Geagea brands Aoun as ‘worst thing for Christians’


geagea def 4During a press conference on Thursday Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea slammed Free patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun, branded him as the worst thing that ever haoppened to the Christians of Lebanon.

Geagea was responding in his press conference to Aoun’s Wednesday attack after the announcemnet of the electoral law deal reached between the Lebanese Forces, The Future Movemnt and the progressive Socialist Party. Aoun was angered by the agreement since it resulted in the death of the Orthodox Gathering proposed electoral law .

Responding to Aoun’s criticism for abandoning the Orthodox electoral law Geagea said: “Hezbollah does not want the Orthodox Gathering’s proposal, it was just performing a political maneuver”.

Geagea added: “Aoun wants the adoption of the 1960’s law and his statements are a proof of this. Why did Aoun call for adopting a law based on proportional representation and Lebanon as one district, or the adoption of the cabinet’s proposal if he is so keen on Christians’ rights?

Geagea asked : “Does Aoun’s stance serve the interest of the Christians of Lebanon. The presence of the Christians in Lebanon depends on having a stable , sovereign and secure state. Did the alliance of Aoun with extremist party like Hezbollah serve the interest of the Christians of Lebanon. Did Hezbollah’s occupation of the center of Beirut benefit the Christians. Does Hezbollah’s involvement in the Syrian uprising on the side of the Syrian regime benefit the Chrisitians of lebanon ?

Geagea added: “Did the 2006 war secure Christians’ rights?

Geagea told Aoun: “You cover your failure by attacking the Lebanese Forces.”



118 responses to “Geagea brands Aoun as ‘worst thing for Christians’”

  1. RealLebanese Avatar

    yallah kamen shi kam malion dollar min assou3oudyyeh for these words; the business is doing well ya geagea; honestly geagea was a horror to the christians of Lebanon; he directly killed thousands of them, he pushed hundreds of thousands to exodus, he was the most involved in internal murders and massacres amongst the christians, in few words, geagea is a nightmare to the christians, i would say a kind of annusra militant

    1. MekensehParty Avatar

      Typical Lebanese political discourse: the aounis speak of petrodollars flowing to all their foes and hezbollah brands anyone against them as Israeli agent….
      you are truly a RealLebanese (nothing to be proud of outside the 10,452 km2 filled with mountains of garbage)

      1. RealLebanese Avatar

        I feel sorry for you that you do not know Lebanon or you know about Lebanon what leaks from khizmatshi mercenary bloggers in here who sold their souls for few dollars. i am neither aoun nor hizbollah supporter, i am just a real lebanese and very proud of it and i believe your nick represents you very well. geagea is a traitor, now an office boy for saoudi arabia but he was always a traitor, and a traitor is just a traitor, to make it easy for your simple brain to understand, a traitor is a kind of political prostitute, who sells his country and his honour if he got any. I have the impression you are also a traitor though i am not sure you are of lebanese origin; in that case you will be just an ignoramus. So please tell me which of the two categories you belong to: traitor or ignoramus. I wish you good luck

        1. MekensehParty Avatar

          Please make it harder for me to prove what I said not easier. In your reply you said:
          1- I’m a blogger who sold his soul for some petrodollar (typical aouni answer)
          2- geagea, your political foe, and myself a blogger that doesn’t agree with you, are khizmatchi traitors (typical hezbo answer)
          3- blind pride even if living on top of saida’s garbage mountain (typical reallebanese answer)
          It’s just soooooo easy
          try harder man
          Ps: why are you wishing me good luck? You think it makes sense to end everything with good luck? Or did you hear that in some petrodollar produced movie and think it’s cool?

          1. RealLebanese Avatar

            regrettably i notice your command of english is mediocre maybe coupled with cognitive dysfunctions. I SAID YOU GET YOUR INFORMATION FROM KHIZMATSHI BLOGGERS

          2. MekensehParty Avatar

            Ok ok whatever you want to call me
            Bass please wish me good luck

          3. gaegae is a traitor. works with israel. traitor. those who support him are also traitors.

          4. 5thDrawer Avatar

            mmmm … whoo Sain?? Not you, I’d guess. 😉

          5. Hannibal Avatar


          6. Don’t tell you like Geagea 5th, Yesterday you were telling me that they are all bad. Could it be true 5th, you have a side you support after all. .

          7. RealLebanese Avatar

            and certainly not you neither

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            AND THAT is how ‘interpretation’ of something that could be a ‘double-entendre’ works. I never wanted to be Hussain. 😉 Or, for that matter, Insane. 🙂
            Happy you both (Real & Anti) ‘got it’ – happier that Hannibal had the chuckle. 🙂

          9. RealLebanese Avatar

            you need a lot of luck, yet am not sure you will go far

          10. Hannibal Avatar

            So let us vote UP for those who agree this RealLebanese won’t last 2 weeks on this blog before getting banned… and vote Thumbs Down if you believe he will last more than 2 weeks.
            Oh crap you got me gambling now 😉

          11. RealLebanese Avatar

            ashmel wala

          12. Hannibal Avatar

            lol… This guy is such a joke. Good come back though… 😉

    2. Beiruti Avatar

      Hmmm Geagea killing thousands of Christians? Last time i checked the assault on Franjiehs house, the Geagea-Hobeika war, and the East Beirut war in 1989 couldn’t add up to “thousands of Christians”. Dont bring up the Chamoun’s, Karami or the Church bombings because their is no proof at all that he was behind those.Typical nonsense coming from FPMers everyday “Geagea is a criminal”, blah blah blah blah blah.

      1. RealLebanese Avatar

        geagea hobeika 2000 dead; iklim al kharroub 500 dead; 3000 dead in shouf; 2000 against lebanese army; more than 1000 in internal fighting in east beirut; 1500 dead in drug trafficking and thefts………. not counting the minor killings like frangieh, dany chamoun…… 1000’s displaced (maffia practices to force them to join his ranks)

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Glad you had a calculator. Did you put those in the history book?
          And all Christians?
          Still peanuts next to the Assads, of course, no matter the sect.

          1. RealLebanese Avatar

            but assad does not claim to represent the christians of Lebanon; assad also killed sunnis, shiites and even alawis. Dgea3dgea3 killed exclusively christians and is allied with a strategically dangerous terrorist parasalafi cult wanting to convert Lebanon to a hariristan. This expansive invasive cult is intolerant to minorities and as btru2u very brilliantly stipulated: to hell with apostates

          2. Beiruti Avatar

            Dont throw in the death of supposed ‘friends’ and ‘family’ so people can feel pity for you, scumbag, no ones believing it. Yeah ‘Future Movement’ is such a salifi terrorist cult LOL, i really wonder if you were raised on the streets because no decent parents would allow their children to think in such distorted ways. @5thDrawer:disqus can you bring a “scientific calculator” because last time i checked only 800 died in the Geagea-Hobeika conflict. Hobeika deserved everyone of those bullets shot at his army, the guy was Jumblatt, Berri and Assad’s whore and continued to be after the war. Sadly, he’s also convinced that Geagea killed Chamoun (no comment).

          3. RealLebanese Avatar

            little man, sorry for man. I pity you on this blog and do not need to draw anyone’s pity. You are pitiful and i am proving it in every word i throw in here. I only wished my inking would prove useful to you guys but when i see you herding like in a jungle i realise; “felij ma t3elij”

          4. Beiruti Avatar

            sakar temak

          5. RealLebanese Avatar

            wow shou hal derar 3am titla3 min temmak

          6. Hannibal Avatar

            I second that Shut the fu@k up UnrealLebanese….

          7. You must be f@@king kidding me, 800, this piece of garbage killed thousands. Wake up fool, just because you like the man, it does not mean you need to try your hardest to cover up what he did. 800, lol

          8. Beiruti Avatar

            800 dead for the Geagea-Hobeika conflict, please read carefully next time for your lack of education seems to be more present than ever, you can’t even read properly (poor you). Most death tolls during the war were from Syria, PLO, and Israel, the militias accounted for very small death tolls other than the first stages of the war (75-77). There’s a difference between Geagea killing “innocent Christians” (the way you guys put it) which no doubt did happen, and Geagea killing “Christians from other militias” which is what mainly happened. Geagea-Hobeika conflict was a military conflict, along with the battle against the army in 1989-90, the Franjieh assault was done under Bachirs command. As for Karami, Chamoun, and the Church bombings, you know well that this was just a lie by the Syrians to put Geagea in prison. Lets be realistic you guys are acting like Christians parties respected or are supposed to respect other people just because they were “Christian”. In general no one gives a shit about religion in terms of a unification tool, do you not remember Amal vs. Hezbollah? Kataeb vs. Ahrar (Tigers)? PLO and Murabitun vs. Amal in the Camps (Sabra and Shatila)? PLO vs. other factions of the PLO (In Tripoli)? LF vs. LAF (East Beirut)? Anti, you are such a hypocrite, honestly tell me how do you look at yourself in the mirror every morning? You staunchly support Asad every day on Yalibnan and then you have the guts to go and patronize and condemn other leaders and call them criminals. Like i wonder if Lebanese like you have any decency within themselves, to staunchly support men who terrorized our country and acted like barbarians. And shut up before you bring in the FSA, dont bring in a scapegoat. Lets keep this about Asad. You actually support that piece of shit?

          9. Hannibal Avatar

            The first time I ever hear a very thoughtful prose. You are absolutely right Beiruti. Respect my friend. I hope one day the silent un-religionist non-polarized majority rises and rules those thugs in. All of them are criminals. Bar NONE!!!!!

          10. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Always ‘thousands’ .. or even millions, Beiruti. Stories ‘grow’ with age, much like those ancient texts they all fight over. At this point, even accurate thoughts are put aside in the hate-producing atmosphere created by propagandists.
            The Lack of properly-written history and accurate texts for school-children, or preventing them from reading those, continues to produce ‘real-leb’ type idiocy. He will even believe he has had an education, yet cannot debate sensibly; and that is undoubtably one reason for the mind that needs a psychiatrist (as he says, he became one) – although the ‘scientific calculator’ wouldn’t help much when he missed that other ancient bit of text which said: ‘Physician, heal thyself’.

          11. RealLebanese Avatar

            shekeltek trabolsi, esh eshbneh ya khol

          12. RealLebanese Avatar

            decent parents will allow their children to use scumbag; future movement represents 1 per cent of sunna; the rest comes from saoudi money; shekh assir now is the major sunni trend

          13. Beiruti Avatar

            1% of Sunnis? Which Lebanon are you living in? I just saw on Future TV they were making fun of Assir. You are such an idiot, it honestly astonishes me.

          14. RealLebanese Avatar

            hahaha, denial

          15. LEBANON101 Avatar

            geagea killed only christians really ? so all the palestinans and syrian he fought were all Christians. im guessing the PSP and amal all converted also corret?

          16. RealLebanese Avatar

            dgeadgea never fought palestinians; you are confusing this maffioso with the genuine lebanese forces which are now constituting the real lebanese forces called oudama al ouwwet

          17. RealLebanese Avatar

            sorry to deceive you, unlike you i lived them and i suffered from them; this bastard criminal killed many friends of mine as well as family members; i wish him the same sort as they had, the same way he tortured them and threw their bodies in front of their mothers

  2. RealLebanese Avatar

    i love it when the saoudi haririans present their khizmatshi geagea like a criminal; see the picture here lol…they use him as toilet paper thats why there is no shortage of toilet paper in Lebanon yet

  3. RealLebanese Avatar

    i love it when the saoudi haririans present their khizmatshi geagea like a criminal; see the picture. lol

  4. RealLebanese Avatar

    birabbak, doesnt this crook resemble don corleone in the movie “The godfather”?

    1. Hannibal Avatar

      Let’s spice this up with some ambiance:


      1. RealLebanese Avatar

        look my friend; my services located you wa7ad wa7ad. many here are mossad and ben bandar thingies. fihmak kfeyeh. oop some are just msateel. try to fit yourself in one of these three categories

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          Paranoia? aal services aal… Which services? whoring yourself? Now really do you sell “chiclets” on the street or “ka3k be zaatar” to support your blogging hobby? I found you a new name you can be proud of… RealBullshiter!

          1. Beiruti Avatar

            Hannibal, you are giving him to much honour with the chiclets, he probably comes from the families where they would sell their mother for the egg of a chicken.

          2. RealLebanese Avatar

            now i confirm; shekiltal trabolseh

          3. RealLebanese Avatar

            rooh ya walad, il3ab ma3 liwled; you may hurt yourself here little kid

        2. MekensehParty Avatar

          And one more thing, my services wish you good luck

          1. RealLebanese Avatar

            thanks buddy; i know who you are and you will be surprised when you know who i am. lol

          2. Hannibal Avatar

            He is really a real Lebanese… bta3ref miin ana? LOL
            wulak toz 3ala heyk 3a2liye.
            bta3ref miin ana? he he

          3. RealLebanese Avatar

            yalla ya walad kish barra wla, go play with children, you may burn your fingers if you play with adults

  5. RealLebanese Avatar

    birabbak, doesnt this crook resemble don corleone in the movie “The godfather”?

    1. Hannibal Avatar

      Let’s spice this up with some ambiance:


      1. RealLebanese Avatar

        look my friend; my services located you wa7ad wa7ad. many here are mossad and ben bandar thingies. fihmak kfeyeh. oop some are just msateel. try to fit yourself in one of these three categories

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          Paranoia? aal services aal… Which services? whoring yourself? Now really do you sell “chiclets” on the street or “ka3k be zaatar” to support your blogging hobby? I found you a new name you can be proud of… RealBullshiter!

          1. Beiruti Avatar

            Hannibal, you are giving him to much honour with the chiclets, this seems to be more realistic of what he sells daily…

          2. RealLebanese Avatar

            now i confirm; shekiltal trabolseh

          3. RealLebanese Avatar

            rooh ya walad, il3ab ma3 liwled; you may hurt yourself here little kid

        2. MekensehParty Avatar

          And one more thing, my services wish you good luck

          1. RealLebanese Avatar

            thanks buddy; i know who you are and you will be surprised when you know who i am. lol

          2. Hannibal Avatar

            He is really a real Lebanese… bta3ref miin ana? LOL
            wulak toz 3ala heyk 3a2liye.
            bta3ref miin ana? he he

          3. RealLebanese Avatar

            yalla ya walad kish barra wla, go play with children, you may burn your fingers if you play with adults

  6. Patience2 Avatar

    I’m glad to hear him voice what the upright, hard-working and honest people already know!

    1. RealLebanese Avatar

      you need to know whats right and what is not; looking at your pic, i think upright is part of your memory

  7. Patience2 Avatar

    I’m glad to hear him voice what the upright, hard-working and honest people already know!

    1. RealLebanese Avatar

      you need to know whats right and what is not; looking at your pic, i think upright is part of your memory

  8. AntiFSA Avatar

    And you are the worst thing for humanity. Aoun wouldn’t use you as his shoe.

    1. patriotss Avatar


    2. patriotss Avatar


      1. RealLebanese Avatar

        the scott paper i use is much better quality than geagea

  9. And you are the worst thing for humanity. Aoun wouldn’t use you as his shoe.

    1. patriotss Avatar


    2. patriotss Avatar


      1. RealLebanese Avatar

        the scott paper i use is much better quality than geagea

  10. patriotss Avatar

    waa waa was always Hobeika little bitch

    and when he died

    strida took over, and know she has the balls

    waa waa also stole from christians (HE’S A THIEF) DIRTY FUC/ EN THIEF

    A DOG

    A PIG




    1. patriotss Avatar


  11. patriotss Avatar

    waa waa was always Hobeika little bitch

    and when he died

    strida took over, and know she has the balls

    waa waa also stole from christians (HE’S A THIEF) DIRTY FUC/ EN THIEF

    A DOG

    A PIG




    1. patriotss Avatar


  12. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    Geagea you and Aoun suck big time. do us all a favor and wish you both commit suicide and relieve us from your so called christianity. enough of you and that dumb ass aoun..

  13. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    Geagea you and Aoun suck big time. do us all a favor and wish you both commit suicide and relieve us from your so called christianity. enough of you and that dumb ass aoun..

  14. dateam Avatar

    I cant believe this spit fest is still going on? Looking at these comments its just pitiful…everyone claims to be so righteous yet when they dont like whats said they abuse one another…people seem to forget and not know how to look at things factually…its simple on the 11th hour hariri gave him a better offer and probably more money…..under the 1960 law hariri gave him token seats….now hes probably offered him more seats at the expense of gmayell because he hasnt come on board. Thats politics. In response to the above:Geagea slammed Free patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun, branded him as the worst thing that ever haoppened to the Christians of Lebanon. why is aoun the worst thing that has ever happened to the christians of lebanon when for the first time since taif accord the christians have had their own destiny in their hands potentially?Geagea was responding in his press conference to Aoun’s Wednesday attack after the announcemnet of the electoral law deal reached between theLebanese Forces, The Future Movemnt and the progressive Socialist Party. Aoun was angered by the agreement since it resulted in the death of the Orthodox Gathering proposed electoral law . Do you blame the guy when initially gagea agreed to it ? “Hezbollah does not want the Orthodox Gathering’s proposal, it was just performing a political maneuver”. I have not heard the hzb saying they dont want the orthodox proposal has anyone else? And what sort of political manouvre is it? What?Where? and how? It dosent affect their vote everyone knows where the shiite vote goes?
    Geagea added: “Aoun wants the adoption of the 1960′s law and his statements are a proof of this. Why did Aoun call for adopting a law based on proportional representation and Lebanon as one district, or the adoption of the cabinet’s proposal if he is so keen on Christians’ rights? If Aoun wanted the 1960 law why the merry go round? I thought the
    issue was gagea does not want the orthodox law anymore….the 1960 law does not benefit the christians.

    Geagea asked : “Does Aoun’s stance serve the interest of the Christians of Lebanon. The presence of the Christians in Lebanon depends on having a stable , sovereign and secure state. Did the alliance of Aoun with extremist party like Hezbollah serve the interest of the Christians of Lebanon. Did Hezbollah’s occupation of the center of Beirut benefit the Christians. Does Hezbollah’s involvement in the Syrian uprising on the side of the Syrian regime benefit the Chrisitians of lebanon ? lets not kid ourselves here in lebanon we have a split one side is with the hzb,iran,russia syria and the other side is with the salafis,saudis,qataris,turkey and usa,europe….I leave that up to people to judge which of those sides benefits or dosent benefit the christians…if assad stays does it benefit the christians? If assad goes does it benefit the christians?

    Geagea added: “Did the 2006 war secure Christians’ rights? Has anything secured the christian rights? Did the civil war benefit the christian rights? Soon hariri will tell gagea to nationalise all the palestinians in lebanon as well that will secure christian rights too?


  15. dateam Avatar

    I cant believe this spit fest is still going on? Looking at these comments its just pitiful…everyone claims to be so righteous yet when they dont like whats said they abuse one another…people seem to forget and not know how to look at things factually…its simple on the 11th hour hariri gave him a better offer and probably more money…..under the 1960 law hariri gave him token seats….now hes probably offered him more seats at the expense of gmayell because he hasnt come on board. Thats politics. In response to the above:Geagea slammed Free patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun, branded him as the worst thing that ever haoppened to the Christians of Lebanon. why is aoun the worst thing that has ever happened to the christians of lebanon when for the first time since taif accord the christians have had their own destiny in their hands potentially?Geagea was responding in his press conference to Aoun’s Wednesday attack after the announcemnet of the electoral law deal reached between theLebanese Forces, The Future Movemnt and the progressive Socialist Party. Aoun was angered by the agreement since it resulted in the death of the Orthodox Gathering proposed electoral law . Do you blame the guy when initially gagea agreed to it ? “Hezbollah does not want the Orthodox Gathering’s proposal, it was just performing a political maneuver”. I have not heard the hzb saying they dont want the orthodox proposal has anyone else? And what sort of political manouvre is it? What?Where? and how? It dosent affect their vote everyone knows where the shiite vote goes?
    Geagea added: “Aoun wants the adoption of the 1960′s law and his statements are a proof of this. Why did Aoun call for adopting a law based on proportional representation and Lebanon as one district, or the adoption of the cabinet’s proposal if he is so keen on Christians’ rights? If Aoun wanted the 1960 law why the merry go round? I thought the
    issue was gagea does not want the orthodox law anymore….the 1960 law does not benefit the christians.

    Geagea asked : “Does Aoun’s stance serve the interest of the Christians of Lebanon. The presence of the Christians in Lebanon depends on having a stable , sovereign and secure state. Did the alliance of Aoun with extremist party like Hezbollah serve the interest of the Christians of Lebanon. Did Hezbollah’s occupation of the center of Beirut benefit the Christians. Does Hezbollah’s involvement in the Syrian uprising on the side of the Syrian regime benefit the Chrisitians of lebanon ? lets not kid ourselves here in lebanon we have a split one side is with the hzb,iran,russia syria and the other side is with the salafis,saudis,qataris,turkey and usa,europe….I leave that up to people to judge which of those sides benefits or dosent benefit the christians…if assad stays does it benefit the christians? If assad goes does it benefit the christians?

    Geagea added: “Did the 2006 war secure Christians’ rights? Has anything secured the christian rights? Did the civil war benefit the christian rights? Soon hariri will tell gagea to nationalise all the palestinians in lebanon as well that will secure christian rights too?


  16. Igor Chingoski Avatar
    Igor Chingoski

    Come on guys please don’t fight, Lets all agree and will establish a national day celebration for Geagea and those who get angry please take Your underwear and leave 😉 Ok?
    Oh Mr Aoun You forgot Your Culottes.
    Mr hasson Nasrallah You forgot Your dress.

    1. emirate0of0meerab Avatar

      youpie we will slaughter 3 shia and 3 christian newborn as offer to the emir geagea ben khawal ben ghahba. no seriously we will celebrate when annusra will crucify him on the cross; i dont mind if they remove his underwear and do some tchiko tchiko oops some tchigoski tchigoski with him (‘rata bil khaliji)

  17. Igor Chingoski Avatar
    Igor Chingoski

    Come on guys please don’t fight, Lets all agree and will establish a national day celebration for Geagea and those who get angry please take Your underwear and leave 😉 Ok?
    Oh Mr Aoun You forgot Your Culottes.
    Mr hasson Nasrallah You forgot Your dress.

    1. emirate0of0meerab Avatar

      youpie we will slaughter 3 shia and 3 christian newborn as offer to the emir geagea ben khawal ben ghahba. no seriously we will celebrate when annusra will crucify him on the cross; i dont mind if they remove his underwear and do some tchiko tchiko oops some tchigoski tchigoski with him (‘rata bil khaliji)

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