One dead in Ahwaz, Iran clash


At least one person was killed and dozens were injured in a second day of clashes between Iranian security forces and Arab residents of Ahwaz, a city in the country’s Khuzestan province.

Thirty-year-old Mohammed Maarabi was killed in the violent clashes early on Saturday, witnesses told Al Arabiya. Ahwaz youth residents had declared Friday a “Day of Rage” to demand the rights of the ethnic Arab majority in the Khuzestan province.

Witnesses said dozens of wounded protesters were taken to their homes in fear they could be detained in hospitals.

Ahwaz youth residents had declared Friday a “Day of Rage” to demand the rights of the ethnic Arab majority in the Khuzestan province.

Iranian Minorities’ Human Rights Organization (IMHRO) said in a statement obtained by Al Arabiya that the government has deployed agents in public squares and in the streets. Basij militia forces and revolutionary guards were positioned in various part of the Ahwaz city, IMHRO added.

The organization quoted Jamal Ahmad, a protester, as saying that government forces have killed at least 10 people since Friday.

“We came out peacefully and they soon started to shoot at us. I saw people falling down next to me,” Mr. Ahmad said.

The demonstration, which was organized via the social networking Websites Facebook and Twitter spread to cities of Hamidieh, Mahshahr, Shdegan, Abadan, and Khoramshahr, according to the organization.

Ahwazi Centre for Human Rights Defense has called upon the international community to interfere and put an end to what it termed “massacres in Ahwaz.” The group demanded in a statement that Iranian government ensures the “safe” treatment in hospitals of the wounded protesters.

The group also said that authorities have intermittently cut off electricity and water from residents of Ahwaz city.

Ahwazi Centre for Human Rights Defense has called upon the international community to interfere and put an end to what it termed “massacres in Ahwaz.”

Iranian securities have launched an arrest campaign in the province against those suspected of mobilizing people for the protests.

The “Day of Rage” was called by opposition movements to mark the anniversary of what was termed the “April 15 Apprising” of 2005.

The uprising was prompted by a leaked secret government strategy to try to change the demographic chart of Ahwaz and make ethnic Arab residents a minority.

Currently there are no official figures on the percentage of Arabs and Persians in the Khuzestan province, but it is widely known that Arabs constitute the majority. Iran’s population is 78 million.

While some ethnic Arab groups have called for a “revolution” to demand the independence of the region, several moderate opposition groups have called for rights they said are shared with other ethnic groups, such as the Balooch, the Kurds and the Turkmen.

Ahwaz holds 15 percent of the world’s proven oil reserves and has the second gas reserve in the world. Ahwazi Arabs are banned from using media, any political and cultural activities heavily suppressed by Iranian government.

Iranian security services, the Vezarat Atelat, secretly killed many Ahwazi activist and intimidated families of activist who live in exile.

Photo Arab residents of Ahwaz in Iran protest to demand their rights




45 responses to “One dead in Ahwaz, Iran clash”

  1. antar2011 Avatar

    i hope this will be the start of something big….i hope so…

    1. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
      Mahdi Kenaani

      Something big???? What is “something big” exactly? An Arab spring in a none-arab country? Or did you hope for a Zionist regime (like the gulf states) to replace Ahamdinejad?

    2. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
      Mahdi Kenaani

      Something big???? What is “something big” exactly? An Arab spring in a none-arab country? Or did you hope for a Zionist regime (like the gulf states) to replace Ahamdinejad?

  2. antar2011 Avatar

    i hope this will be the start of something big….i hope so…

    1. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
      Mahdi Kenaani

      Something big???? What is “something big” exactly? An Arab spring in a none-arab country?

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Basij and Shabiha come from the same lower human species. They are found mixed into most societies somewhere –  (mafia, or assorted gangs, or often into police organizations) – and held in check usually by political masters.
    The biggest failure of continuing to have religious-based governments is successful integration of peoples into homogeneous societies, where all benefit from working together, yet can go off to either worship or get lectured on ‘godly duty’ on whatever day they choose, in a building of their choice if they had the funds to build one.
    To paraphrase Jon Stewart, Religion has given people hope in a world torn apart by religion. 🙂

  4. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Basij and Shabiha come from the same lower human species. They are found mixed into most societies somewhere –  (mafia, or assorted gangs, or often into police organizations) – and held in check usually by political masters.
    The biggest failure of continuing to have religious-based governments is successful integration of peoples into homogeneous societies, where all benefit from working together, yet can go off to either worship or get lectured on ‘godly duty’ on whatever day they choose, in a building of their choice if they had the funds to build one.
    To paraphrase Jon Stewart, Religion has given people hope in a world torn apart by religion. 🙂

  5. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
    Mahdi Kenaani

    If they feel discriminated because of thier ethnicity, they should move to an Arab state and see what happens, I will asure them that they would be treated even worse!

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Probably … but even in Lebanon, Tripoli gets 4 hrs electricity a day … variously … some internet on occasion too.

      1. dabshaleem Avatar

        wahabies destroed kahraba in tripoli mr

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          On that one, Dab, you are probably at least half right … ideologies being the problem everywhere.
          (Oh man that hurt … 😉

    2. antar2011 Avatar

      you’ve got to be joking….

      i won’t be as confident as you are. i wish you get down from your high horse

      if the arab treatment is khiriyeh the iranis to the arabs is akhraaaa

      1. dabshaleem Avatar

        salafites destroing iraan mr

        1. MeYosemite Avatar

          Anything that softens Iran egomaniacs is fine with me.

        2. MeYosemite Avatar

          Anything that softens Iran egomaniacs is fine with me.

        3. antar2011 Avatar

          there is no salafist in iran mister.
          the almost total majority are saafiyeen mister who thinks Khamenei’s words is God’s words astaghforullah on Earth.

        4. antar2011 Avatar

          there is no salafist in iran mister.
          the almost total majority are saafiyeen mister who thinks Khamenei’s words is God’s words astaghforullah on Earth.

      2. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
        Mahdi Kenaani

        I’m absolutely not joking! I have heard 1000000000000000000000 times that workers from the Arab countries in the Gulf are treated like dogs! Why on earth do you expect others to recpect Arabs when Arabs dont even respect other Arabs??????????

        what do “khiriyeh” and “akharaaaa” mean? 

        1. antar2011 Avatar

          then you have no idea how the sunnis are treated i iran. go learn some historical facts first before you arrogantly show off a regime that you think it is a perfect one that does no ‘racial” mistakes.

          i did not innosentize the arabs…. i did say they are bad…but the mullahs in Iran are even worse.

          khara = shit
          akhraa= shit-ter

      3. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
        Mahdi Kenaani

        Yes i actually do have an idea about how Arabs are treated since half of my family live there! I have been in Tehran several times, and in tehran there is a great nieghborhood with only Arab inhabitants who are immigrated from all over the arab world! They turned that neighborhood in the MIDDLE OF TEHRAN into “Little Arabestan”. What the hell are they doing there if they dont like it??????

        So, where do you get YOUR facts mr???? And by the way, if I seem arrogant, it’s simply because I know more about this than you do!

        And I never said that the regime was perfect!!!! I just prefer – what you call – a “mullah” regime rather than the Arab munafiq/Salafi/ZIonist/American puppet regimes and in particullary those disgusting regimes in the PERSIAN golf! 

        And you said that you hoped that these demos willl be the start of something big, right???? Let me tell you something, if the Iranian regime ever falls, first then it will be a DISASTER for the entire Arab world and not only the Arabs living in Iran now! Do you think that a new regime would love to help the Palestinians and the Lebanese like the current one??? The answer is no due to Iranians and especially the youth wants closer ties with the West and not Arabs! Iranians loves the western lifestyle and not the Arabic! 

        So if you think that a revolution would be a good thing for the Arabs, you are totally wrong!

        Why are you talking about the sunnis now? what has this discussion to do with Arabs in Iran????? Do you think that just because they are Arabs they are automatically sunnis too? For your information: Just because someone is Arab doesnt mean he/she is a sunni!!!!

        But fair enough,,, It is okay if you wanna turn this discussion about arabs in Iran into a discussion about sunnis in Iran. But what I dont get is why you didnt just say this in the first place instead of hidding behind “Arabs in Iran are treated badly”-bull$hit!!!!!! What a coward you are! Indeed!

        Again my family in Iran have sunni-friends, and those dont feel discriminated because of their faith, so stop lying about something you obviously dont know anything about!

        And why dont you also care about the opresssed shia’s in the gulf too?

        Are you even a Muslim?

        1. antar2011 Avatar

          this post does not only reflect your raical attitude to anything different from “your kind” but also your total insensitivity and understanding to social norms in the world.

          you racist **** i will not lower myself to your level and reply to your disgusting post.

          i just ask you to go outside the box you live in.

          a**** h****e

      4. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
        Mahdi Kenaani

        Yes i actually do have an idea about how Arabs are treated since half of my family live there! I have been in Tehran several times, and in tehran there is a great nieghborhood with only Arab inhabitants who are immigrated from all over the arab world! They turned that neighborhood in the MIDDLE OF TEHRAN into “Little Arabestan”. What the hell are they doing there if they dont like it??????

        So, where do you get YOUR facts mr???? And by the way, if I seem arrogant, it’s simply because I know more about this than you do!

        And I never said that the regime was perfect!!!! I just prefer – what you call – a “mullah” regime rather than the Arab munafiq/Salafi/ZIonist/American puppet regimes and in particullary those disgusting regimes in the PERSIAN golf! 

        And you said that you hoped that these demos willl be the start of something big, right???? Let me tell you something, if the Iranian regime ever falls, first then it will be a DISASTER for the entire Arab world and not only the Arabs living in Iran now! Do you think that a new regime would love to help the Palestinians and the Lebanese like the current one??? The answer is no due to Iranians and especially the youth wants closer ties with the West and not Arabs! Iranians loves the western lifestyle and not the Arabic! 

        So if you think that a revolution would be a good thing for the Arabs, you are totally wrong!

        Why are you talking about the sunnis now? what has this discussion to do with Arabs in Iran????? Do you think that just because they are Arabs they are automatically sunnis too? For your information: Just because someone is Arab doesnt mean he/she is a sunni!!!!

        But fair enough,,, It is okay if you wanna turn this discussion about arabs in Iran into a discussion about sunnis in Iran. But what I dont get is why you didnt just say this in the first place instead of hidding behind “Arabs in Iran are treated badly”-bull$hit!!!!!! What a coward you are! Indeed!

        Again my family in Iran have sunni-friends, and those dont feel discriminated because of their faith, so stop lying about something you obviously dont know anything about!

        And why dont you also care about the opresssed shia’s in the gulf too?

        Are you even a Muslim?

        1. antar2011 Avatar

          this post does not only reflect your raical attitude to anything different from “your kind” but also your total insensitivity and understanding to social norms in the world.

          you racist **** i will not lower myself to your level and reply to your disgusting post.

          i just ask you to go outside the box you live in.

          a**** h****e

      5. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
        Mahdi Kenaani

        Oh please… you are not better than me! You are even a bigger hater. Stop being sanctimonious! 

  6. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
    Mahdi Kenaani

    If they feel discriminated because of thier ethnicity, they should move to an Arab state and see what happens, I will asure them that they would be treated even worse!

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Probably … but even in Lebanon, Tripoli gets 4 hrs electricity a day … variously … some internet on occasion too.

      1. dabshaleem Avatar

        wahabies destroed kahraba in tripoli mr

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          On that one, Dab, you are probably at least half right … ideologies being the problem everywhere.
          (Oh man that hurt … 😉

    2. antar2011 Avatar

      you’ve got to be joking….

      i won’t be as confident as you are. i wish you get down from your high horse

      if the arab treatment is khiriyeh the iranis to the arabs is akhraaaa

      1. dabshaleem Avatar

        salafites destroing iraan mr

        1. MeYosemite Avatar

          Anything that softens Iran egomaniacs is fine with me.

        2. antar2011 Avatar

          there is no salafist in iran mister.
          the almost total majority are saafiyeen mister who thinks Khamenei’s words is God’s words astaghforullah on Earth.

      2. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
        Mahdi Kenaani

        I’m absolutely not joking! I have heard 1000000000000000000000 times that workers from the Arab countries in the Gulf are treated like dogs! Why on earth do you expect others to recpect Arabs when Arabs dont even respect other Arabs??????????

        what do “khiriyeh” and “akharaaaa” mean? 

        1. antar2011 Avatar

          then you have no idea how the sunnis are treated i iran. go learn some historical facts first before you arrogantly show off a regime that you think it is a perfect one that does no ‘racial” mistakes.

          i did not innosentize the arabs…. i did say they are bad…but the mullahs in Iran are even worse.

          khara = shit
          akhraa= shit-ter

      3. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
        Mahdi Kenaani

        Yes i actually do have an idea about how Arabs are treated since half of my family live there! I have been in Tehran several times, and in tehran there is a great nieghborhood with only Arab inhabitants who are immigrated from all over the arab world! They turned that neighborhood in the MIDDLE OF TEHRAN into “Little Arabestan”. What the hell are they doing there if they dont like it??????

        So, where do you get YOUR facts mr???? And by the way, if I seem arrogant, it’s simply because I know more about this than you do!

        And I never said that the regime was perfect!!!! I just prefer – what you call – a “mullah” regime rather than the Arab munafiq/Salafi/ZIonist/American puppet regimes and in particullary those disgusting regimes in the PERSIAN golf! 

        And you said that you hoped that these demos willl be the start of something big, right???? Let me tell you something, if the Iranian regime ever falls, first then it will be a DISASTER for the entire Arab world and not only the Arabs living in Iran now! Do you think that a new regime would love to help the Palestinians and the Lebanese like the current one??? The answer is no due to Iranians and especially the youth wants closer ties with the West and not Arabs! Iranians loves the western lifestyle and not the Arabic! 

        So if you think that a revolution would be a good thing for the Arabs, you are totally wrong!

        Why are you talking about the sunnis now? what has this discussion to do with Arabs in Iran????? Do you think that just because they are Arabs they are automatically sunnis too? For your information: Just because someone is Arab doesnt mean he/she is a sunni!!!!

        But fair enough,,, It is okay if you wanna turn this discussion about arabs in Iran into a discussion about sunnis in Iran. But what I dont get is why you didnt just say this in the first place instead of hidding behind “Arabs in Iran are treated badly”-bull$hit!!!!!! What a coward you are! Indeed!

        Again my family in Iran have sunni-friends, and those dont feel discriminated because of their faith, so stop lying about something you obviously dont know anything about!

        And why dont you also care about the opresssed shia’s in the gulf too?

        Are you even a Muslim?

        1. antar2011 Avatar

          this post does not only reflect your raical attitude to anything different from “your kind” but also your total insensitivity and understanding to social norms in the world.

          you racist **** i will not lower myself to your level and reply to your disgusting post.

          i just ask you to go outside the box you live in.

          a**** h****e

      4. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
        Mahdi Kenaani

        Oh please… you are not better than me! You are even a bigger hater. Stop being sanctimonious! 

  7. again look at the picture do they look arab? if they are then they really are a minority? look at the twins on the right hand side

  8. again look at the picture do they look arab? if they are then they really are a minority? look at the twins on the right hand side

  9. I would to say that please donot be raciest think there are diffrent nationalty live in IRAN 34persent of them Azrbaijan we have 31 persent farsi and we  have14 persent kurdsh and12 persent arab we have 6persent blochstani and 3 persent turkaman please be honest.

    1. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
      Mahdi Kenaani

      Are you from ahvaz?

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Hello Alweed. My thinking is this way. If you are born in Syria or Iran, then you are Syrian or Iranian. All things of the past are gone, except as anecdotal family histories around the dinner table – and maybe as an answer when wondering why you have a nose like your father’s cousin.
      It’s a future you are trying for now. The past looks like it was bad enough … 

  10. I would to say that please donot be resest thank there are diffrent nationalty live in IRAN 34persent of them Azrbaijan we have 31 persent farsi and we  have14 persent kurdsh and12 persent arab we have 6persent blochstani and 3 persent turkaman please be honest

    1. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
      Mahdi Kenaani

      Are you from ahvaz?

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Hello Alweed. My thinking is this way. If you are born in Syria or Iran, then you are Syrian or Iranian. All things of the past are gone, except as anecdotal family histories around the dinner table – and maybe as an answer when wondering why you have a nose like your father’s cousin.
      It’s a future you are trying for now. The past looks like it was bad enough … 

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