Hezbollah suffers heavy losses in Syria, 23 fighters killed


Hezbollah funeral NimrBEIRUT, Lebanon – Hezbollah has suffered heavy losses in the Syrian town of Qusayr , the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on Monday adding that at least 23 members of the Lebanese militant group have been killed fighting alongside regime troops.

“Reliable sources informed the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights that 23 members of Hezbollah’s elite forces were killed and more than 70 others wounded in clashes in the town of Qusayr yesterday,” the group said in a statement.

The deaths came in fighting that followed a long-expected government assault on Qusayr, a rebel stronghold in the central province of Homs.
Fighters from Hezbollah, a staunch ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, have reportedly been battling alongside his troops for weeks in the Qusayr area.

The government has made recapturing Qusayr and the surrounding region a key priority, partly because of the town’s strategic importance.
It connects the capital Damascus to the coast, and also lies near the border with Lebanon.

The Observatory said that at least 55 people were killed in Qusayr yesterday, most of them rebels, excluding those Hezbollah fighters and regime soldiers.

At least 94,000 people have been killed since the Syrian conflict began in March 2011, according to the group, which relies on a network of activists, doctors and lawyers on the ground.

Lebanon’s An Nahar newspaper identified 13 of the Hezbollah fighters that were killed in Qusayr battles :

Abbas Mohammed Othman, Mohamed Fouad Rabah, Mohammad Qasim Abdul Sater, Ahmed Wael Raad, Radwan Al-Attar, Reza a Al Shaer, Hassan Hariri, Fadi al Jazzar , Ali Matar, Hussein Yaghi, Abdo QassasHatem Hassan and Ibrahim Hassan.

AFP/ An Nahar



44 responses to “Hezbollah suffers heavy losses in Syria, 23 fighters killed”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    They never show pictures of the crying women … only the idiot-males carrying coffins.

    1. ABBEY Avatar

      5THDrawer you are the super IDIOT.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Probably, for replying to you … but in the spirit of things … Hi. :-))

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    They never show pictures of the crying women … only the idiot-males carrying coffins.

    1. ABBEY Avatar

      5THDrawer you are the super IDIOT.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Probably, for replying to you … but in the spirit of things … Hi :-))

  3. Leborigine Avatar

    What a pity and what a waste of lives! There is nothing greater than dying for your country!! What did these men die for??

  4. Leborigine Avatar

    What a pity and what a waste of lives! There is nothing greater than dying for your country!! What did these men die for??

  5. wargame1 Avatar

    Flag and coffin manufacturing is on the rise.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      :-)) Time to invest? The candle-makers have been good stocks too.

      1. What you gonna do with the candle sticks slide them in and out you’re ass queer boy

        1. Beiruti Avatar

          Nah, we are going to shove them down your throat while your master Asad bangs you from behind.

          1. He might need some new ass after fucking you dirt bags for the past two years

        2. Beiruti Avatar

          Say what you want you bastard but atleast our men arent rotting in the coffins for apparenly “Dying for Lebanon” LOL haha.

          1. What you mean you idiot thousands of you’re men are dying daily and Assad is the one killing them fool laugh at that he’s probably shitting on there graves as we blog you stupid fuck lmao

          2. Beiruti Avatar

            That awkward moment when i have never stated i support the FSA anywhere… haha uneducated rat, cant even interpret sentences on a blog properly.

          3. Beiruti Avatar

            You are at the most 15 years old shouldnt you be eating ice cream with your friends? You sound like you graduated from the streets of Compton.

  6. wargame1 Avatar

    Flag and coffin manufacturing is on the rise.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      :-)) Time to invest? The candle-makers have been good stocks too.

      1. What you gonna do with the candle sticks slide them in and out you’re ass queer boy

        1. Beiruti Avatar

          Nah, we are going to shove them down your throat while your master Asad bangs you from behind.

          1. He might need some new ass after fucking you dirt bags for the past two years

        2. Beiruti Avatar

          Say what you want you bastard but atleast our men arent rotting in the coffins for apparenly “Dying for Lebanon” LOL haha.

          1. What you mean you idiot thousands of you’re men are dying daily and Assad is the one killing them fool laugh at that he’s probably shitting on there graves as we blog you stupid fuck lmao

          2. Beiruti Avatar

            That awkward moment when i have never stated i support the FSA anywhere… haha uneducated rat, cant even interpret sentences on a blog properly.

          3. Beiruti Avatar

            You are at the most 15 years old shouldnt you be eating ice cream with your friends? You sound like you graduated from the streets of Compton.

  7. Beiruti Avatar

    Consider the fact Hezbollah has a 60,000 men stronghold, we are still have a long way to go before this disease is cleansed from Lebanon.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Well, some of those are getting creaky with age, we can hope. :-))

    2. Don’t hope to much there just gonna fuck you’re slutty as women and create more its a beautifull thing.

      1. Beiruti Avatar

        Mmm Christians don’t generally go for low class Shi’ite dirt like you. The cunts of your women are wider than the red dot on Jupiter after giving birth to 20 kids on the street of Nabitieh. Dont be jealous that our women are beautiful while yours have to cover up to please their Persian masters.

        1. A at least our masters aren’t out fuckin little boys yo and the twenty kids these women have aren’t a bunch of sissys run by Obama and the Israeli government you sell outs and nothing you said argues the fact that you’re women are sluts so good we are on the same page

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yo? Yo ?? Sounds like a slightly darker-skinned US lover of fat asses who hates everything not connected to a ‘hood’, but loves big guns and ‘rap-crap’. A Yoyo.

          2. Beiruti Avatar

            Dont expect much in terms of his education, he was definately raised on the streets of Nabitieh by parents who sold chiclets for a living.

    3. sunniWAbass Avatar

      long live the sunna republic of lebanon

    4. sunniWAbass Avatar

      if 1000 moujahid die to kill one hizbushaytan, 60 million moujahid have to die to finish with hizbushaytan, we are 450 million in arabia oumma

  8. Beiruti Avatar

    Consider the fact Hezbollah has a 60,000 men stronghold, we are still have a long way to go before this disease is cleansed from Lebanon.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Well, some of those are getting creaky with age, we can hope. :-))

    2. Don’t hope to much there just gonna fuck you’re slutty as women and create more its a beautifull thing.

      1. Beiruti Avatar

        Mmm Christians don’t generally go for low class Shi’ite dirt like you. The cunts of your women are wider than the red dot on Jupiter after giving birth to 20 kids on the street of Nabitieh. Dont be jealous that our women are beautiful while yours have to cover up to please their Persian masters.

        1. A at least our masters aren’t out fuckin little boys yo and the twenty kids these women have aren’t a bunch of sissys run by Obama and the Israeli government you sell outs and nothing you said argues the fact that you’re women are sluts so good we are on the same page

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Yo? Yo ?? Sounds like a slightly darker-skinned US lover of fat asses who hates everything not connected to a ‘hood’, but loves big guns and ‘rap-crap’. A Yoyo …

          2. Beiruti Avatar

            Dont expect much in terms of his education, he was definately raised on the streets of Nabitieh by parents who sold chiclets for a living.

    3. sunniWAbass Avatar

      long live the sunna republic of lebanon

    4. sunniWAbass Avatar

      if 1000 moujahid die to kill one hizbushaytan, 60 million moujahid have to die to finish with hizbushaytan, we are 450 million in arabia oumma

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