Hezbollah orders former ally Hamas out of Lebanon


hamas hezbollah chiefsLebanese Hezbollah militant group has ordered its former ally the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas out of Lebanon effective immediately and within hours , the Middle East Online news agency reported on Thursday.

The move, the report says, is due to Hamas support for the opposition forces fighting to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad. Both Hezbollah and Syria are allies of Iran, which provides the two with financial and military support.

Hamas representative in Lebanon Ali Baraka denied the report to Lebanese paper Aliwaa, saying Hezbollah officials in Lebanon were surprised by the report.

But media sources close to the Palestinian national liberation movement Fatah in Lebanon said a Hezbollah senior security official informed Baraka, that all of those related to Hamas on the Lebanese territory have become unwelcome.

Times of London reported last month that Hamas’ military unit has broken ties with Assad, and has begun training members of the opposition’s Free Syrian Army in Damascus.

Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal was basing himself in Damascus, but in 2012 Mashaal relocated to Qatar, citing the ongoing conflict in Syria, which is now entering its third year. The London-based Arabic language newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat said at the time that the move was due to Hamas’ support for the Syrian opposition. There were also reports at the time that all senior Hamas operatives in Syria had quietly relocated to various other Arab states, including Egypt and Jordan.

Earlier this year Syrian state-run media accused Mashaal of being “ungrateful and treacherous.”

According to media reports as far as Meshaal is concerned, the underlying logic is simple: His movement’s new patron and funder, the Qatari Emir Hamad bin Khalifa al Thani, is a vocal opponent of Assad’s regime.



162 responses to “Hezbollah orders former ally Hamas out of Lebanon”

  1. Beiruti Avatar

    Hezbollah cleans the Palestinians, and the Syrians clean Hezbollah. This is a wonderful two step solution for a civilized Lebanon!

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Yah Beiruti … and I think I can hear a whole crowd of people laughing somewhere …. 😉

      1. AntiFSA Avatar

        And you have 5 people who think you have shit coming out of your mouth. laugh out very loud.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          12 now, Anti-everything. 😉

    2. AntiFSA Avatar

      All we need now is for someone to clean the s@#t that’s coming out of you mouth. It might take a few people to fulfil the task.

      1. Beiruti Avatar

        Funny how you couldn’t outsmart me politically, so you go back to your street tactics. Someone doesn’t buy your chiclets and you start mouthing them off, be civilized Anti, i know it’s hard with a role model like Bashar, but still try your hardest, im sure your mother must have taught you something other than stealing bikes from other villages.

        1. AntiFSA Avatar

          So calling me a peasant and a thief is what you classify as being civil.

          1. Beiruti Avatar

            No i classify that as being honest..

    3. Moe28 Avatar

      Before that Happens there will be 10 million Iranians Russians and Chinese soldiers never mind Iraq backing Assad…

      1. master09 Avatar

        The more the better,

    4. Moe28 Avatar

      Hezib Has more missiles then Syria make no mistake about it.

  2. Beiruti Avatar

    Hezbollah cleans the Palestinians, and the Syrians clean Hezbollah. This is a wonderful two step solution for a civilized Lebanon!

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Yah Beiruti … and I think I can hear a whole crowd of people laughing somewhere …. 😉

      1. AntiFSA Avatar

        And you have 5 people who think you have shit coming out of your mouth. laugh out very loud.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          12 now, Anti-everything. 😉

    2. AntiFSA Avatar

      All we need now is for someone to clean the s@#t that’s coming out of you mouth. It might take a few people to fulfil the task.

      1. your worst enemy Avatar
        your worst enemy

        kiss immak ya ibn el sharmouta w imm hizb allah wil li khala?kun ya kleb

        1. AntiFSA Avatar

          WOW, so this is what we call a real Lebanese, attacking ones mother behind a keyboard all because you don’t agree with my views. And we ask our self why Lebanon is in the state it has been in for all these years. As for all those animals who pressed liked. I thank you for proving to me what I have always known about most Lebanese people which is an uneducated race who will always have a foot on their neck. The way I look at it, to call ones mother a sharmouta clearly indicates that you yourself have a sharmouta for a mother. Now go ask you mother who your father is. You never know, it could be me.

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            Come on people… We are better than that… OK slightly better lol

          2. AntiFSA Avatar

            Hannibal, the above animal is what gives the Lebanese people a bad name. To attack ones mother in my opinion is lowest of low. And why. all because IT disagrees with my views. I now understand why sometimes you get worked up. With this kind of garbage blogging, its enough to make 5th fire up. What I would do to have 5 minutes with this piece of shit. What I can’t believe is Yalibnan Admin have yet again failed to act accordingly. I hope you weren’t one of the ones who gave this animal an arrow up.

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Never mind, Anti … these are the people I’m selling Square Meter Buckets® to. 🙂

          4. libnan1 Avatar

            Hey Anti, I wouldn’t worry about every time a dog bark. I’ve had worst comments for standing by the resistance and Aoun. As far as Yalibnan web master, what do you expect after all they are getting paid by Hariri and company. They welcome comments like the ones above. I bet if you copy and paste the comment you will hear from them …:)
            Stay the course and hit the beach more often.

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            By the way, Libnan … about Aoun … he seems to be sweating more lately. Did Geagea put a sun-lamp on him? Or was it just the hezzys again not going along with him? He always goes along with them, doesn’t he? You’d think they would give him something back … :-)))

          6. libnan1 Avatar

            What are you talking about 5th ….??? Aoun is the one that drives the agenda. He goes back and forth with his allies for the sake of Lebanon. I just don’t get what Geagea have to do with the GREAT. I never heard of a fly effecting an elephant’s movement.

          7. Hannibal Avatar

            How is it going Orangina?

          8. libnan1 Avatar

            Doing well Hani-noballs ..:) had an awesome wkend at the beach with my 4 future Oranginas (I had a heck of time trying to hid my boner). Come on down with family plenty of room, you might turn Orangina …:)

          9. Hannibal Avatar

            Hey Libnan1 you want to feel them? Is that the challenge? But sorry I do not swing them that way… Last I checked there is a Lesbian trapped inside me… He He

          10. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I see it now in my mind, Libnan. Had enough beach-experience to know. A bit ugly actually … You perhaps in a white bed-sheet showing the boner … but then in the long trunks watching the ladies who don’t have to hide the bodies … surely maintaining a sour look on your face as you help keep the wife from drowning in her full-length swimming blackness, and pretend you’re not looking at the others.
            By the way, is that ALL daughters?? ;-))

          11. AntiFSA Avatar

            Don’t go down to their level. this is their way of getting us fired up so we get bared. You can’t blame them for acting like idiots though. We need to remember that the one they hate so much is the one that owns them. I would be pissed off if that animal Hariri or Geagea owned me. lol. Now I know why Prophet left this biased blog

          12. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Mostly, I suspect, because of all your previous here. And no-one owns us. We have an opinion. You don’t agree. C’est la vie.

          13. AntiFSA Avatar

            5th, it wasn’t directed at you. :). The ones I’m talking about know very well who they are. Now your fired up. Calm down and have a scotch for both of us. 🙂

          14. 5thDrawer Avatar

            hmmm … too early ….

          15. master09 Avatar

            5am is too early. It is 6.15 and I am washing my teeth with a cheap walker.

          16. 5thDrawer Avatar

            A blend, no doubt. 😉

          17. Hannibal Avatar

            Come on now tsk tsk with conspiracy theory… Yalibnan gets paid by Hariri… Are you for real? ye3ne kell ma waa7ad sawwat doddak betkhawno amma betbii3o? Hmmmmm. I hear the democracy of the Orangina party or is it the dictatorship of the osrambo? (orange ass rambo) get it? HA HA

          18. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yah, that one is SOOO far out to lunch … but it’s the symptom of ‘the believer’ at work there. Like the guy who asked ‘Where’s he from?’ of a visitor, and when told ‘from Canada’ immediately went red in the face and said ‘Ohhhh. Isreali Spy!’.
            SOOOO FAR ‘OUT TO LUNCH’. The problem is, they are dangerous in their stupidity – and the reason why Tripoli people are in such SHIT now.
            If not all Lebanon … yet. 🙁

          19. master09 Avatar

            No one should bring into a subject a mother unless its about love. Anyone that speak that way about anyone mother, well they sure have issues from the day light hit the eyes coming out from the womb.

          20. Beiruti Avatar

            Say what you want, but 9 people just agreed with ‘your worst enemy’ LOL.

          21. AntiFSA Avatar

            That just proves what I suspected, that you posted that comment. so in that case, right back at you. And you ask me to be civil. lol As for the nine people, they are nothing more than animals like you. like I said, ask your mummy who your daddy is. I think you will be quite suprised son.lol

          22. 5thDrawer Avatar

            But one ‘down’ for saying ‘like you’ … tsk tsk …

          23. AntiFSA Avatar

            That’s a bit harsh 5th. Oh I get it, I have offended one of your lap dogs. Apologies.As the saying goes, if you choose to knock on the door, you might not like who opens it.

          24. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well, you wanted me to ‘fire up’ didn’t you? Shouldn’t I be your ‘lap dog’?

          25. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Houhouhouhouhou ….. I’ll give an up to even that one. 😉

          26. Beiruti Avatar

            Such a hypocrite, you end off your nonsense speech by calling his mom a sharmoota in return. Honestly, go back to selling chiclets.

          27. AntiFSA Avatar

            I’m the hypocrite, lol. coming from a person who tells me to be civil, yet finds it humourise when someone calls another person’s mother a sharmoota. Quick get a tissue, run to the mirrior and wipe that shit on your chin. You woundnt want walk out of the house looking like that. SHIT TALKER.

        2. libnan1 Avatar

          kiss immak ya ibn el sharmouta w imm hizb allah wil li khala?kun ya kleb

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            Are you ill???

          2. Patience2 Avatar

            Goes without saying.

          3. AntiFSA Avatar

            She only became a sharmouta after I finished with her. The bitch counldnt get enough. lol

        3. Hannibal Avatar

          @yalibnan? Allowed?

          1. AntiFSA Avatar

            Hannibal, is that allowed as in to say you agree with this animals comment

          2. Hannibal Avatar

            No I am defending you and you spit in my face saying that I agree with those comments… Bias based on Pre-bias.

          3. AntiFSA Avatar

            Hannibal, I apologize if I offended you. That was not my intention my friend. I misunderstood you. I should have know better as it is clear you are not the type to attack ones family. Again, I’m sorry. 🙂 Now please tell me you don’t want to beat my face in. lol

          4. Beiruti Avatar

            He comes from the streets don’t be surprised, the way he talks right now actually gives him more class, considering the low family he came from.

          5. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Sigh … Beiruti …. maybe time for the Glen after all ,,,,

          6. AntiFSA Avatar

            First you offend my mother, and now you attack my whole family. I think you need 3 ply tissue paper. Your still dribbling. I have an idea Abu Karra. let’s meet and you can tell my family what you think of them face to face. But then again a chicken shit like can only say these kind of degrading words behind a computer. I guess the sexual abuse you coped from you family members makes you think the way you think. You poor soul.

          7. Beiruti Avatar

            Where are you from?

          8. AntiFSA Avatar

            Sydney Australia. And I’m ready available.

          9. master09 Avatar

            Have you seen the look in Greenacre wow The men scare me man.

          10. Reasonableman Avatar

            We all breathe the same air, nothing should scare you 09 😉

          11. master09 Avatar

            I’ve placed my hand in a lions mouth that did not scare me like these people. Lol

          12. 5thDrawer Avatar

            MMMmmmmm … scary is good … 😉

          13. AntiFSA Avatar

            Dont go there much master, I try my hardest to keep away from that area. Apparently Lakemba is wore. I have heard it is like being in Afghanistan. Lol

        4. Moe28 Avatar

          Don’t worry that will be your mother.

      2. Beiruti Avatar

        Funny how you couldn’t outsmart me politically, so you go back to your street tactics. Someone doesn’t buy your chiclets and you start mouthing them off, be civilized Anti, i know it’s hard with a role model like Bashar, but still try your hardest, im sure your mother must have taught you something other than stealing from other villages.

        1. AntiFSA Avatar

          So calling me a peasant and a thief is what you classify as being civil.

          1. Beiruti Avatar

            No i classify that as being honest..

    3. Moe28 Avatar

      Before that Happens there will be 10 million Iranians Russians and Chinese soldiers never mind Iraq backing Assad…

      1. master09 Avatar

        The more the better,

    4. Moe28 Avatar

      Hezib Has more missiles then Syria make no mistake about it.

  3. master09 Avatar

    Hehehehe hahaha hohoho ah very loud 5th. Will they wipe each other out. Now I will go back to my files and remember when I said this is more than an Arab spring that the west has set up. The Arabs did this 140 years to each other and the west new that they would never change. Cancer eats a cancer developed into another cancer that finally dies.

  4. master09 Avatar

    Hehehehe hahaha hohoho ah. Will they wipe each other out. Now I will go back to my files and remember when I said this is more than an Arab spring that the west has set up. The Arabs did this 140 years to each other and the west new that they would never change. Cancer eats a cancer developed into another cancer that finally dies.

  5. immediately ? not even a half hour to pack?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Worse than a boss I had Geo … 10 of us got 15 mins to clear out after years of work.
      (economic move)
      There are bastards everywhere ….. 😉

      1. 500 years from now the pals will look back and realize that their quality of life would have been a lot better living peacefully side by side with jewy mcjews versus being scattered among racist/ divided /bloodthirsty arabs .

        sadly for the most part The pals are the authors of their own misfortunes by means of making so many bad decisions and inability to look too far on the future…yistiflo!

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Only if they are allowed to read a history, Geo …

        2. Jewy McJew Avatar
          Jewy McJew

          Did someone call my name? 🙂

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Not because you are loved, Jerry … :-)))) Sorry. 😉

          2. It was me 🙂 very humorous & catchy title I must admit. peace

          3. daibers Avatar

            yu jew good mr yu lik join two mr

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            huhuhuhuhuhuhu … Dab becomes comedian 😉

    2. daibers Avatar

      we no time two wasted mr boom boom mr yu come join if yu lik mr ha pay goood mr

      1. Dab, I join you for drink but not for boom boom bro, geo lover no fighter mr 😉

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Careful on that brag Geo … I think Dab is working on a 5th. Huhuhuhuhuhu

  6. immediately ? not even a half hour to pack?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Worse than a boss I had Geo … 10 of us got 15 mins to clear out after years of work.
      (economic move)
      There are bastards everywhere ….. 😉

      1. 500 years from now the pals will look back and realize that their quality of life would have been a lot better living peacefully side by side with jewy mcjews versus being scattered among racist/ divided /bloodthirsty arabs .

        sadly for the most part The pals are the authors of their own misfortunes by means of making so many bad decisions and inability to look too far on the future…yistiflo!

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Only if they are allowed to read a history, Geo …

        2. Jewy McJew Avatar
          Jewy McJew

          Did someone call my name? 🙂

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Not because you are loved, Jerry … :-))))

          2. It was me 🙂 very humorous & catchy title I must admit. peace

          3. daibers Avatar

            yu jew good mr yu lik join two mr

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            huhuhuhuhuhuhu … Dab becomes comedian 😉

    2. daibers Avatar

      we no time two wasted mr boom boom mr yu come join if yu lik mr ha pay goood mr

      1. Dab, I join you for drink but not for boom boom bro, geo lover no fighter mr 😉

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Careful on that brag Geo … I think Dab is working on a 5th. Huhuhuhuhuhu

  7. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Rebels may lose in the end, because of the numbers game, but Nothing is a cake-walk.
    So … from an interview in the Star, we can see the little problem:
    Hezzy teaches Hamas all dirty tricks of urban warfare to use in Gaza. Then Hamas teaches Syrian rebels same dirty tricks. Hezzy ticked off to find they are subject to same dirty tricks in Qusair. Also rebels are good shots with Assad’s captured sniper-guns – use same guns on Hezzy as Assad did on women and kids. Hezzy mad at Hamas – blame them for good teaching. Hamas burns food. All idiots yelling at each other, and this from Beirut now – some parts turning into Tripoli South?:

    BEIRUT: Tension gripped the Sports City area of Beirut Thursday morning following an extended shootout between Amal supporters and Palestinian gunmen, a security source said.
    The source said a quarrel at 2 a.m. between the two parties in the Farhat neighborhood of Beirut’s southern suburbs quickly developed into a gun fight. Amal officials denied having a role in the conflict.
    “The Movement denies its role in the incident,” an Amal statement said, while urging media outlets to be accurate in their reporting The fighting spread around Camille Chamoun Sports City Stadium in the Beirut area of Bir Hasan, added the source, who spoke to The Daily Star on condition of anonymity.
    Hand grenades were used during the fight between Palestinian gunmen and others who support Speaker Nabih Berri’s Amal Movement, the source added.
    After a lull, gun shots returned to the area around 7 a.m. when a Lebanese Army unit attempted to dispose of one of the grenades that had failed to explode during the dawn clash.
    Security forces are deployed in the area and brought calm to the streets.’

    (I suspect the same ‘calm’ as Tripoli has …)

  8. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Rebels may lose in the end, because of the numbers game, but Nothing is a cake-walk.
    So … from an interview in the Star, we can see the little problem:
    Hezzy teaches Hamas all dirty tricks of urban warfare to use in Gaza. Then Hamas teaches Syrian rebels same dirty tricks. Hezzy ticked off to find they are subject to same dirty tricks in Qusair. Also rebels are good shots with Assad’s captured sniper-guns – use same guns on Hezzy as Assad did on women and kids. Hezzy mad at Hamas – blame them for good teaching. Hamas burns food. All idiots yelling at each other, and this from Beirut now – some parts turning into Tripoli South?:

    BEIRUT: Tension gripped the Sports City area of Beirut Thursday morning following an extended shootout between Amal supporters and Palestinian gunmen, a security source said.
    The source said a quarrel at 2 a.m. between the two parties in the Farhat neighborhood of Beirut’s southern suburbs quickly developed into a gun fight. Amal officials denied having a role in the conflict.
    “The Movement denies its role in the incident,” an Amal statement said, while urging media outlets to be accurate in their reporting The fighting spread around Camille Chamoun Sports City Stadium in the Beirut area of Bir Hasan, added the source, who spoke to The Daily Star on condition of anonymity.
    Hand grenades were used during the fight between Palestinian gunmen and others who support Speaker Nabih Berri’s Amal Movement, the source added.
    After a lull, gun shots returned to the area around 7 a.m. when a Lebanese Army unit attempted to dispose of one of the grenades that had failed to explode during the dawn clash.
    Security forces are deployed in the area and brought calm to the streets.’

  9. master09 Avatar

    What I don’t get is who the FFF K does this group think they are ordering groups to stay or leave. Don’t get me wrong I am no supporter of any shit heads be it a leader or group I just want them all to F – out of Lebanon ALL of them.

  10. master09 Avatar

    What I don’t get is who the FFF K does this group think they are ordering groups to stay or leave. Don’t get me wrong I am no supporter of any shit heads be it a leader or group I just want them all to F – out of Lebanon ALL of them.

  11. 5thDrawer Avatar

    That picture is photoshopped … hmmm … to look vaguely like something in the Sistine Chapel? … or some Renaissance thing … maybe in the Louvre …. gotta check my ‘art’ files ….

  12. 5thDrawer Avatar

    That picture is photoshopped … hmmm … to look vaguely like something in the Sistine Chapel? … or some Renaissance thing … maybe in the Louvre …. gotta check my ‘art’ files ….

  13. Btru2u Avatar

    Hezbollah is currently on the side of oppression, and on the wrong side of history. Remember this war started through the massacre of unarmed protesters , who are sick of the 4 decades of iron fisted oppressive rule, that is the Ba’ath party of Syria. If Hezbollah support Iran and its Islamic state. Why don’t they support the call for the islamic state in Syria by the opposition. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out their agenda, even though they deny it. Oh brothers in Islam , come back to your Eden and hold fast to the rope f Allah, and be not divided. Allah can Make allies of what was once your enemy.
    Have a heart that is soft and pure, so you will be forgiven.

    1. Moe28 Avatar

      I agree with that. It’s not about Assad it’s about resistance Sunni’s can be free to rule Syria for eternity I could care less as long as all are treated as equals, And Syria is a resistance state..

  14. Btru2u Avatar

    Hezbollah is currently on the side of oppression, and on the wrong side of history. Remember this war started through the massacre of unarmed protesters , who are sick of the 4 decades of iron fisted oppressive rule, that is the Ba’ath party of Syria. If Hezbollah support Iran and its Islamic state. Why don’t they support the call for the islamic state in Syria by the opposition. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out their agenda, even though they deny it. Oh brothers in Islam , come back to your Eden and hold fast to the rope f Allah, and be not divided. Allah can Make allies of what was once your enemy.
    Have a heart that is soft and pure, so you will be forgiven.

    1. Moe28 Avatar

      I agree with that. It’s not about Assad it’s about resistance Sunni’s can be free to rule Syria for eternity I could care less as long as all are treated as equals, And Syria is a resistance state..

  15. master09 Avatar

    You know there is TWO words I can not get my head around and that is ( RESISTANCE STATE ). People keep talking about this what the FN shit do we need this for PLEASE SOMEONE XPLAIN…If the word JEWS comes into the xplanation please I do not want to read it….

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I was just thinking the same thing …

      1. master09 Avatar

        You see this is the only way the Arabs HOLD ON TO THE BELOVED GUNS….LOL THE JEWS….THANK GOD FOR FUTURE PEACE …HAHAH

  16. master09 Avatar

    You know there is TWO words I can not get my head around and that is ( RESISTANCE STATE ). People keep talking about this what the FN shit do we need this for PLEASE SOMEONE XPLAIN…If the word JEWS comes into the xplanation please I do not want to read it….

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I was just thinking the same thing …

      1. master09 Avatar

        You see this is the only way the Arabs HOLD ON TO THE BELOVED GUNS….LOL THE JEWS….THANK GOD FOR FUTURE PEACE …HAHAH

  17. Hamas Hizbullah Alliance is appreciable but any one who supports Assad’s brutal killings in Syria is condemnable.

  18. Hamas Hizbullah Alliance is appreciable but any one who supports Assad’s brutal killings in Syria is condemnable.

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