FPM official denies his party is absurd


Free Patriotic Movement MP Ibrahim Kanaan slammed Jumblatt’s statement in which he described FPM was as an “absurd movement.”

In an interview with the newly launched http://www.mo5tar.com Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt said he regrets the existence of “an absurd movement , Free Patriotic Movement, led by its leader MP Michel Aoun,” adding “unfortunately, Hezbollah is being [indulgent] with [the FPM leader].”

Kannan told LBC television:

“[Jumblatt] does not like strong [people], especially amid Christian [movements]. We tell [Jumblatt] that we will not give up on our [reform] project that we have worked [hard] for because it is not absurd.”

Kannaan did not elaborate on what reforms did his party implement.

In the interview Jumblatt was criticizing Hezbollah and Aoun for insisting on a new electoral law based on proportional representation. Jumblatt according to the interview is concerned that such an electoral law will spell the end of all centrists in Lebanon including himself, president Michel Suleiman and PM Nagib Mikati
