19 killed , 130 injured in bombings of Iraqi Shi’ite mosques


Iraqi Shiite mosque bombedCar bombs hit five Shi’ite mosques in Baghdad and the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk just after prayers on Friday, killing 19 worshippers and injuring another 130.

Ten years after the U.S. invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein, Iraq is still grappling with political turmoil and Sunni Islamist insurgents linked to al Qaeda, who are stepping up attacks on Shi’ite targets and security forces.

Friday’s blasts hit Shi’ite mosques in southeast and north Baghdad while another tore the front off a mosque in Kirkuk, an ethnically mixed city of Arabs, Kurds and Turkman 170 km (100 miles) north of the capital.

“We were listening to the cleric’s speech when we heard a very strong explosion. Glass scattered everywhere and the roof partially collapsed,” said Mohammed, a victim wounded in the Kirkuk blast, his shirt still covered in blood.

Police and health officials said the attacks in Baghdad killed 16. Three more died in Kirkuk, where the blast left a jumble of concrete wreckage in the mosque and on the street outside.

Attacks in Iraq are still less common than during the Sunni-Shi’ite slaughter that erupted at the height of the last war, when insurgents bombed the Shi’ite al-Askari shrine in Samarra in 2006, provoking a wave of retaliation by Shi’ite militias.

Al Qaeda’s local wing, Islamic State of Iraq, has vowed to keep up attacks and security officials say insurgents are regrouping in the deserts of western Iraq, invigorated by the war Sunni rebels are waging in Syria over the border.

Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed responsibility for a wave of bombings and suicide attacks earlier this month that killed around 60 people on the 10th anniversary of the U.S. invasion.

Sunni Islamists see Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s Shi’ite-led government as oppressors of the country’s Sunni minority and are targeting Shi’ites to try to trigger the kind of inter-communal mayhem that killed thousands in 2006-7.

Washington has tied the militant al-Nusra Front fighting in Syria to al Qaeda’s Iraqi branch and has designated the group as a foreign terrorist organization.

Iraq’s government says it takes no sides in the Syrian war but its interests are often aligned with those of Shi’ite Iran. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday pressed Maliki to stop Iranian flights taking arms over Iraqi airspace to Syria.


Photo: Firefighters and Iraqis stand amid the remains of a burnt house after a car bomb that detonated near a Shi’ite mosque killing three people and injuring 70 others in Kirkuk, 240km north of Baghdad on Friday, March 29, 2013. A series of car bombs near Shi’ite mosques targeting worshippers attending weekly prayers killed at least 15 people on Friday, the latest in a spike in unrest ahead of Iraq’s first polls since 2010. — PHOTO: AFP



76 responses to “19 killed , 130 injured in bombings of Iraqi Shi’ite mosques”

  1. ali elzein Avatar
    ali elzein

    I hope everyone of there mothers fathers sisters and brothers and who ever is related to them die a very slow and painfull death

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Changing politics by terrorism never worked very well … only created more terrorists.

      1. IraniAngel Avatar

        Indeed. Just ask the americancers. They terrorize… I mean they brougt democracy to the middle east and created more terrorists… I mean they created more democratic countries.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          I can see you have become really confused by now Irani. Check the next story about Talibanis who just kill everything on a bike-path, anytime, anywhere, and are happy to be heading for the 72 virgins.

          1. IraniAngel Avatar

            Taliban is working for americancer

          2. My fear is this is whats coming next to lebanon

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            We all fear that Dateam … but it’s the fear that they love to spread. The trick is not to be paralysed or driven into the same stupidity by it.

          4. i think its a bit late for that…look at what happened arsal??? army officers killed and dragged through the streets by locals and nothing done about it…

        2. wargame1 Avatar

          In February 2012 US Treasury Dept. designated Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) for its support of al Qaeda and al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). Then, in July 2012, the US State Department highlighted the relationship between Iran and al Qaeda in its annual Country Reports on Terrorism publication.Google this “Treasury ‘further exposes’ Iran-al Qaeda relationship” By THOMAS JOSCELYNOctober 18, 2012

          The US Treasury Department announced that it has designated Adel Radi Saqr al Wahabi al Harbi, who is “a key member of an al Qaeda network operating in Iran and led by Iran-based al Qaeda facilitator Muhsin al Fadhli.” This same network was previously headed by another al Qaeda operative, Yasin al Suri, but al Fadhli took over as chief of al Qaeda’s Iran-based network in late 2011.It is Iran and Israel who benefitted from 911 false flag operation and now we see that Iran operate this group

          Too much Al-Qaeda propaganda can backfire on Bashar and Iran.Top Al-Qaeda Leaders fled from Afghanistan to Iran after the US invasion and Iran let them stay as a house guest. The family member of Osama Bin Laden also live in Iran.Recently Iran has been expelling al Qaeda officials who holed up there for years.Bin Laden’s son-in-law Sulaiman Abu Ghaith is only the latest example.USA and EU must get out of this dirty conspiracy by Iran where both Sunnis and the Europeans are being victimized

          1. IraniAngel Avatar

            Your brain is out of order.

          2. What does your rambling have to do with the article?

      2. ali elzein Avatar
        ali elzein

        its not politics its the fact that there shia its because they believe in imam ali not omar or abu bakar. it makes me sick how this salafi and wahabi terriorsts have the heart and brain to go kill innocent people because of there beliefs during the day and stand on the prying carpet to pry everynight and act like nothing happens. i know you hate hezbollah and i respect your opinion but u have to admitt they dont go around killing sunnis.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          ‘Hate’ might be a little extreme Ali … but I’d live with ‘extreme dislike’ for what they have done to Lebanon. Bombing or shooting … it’s basically the same methods they use. And you say they don’t go around killing sunnis ?? Hmmmm … have you been reading lately?

          1. ali elzein Avatar
            ali elzein

            i have been reading name me one time they killed a sunni without being provoked. there the resistance i understand that but imagine i keep stepping on your shoes you will let it go the first and second and third time but im pretty sure if i keep doing it your gonna defend your self

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well Ali … I don’t need to defend myself. What I will do is reference ONE – a day when a man named Hariri and 22 others were killed, AND 200 OTHERS walking on a street were maimed and injured IN Beirut … some for life – ALL remembering … because someone didn’t like a Sunni who was popular, and managing slowly to rebuild a country after an ugly protracted ‘war’ levelled a good bit of it.
            (POPULAR – even if typically Lebanese with the business arrangements. Was that provocation??)
            You, on the other hand, will need to find some way to prove – after all Hezzys have done to hide suspects, and to hold up and obviscate justice for those 223 people over 8 years, that Nastyrallah is innocent of any knowledge of it, and in fact did not have a dirty hand in it.
            By this time, you’d need to go a long way to prove their innocence to me.
            I’m not even going to mention the Lebanese investigators blown up after … or how a ‘party’ which only wins 2 seats out of 30 manages to take control of the country after a fair election. And you can tell me Hariri Jr. just isn’t as good as Dad. Well, we’d have known after 4 years and possibly had another election to correct things … but that’s gone too.
            Some will say; ‘It’s what Bashar wants’. And also; ‘It’s what El Supremo wants’.
            Those two are not the feet stomping the ground to dust here.

          3. ali elzein Avatar
            ali elzein

            Proof my man get me proof of them killing hariri

          4. Beiruti Avatar

            Theres all the proof in the world you have selective education. You like to turn your face away from the truth, becuase your illusions will be destroyed. If HA and Syria didnt kill him who the hell had interest to do so?

          5. ali elzein Avatar
            ali elzein

            Habibi show me the proof and ill keep my mouth shut. why should we blame syria and Hezbollah for something they had no interest in. Hariri (was actually supporting Hezbollah and even told the americans I will stay with them. So why is it in there interest to kill him? Believe me I’m not defending them because I’m a Shia I’m stating the truth. If we don’t like each other and your dad was murdered (no disrespect just giving an example) who is the first your gonna blame?

          6. Hannibal Avatar


          7. Hannibal Avatar

            No matter who did it… The culprit is Bashar.

          8. AntiFSA!! Avatar

            Of course its Basher, No proof it was, however lets just blame him.

          9. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Every time some Lebanese tried to investigate and/or come up with ‘the proof’, what happened? Like ‘magic’ they were ‘disappeared’ one way or the other.
            We wait for the STL, which was asked for because it couldn’t be done in Lebanon by any legal means. Can’t even now. And after you will probably say it’s all lies and fabrication?? No matter which way it goes? I’ll believe what comes out of The Hague … will you? And then, will Hezzy co-operate finally if the 4 who ostensibly pushed the button ARE found guilty? They haven’t yet. Why would I believe anything they say after these years??
            And that’s not about proving any silly religions to me. It’s about truth and justice.
            End of discussion.

          10. Prophettttt Avatar

            You really believe that the STL is an impartial body,don’t you?Imprisoning heads of security establishments for political reasons was not a good example to lead by.This is just one example. We went over this times and times over that last couple of years, and no point in chewing on it again. It is what it is, Lebanese people are divided on this issue as they are divided on every other issue,and it will make no difference what the STL says or does.
            Truth and justice are always determined by the strong,just like history books are written by winners.Those who don’t believe in the justice of the STL should not even be apologetic, nor should they feel the need to explaining and prove the bias and injustice of the STL because it will make little difference anyway.

            The bottom line is that it is a divided country ,and every new event/incident will divide them even more.Instead of wasting time hairsplitting detail,such as STL, people have to think beyond the classic solutions and answers and figure out ways to build a political and social system that would solve the main issues,such as the identity and definition of Lebanon .

          11. Hannibal Avatar


          12. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hannibal .. you’re inventing a new ‘ism’ to replace despotism. 😉

          13. Prophettttt Avatar

            did I miss something?lol

          14. 5thDrawer Avatar

            You know I’m all for THAT, Prophet. And for a system of government with elections that truly allow ‘the people’ to make their own choices, good OR bad, FOR Lebanon.
            And yes, I believe the courts of The Hague are about as capable of meeting out ‘truth and justice’ as humans may ever get – without being ‘on the spot’ with the video cameras when an ‘event’ happens …. although these days everyone thinks those are faked too.
            When ‘the strongest’ are not hugely believed, whether they are Ruskies, Yanks, or Hezzys, BECAUSE ‘the people’ observe that lack of willingness to ‘show proof’, then ‘the people’ need to have something like ‘The Hague’ in place – which also needs to constantly show it’s own ‘fairness’ in passing judgement – because WE are not ‘all seeing’ Gods.
            I’m sure Solomon didn’t have ALL the evidence all the time – but people agreed to listen.
            In Lebanon, how many are allowed to simply stand and state what they have observed – even of life – and to go home to dinner feeling safe after? The brilliant low-end cop who noted ‘telephone connection-links’ barely managed to make it to the next day after he reported his observations. Who’s working on that case?
            The ‘divisions’ grow larger each time someone says: ‘I’m not going to help.’
            Well, if you won’t help, then also don’t be a road-block to others who try. Just go away.

            Yes, ‘The History’ will be written. Some people don’t believe it even after 2000 years !!

          15. Hannibal Avatar


          16. AntiFSA!! Avatar

            They don’t need proof Ali. Their hate for Hezbollah and Syria is all the proof they need.

        2. Beiruti Avatar

          Hmmmm isn’t Hariri and Wassam Eid Sunnis? I wondered who killed them!

          1. AntiFSA!! Avatar

            Beiruti seeing though you are so sure they killed them, could you please explain what they have gained in both killings. I am extremely curious to know what your theory is. And I use the word theory, because I am very confident you have no real proof accept what bullshit the media feeds you.

    2. Beiruti Avatar

      Its because people like you that wars never end.

      1. ali elzein Avatar
        ali elzein

        Seriously how old are you and what’s your IQ? How many wars did america and europe have started in the past 40 years? Now how many wars have syria Iran and hezbollah have started in the past 50 years? We in the south were against Hezbollah kidnapping the 2 bitches and started the 06 war but we still supported them because they were defending us the people of the south who for many years been treated like crap by israelis. So before u say somthing stupid like that again take your head outta ur ass and think

  2. ali elzein Avatar
    ali elzein

    I hope everyone of there mothers fathers sisters and brothers and who ever is related to them die a very slow and painfull death

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Changing politics by terrorism never worked very well … only created more terrorists.

      1. IraniAngel Avatar

        Indeed. Just ask the americancers. They terrorize… I mean they brougt democracy to the middle east and created more terrorists… I mean they created more democratic countries.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          I can see you have become really confused by now Irani. Check the next story about Talibanis who just kill everything on a bike-path, anytime, anywhere, and are happy to be heading for the 72 virgins.

          1. IraniAngel Avatar

            Taliban is working for americancer

          2. My fear is this is whats coming next to lebanon

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            We all fear that Dateam … but it’s the fear that they love to spread. The trick is not to paralysed or driven into the same stupidity by it.

          4. i think its a bit late for that…look at what happened arsal??? army officers killed and dragged through the streets by locals and nothing done about it…

        2. wargame1 Avatar

          In February 2012 US Treasury Dept. designated Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) for its support of al Qaeda and al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). Then, in July 2012, the US State Department highlighted the relationship between Iran and al Qaeda in its annual Country Reports on Terrorism publication.Google this “Treasury ‘further exposes’ Iran-al Qaeda relationship” By THOMAS JOSCELYNOctober 18, 2012

          The US Treasury Department announced that it has designated Adel Radi Saqr al Wahabi al Harbi, who is “a key member of an al Qaeda network operating in Iran and led by Iran-based al Qaeda facilitator Muhsin al Fadhli.” This same network was previously headed by another al Qaeda operative, Yasin al Suri, but al Fadhli took over as chief of al Qaeda’s Iran-based network in late 2011.It is Iran and Israel who benefitted from 911 false flag operation and now we see that Iran operate this group

          Too much Al-Qaeda propaganda can backfire on Bashar and Iran.Top Al-Qaeda Leaders fled from Afghanistan to Iran after the US invasion and Iran let them stay as a house guest. The family member of Osama Bin Laden also live in Iran.Recently Iran has been expelling al Qaeda officials who holed up there for years.Bin Laden’s son-in-law Sulaiman Abu Ghaith is only the latest example.USA and EU must get out of this dirty conspiracy by Iran where both Sunnis and the Europeans are being victimized

          1. IraniAngel Avatar

            Your brain is out of order.

          2. What does your rambling have to do with the article?

      2. ali elzein Avatar
        ali elzein

        its not politics its the fact that there shia its because they believe in imam ali not omar or abu bakar. it makes me sick how this salafi and wahabi terriorsts have the heart and brain to go kill innocent people because of there beliefs during the day and stand on the prying carpet to pry everynight and act like nothing happens. i know you hate hezbollah and i respect your opinion but u have to admitt they dont go around killing sunnis.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          ‘Hate’ might be a little extreme Ali … but I’d live with ‘extreme dislike’ for what they have done to Lebanon. Bombing or shooting … it’s basically the same methods they use. And you say they don’t go around killing sunnis ?? Hmmmm … have you been reading lately?

          1. ali elzein Avatar
            ali elzein

            i have been reading name me one time they killed a sunni without being provoked. there the resistance i understand that but imagine i keep stepping on your shoes you will let it go the first and second and third time but im pretty sure if i keep doing it your gonna defend your self

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Well Ali … I don’t need to defend myself. What I will do is reference ONE – a day when a man named Hariri and 22 others were killed, AND 200 OTHERS walking on a street were maimed and injured IN Beirut … some for life – ALL remembering … because someone didn’t like a Sunni who was popular, and managing slowly to rebuild a country after an ugly protracted ‘war’ levelled a good bit of it.
            (POPULAR – even if typically Lebanese with the business arrangements. Was that provocation??)
            You, on the other hand, will need to find some way to prove – after all Hezzys have done to hide suspects, and to hold up and obviscate justice for those 223 people over 8 years, that Nastyrallah is innocent of any knowledge of it, and in fact did not have a dirty hand in it.
            By this time, you’d need to go a long way to prove their innocence to me.
            I’m not even going to mention the Lebanese investigators blown up after … or how a ‘party’ which only wins 2 seats out of 30 manages to take control of the country after a fair election. And you can tell me Hariri Jr. just isn’t as good as Dad. Well, we’d have known after 4 years and possibly had another election to correct things … but that’s gone too.
            Some will say; ‘It’s what Bashar wants’. And also; ‘It’s what El Supremo wants’.
            Those two are not the feet stomping the ground to dust here.

          3. ali elzein Avatar
            ali elzein

            Proof my man get me proof of them killing hariri

          4. Beiruti Avatar

            Theres all the proof in the world you have selective education. You like to turn your face away from the truth, becuase your illusions will be destroyed. If HA and Syria didnt kill him who the hell had interest to do so?

          5. ali elzein Avatar
            ali elzein

            Habibi show me the proof and ill keep my mouth shut. why should we blame syria and Hezbollah for something they had no interest in. Hariri (was actually supporting Hezbollah and even told the americans I will stay with them. So why is it in there interest to kill him? Believe me I’m not defending them because I’m a Shia I’m stating the truth. If we don’t like each other and your dad was murdered (no disrespect just giving an example) who is the first your gonna blame?

          6. José Jalapeño Avatar
            José Jalapeño


          7. José Jalapeño Avatar
            José Jalapeño


          8. José Jalapeño Avatar
            José Jalapeño

            No matter who did it… The culprit is Bashar.

          9. AntiFSA!! Avatar

            Of course its Basher, No proof it was, however lets just blame him.

          10. José Jalapeño Avatar
            José Jalapeño

            No matter who did it… The culprit is Bashar.

          11. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Every time some Lebanese tried to investigate and/or come up with ‘the proof’, what happened? Like ‘magic’ they were ‘disappeared’ one way or the other.
            We wait for the STL, which was asked for because it couldn’t be done in Lebanon by any legal means. Can’t even now. And after you will probably say it’s all lies and fabrication?? No matter which way it goes? I’ll believe what comes out of The Hague … will you? And then, will Hezzy co-operate finally if the 4 who ostensibly pushed the button ARE found guilty? They haven’t yet. Why would I believe anything they say after these years??

          12. Prophettttt Avatar

            You really believe that the STL is an impartial body,don’t you?Imprisoning heads of security establishments for political reasons was not a good example to lead by.This is just one example. We went over this times and times over that last couple of years, and no point in chewing on it again. It is what it is, Lebanese people are divided on this issue as they are divided on every other issue,and it will make no difference what the STL says or does.
            Truth and justice are always determined by the strong,just like history books are written by winners.Those who don’t believe in the justice of the STL should not even be apologetic, nor should they feel the need to explaining and prove the bias and injustice of the STL because it will make little difference anyway.

            The bottom line is that it is a divided country ,and every new event/incident will divide them even more.Instead of wasting time hairsplitting detail, people have to think beyond the classic solutions and answers and figure out ways to build a political and social system that would solve the main issues,such as the identity and definition of Lebanon .

          13. José Jalapeño Avatar
            José Jalapeño


          14. José Jalapeño Avatar
            José Jalapeño


          15. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Hannibal .. you’re inventing a new ‘ism’ to replace despotism. 😉

          16. Prophettttt Avatar

            did I miss something?lol

          17. 5thDrawer Avatar

            You know I’m all for THAT, Prophet. And for a system of government with elections that truly allow ‘the people’ to make their own choices, good OR bad, FOR Lebanon.
            And yes, I believe the courts of The Hague are about as capable of meeting out ‘truth and justice’ as humans may ever get – without being ‘on the spot’ with the video cameras when an ‘event’ happens …. although these days everyone thinks those are faked too.
            When ‘the strongest’ are not hugely believed, whether they are Ruskies, Yanks, or Hezzys, BECAUSE ‘the people’ observe that lack of willingness to ‘show proof’, then ‘the people’ need to have something like ‘The Hague’ in place – which also needs to constantly show it’s own ‘fairness’ in passing judgement – because WE are not ‘all seeing’ Gods.
            I’m sure Solomon didn’t have ALL the evidence all the time – but people agreed to listen.
            In Lebanon, how many are allowed to simply stand and state what they have observed – even of life – and to go home to dinner feeling safe after? The brilliant low-end cop who noted ‘telephone connection-links’ barely managed to make it to the next day after he reported his observations. Who’s working on that case?
            The ‘divisions’ grow larger each time someone says: ‘I’m not going to help.’
            Well, if you won’t help, then also don’t be a road-block to others who try. Just go away.

          18. José Jalapeño Avatar
            José Jalapeño


          19. José Jalapeño Avatar
            José Jalapeño


          20. AntiFSA!! Avatar

            They don’t proof Ali. Their hate for Hezbollah and Syria is all the proof they need.

        2. Beiruti Avatar

          Hmmmm isn’t Hariri and Wassam Eid Sunnis? I wondered who killed them!

          1. AntiFSA!! Avatar

            Beiruti see though you are so sure they killed them, could you please explain what they have gained in both killings. I am extremely curious to know what your theory is. And I use the word theory, because I am very confident you have no real proof accept what bullshit the media feeds you.

    2. Beiruti Avatar

      Its because people like you that wars never end.

      1. ali elzein Avatar
        ali elzein

        Seriously how old are you and what’s your IQ? How many wars did america and europe have started in the past 40 years? Now how many wars have syria Iran and hezbollah have started in the past 50 years? We in the south were against Hezbollah kidnapping the 2 bitches and started the 06 war but we still supported them because they were defending us the people of the south who for many years been treated like crap by israelis. So before u say somthing stupid like that again take your head outta ur ass and think

  3. Hannibal Avatar

    This is the act of cowards…

  4. José Jalapeño Avatar
    José Jalapeño

    This is the act of cowards…

  5. Fauzia45 Avatar

    Using religious fanatics to commit such atrocities for political interests is a crime!!!

  6. Fauzia45 Avatar

    Using religious fanatics to commit such atrocities for political interests is a crime!!!

  7. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    Damned Al Qaada Terrorists.. they go crazy if someone insulted the prophet or touched the holy book. But no they can bomb mosques and kill muslims until kingdom come. bunch of hypocrites bastard.

  8. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    Damned Al Qaada Terrorists.. they go crazy if someone insulted the prophet or touched the holy book. But no they can bomb mosques and kill muslims until kingdom come. bunch of hypocrites bastard.

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