2 arrested by Lebanon army for vandalizing a Church


The Lebanese Army announced that the its Intelligence Bureau arrested on Wednesday Lebanese citizen Jamal al-Ali, aka Jamil Yassine and Syrian national Omar Homsi for vandalizing and and throwing eggs at the Saint Michael’s Church in the Mazraa district of Beirut, LBC reported on Wednesday .

The army also announced that investigations are underway to find out the motives behind the attack.



32 responses to “2 arrested by Lebanon army for vandalizing a Church”

  1. Beiruti Avatar

    These dogs need to learn there limits, this isn’t Iraq or Egypt, the Christians here won’t bow their heads down to your shit.

    1. Reasonableman Avatar

      If this is the kind of atitude you preach to your kids you will find to have a lot of problems sir as hate spreads quicker than love. They are clearly human not dogs, who obviously need discapline.

  2. Beiruti Avatar

    These dogs need to learn there limits, this isn’t Iraq or Egypt, the Christians here won’t bow their heads down to your shit.

    1. Reasonableman Avatar

      If this is the kind of atitude you preach to your kids you will find to have a lot of problems sir as hate spreads quicker than love.

  3. Reasonableman Avatar

    I honestly feel ashamed for this action, and throwing eggs these guys are obviously kids and actus reas and mens reas may be subject to look at here. Although a good punishment in my opinion some community service for the church.

    1. dateam Avatar

      The man caught killing the army officers in arsal has just been released for $1000. Yes indeed punishment must fit the crime???

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Wow … even the courts are in a depression mode …

        1. dateam Avatar

          Im afraid their is a reality that people are not seeing….people keep making assumptions and follow a bandwagon type mentality….unless you look closely at things and learn to analyse situations people will unfortunately be consumed by the insular society we live in now…

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            And getting on the wrong bandwagon can become a bumpy ride – if not hard on the ears.

          2. Reasonableman Avatar

            Sure, in this day and age half the population is very emotional and there emotion run them. If the parents wont discapline them somebody must.

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I agree with the ‘make them clean it up’ concept … perhaps 2 days with only water in solitary first, with a list of the things that happen in Assad’s jails – for their imaginations; and then hand them the bucket and brush and say ‘It’s up to you’.
            When they finish, remind them that school starts at 9.

  4. Reasonableman Avatar

    I honestly feel ashamed for this action, and throwing eggs these guys are obviously kids and actus reas and mens reas may be subject to look at here. Although a good punishment in my opinion some community service for the church.

    1. dateam Avatar

      The man caught killing the army officers in arsal has just been released for $1000. Yes indeed punishment must fit the crime???

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Wow … even the courts are in a depression mode …

        1. dateam Avatar

          Im afraid their is a reality that people are not seeing….people keep making assumptions and follow a bandwagon type mentality….unless you look closely at things and learn to analyse situations people will unfortunately be consumed by the insular society we live in now…

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            And getting on the wrong bandwagon can become a bumpy ride – if not hard on the ears.

          2. Reasonableman Avatar

            Sure, in this day and age half the population is very emotional and there emotion run them. If the parents wont discapline them somebody must.

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I agree with the ‘make them clean it up’ concept … perhaps 2 days with only water in solitary first, with a list of the things that happen in Assad’s jails – for their imaginations; and then hand them the bucket and brush and say ‘It’s up to you’.

  5. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Motives? Really??

  6. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Motives? Really??

  7. Constantin7 Avatar

    Forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing…they live in a mis-informed environment. but the church will remain the pillar for the freedom and dignity of every free man in Lebanon seeking the Truth, the Light and the Life.

    1. AntiFSA!! Avatar

      Don’t forget corruption as well Constantin. That’s a very important one.

    2. Reasonableman Avatar

      forgiveness is the best option and leave god to judge. The criminal justice system does not have the time or knowledge or money to discapline every human. Although it is 2 people and not one, my opinion is the officer who caught them should have the power to make the clean it.

  8. Constantin7 Avatar

    Forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing…they live in a mis-informed environment. but the church will remain the pillar for the freedom and dignity of every free man in Lebanon seeking the Truth, the Light and the Life.

    1. AntiFSA!! Avatar

      Don’t forget corruption as well Constantin. That’s a very important one.

    2. Reasonableman Avatar

      forgiveness is the best option and leave god to judge. The criminal justice system does not have the time or knowledge or money to discapline every human. Although it is 2 people and not one, my opinion is the officer who caught them should have the power to make the clean it.

  9. Jemilas Avatar

    If they are kids, you have to teach them right from wrong, a little slap on the wrists and a good lecture about respect
    and more importantly about faith.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Jemilas … You need to define ‘kid’. Remember the 10-yr-old with the gun interviewed in last year’s news when Tripoli began to erupt? In the flak-jacket … Defending ‘the faith’? Yes … he’s 11 now … watch how you slap the wrist.

  10. Jemilas Avatar

    If they are kids, you have to teach them right from wrong, a little slap on the wrists and a good lecture about respect
    and more importantly about faith.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Jemilas … You need to define ‘kid’. Remember the 10-yr-old with the gun interviewed in last year’s news when Tripoli began to erupt? In the flak-jacket … Defending ‘the faith’? Yes … he’s 11 now … watch how you slap the wrist.

  11. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Any ‘follow-up’ on this little story yet? Or do they sit in jail for 7 years waiting for charges and trials?

  12. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Any ‘follow-up’ on this little story yet? Or do they sit in jail for 7 years waiting for charges and trials?

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