Scores of journalists targeted in Syria


stop violence against journalistsBeirut, Lebanon – Syria’s regime and rebels fighting to overthrow it have killed, arbitrarily arrested and tortured scores of journalists over the past two years, rights group Amnesty International said on Friday.

A report entitled “Shooting the Messenger: Journalists targeted by all sides in Syria”, details dozens of cases of journalists and media workers attacked or held since the 2011 uprising began.

The report was issued to coincide with International Press Freedom Day.

“We have once again documented how all sides in this conflict are violating the laws of war, although the scale of abuse by government forces remains much greater,” said Ann Harrison deputy director of Amnesty Middle East and North Africa Programme.

“Deliberate attacks on civilians, including journalists, amount to war crimes for which the perpetrators must be brought to justice.”

The report also details the role of citizen journalists, “many of whom risk their lives to make sure information about what’s going on inside the country is released to the outside world.

“Like their professional colleagues, this group has faced reprisals to prevent them carrying out their work,” Amnesty said.

“We have been calling for over two years for the international community to take meaningful steps to ensure those responsible from all sides are held to account for international crimes and other abuses and for victims to receive reparations, but the Syrian people are still waiting,” Harrison said.

“How much more evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity does the UN Security Council need to see before it refers the situation in Syria to the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court?”

News 24/AFP



6 responses to “Scores of journalists targeted in Syria”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    There are ALWAYS those who do not wish to have history recorded accurately. Doing so has always been a danger for those who wish to gather it. All of it is ‘evidence’ of human activity – and whether pro or con any particular thought, the basic truth of what ‘is’ disturbs the minds which would prefer it not be seen. Often, because it shows the folly in the thoughts.
    (religious or scientific or activity-wise)
    It is amazing that humans, when KNOWING in their ‘hearts’ that they are doing wrong, simply do it anyway, and then try to hide it from each other, as if their guilt will not be felt if it isn’t seen.
    I think, in that guilt of knowledge which they can never forget anyway, humans decided to invent gods … otherwise they burn in their own hells, if the ‘All Seeing’ can’t give them the ‘Final Word’ on things. Very handy to have a ‘personal reporter’ at the end of life to help bury the guilt.
    Meanwhile, intimidate or kill the ones who attempt to show ‘truth’.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    There are ALWAYS those who do not wish to have history recorded accurately. Doing so has always been a danger for those who wish to gather it. All of it is ‘evidence’ of human activity – and whether pro or con any particular thought, the basic truth of what ‘is’ disturbs the minds which would prefer it not be seen.
    It is amazing that humans, when KNOWING in their ‘hearts’ that they are doing wrong, simply do it anyway, and then try to hide it from each other, as if their guilt will not be felt if it isn’t seen.
    I think, in that guilt of knowledge which they can never forget anyway, humans decided to invent Gods … otherwise they burn in their own hells, if the ‘All Seeing’ can’t give them the ‘Final Word’ on things. Very handy to have a ‘personal reporter’ at the end of life to help bury the guilt.
    Meanwhile, intimidate or kill the ones who try to show ‘truth’.

  3. Reasonableman Avatar

    Who is right at the end of the day the reporter the regime or the opposition? If each one beleives they are doing the right thing in there own opinion? This war shows how defective the international ‘justice system’ is. They may catch 1 .. or 2.. hundred.. thousand out of 300 etc to justice but what about the rest?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Well, reasonably, that’s where the god pops up and says: ‘I’ll get them in the end.’ ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. Reasonableman Avatar

    Who is right at the end of the day the reporter the regime or the opposition? If each one beleives they are doing the right thing in there own opinion? This war shows how defective the international ‘justice system’ is. They may catch 1 .. or 2.. hundred.. thousand out of 300 etc to justice but what about the rest?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Well, reasonably, that’s where the god pops up and says: ‘I’ll get them in the end.’ ๐Ÿ˜‰

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