Protesters demanding civil marriage, humiliated, beaten


A group of young men and women protested on Monday outside parliament to demand the passage of the civil marriage law. But the security forces tried to stop them by force , detained them andtook them to the police station, according to a report by LBCI

One of the protesters told LBCI :

“We were shocked when the security forces attacked us. We were humiliated, beaten and sexually harassed with rifles.”

MP Ghassan Moukheiber personally interfered to release the detained protesters who vowed to pursue their case until civil marriage law is passed .



123 responses to “Protesters demanding civil marriage, humiliated, beaten”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    🙁 Peaceful … like Syria began.

    1. nayyashAl3arab Avatar

      dont get obsessed with the syrian revolution; there is nothing from the people in it. Mind you i never denied that the people has rights which were for years denied in syria; what i am saying is that these revolutions are attributed to the people but the people is innocent from them; most are mercenaries

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    🙁 Peaceful … like Syria began.

    1. nayyashAl3arab Avatar

      come on fith; grow up

    2. nayyashAl3arab Avatar

      dont get obsessed with the syrian revolution; there is nothing from the people in it. Mind you i never denied that the people has rights which were for years denied in syria; what i am saying is that these revolutions are attributed to the people but the people is innocent from them; most are mercenaries

  3. In_a_Mosh Avatar

    Ok, here’s me talking out of my arse: “Civil marriage? Pointless. It’s only marriage if god or his representatives are present.”

  4. In_a_Mosh Avatar

    Ok, here’s me talking out of my arse: “Civil marriage? Pointless. It’s only marriage if god or his representatives are present.”

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Thought I smelled something … 😉

      1. In_a_Mosh Avatar

        ooops, sorry. I had “fool mdammas” for breakfast

        1. nayyashAl3arab Avatar

          agree with you; if they want to pair people or even different species why do they want to call it marriage; nikah is good or anything else

  5. I send my best wishes to those Lebanese protesters. We have a similar problem in Israel – According to the laws everyone has to get married according to his religion even if he abandoned it. All marriages and family issues for Muslims, Jews, Christians or Druze are conducted by religious courts (
    Beit Ha-Din Ha-Rabani, Beit Ha-Din Ha-Sharii  etc.) according religious ancient rules.

    Mixed, secular or atheist couples had to get married abroad, usually in Cyprus. However in recent years a new kind of marriage was developed, it is called “Brit Hazugiut”, which is a kind of voluntary civilian marriage, that is recognized by the state. In addition if a couple lives together as a husband and wife, without formal marriage, they may be recognized as “Yeduim Ba-Zibur”(“Publically recognized”), a definition that gives them social rights somewhat similar to formal marriages.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Hmmmm … ‘Publically recognized’ translates to ‘Common Law’ in the west. In which cases there ARE legal rights for both ‘partners’. Religions are not happy with the concept of course … but some are happy forever with the partnership.
      Why not afford people the choice? Some partnerships work better without the overbearing ‘Love Concept’ anyway. They go rather on a concept of mutual ‘respect’ – in what is basically a business anyway.

      1. nayyashAl3arab Avatar

        public recognition is sharia thus never translates to law in western countries

  6. I send my best wishes to those Lebanese protesters. We have a similar problem in Israel – According to the laws everyone has to get married according to his religion even if he abandoned it. All marriages and family issues for Muslims, Jews, Christians or Druze are conducted by religious courts (
    Beit Ha-Din Ha-Rabani, Beit Ha-Din Ha-Sharii  etc.) according religious ancient rules.

    Mixed, secular or atheist couples had to get married abroad, usually in Cyprus. However in recent years a new kind of marriage was developed, it is called “Brit Hazugiut”, which is a kind of voluntary civilian marriage, that is recognized by the state. In addition if a couple lives together as a husband and wife, without formal marriage, they may be recognized as “Yeduim Ba-Zibur”(“Publically recognized”), a definition that gives them social rights somewhat similar to formal marriages.

    1. nayyashAl3arab Avatar

      i decided to get married to three dogs; no official recognition is needed

      1. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
        Mahdi Kenaani

        of course you do, you are an arab jarab!

        1. nayyashAl3arab Avatar

          if you understood the meaning of arabi then you wouldnt have uttered such stupidity; according to the koran, a arabi is a muslim; the koran itself is arabi; maybe you are confirming what some say that shiites are not muslims; they are rather jews; maybe i also need to refresh your demographic knowledge: you know that lebanese shiites are also arabic; and you know that many shiites in iran are arabic not persians; oops i forgot you have iranian DIPLOMAS. I AM SORRY BUT IN LEBANON IRANIAN DIPLOMAS WOULD NOT BE GOOD AS TOILET PAPERS. so buddy, are you calling all of these shiites arab jarab? PLEASE DO ANSWER MY LAST QUESTION; I WOULD BE HAPPY BY A YES OR A NO

        2. lefthanded Avatar

          Islam demands us to respect other races, not to pretend to help them and call them jarab. 

        3. nayyashAl3arab Avatar

          nayyash is the saoudi slang to say nayyak

      2. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
        Mahdi Kenaani

        how on earth does my hate of arab jarabs confirm what some people say about shiites that they are not muslims rather jew?????? iranians are shia’s, sunnis, bahai, jew, christians, some believe in zoroastrianism and even some dont have a religion at all, let alone the countless ethnic minorities. But on one point all iranians have something in common, and by all i really mean freaking ALL, which is their hate of arabs! let that disgusting and uncivilized arab be shia/sunni/jew/christian or whatever religion arabs worship!!!! all iranian INCLUDING the sunni-iranians share this view!!! so if a sunni iranian hate the arabs does that prove what people are saying about shiism that we are rather jews??? 

        and even if what people are saying about shia’s were true, you should hate the arab shia’s more than you hate iranians because iranians at least are a different (read: superior) people.

        I respect all religions: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism and all others for that matter. What i dont respect are ARAB JARABS no matter what religion they have!!!! as people say in iran: araba-e MALAGHKHOR!!!!!!!!!

        so, basically knowing how i feel about araba-e MALAGHKHOR, i dont give a SH!T about how you feel about iranian diplomats in lebanon. Not even toilet paper can describe how iranians feel about you.

        regarding to your last question the answer would be THE HELL TO THE YES!!!!!!

        1.  Maybe you need new glasses or a new “diplomat”.. Seeing as nayyash was talking about D I P L O M A S and not “diplomats” but obviously your iranian “education” can’t distinguish between the two. 🙂

        2. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
          Mahdi Kenaani

          @facebook-748130073:disqus so this is awkward… :/ but the rest is true… 

        3. Leborigine Avatar

          Utter Bullshit! I know quite a few CIVILISED iranian people (suprisingly, they do exist), who think very highly of arabs. Despite my own personal opinion of arabs, but they are responsible for contributing a lot to medicine, litereture, poetry, astronomy, physics, science, etc.
          Araba-e MALAGHKHOR is only a term used by the ignorant and uneducated! I know you hate to admit it, but its true.

        4. lefthanded Avatar

          So if what you’re saying is true, then all Iranians are hypocrites, pretending to defend the Palestinians, after all they are arab jarabs, right? 🙂

        5. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
          Mahdi Kenaani

          to leborigine: as a lebanese you dont know the meaning of “civilized”. its something you could never be. Iranians who think high of arabs? Like i am going to believe that!

        6. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
          Mahdi Kenaani

          @lefthanded:disqus No, because islam demands of us to take care of other muslims so no matter how much iranians hate arab jarabs they have to help them. 

        7. nayyashAl3arab Avatar

          i believe you are just a jewish spy in this blog; i know many iranians and i think you do not reach their ankle; btw if what you exhibit in this blog is civilisation then my three dogs are much more civilised than you; last but not least what are you doing in a lebanese blog? you risk to get contaminated

        8. nayyashAl3arab Avatar

          respect starts by self respect; you do not respect yourself and certainly you do not respect the culture you claim to come from; one of my strong points is to unveil people; i got you unveiled; an israeli  wolf behind the mask of an iranian

        9. nayyashAl3arab Avatar

          are you saying that some muslims are jarab? and that your religion is asking you to care for jarab or jarbanin? yet you still claim you are a good muslim

        10. nayyashAl3arab Avatar

          maybe you should know that the majority of iranians do not agree with the actual iranian policy

      3. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
        Mahdi Kenaani

        in your dreams you got me unveiled… hahaha everybody on this site know my stand on arabs.

      4. In_a_Mosh Avatar

        Reply to your comment above; any two consenting adult humans (irrespective of faith, race, sexual orientation or whatever) should be able to legally marry, fullstop. If not, then it’s discrimination. That, is my true and only opinion.

        1. nayyashAl3arab Avatar

          sure but it should not be called marriage; dont ask me to recognise your union with a donkey and dont make the taxpayers sponsorise the progenies you bring from a bitch(pregnant female dog)

        2. BESHIRGEMAYYEL Avatar

          i am not denying your right to live with another person, male, female, dog, donkey…..all i am saying do not call it marriage; from the billions of words in many languages why are you picking up the word marriage; btw the inappropriate propagandist words of 5th are wrong; she is picking up one aspect of marriage which may appear a disadvantage if improperly applied & exagerating it
          ps: i live with 3 dogs at home; my dogs sleep in my bed nevertheless i am not married to them

      5. nayyashAl3arab Avatar

        what is the name of your mother? the young elementary school boy answered almost choking from sadness: my mothers name is youssof. And you what is the name of your father: i do not have one; i have two mothers

      6. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
        Mahdi Kenaani

        this is exactly my point. the vast majority of iranians dont agree with their regime. and by virtue of ordinary iranians’ hate of arabs there would no longer be any kind of help to niether hizb, hamas nor any other resistance group if god forbid the current regime falls. 
        i mean i dont recall any of the protesters during the 2009 anti-regime demonstrations calling for closer ties with lebanon or the arab world. What i do recall is protesters’ call for closer ties with the west and the united shit of ameriCANCER in particular.
        if iranians get their will of a regime change, lebanon will get raped by the israHELLis on a daily basis without anyone to protect it. Taking this into consideration, you have to ask yourself: Is this what the lebanese want? is an iranian regime change really in the best interests of ordinay lebanese? Honestly I dont think so! this is why i think the lebanese and every other arab country for that matter should start appreciating this regime. including yalibnan, i mean if they are lebanese. Despite all its errors the current regime is the best regime arabs could ever get. 

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Hmmmm … ‘Publically recognized’ translates to ‘Common Law’ in the west. In which cases there ARE legal rights for both ‘partners’. Religions are not happy with the concept of course … but some are happy forever with the partnership.
      Why not afford people the choice? Some partnerships work better without the overbearing ‘Love Concept’ anyway. They go rather on a concept of mutual ‘respect’ – in what is basically a business anyway.

      1. nayyashAl3arab Avatar

        this kind of aberrant abhorrent behaviour has lead to the disintegration of society; hence my warning and distinction between two types of atheists: the casual benign one who just has doubts concerning God and the religious malignant dangerous atheist who wants to destroy anything related to God even if it is useful and protective; there is no distinction in my eyes between the latter and a fanatical salafi hence the alliance between both: common aim unites the two: destruction and entropy; one destroys KFC the other destroys churches and altars; dont tell me we do not use violence; the word is much more deleterious and destructive than any weapon: a famous philosopher you are allergic to once said:”MY WORD IS MY SWORD”

        1. In_a_Mosh Avatar

          in reply to your last comment to me:
          1) I do not speak of union with animals, only you said that. I said two consenting adult humans, so donkeys are out.
          2) why not call it marriage, who gave anyone a monopoly over the word marriage? surely it is for whoever wants it.
          3) I don’t ask recognition from you. I ask recognition from THE STATE. you’re not a state within a state are you?
          4) Nikah is (IMHO) a limited word to describe marriage, because marriage is not just about f**king is it? I am married and as well f**king, me and my wife work together, bring up our kids together, enjoy socialising and so on. basically we share in each other’s lives. But just because we’re atheists, we cannot be married in Lebanon unless we say “kabilto ltankeeh” or “bismillah”. F**k that for a policy. Civil marriage is a right for any two consenting adult humans that want it. end of.

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          ‘Marriage’, as Mosh notes, is in the mind. ‘Common-law’ is a recognition of individual rights in a situation of marriage. Faith-married people should have the same rights of individuality and feel protected not only by ‘vows’, but under law.
          Forced marriages, under whatever banner, rarely bring harmony to two minds, and may never bring anything which we call ‘love’ … although they can surely lead to utter and miserable dependence, and in some cases justifiable homicide, where divorce is not allowed as well.
          Some never find ‘love’ .. but may find compatible partners and live comfortable happy lives.

          Of course, if one is allowed more than one shot at it while never divorcing the previous mistakes, one may eventually find a ‘love’. Anything is possible … especially if #1 is allowed to rule the house and kitchen, which may have been her only interest in the first place. 😉

      2. nayyashAl3arab Avatar

        public recognition is sharia thus never translates to law in western countries

        1. In_a_Mosh Avatar

          that’s why the people were protesting. because law should not be sharia. it should be an equal law for everyone. 

          if people want to be judged according to their faith fine, so long as there are actual laws for non religious, mixed religious couples and so on.

  7. Beauty-Full-Lebanon Avatar

    At this stage, any protests should be avoided, as it may be used by some one to trigger a mega conflict

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      All parts of the same concept of ‘freedom’ Beautiful. Either you have freedom of choice, or you don’t.

      1. nayyashAl3arab Avatar

        lets organise next week a manifestation to support pedophelia; in the name of freedom of speech

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Only you would bring up support of juvenile-leaning aberrations in dumping on all concepts of freedom. But assume there’s a large group wanting it, and assuming if one is being nice to the child, what age is your stop-line on that? 9 … or 6? 3? Obviously you need to lobby for a law to cover it. But no-one says you can’t lobby … in some places.

  8. Beauty-Full-Lebanon Avatar

    At this stage, any protests should be avoided, as it may be used by some one to trigger a mega conflict

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      All parts of the same concept of ‘freedom’ Beautiful. Either you have freedom of choice, or you don’t.

      1. nayyashAl3arab Avatar

        lets organise next week a manifestation to support pedophelia; in the name of freedom of speech

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Only you would bring up support of juvenile-leaning aberrations in dumping on all concepts of freedom. But assume there’s a large group wanting it, and assuming if one is being nice to the child, what age is your stop-line on that? 9 … or 6? 3? Obviously you need to lobby for a law to cover it. But no-one says you can’t lobby … in some places.

      2. BESHIRGEMAYYEL Avatar

        ah my 5th; you are now defending pedophelia; do you know your words might lead you to go to jail in the west; i know people who went to jail for less than that; but do not worry you can always ask for political refugee status in basta hariri land or in salafi saoudi arabia where pedophelia is common practise

        1. In_a_Mosh Avatar

          In reply to your last comment to me:

          Why not call it marriage? Can you explain without bringing animals into it because you’re the only one who keeps mentioning a union with dogs and donkeys. You seem obsessed by it.

          You don’t have to accept a non traditional union as marriage. However ALL should be equal in the eyes of the law (the state). So my opinion or yours are not the point. This is a question of equal rights.

        2. NAYYASHME3RAB Avatar

          yes mr mosh you seem nice yourself when you do not call me by animalistic attributes; sure i will answer you: the reason is simple. Marriage is traditionally known to be, at least in our judeochristian societies, a religious union of two persons for the purpose of procreation; now if you want to have sex with a person of the same sex or of a different sex, you are free but do not do it at the expenses of the tax payers; if you want my opinion, theoretically, i would even exclude free heterosexual union from marriage yet i would still show them some tolerance because ultimately they are united for the purpose of procreation and i do not want to impose upon them a belief; lets call it a new religion named atheism and this is a form of religious marriage. Two persons of same sex united under the same ceiling do not do so for the purpose of procreation but for the purpose of having sex; let them do it but not at my expenses. Further our societies are getting older and older almost going extinct; i certainly would ban this form of sterile sexual abuse from being recognised legally; i might consider it in china or in saoudi arabia where reproduction is becoming a social burden; in the latter circumstances i might even encourage it; dont we all  complain of salafism? oops i forgot you are now their allies. As an atheist i thought you would be in favour of darwinism; you let a believer give you a lesson in darwinism; what a shame for you and for 5th

        3. 5thDrawer Avatar

          ‘Darwinism’ … The theory of  the evolution of species by NATURAL SELECTION’.

          If you believe in a God who made ALL of nature what it is, and a human named Darwin observed nature long enough and closely enough to see the wonders God has wrought; and others read his thoughts and expanded on the observations; why then use the word darwinism in any other way than it’s being one of the positive lights in our natural human development?
          In the beginning, of course, it was put out as a ‘theory’ …. Basically because in some minds of Darwin’s time, including his own, it seemed to go against other words of MAN with their theories of ‘creation’.

          No shame in having an open mind, Nayyash … and just look at all the theorists we have here. 🙂
          As Aristotle said: ‘It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.’

        4. NAYYASHME3RAB Avatar

          Mrs 5thdarwin; oops a slip of the tongue
          First who told you i am a religious believer? second darwinian theory has been proven nowadays that it has many lacunae and some scientists even go to the extreme of saying it is wrong. Btw it is just a theory.
          thrid mrs darwin, who said that darwwinism and God are contradictory; i had a long discussion one time with a cardinal with 3 phd’s: phimlosophy, theology and history; he believes darwin theory does not contradict creation. Last but not least, i believe in intra species evolution rather than inter species evolution; that is to say if the grandfather of mehdi was an ape mine was not

        5. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Well then, you did not understand at all what I have written. What more can I say?
          Although it was not necessary to repeat half of it ….
          But you should like the latest generally-readable book on Quantum Physics – ‘A Universe From Nothing’ – as it obviates all the discussions of theory anyway. 🙂

  9. The level of this forum is at a chilling minus 360 degrees… 

    1. tell me about it…the article is about civil marriages and everyone is now trying to justify their existence…whats ironic is that probably most of these people demanding civil marriages are doing so because they are marrying from different religions…ironic isnt it…

    2. tell me about it…the article is about civil marriages and everyone is now trying to justify their existence…whats ironic is that probably most of these people demanding civil marriages are doing so because they are marrying from different religions…ironic isnt it…

  10. The level of this forum is at a chilling minus 360 degrees… 

    1. tell me about it…the article is about civil marriages and everyone is now trying to justify their existence…whats ironic is that probably most of these people demanding civil marriages are doing so because they are marrying from different religions…ironic isnt it…

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