphemy), there can be no reconciliation and understanding between Islam and Christianity.

          10. “And behold! Allah will say: “O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, ‘Take me and my mother for two gods beside Allah’?” He will say: “Glory to Thee! Never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart, though I know not what in Thine. For Thou knowest in full all that is hidden. [Qur’an 5:116]

            Jesus (peace be upon him) is a messenger of Allah . Allah Hu Akhbar!!!!!!

          11. SaifAddawla Avatar

            for your own govern, obviously you missed that, christians believe in ONE GOD

          12. “Christ the son of Mary was no more than an apostle; many were the apostles that passed away before him. His mother was a woman of truth. They had both to eat their (daily) food. See how Allah doth make His signs clear to them; yet see in what ways they are deluded away from the truth!

            Say: “Will ye worship, besides Allah, something which hath no power either to harm or benefit you? But Allah,- He it is that heareth and knoweth all things.”

            Say: “O people of the Book! exceed not in your religion the bounds (of what is proper), trespassing beyond the truth, nor follow the vain desires of people who went wrong in times gone by,- who misled many, and strayed (themselves) from the even way” (Quran 5:75-77)

            Jesus (peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah. Allah Hu Akhbar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          13. SaifAddawla Avatar

            thats your opinion; unfortunately for you many many more people do not share your opinion; hence try to respect the beliefs of others if you want others to respect your belief; i see you already crying like a sissy and asking beheading if someone else did the same disrespect to your belief

          14. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Now it sounds slightly Jewish …..

          15. So if there is a YouTube video no I’m not going to waste my time. Really wow where do you get this shit from man. So will you answer my ? That I put to you many times before. Would you look in the mirror and say to ur self hey look I’m an idiot. Would you? ??

        4. Was this YouTube put out by God or Jesus. Tell me why do you believe everything about YouTube or sorry get brainwashed by you tube. Your a Muslim how could you say the Quran is full of contradiction that would mean you are becoming a Christian lol

          1. SaifAddawla Avatar

            mr master; there is a big difference between what people believe in for real and what they claim to believe in; lemme ask you a question and i hope you will answer honestly: do you think all muslims believe the quran is devoid of contradictions? do you believe all muslims who claim they fast ramadan do fast ramadan? what percentage of muslims do really fast ramadan? have you noticed most females have their period during ramadan to avoid fasting? do you think all muslims who claim they eat halal food do really eat halal food? do you believe all muslims who claim not to eat porcine products really abstain from eating pork? last but not least, do you believe it is possible to avoid eating pork even in saudi arabia?
            lemme answer one question only: i dont think it is possible to avoid pork even in saudi arabia

          2. There is no contradiction in the Quran. Its in your head. We dont need to convince by the Youtube video. We know Jesus(peace be upon him) is a prophet. The Muslims are the true Christians. Allah Hu Akhbar.

          3. And it’s not in your head wow the perfection of Islam. Good on you bro your never answer the ? When put to you, tell me can you say anything wrong about the Quran even if was in front of you. Really think about the? Let me answer it for you of course NO. Lol it’s like me saying to my self I do not exist , now that would Be funny.

    2. SaifAddawla Avatar

      sorry guest but saying Jesus PBUH is an insult to Jesus and to christians; i wonder what if a christian did same to you and insulted your allah, what would you do?

  11. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Sounds like a Waad of toilet paper to me … ‘seek to achieve “equality, justice, dignity and freedom” ‘ …. then ‘strive to establish democratic mechanism’ …. and the lovely footnote, ‘rights to all Syrian people, regardless of their background or ethnicity and without discrimination,”.
    Nice words … certainly not Sharia-bent …
    They would be best to actually write A Constitution first … for that ‘National Constitution and Freedom Party’ … and let people browse it before applying for ‘party-ship’. When you want to get a vote, you need to have your stance written in stone.

  12. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Sounds like a Waad of toilet paper to me … ‘seek to achieve “equality, justice, dignity and freedom” ‘ …. then ‘strive to establish democratic mechanism’ …. and the lovely footnote, ‘rights to all Syrian people, regardless of their background or ethnicity and without discrimination,”.
    Nice words … certainly not Sharia-bent …
    They would be best to actually write A Constitution first … for that ‘National Constitution and Freedom Party’ … and let people browse it before applying for ‘party ship’. When you want to get a vote, you need to have your stance written in stone.

  13. To everyone out there how does this article become one of christians vs muslims? Why can we not learn to differentiate between politics and religion. Lets all agree that religion should teach respect, humility, humanity…It is not the religion that is wrong it is humanity…religion is and has always been used as a tool…humans come up with their own interpretations in order to garner a political agenda….The mb is in disarray…they are a classical case of a group that gained power and abused it and now they are clutching at whatever they can to gain some sort of legitimacy….Nasser once said of the mb that the fact they are called muslim brotherhood in effect separates them from from muslims because he says if you are not with the brotherhood does that mean you are not muslim? All the religions have splintered into separate little branches over time….the fact is there is no such thing as one being more religious than another…you are judged by what you do as a human to another human and for all out there that claim to be more right than anyone else you are wrong…each to their own as long as there is respect to one another….in the end noone is perfect and noone is better than anyone else….all i see is hatred being developed and bigotry….heres a little story that to some may make sense that as humans we are imperfect and we will never see each other as equals because we have this feeling that we need to be superior…there was a girl who was blind and she met a guy…they fell in love….the girl one day says to the guy if only i could see again i would marry you….as time passed the girl managed to have an eye transplant and as she took her bandages off and was able to see again she saw her man…however to her dismay he was blind…she told him him i cant marry you because you are blind… The man devastated left….a week later he sent her a letter…in that letter he wished her the best and told her your eyes that have allowed you to see are my eyes…..

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Thank you, Dateam.
      Good tale too … Similar to the ‘Gift of the Magi’, but no joy in it.

  14. To everyone out there how does this article become one of christians vs muslims? Why can we not learn to differentiate between politics and religion. Lets all agree that religion should teach respect, humility, humanity…It is not the religion that is wrong it is humanity…religion is and has always been used as a tool…humans come up with their own interpretations in order to garner a political agenda….The mb is in disarray…they are a classical case of a group that gained power and abused it and now they are clutching at whatever they can to gain some sort of legitimacy….Nasser once said of the mb that the fact they are called muslim brotherhood in effect separates them from from muslims because he says if you are not with the brotherhood does that mean you are not muslim? All the religions have splintered into separate little branches over time….the fact is there is no such thing as one being more religious than another…you are judged by what you do as a human to another human and for all out there that claim to be more right than anyone else you are wrong…each to their own as long as there is respect to one another….in the end noone is perfect and noone is better than anyone else….all i see is hatred being developed and bigotry….heres a little story that to some may make sense that as humans we are imperfect and we will never see each other as equals because we have this feeling that we need to be superior…there was a girl who was blind and she met a guy…they fell in love….the girl one day says to the guy if only i could see again i would marry you….as time passed the girl managed to have an eye transplant and as she took her bandages off and was able to see again she saw her man…however to her dismay he was blind…she told him him i cant marry you because you are blind… The man devastated left….a week later he sent her a letter…in that letter he wished her the best and told her your eyes that have allowed you to see are my eyes…..

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Thank you, Dateam.
      Good tale too … Similar to the ‘Gift of the Magi’, but no joy in it.

  15. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    If I were a Muslim leader of any kind, I also would ONLY trust a Christian deputy by my side. Its definitely most reassuring knowing a Christian has my back rather than a determined, scheming and hungry protégé. Anyway all the best to the Syrian nation our best intentions for a peaceful outcome.

  16. Maborlz Ez-Hari Avatar
    Maborlz Ez-Hari

    If I were a Muslim leader of any kind, I also would ONLY trust a Christian deputy by my side. Its definitely most reassuring knowing a Christian has my back rather than a determined, scheming and hungry protégé. Anyway all the best to the Syrian nation our best intentions for a peaceful outcome.

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