Kissinger supports President Obama on Syria


kissinger suports obama on syriaFormer U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Monday that, despite some reticence, he now supports a limited military intervention in Syria.

“I have been against American military intervention, and have said so publicly,” Kissinger told Amanpour in New York. “This, however, is a case of use of weapons of mass destruction, which has consequences beyond Syria. … For that reason, and for the limited purpose of penalizing the use of weapons of mass destruction, I support President Obama’s request.”

Kissinger said that as much as he can, he has urged congress to authorize the U.S. president’s request to use force.

“It would have been a lot better if this had had a formal vote at the UN,” Kissinger said. “But in the last resort, and if the issue is important enough, the United States may have to act – really for the sake of everybody.”

“We can’t be the world’s policeman,” he told Amanpour, “but we can be the world’s last resort.”

“We can’t be the world’s policeman,” he told Amanpour, “but we can be the world’s last resort.”Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour

Despite his support for an American intervention, Kissinger said he was worried by President Obama’s surprise decision to take his proposal before congress, instead of action without its consent, as the president did in Libya (albeit with UN Security Council support).

“I think it was unwise to put it before the congress,” Kissinger said. “It creates the impression … that the president really doesn’t have the authority to act unless he has congress, and that therefore there’s substantial delay which the congress deliberates.”

President Obama himself, when announcing his intention to take his proposal to congress, acknowledged that he has the authority to act without congressional support, but said that he believed an intervention would be “stronger” and more “effective” with congress’ support.

But Kissinger warned that the very realistic alternative, that President Obama is denied his request for congressional authorization, would set a grave precedent.

It would “be dangerous for the world if the president of the United States were repudiated on a matter that he considers of the importance of the campaign he has now put forth,” he said.

President Obama is seeking to act unilaterally, without UN Security Council support, partly because of the support given to President Assad by Russia – a country with which Kissinger had much experience as a long-serving secretary of state during the Cold War.

“Putin is a man who wants to restore Russia to some respect,” Kissinger said. “But he comes from a country that has a tradition of flexing its muscles. So sometimes the conduct is confrontational.”

Despite being bitter enemies during the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union were able to develop a kind of détente – a détente that seems to be lacking even now.

“In the end, we and Russia can develop common objectives because where we clash are issues like Syria, where I believe we both should have the same objective,” Kissinger said, “which is the radicalization of the Arab world. Because a radical Arab world will spread over into Russia before it spills over into us.”




30 responses to “Kissinger supports President Obama on Syria”

  1. Leborigine Avatar

    Of course you do you POS. You are the reason of every war in the middle east. You surely won’t be missed!

    1. Yes he is the brain behind getting rid of all Christians in the middle east. It happened we, the christians of Lebanon, changed the course of history for his likes and for the Islamists hiding behind the leftists curtains to stay despite the Nazi Zionists and the Nazi Islamist.

      1. Leborigine Avatar

        We sure did Hannibal and this bastard won’t give up, he is still trying!

      2. If you have some powerful weapon which you wish to possess to attack your enemy then you feel pretty strong. But think about a situation when you find that your opponent has taken control of those weapon. Do you feel the same as before? What do you feel then ? You will try to recover them but if you cant do it then you will destroy them so that your opponent wont be able to use it against you. Isnt that simple?

        Now suddenly after 42 years the world seems very worried abous Assads chemical weapon!! why is that? Because Assad is losing control over this weapon. Yes he used it against the sunnis but he didnt use it against Israel. But why then the world is so worried about his weapon? Will you be surprised if you see Israel is bombing Irans Nuke plant like they did on Saddams Nuke plant in 1982? You will be asking …why now?? Well if Irans nuke plant fall in to the wrong hand then its not only Israel but also those Ayadollar Mullahs will be willing to destroy their own Nuke plant. So that is why even Kissinger loves to destroy Assads weapon. I love to see how the propaganda backfires on the culprit.

  2. Leborigine Avatar

    Of course you do you POS. You are the reason of every war in the middle east. You surely won’t be missed!

    1. Yes he is the brain behind getting rid of all Christians in the middle east. It happened we, the christians of Lebanon, changed the course of history for his likes and for the Islamists hiding behind the leftists curtains to stay despite the Nazi Zionists and the Nazi Islamist.

      1. Leborigine Avatar

        We sure did Hannibal and this bastard won’t give up, he is still trying!

      2. If you have some powerful weapon which you wish to possess to attack your enemy then you feel pretty strong. But think about a situation when you find that your opponent has taken control of those weapon. Do you feel the same as before? What do you feel then ? You will try to recover them but if you cant do it then you will destroy them so that your opponent wont be able to use it against you. Isnt that simple?

        Now suddenly after 42 years the world seems very worried abous Assads chemical weapon!! why is that? Because Assad is losing control over this weapon. Yes he used it against the sunnis but he didnt use it against Israel. But why then the world is so worried about his weapon? Will you be surprised if you see Israel is bombing Irans Nuke plant like they did on Saddams Nuke plant in 1982? You will be asking …why now?? Well if Irans nuke plant fall in to the wrong hand then its not only Israel but also those Ayadollar Mullahs will be willing to destroy their own Nuke plant. So that is why even Kissinger loves to destroy Assads weapon. I love to see how the propaganda backfires on the culprit.

  3. The world need to dismantle Irans Nuke program as it is becoming a threat to the region. As long as Iran can keep a tight control on its Nuke bomb ,Israel and the world wont bother but Iran is destabilizing the region and if the Nuke bomb of Iran fall in to the “wrong hand” then its a bad news for all. It is necessary to dismantle Iran’s Nuke plant in Bushar which was Made by USA , before it fall in to the wrong hand. It means the Nuke plant is with the right hand at the moment but what if it falls in to the wrong hand?

    1. patriotss Avatar

      why would you think iran would want to nuke israel?
      no one just does things for no reason? it might be a bad one or a good one?

      1. It is Iran who openly said that they want to wipe out Israel from the map ! and we have been hearing this kind of rhetoric for the last 40 years. We also Heard America wants to attack Iran for the last 40 years. So you explain now. We hear constantly from Hezbollah the same thing against Israel although they kill the sunnis in Syria. We hear the same thing from Bashar Al-Qaeda that he will bomb Israel. These are their own words. So please explain whether these are empty words of propaganda or are they serious? You lose in either way. You have fall in to your own propaganda trap.

      2. So you have started asking some valid Question
        Now answer
        When Iran says it wants to wipe out Israel from the Map , what is their reason to do so? Did Israel ever attack Iran ? You hear most of the anti Israeli and anti Jewish rethoric from Iran so please explain why do they have all these hate towards Israel?

        We see Hezbollah fight with Israel for 6 days and win!! But in Syria Hezbollah has been fighting for two years and they cant win! So Israel seems weak against Hezbollah! what is the reason of this weakness?
        The Taliban have been fighting the occupation force for 11 years. 67+ countries invaded Afghanistan and its the same Question for the Taliban that How Hezbollah could win against Israel in 6 day? Can you explain this?

        1. It is simple to answer: Hezbollah’s victory was divine… A miracle indeed. But the mujahediin are a joke… They fight on the side of the devil pictured above. I hope I did answer your question.

          1. What did Hezbushaitan achieved from the Picnic war victory? How many inchs of Palestinian land were recovered? Divine Hezbushaitan can not do the miracle against the poorly armed rebel. What a joke…..LoL

  4. The world need to dismantle Irans Nuke program as it is becoming a threat to the region. As long as Iran can keep a tight control on its Nuke bomb ,Israel and the world wont bother but Iran is destabilizing the region and if the Nuke bomb of Iran fall in to the “wrong hand” then its a bad news for all. It is necessary to dismantle Iran’s Nuke plant in Bushar which was Made by USA , before it fall in to the wrong hand. It means the Nuke plant is with the right hand at the moment but what if it falls in to the wrong hand?

    1. patriotss Avatar

      why would you think iran would want to nuke israel?
      no one just does things for no reason? it might be a bad one or a good one?

      1. It is Iran who openly said that they want to wipe out Israel from the map ! and we have been hearing this kind of rhetoric for the last 40 years. We also Heard America want to attack Iran for the last 40 years. So you explain now. We hear constantly from Hezbollah the same thing against Iran although they kill the sunnis. We hear the same thing from Bashar Al-Qaeda that he will bomb Israel. These are their own words. So please explain whether these are empty words of propaganda or are they serious? You lose in either way. You have fall in to your own propaganda trap.

      2. So you have started asking some valid Question
        Now answer
        When Iran says it wants to wipe out Israel from the Map , what is their reason to do so? Did Israel ever attack Iran ? You hear most of the anti Israeli and anti Jewish rethoric from Iran so please explain why do they have all these hate towards Israel?

        We see Hezbollah fight with Israel for 6 days and win!! But in Syria Hezbollah has been fighting for two years and they cant win! So Israel seems weak against Hezbollah! what is the reason of this weakness?
        The Taliban have been fighting the occupation force for 11 years. 67+ countries invaded Afghanistan and its the same Question for the Taliban that How Hezbollah could win against Israel in 6 day? Can you explain this?

        1. It is simple to answer: Hezbollah’s victory was divine… A miracle indeed. But the mujahediin are a joke… They fight on the side of the devil pictured above. I hope I did answer your question.

          1. What did Hezbushaitan achieved from the Picnic war victory? How many inchs of Palestinian land were recovered? Divine Hezbushaitan can not do the miracle against the poorly armed rebel. What a joke…..LoL

  5. It is necessary to dispose the chemical weapon of Assad for every ones security. Assad have used it several times and he will us it again. Assad is not a threat to Israel so for all these years no one bothered about his weapon but now Assad is losing control and the chemical weapon can fall in to the “wrong hand” as the world leaders said repeatedly. There is no sign that Assad would be able to keep this weapon for long Therefore it is necessary for the world to quarantine Assad and his chemical weapon. It will be better for all.

    1. Funny you agree with Kissinger, the world numero uno zionista. It shows your real colors.

      1. I didnt make any agreement with Kissinger. I never met him either. Who is Kissinger?
        Too much propaganda can backfire on you and thats what is happening now. The world is worried that this chemical weapon may fall in to the “wrong hand” and they refered to Hezbollah and the world leader are afraid that Hezbollah might use it against Israel. Now they are worried because Assad has lose control over Syria. Assad himself will destroy the weapon if he feels it is falling in to the wrong hand. Do you understand why the world is so eager to dispose the chemical weapon? Too much anti Israeli propaganda of Iran Assad and Hezbushaitan is backfiring on them. It is a funny situation. What morale do you learn from this anti Israeli propaganda?

  6. It is necessary to dispose the chemical weapon of Assad for every ones security. Assad have used it several times and he will us it again. Assad is not a threat to Israel so for all these years no one bothered about his weapon but now Assad is losing control and the chemical weapon can fall in to the “wrong hand” as the world leaders said repeatedly. There is no sign that Assad would be able to keep this weapon for long Therefore it is necessary for the world to quarantine Assad and his chemical weapon. It will be better for all.

    1. Funny you agree with Kissinger, the world numero uno zionista. It shows your real colors.

      1. I didnt make any agreement with Kissinger. I never met him either. Who is Kissinger?

  7. The ugly face of 666. He should be tried for crimes against humanity.

  8. The ugly face of 666. He should be tried for crimes against humanity.

  9. patriotss Avatar

    hurry up and die
    even if you are on fire i wouldn’t piss on you to put you out

  10. patriotss Avatar

    hurry up and die
    even if you are on fire i wouldn’t piss on you to put you out

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