This is not a coup, but the will of Egypt’s people


MORSI OUT celebration
By: Amira NowairaThe overthrow of President Morsi may seem like a military coup. But to all intents and purposes it is not. The call for Morsi’s ousting was made by millions of Egyptians who went out on the streets for four days in a row, raising Egyptian flags and chanting one word directed at him: “Erhal”, meaning, “leave, depart”. Without the presence of those millions on the streets and their determination to get rid of Mohamed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood, the military would certainly not have intervened.

The military has acted on a clear popular mandate, as was the case with the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak. It is true that the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces made huge mistakes when they assumed power after Mubarak. But with the appointment today of the head of the supreme constitutional court, Adli Mansour, as an interim president until proper elections take place, the military has given a strong signal that a different path would be followed this time. It is up to the Egyptian people to oversee the new transition and make sure it does not deviate from the right path envisaged by the millions.

The overthrow of President Morsi may seem like a military coup. But to all intents and purposes it is not. The call for Morsi’s ousting was made by millions of Egyptians who went out on the streets for four days in a row, raising Egyptian flags and chanting one word directed at him: “Erhal”, meaning, “leave, depart”

Egypt made a huge mistake in electing a Muslim Brotherhood president. This is what most ordinary Egyptians now realise. Within one short year, Morsi has managed to alienate the larger part of the population, with the exception of Brotherhood members and supporters. Not only did he fail to deliver on the economy, but he also made enemies of almost everyone: the judiciary, the media, the religious authorities of the leading al-Azhar mosque, the Coptic church and ordinary Egyptians whose way of life and livelihood seemed to come under threat.

The most dangerous aspect of Brotherhood rule was probably its discourse of fear and loathing. In fact, Morsi wagging menacing fingers against Egyptians has become emblematic of his brief rule. Incitement against Copts, Shias and anyone who dared oppose him was rampant and unchecked. On the platform of a pro-Morsi rally, Egyptians were threatened with doom and gloom. “There will be a sea of blood if people dare challenge Morsi’s presidency,” vowed one of his supporters.

After an excruciating year of mismanagement, sectarian rhetoric and state violence, it is understandable that Egyptians should rise in full force against a regime that seemed to hold them hostage. Morsi has shown himself to be incapable of governing or even understanding the fundamentals of managing a modern state. What he succeeded in doing was to dispel any illusions that Egyptians might have had about the Muslim Brotherhood as a morally and spiritually superior faction, a myth the party has relentlessly propagated for decades. Morsi reneged on all the promises he made during his election campaign and never shied away from producing yet more lies. His pledge to respect the law of the land proved to be no more than meaningless words as he went on the rampage against the judiciary and appointed a public prosecutor that people nicknamed the “private prosecutor”.

Morsi and his supporters have argued that his overthrow was a violation of the legitimacy of the ballot box. In his last speech as president, Morsi repeated the word legitimacy over and over again. What he did not realise, however, was that the legitimacy of a ruler springs from popular consent. Falling back on the legitimacy of the ballot box is not much different from the husband who rapes his wife but insists that she is compelled by the legality of the marriage contract to accept his abuse.

Morsi and his Brotherhood have been wrecking Egypt for a whole year, and are now screaming blue murder because they are not allowed to continue to do so with impunity.

The Guardian



9 responses to “This is not a coup, but the will of Egypt’s people”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Excellent analysis … but perhaps Amira is a female and the various idiots will ignore her words here.
    Simplicity is too much for them … but ‘the people’ have had enough of ‘the fear’, whether of Man or Gods, and women will be heard. At the very least they are tired of only being used to make cannon-fodder for the ‘men’.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Excellent analysis … but perhaps Amira is a female and the various idiots will ignore her words here.

  3. not a coup? this is hilarious!
    when a CIA funded military overthrows a democratically elected government, its a coup.

    people on the streets and good cinematography is an old trick. nothing new or special about that…

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      To assume that the CIA makes it’s own money like Hezzy does, and then funds other militaries all over the world (as you do), you must ignore the taxes paid by citizens of those countries and assume they have no part in any decisions of the politicians. If THAT is true, then you must bring it to light to the tax-payers that their money is being wasted on the CIA, the Egyptian Army – and on the various Hezzys too.
      At least place Poster-Ads in the USA, Egypt, and Iran to inform the taxed citizens. I am sure they would rather spend money on Clean water, Trees, Roads, and Amusement parks, than on weapons all the time. Tell them it would be better to buy some solar-power too …

      1. You of all people should know that no matter how hard you try, you simply won’t get cattle to say ‘good morning’.

        you either live in a vacuum created by Hollywood studios or you really believe in the fantasy of Pax-Americana.

        i do not have to tell you how many death squads were either trained, supplied or funded by the CIA, how many more dictatorships and military coups.
        you already know this, just acting silly for the cameras.

        the term ‘radical factions’ by itself excludes any serious discussion. when one’s belief is that entrenched what is there to talk about?

        Politicians, taxpayers, really? taxpayers make policy? that’s fresh!
        was it Amerikan taxpayers that decided to support fascist South Africa against the ANC?
        was it Amerikan taxpayers that decided to arm and train Al-Qaida to fight the Soviet Union?
        or perhaps it was European taxpayers that decided on austerity after being bankrupted by false advertising?

        dreams, only dreams…

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          That’s what I mean … Education … based on facts … you need to put the ads out there, Ilan. AND WHY NOT DREAM?? It’s the dreamers who have changed things for human development (whether good or bad), after all.
          Consider that governments and societies (and idiot religions) go on for much longer than you and I do. Contribute a dream for a future.

          1. now you just being extra silly…

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