Orthodox electoral law ridiculed by Lebanese citizens


orthodox  law ridiculedLebanese citizens who are against the electoral law proposed by the Orthodox Gathering are seeking social network websites to launch their campaign against this proposal.

The bloggers’ posts accuse the Orthodox Gathering proposal of sectarianism and promoting division.

They also criticized the people behind the draft law and its supporters.Some comments ridiculed the law and asked how would an atheist or a family that combines different confessions vote?

Some other comments were furious against proposing a “primitive” law as the Arab World allegedly “witnesses” a revolution.

The protesters called for forming a secular state that represents all the Lebanese people.


Photo: reads right: I am Zeina and Iam orthodox from Zahle ….Left: I am Nahhoul and I am an atheist from Ras Beirut



44 responses to “Orthodox electoral law ridiculed by Lebanese citizens”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar


  2. 5thDrawer Avatar


  3. Constantin7 Avatar

    The Orthodox electoral law is more of a reaction of the christians to the invasive islam. Christians in Lebanon are in an impass looking for means of preserving themselves. This electoral law is to affirm that, at least, christians elect their own representatives and not others (muslims and druze) elect the christian representatives. Although this proposed electoral law is racist, segregational and divisive, however it is just a reaction to an “umma” that is racist, segragational and divisive, that views Islam as a superior religion with more rights than other religions, that views muslims as 1st class citizens and christians (or others) as 2nd class citizens, and that has an ultimate goal of imposing its own islamic rules. This is the mission of Islam. So the cause of this electoral law is Islam period, no other explanation. Because in any other democratic christian country this electoral law would be ridiculed, but in Lebanon where the political Islamic agenda is to grab more and more power and weaken more and more the christians, although this is not what the muslim politicians publicly claim (as they are exercising the “Takiah”), this electoral law proposed by christians is a natural reaction. And by the way, in Islam the concept of democracy and respect of minority rights does not even exist. The minority is subdued to the majority in Islam. So christian politicians are scrambling to deal somehow someway with a malaise imposed on them by this retarded “umma” and its hidden agenda.

  4. Constantin7 Avatar

    The Orthodox electoral law is more of a reaction of the christians to the invasive islam. Christians in Lebanon are in an impass looking for means of preserving themselves. This electoral law is to affirm that, at least, christians elect their own representatives and not others (muslims and druze) elect the christian representatives. Although this proposed electoral law is racist, segregational and divisive, however it is just a reaction to an “umma” that is racist, segragational and divisive, that views Islam as a superior religion with more rights than other religions, that views muslims as 1st class citizens and christians (or others) as 2nd class citizens, and that has an ultimate goal of imposing its own islamic rules. This is the mission of Islam. So the cause of this electoral law is Islam period, no other explanation. Because in any other democratic christian country this electoral law would be ridiculed, but in Lebanon where the political Islamic agenda is to grab more and more power and weaken more and more the christians, although this is not what the muslim politicians publicly claim (as they are exercising the “Takiah”), this electoral law proposed by christians is a natural reaction. And by the way, in Islam the concept of democracy and respect of minority rights does not even exist. The minority is subdued to the majority in Islam. So christian politicians are scrambling to deal somehow someway with a malaise imposed on them by this retarded “umma” and its hidden agenda.

  5. Prophettttt Avatar

    I’m sick and tired of sectarian talks. I’m sick and tired of all Lebanese who keep instigating sectarian divisions and planting fear of each other.Everyone wants to fight sectarianism while being sectarian, everyone wants to abolish sectarianism by abolishing other sects. Everyone claims to be an angel while doing every devilish thing possible. Everyone one claims to be tolerant while racism and hatred blows out of their mouths every time they breath.
    I keep wondering why the hell I’m wasting my time on these blogs? Yes,foolishly, I convince myself at times that dialogue and promoting tolerance will help people get together,and build on their common ideas and beliefs, but the greatest majority of Lebanese from all faiths and sects are nothing but sick minded, sectarians who are full of hate , fear ,and intolerance. Yes most of us are mentally and ethically corrupted.

    Almost a hundred years ago,Gibran understood them correctly ,and described them as a nation of nations,full of groups who believe that each group was a nation by itself, yet they try to convince us that it is the fault of Palestinians or the Syrians or the Americans, but they will never admit the truth and take responsibility of their own actions and decisions. They will never look in the mirror and see their own flaws. Yes I’m sick and tired of them. It’s always someone else’s fault,but never their.
    Gibran’s famous quote in which He says”I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers”. is an evidence that He was ungrateful to his fellow Lebanese who taught him these values the hard way.
    When He told them:”I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit”. He was telling them to love each other as humans,not as Muslims or Christians or what have you.

    They claim to be the smartest people on earth because they know how master corruption. They claim they are better than others because they learned french and English they claim to be civil and modern when they killed over two hundred thousand people in their stupid sectarian wars,and the count goes on.They claim to be civil when they mastered the art of cutting people’s ears and tongues during the civil war,and to no one’s surprise, the victims were always from a different sect or faith. How civil are we really? How peaceful do our “religious” leaders and people claim to be when they encourage divisions based on sects and religion? Yes I’m angry ,and I’m sick and tired of this. and I hate it. I know we have a lot to be proud of as Lebanese,or they convince us so,but we have a lot to be ashamed of,and we need to admit the truth . We’re bunch of people who are in denial,and always blame each other and other nations. I’m sick and tired of all of you. I wish them well,but I know that they are on a mission that will lead them to destruction.
    I will repeat what I said last week;EVERYONE IS RUNNING IN A CIRCLE LOOKING FOR A CORNER.Well keep running …….and I WON’T RUN WITH YOU.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      🙂 Definitely. We need the scotch … and the quiet warm beach.
      (I never met a grain of sand that wasn’t secular enough to allow movement. 🙂

    2. very well said..pity rest do not think that way…

    3. Hannibal Avatar

      Thumbs up… Although we may disagree politically on some points you and I are heading towards the right direction. (ok I retract my divorce papers, there is hope yet) lol … The reason sectarianism exists is because the ones currently elected do not stand a chance of getting reelected if we were to go secular. If I run in Akkar I will never make it applying the 60s law because all the candidates who won seats were on the Hariri’s ticket. However, I do stand a chance if I make my case known to a secular law.
      Civil? Have you driven a car lately in Beirut? I take xanax every time I get in a car… lol

    4. Constantin7 Avatar

      Your noble thoughts, ideas, wishes are wonderful and are inspired from your western culture and from living in America where christian, democratic, tolerant values prevail in all the laws of the land. You have to admit though that you are a very rare specimen among muslims. The masses of muslims, especially in muslim countries and Arab countries do not share your ideas and your values. Gibran that you are quoting was a Christian not a muslim and his values, philosophy and thoughts were inspired from his christian values. With your thoughts, you are fighting an uphill battle with muslims and Islam, as they do not share your convictions. I do not have a problem in having you as a president of Lebanon….lolllll. As I said it in the past, you are a notch away from converting and falling in the arms of the Light, the Truth and the Life…Jesus Christ. Just take the courageous step out of darkness…..I guess you don’t even know that you are in the darkness until you see the Light….

      1. Prophettttt Avatar

        Constantine7, I’m happy that you find your inner peace and comfort in you faith, but I hate to suspect that you starting to sound like wargame whereby Both of you attribute everything to religion, disregarding many other factors in life.
        I have my spiritual peace and comfort already. I have no doubts about my beliefs. I already see the light, and I have been living under this light of tolerance for most of my life. If you are planning to go to heaven, don’t count on “my conversion” to help you get there, you’d have to find someone else, We could meet up there, although we’re walking from different directions lol.
        Growing up in sectarian Lebanon through my teenage years, I hated sectarianism then, and I hate it even more now. I disliked fanatics then, and I dislike them even more now. I respected moderate religious people then, and I still do now. I respected the rights of those who didn’t believe or practice any faith then, and I still do now. I do thank God and my parents that the Lebanese poison didn’t affect me much. This is the environment I grew up in, and that is where the seeds of my values were planted. These seeds grew for sure, and the Lebanese mess keeps reinforcing these views. I grew up with these values, and I admit that living in the US, have helped my views mature even more, and I’m always grateful for that.
        Christianity, Islam, and Judaism have one particular thing in common which is opposition to secularism. So it is not “Christian” America that promotes tolerance and democratic values, even though the majority of the population is Christians; it is secular democratic political and social system that promotes and protects these values. The US and most democracies in Europe became what they are because they told the church to buzz off, and to let people believe and do what they want. If Religious people and churches are allowed to get into politics, they would be much worse than Islamist. Christian values are important, and they are part of western society’s inner beliefs, but do not represent American and European values on their own.
        Gibran was Christian, and his writings about spiritual love are evidence of the Christian influence, but his mysticism is a combination of several different influences: Christianity, Islam, Sufism, Hinduism and theosophy. Secular America gave him the freedom to shape and express his views.
        He was excommunicated by the church of Lebanon, because of his writings, and only after his death, the church reversed its decision. So A Christian writer does not mean that only Christian values define his writings.
        Thank you for your votes of confidence,I assure you that I won’t make a successful politician,and especially in Lebanon,and I’ve already endorsed geo for president, and I know Hannibal is eyeing that position, but I hope He’d settle for PM. lol

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          Damn it Prophet now I have to assassinate Geo… 😉 Do you happen to know his address? lol

          1. Prophettttt Avatar

            Hannibal, I do know his address,but I don’t wish to see you dead. and I don’t want to have you on my conscience , I suggest you settle for the PM position.If Sectarianism is abolished , you’d be eligible for the position of PM,and Geo would not have to convert to Maronite.lol

          2. Hannibal Avatar

            I’d be happy to oblige… All the power rests with the premiership… The president has no power after the ta2if. 😉

          3. Persistent Avatar

            I have my own spelling problems and not trying to pick on you but I think you meant to say “conscience”. lol.

          4. Prophettttt Avatar

            TY, LOL
            Between you and preview, my English would improve,jk

          5. Persistent Avatar

            I am not the spelling-bee by a long shot, between Hannibal and 5th I do not stand a chance.lol….

          6. Prophettttt Avatar

            No worries persistent. Worse things could happen in life;Just look at this backward sick minded salafi. He’s a very “enlightened” fellow and he has appointed himself a spokesman for God and for the angels,promising peace, prosperity , democracy and freedom for Syrian people and for humanity. He will turn your stomach,and make you not worry about misspelling or even living. lol


          7. Persistent Avatar

            Those despicable and digusting parasites are poping up everywhere, God forbid they prevail anywhere….Ignorance is infinite and I think we have a very good idea on who is financing and inciting them… As G.W. Bush said, those swamps need to be dried out and I totally agree. They are a disgrace to humanity and what is more deplorable is that I do not know which God and what book is telling them to do these heinous/ hideous crimes…..

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I’ve seen better spiels from snake-oil and hair-restoration salesmen. But similar to those shows, the crowd has a good chuckle … at least when he stops waving Ali-Baba’s rusty prop around. Just need some drums to go with the ‘Akbar Chant’.

          9. Hannibal Avatar

            It reminds me of a scene from an Indiana Jones movie when Indie shot the guy waving a sword at him… lol
            What is he gonna do with the sword? Really? Best to let him sit on it. he he…

          10. Prophettttt Avatar

            They have used swords. Being backward salfists who take everything literally, they use all weapons which were used 1400 years ago to prove that they their true to their beliefs. Look at the way they dress, and appear.
            You may not have seen the video where another jihadi leader, after executing a regime soldier; He encouraged, and instructed a young boy to use the sword and behead the already dead solider. The tragedy was that the young boy didn’t have enough strength to accomplish what He was being asked to do in one attempt, So Imagine a 12 year old boy attempting few times to behead a dead man with a sword as tall as his own frame. The enlightened jihadi leader, cheering the success of the boy’s work, places the head of the solider on the soldier’s chest, and the rest of crowd cheering on. Mission accomplished; a solider beheaded means democracy and freedom is closer to accomplish.
            I have no stomach to watch it again, and there is no good reason to post such video here.

          11. 5thDrawer Avatar

            We like the birds … leave Geo alone. 🙂

    5. Persistent Avatar

      There is not a day goes by that I don’t think the same thing. It is frustrating… I learned that everyone is entrenched in their beliefs and their way of thinking and noone is going to change anyone’s mind, may be because it gives them a sense of security. I understand you are looking for a logical debate to ponder on. May be you are asking too much of people who can’t give any more than they have, you can’t ask someone to pump 35Kg of iron when he can only do 25Kg, it is like asking a doctor to be a lawyer or an engineer to be a mechanic.. you get my drift…. Most are blind to the truth and won’t see it even if it nipped them in the butt. I also understand what people think and do impacts us all but I learned to ignore it and let it slide at times because it is the only choice… It is sad that the whole ME is structured wrong or is it the mentality? I am not sure a miracle will do the trick either, may be God has given up on us and let everyone to fend for themselves, may be He figured we are a hopless cause and beyond repair… it is also sad we keep dancing around the edges of those difficult issues, at the same time we do not have the courage to tackle them and keep putting them off for our kids and grandkids to solve….Life is the best teacher for all of us where our parents have lacked…. albeit some are eager to learn and take on responsibilities while others enjoy a long free ride…..

      I can’t understand why people keep promoting sectarianism when history has proven it is the ultimate disease that can destroy any society. It is sad that they think they can cleanse others when it was also proven it can’t be done….I am not sure what it takes for them to see that……

      On a lighter note, we all know life is too short to get wraped tightly in it…that is why Preview and I always rely on passionate sex and relaxation to feel better and at times that does not even work…. He is more of a macho than I am, he does it three times a day, I can only start working on one, quit for a while and finish it the next day …… btw, I still like the younger look of you better…lol

  6. Prophettttt Avatar

    I’m sick and tired of sectarian talks. I’m sick and tired of all Lebanese who keep instigating sectarian divisions and planting fear of each other.Everyone wants to fight sectarianism by being sectarian, everyone wants to abolish sectarianism by abolishing other sects. Everyone claims to be an angel while doing doing every devilish thing possible. Everyone one claims to be tolerant while racism and hatred blows out every time they breath.
    I keep wondering why the hell I’m wasting my time on these blogs? Yes,foolishly, I convince myself at times that dialogue and promoting tolerance will help people get together,and build on the common ideas and believes they might have, but the greatest majority of Lebanese from all faiths and sects are nothing but sick minded, sectarians who are full of hate , fear and intolerance. Yes most of us are mentally corrupted.

    Gibran understood them almost a hundred years ago,and described them as a nation of nations,full of groups who believe that each group was a nation by itself, yet they try to convince us that it is the fault of Palestinians or the Syrians or the Americans, but they will never admit the truth and take responsibility of their own actions and decisions. They will never look in the mirror and face the truth. Yes I’m sick and tired of them.
    Gibran’s famous quote in which He says”I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers”. is an evidence that He was ungrateful to his fellow Lebanese who taught him these things the hard way.
    When He told them:”I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit”. He was telling them to love each other as human,not as Muslims or Christians or what have you.

    They claim to be the smartest people on earth because they know how master corruption they claim they are better than others because they learned french and English they claim to be more civil and modern when they killed over two hindered thousand people in their stupid sectarian wars. They claim to be civil when they mastered cutting people’s ears and tongues during the civil war and the victim was always from a different sect or faith. How civil are we really? How peaceful do our religious people claim to be when they encourage divisions based on sects? Yes I’m angry ,and I’m sick and tired of this. and I hate it. I know we have a lot to be proud of as Lebanese,or they convince us so,but we have a lot to be ashamed of.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      🙂 Definitely. We need the scotch … and the quiet warm beach.
      (I never met a grain of sand that wasn’t secular enough to allow movement. 🙂

    2. very well said..pity rest do not think that way…

    3. Hannibal Avatar

      Thumbs up… Although we may disagree politically on some points you and I are heading towards the right direction. (ok I retract my divorce papers, there is hope yet) lol … The reason sectarianism exists is because the ones currently elected do not stand a chance of getting reelected if we were to go secular. If I run in Akkar I will never make it applying the 60s law because all the candidates who won seats were on the Hariri’s ticket. However, I do stand a chance if I make my case known to a secular law.
      Civil? Have you driven a car lately in Beirut? I take xanax every time I get in a car… lol

    4. Constantin7 Avatar

      Your noble thoughts, ideas, wishes are wonderful and are inspired from your western culture and from living in America where christian, democratic, tolerant values prevail in all the laws of the land. You have to admit though that you are a very rare specimen among muslims. The masses of muslims, especially in muslim countries and Arab countries do not share your ideas and your values. Gibran that you are quoting was a Christian not a muslim and his values, philosophy and thoughts were inspired from his christian values. With your thoughts, you are fighting an uphill battle with muslims and Islam, as they do not share your convictions. I do not have a problem in having you as a president of Lebanon….lolllll. As I said it in the past, you are a notch away from converting and falling in the arms of the Light, the Truth and the Life…Jesus Christ. Just take the courageous step out of darkness…..I guess you don’t even know that you are in the darkness until you see the Light….

      1. Prophettttt Avatar

        Constantine7, I’m happy that you find your inner peace and comfort in you faith, but I hate to suspect that you starting to sound like wargame whereby Both of you attribute everything to religion, disregarding many other factors in life.
        I have my spiritual peace and comfort already. I have no doubts about my beliefs. I already see the light, and I have been living under this light of tolerance for most of my life. If you are planning to go to heaven, don’t count on “my conversion” to help you get there, you’d have to find someone else, We could meet up there, although we’re walking from different directions lol.
        Growing up in sectarian Lebanon through my teenage years, I hated sectarianism then, and I hate it even more now. I disliked fanatics then, and I dislike them even more now. I respected moderate religious people then, and still do now. I respected the rights of those who didn’t believe or practice any faith then, and still do now. I do thank God and my parents that the Lebanese poison didn’t affect me much. This is the environment I grew up in, and that is where the seeds of my values were planted. These seeds grew for sure, and the Lebanese mess keeps reinforcing these views. I grew up with these values, and I admit that living in the US, have helped my views mature even more, and I’m always grateful for that.
        Christianity, Islam, and Judaism have one particular thing in common which is opposition to secularism. So it is not “Christian” America that promotes tolerance and democratic values, even though the majority of the population is Christians; it is secular democratic political and social system that promotes and protects these values. The US and most democracies in Europe became what they are because they told the church to buzz off, and to let people believe and do what they want. If Religious people and churches are allowed to get into politics, they would be much worse than Islamists. Christian values are important, and they are part of western society’s inner beliefs, but do not represent American and European values on their own.
        Gibran was Christian, and his writings about spiritual love are an evidence of the Christian influence, but his mysticism is a combination of several different influences: Christianity, Islam, Sufism, Hinduism and theosophy. Secular America gave him the freedom to shape and express his views.
        He was excommunicated by the church of Lebanon, because of his writings, and only after his death, the church reversed its decision. So A Christian writer does not mean that only Christian values define his writings.
        Thank for your votes of confidence, but I already endorsed geo for president, and I know Hannibal is eying that position, but I hope He’d settle for PM. lol

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          Damn it Prophet now I have to assassinate Geo… 😉 Do you happen to know his address? lol

          1. Prophettttt Avatar

            Damn Hannibal I do not to see you dead, settle for the PM position.If Sectarianism is abolished , you’d be eligible for that position of PM,and Geo would not have to convert to Maronite.lol

          2. Hannibal Avatar

            I’d be happy to oblige… All the power rests with the premiership… The president has no power after the ta2if. 😉

          3. Persistent Avatar

            I have my own spelling problems and not trying to pick on you but I think you meant to say “conscience”. lol.

          4. Prophettttt Avatar

            TY, LOL
            Between you and preview, my English would improve,jk

          5. Persistent Avatar

            I am not the spelling-bee by a long shot, between Hannibal and 5th I do not stand a chance.lol….

          6. Prophettttt Avatar

            No worries persistent. Worse things could happen in life;Just look at this backward sick minded salafi. He’s Very enlightened fellow who has appointed himself a spokesman for God and for the angels,promising peace, prosperity , democracy and freedom for Syrian people and for humanity. He will turn your stomach,and make you not worry about misspelling or even living. lol


          7. Persistent Avatar

            Those despicable and digusting parasites are poping up everywhere, God forbid they prevail anywhere….Ignorance is infinite and I think we have a very good idea on who is financing and inciting them… As G.W. Bush said, those swamps need to be dried out and I totally agree. They are a disgrace to humanity and what is more deplorable is that I do not know which God and what book is telling them to do these heinous/ hideous crimes…..

          8. 5thDrawer Avatar

            I’ve seen better spiels from snake-oil and hair-restoration salesmen. But similar to those shows, the crowd has a good chuckle … at least when he stops waving Ali-Baba’s rusty prop around.

          9. Hannibal Avatar

            It reminds me of a scene from an Indiana Jones movie when Indie shot the guy waving a sword at him… lol
            What is he gonna do with the sword? Really? Best to let him sit on it. he he…

          10. Prophettttt Avatar

            They have used swords. Being backward salfists who take everything literally, they use all weapons which were used 1400 years ago to prove that they their true to their beliefs. Look at the way they dress, and appear.
            You may not have seen the video where another jihadi leader, after executing a regime soldier; He encouraged, and instructed a young boy to use the sword and behead the already dead solider. The tragedy was that the young boy didn’t have enough strength to accomplish what He was being asked to do in one attempt, So Imagine a 12 year old boy attempting few times to behead a dead man with a sword as tall as his own frame. The enlightened jihadi leader, cheering the success of the boy’s work, places the head of the solider on the soldier’s chest, and the rest of crowd cheering on. Mission accomplished; a solider beheaded means democracy and freedom is closer to accomplish.
            I have no stomach of watching it again, and no reason to post such video here.

          11. 5thDrawer Avatar

            We like the birds … leave Geo alone. 🙂

    5. Persistent Avatar

      There is not a day goes by that I don’t think the same thing. It is frustrating… I learned that everyone is entrenched in their beliefs and their way of thinking and noone is going to change anyone’s mind, may be because it gives them a sense of security. I understand you are looking for a logical debate to ponder on. May be you are asking too much of people who can’t give any more than they have, you can’t ask someone to pump 35Kg of iron when he can only do 25Kg, it is like asking a doctor to be a lawyer or an engineer to be a mechanic.. you get my drift…. Most are blind to the truth and won’t see it even if it nipped them in the butt. I also understand what people think and do impacts us all but I learned to ignore it and let it slide at times because it is the only choice… It is sad that the whole ME is structured wrong or is it the mentality? I am not sure a miracle will do the trick either, may be God has given up on us and let everyone to fend for themselves, may be He figured we are a hopless cause and beyond repair… it is also sad we keep dancing around the edges of those difficult issues, at the same time we do not have the courage to tackle them and keep putting them off for our kids and grandkids to solve….

      On a lighter note, we all know life is too short to get wraped tightly in it…that is why Preview and I always rely on passionate sex and relaxation to feel better and at times that does not even work…. I still like the younger look of you better…lol

  7. some may say the following will sound weird but look at it this way….i believe sectarianism is only a tool used for division…divide and conquer has always been the way….i see the orthodox proposal as just a means to allow some of the warlords an ability to stay in power? our entire country is still run by the warlords of the past…yet we as the people do nothing? all it would take is for a political party to be formed and run against the norm? if they take a 3rd of the votes then they will become the decision makers? how hard can it be? we know what sects are allocated what seats so that part is simple? whoever wants to run goes on a list and when people vote they have to vote the whole list from 1 to whatever? that means whoever gets elected be it whoever and whatever has to have the majority of the votes from be it whoever and whatever which equals the people. if you want to look at things along sectarian lines then lets analyse…the shiites seem to be the only sect united and are the majority so it dosent matter what formula is used it wont make a difference. the sunnis are split…the maronites are split…and you have the orthodox and druze….who are the losers in a new law other than 1960? hariri and jumblatt….noone can honestly tell me (especially those of us living in europe,usa,canada or australia ) that the 1960 law or orthodox law should stay otherwise we would be hypocrites and should pack up and move back to lebanon. gagea,gmayell would actually benefit from the propsed law agreed to in parliament because they would get more votes and wont have to wait for hariri to give them seats…aoun would probably lose a few seats and the maronite seats would be spread more between aoun,gmayell and gagea. my motto is everyone should be entitled to vote for anyone period.

  8. some may say the following will sound weird but look at it this way….i believe sectarianism is only a tool used for division…divide and conquer has always been the way….i see the orthodox proposal as just a means to allow some of the warlords an ability to stay in power? our entire country is still run by the warlords of the past…yet we as the people do nothing? all it would take is for a political party to be formed and run against the norm? if they take a 3rd of the votes then they will become the decision makers? how hard can it be? we know what sects are allocated what seats so that part is simple? whoever wants to run goes on a list and when people vote they have to vote the whole list from 1 to whatever? that means whoever gets elected be it whoever and whatever has to have the majority of the votes from be it whoever and whatever which equals the people. if you want to look at things along sectarian lines then lets analyse…the shiites seem to be the only sect united and are the majority so it dosent matter what formula is used it wont make a difference. the sunnis are split…the maronites are split…and you have the orthodox and druze….who are the losers in a new law other than 1960? hariri and jumblatt….noone can honestly tell me (especially those of us living in europe,usa,canada or australia ) that the 1960 law or orthodox law should stay otherwise we would be hypocrites and should pack up and move back to lebanon. gagea,gmayell would actually benefit from the propsed law agreed to in parliament because they would get more votes and wont have to wait for hariri to give them seats…aoun would probably lose a few seats and the maronite seats would be spread more between aoun,gmayell and gagea. my motto is everyone should be entitled to vote for anyone period.

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