Assad forces shelling Syrian Refugee camp in Turkey


Al Arabiya quoted Syrian activists as saying “the forces loyal to president Bashar

al Assad have been shelling a Syrian Refugee camps in Turkey.”

This development took place as U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon condemned “terrorist bomb attacks” in the Syrian cities of Damascus and Idlib.

Turkey has not commented on the alleged cross border shelling, but a similar incident on April 9 prompted Ankara to threaten to use force to set up a safe haven for refugees within Syrian territory.

Four Syrian refugees and two Turks, a policeman and a translator, were wounded in the Kilis refugee camp in southeastern Turkey when they were hit by gunfire from across the border.

When asked on April 12 what Turkey’s response would be to conflict spilling over the Syrian-Turkish border, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan responded by saying that “we have several options.”

“First of all, there is an option of invoking Article 5 of the NATO treaty,” he said of NATO clause which stipulates that an attack against a NATO member is considered an attack against all members.

NATO action, however, requires unanimous support from members of the North Atlantic Council, the decision-making body of the group.

Foreign Minister Ahmed Davutoglu too said Turkey was considering “all possibilities in order to protect national security” if the violence continues to bring tens of thousands of Syrian refugees into its territory.

In addition to taking in more refugees, Turkey has also emerged as the main haven for Syrian opposition groups and rebel fighters, but it refuses to arm the forces fighting the Assad regime.

The escalation at the border with Turkey followed a series of bombing across Syria that left more than 30 people dead.

U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon condemned the “terrorist bomb attacks” in the Syrian cities of Damascus and Idlib, and noted that while there had been security improvements in areas monitored by U.N. observers, he was “gravely concerned” by the continued violence.

“The Secretary-General condemns the terrorist bomb attacks in the cities of Idlib and Damascus which took place today and on 27 April 2012, killing and injuring scores of people,” Ban’s press office said in a statement

“While noting improvements in areas where U.N. monitors are deployed, the Secretary-General remains gravely concerned by reports of continued violence, killing and abuses in Syria in recent days,” it said.

Al Arabiya



12 responses to “Assad forces shelling Syrian Refugee camp in Turkey”

  1. wargame1 Avatar

    This is the game UN/USA/Russia etc will be playing….Ban Ki-moon condemned “terrorist bomb attacks” in the Syrian cities of Damascus and Idlib. Very good but those bomb attacks are by the Assad regime as they have shown their signature of similar attack. How can this banki  differentiate Assad attack and terrorist attack?  They will never let Assad fall but at the same time this game will appear legitimized outwardly.
    When the Free Syrian Army attack were increasing the UN came with a ceasefire proposal! But Assad never stopped shelling civilian houses so its clear that UN is backing Assad . All they need is some “Terrorist” attack every now and then so Assads indiscriminate bombing will look like a freedom fighting. UN will be exposed once again.Assad regime and its backers are known terrorist. 

    This is the pretext the UN ,Russia,USA are planting for future invasion when Assad is about to fall. These criminals are protecting Israeli interest.

  2. wargame1 Avatar

    This is the game UN/USA/Russia etc will be playing….Ban Ki-moon condemned “terrorist bomb attacks” in the Syrian cities of Damascus and Idlib. Very good but those bomb attacks are by the Assad regime as they have shown their signature of similar attack. How can this banki  differentiate Assad attack and terrorist attack?  They will never let Assad fall but at the same time this game will appear legitimized outwardly.
    When the Free Syrian Army attack were increasing the UN came with a ceasefire proposal! But Assad never stopped shelling civilian houses so its clear that UN is backing Assad . All they need is some “Terrorist” attack every now and then so Assads indiscriminate bombing will look like a freedom fighting. UN will be exposed once again.Assad regime and its backers are known terrorist. 

    This is the pretext the UN ,Russia,USA are planting for future invasion when Assad is about to fall. These criminals are protecting Israeli interest.

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    When NATO first formed, the North Atlantic Council would say; ‘If you’re going to drag us into some damn juvenile conflict, be prepared to be flattened.’
    And then, somebody invented the United Nations, and later admitted the juveniles to it.
    Voila !!

    1. dateam Avatar

      United nations was formed in 1945….NATO 1949

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Ok dateam … I stand corrected … it was the UN crying ‘Help’ then.  🙂 NATO needed the breather after the war.  (Damn … I can’t even get the jokes right …)

  4. 5thDrawer Avatar

    When NATO first formed, the North Atlantic Council would say; ‘If you’re going to drag us into some damn juvenile conflict, be prepared to be flattened.’
    And then, somebody invented the United Nations, and later admitted the juveniles to it.
    Viola !!

    1. dateam Avatar

      United nations was formed in 1945….NATO 1949

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Ok dateam … I stand corrected … it was the UN crying ‘Help’ then.  🙂 NATO needed the breather after the war.  (Damn … I can’t even get the jokes right …)

  5. Patience2 Avatar

    The a55 hole doesn’t care if he starts a war.  Well, that’s been obvious for a long time, now.  Why doesn’t one of the ‘suicide bombers’ figure a way to ‘take him out’ and do a lot of people a favour??  Yes, the USA likes having him there as a kind of known quantity, but how much are they willing to pay in lives?  If he goes, there will be a period of instability, after which a new order will appear.  It’s the uncertainty about this ‘new order’ that is holding outside help in check.  However, is it possible to restrain the advent of a ‘new order’ by force forever?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      No … nothing is forever. Change is the only constant. Even the ‘Gods’ have changed … 😉

  6. Patience2 Avatar

    The a55 hole doesn’t care if he starts a war.  Well, that’s been obvious for a long time, now.  Why doesn’t one of the ‘suicide bombers’ figure a way to ‘take him out’ and do a lot of people a favour??  Yes, the USA likes having him there as a kind of known quantity, but how much are they willing to pay in lives?  If he goes, there will be a period of instability, after which a new order will appear.  It’s the uncertainty about this ‘new order’ that is holding outside help in check.  However, is it possible to restrain the advent of a ‘new order’ by force forever?

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      No … nothing is forever. Change is the only constant. Even the ‘Gods’ have changed … 😉

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