Gemayel rejects Hezbollah’s formula in a new cabinet


gemayel sami 3Phalange bloc MP Sami Gemayel said that his party rejects participation in a cabinet that stipulates support for the Hezbollah militants part of its official policy.

“We will not be part of a government that includes the formula of people-army-resistance in its ministerial statement,” Gemayel said in remarks published on Tuesday by Al-Liwaa newspaper .

He added that Hezbollah has negatively affected tourism in Lebanon, as well as the interests of the Lebanese expats residing and working in the Arab Gulf countries.

Gemayel also slammed the Shiite group and its ally the Free Patriotic Movement for calling for adopting a an electoral law with a single-district “that secures the majority for them, rather than the fair representation of the Christian electorate.”

The cabinet of caretaker PM Nagib Mikati collapsed when Hezbollah and its allies blocked the creation of a body to supervise the upcoming parliamentary elections and refused to extend the term of Internal Security Forces chief Ashraf Rifi.

Mikati announced his resignation on March 22 , at the Grand Serail following the last cabinet session at the Baabda palace.

Last Saturday March 23, President Michel Suleiman accepted Mikati’s resignation and requested him to continue in his role at the head of a caretaker government until a new one is formed.

The drop in toursim since Hezbollah brought down the government of former PM Saad Hariri in 2011 has drastically affected the Lebanese economy according to observers. While Lebanon enjoyed a growth of over 8 % from 2007to 2010 it dropped to 1.2 in 2012. Observers point out that Hezbollah has become Lebanon’s biggest liability since 2006.



14 responses to “Gemayel rejects Hezbollah’s formula in a new cabinet”

  1. Patience2 Avatar

    Are people FINALLY beginning to see what Iran-hezbia is doing to poor little Lebanon?

  2. Patience2 Avatar

    Are people FINALLY beginning to see what Iran-hezbia is doing to poor little Lebanon?

  3. ali elzein Avatar
    ali elzein

    His lips are turning brown from all the Israeli ans American ass kissing his been doing

    1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

      and your lips are turning yellow from kissing the devils in Iran..

      1. libnan1 Avatar

        Any Colombian action lately !!!!

        1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

          Your mama…

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Nag ….

    2. Beiruti Avatar

      Better than having an asshole stretched like yours from Assad and the Mullahs in your latest threesome with them.

  4. ali elzein Avatar
    ali elzein

    His lips are turning brown from all the Israeli ans American ass kissing his been doing

    1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

      and your lips are turning yellow from kissing the devils in Iran..

      1. libnan1 Avatar

        Any Colombian action lately !!!!

        1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

          Your mama…

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Nag ….

    2. Beiruti Avatar

      Better than having an asshole stretched like yours from Assad and the Mullahs in your latest threesome with them.

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