Egyptian protesters rally to keep Islamist in race


s of people are rallying in Cairo in support of an ultraconservative Islamist presidential hopeful who may be disqualified from the race after it was announced that his mother was an American citizen.

The Egyptian election commission ruling has angered Hazem Abu Ismail’s supporters, who were marching Friday to the capital’s Tahrir Square, a focal point for protests.

Abu Ismail has said he faces a “plot.” His campaign chief Gamal Saber says that the country’s military rulers were looking for ways to disqualify the candidate.

If Abu Ismail cannot run, Muslim Brotherhood candidate Khairat el-Shater would lose his main competitor for the powerful Islamist vote.

The presidential elections end of May are the first since the fall of Hosni Mubarak in last year’s uprising.

Suleiman quits race

Egypt’s former intelligence chief appointed vice president in last days of former president Hosni Mubarak’s rule said that he will not run for presidency, Egyptian media reported late Wednesday.

Omar Suleiman said that he failed to get over all the obstacles related to the organizational and administrative requirements of candidacy.

“I tried until yesterday morning to overcome the obstacles related to the current situation and the administrative, financial and organizational demands of candidacy, but I found that was beyond my capability,” he said.

Candidates bidding for the presidency need 30,000 signatures from people or support of a party in parliament.

The quitting of Suleiman from the presidential race is expected to cause uproar among tens of thousands of his supporters.

Amr Moussa’s Jewish connections

Israeli ynet news said News websites in Egypt reported Thursday that the leading candidate in the presidential race had, what in local terms is considered to be something of a “hunchback” – a Jewish connection in the family.

Social networks and several news sites reported that Amr Moussa’s father married a woman with Jewish roots and that the senior Egyptian politician has a brother from that marriage who changed his name and is now living in Israel.

According to the reports, the father of the man who once served as the secretary general of the Arab League and as foreign minister in Mubarak’s government was married to artist Rakia Ibrahim who has Jewish roots.

AP, agencies



16 responses to “Egyptian protesters rally to keep Islamist in race”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Holy Crap Batman! What’s happening in America?? An ‘ultraconservative Islamist ‘ comes from American mothers now??
    Get out the Google glasses !!! We need a new Sharia Law from Mohammad on this one.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Holy Crap Batman! What’s happening in America?? An ‘ultraconservative Islamist ‘ comes from American mothers now??
    Get out the Google glasses !!! We need a new Sharia Law from Mohammad on this one.

  3. master09 Avatar

    Half the Islamic world has Jewish blood as if this is new, remember — Safiyah Bint Huyeiy Ibn Akhtab and the thousands of others that became THE share of the booty…………..LOSL .“And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess…” (Q. 4:24

    1. you have got to be kidding me! are you saying that i am related to jewy mcjew?,,,well that explains my long beak, damn!

  4. master09 Avatar

    Half the Islamic world has Jewish blood as if this is new, remember — Safiyah Bint Huyeiy Ibn Akhtab and the thousands of others that became THE share of the booty……………“And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess…” (Q. 4:24

    1. you have got to be kidding me! are you saying that i am related to jewy mcjew?,,,well that explains my long beak, damn!

  5. MeYosemite Avatar

    That’s new. Islam is a blood line now? I thought it was a religion.
    On the light side of things, there is a british comedy movie (the name escapes me now) where an islamist discovers he was adopted and while digging back he discovers his true biological father was a rabbi.

  6. MeYosemite Avatar

    That’s new. Islam is a blood line now? I thought it was a religion.
    On the light side of things, there is a british comedy movie (the name escapes me now) where an islamist discovers he was adopted and while digging back he discovers his true biological father was a rabbi.

  7. wargame1 Avatar

    Hosni Mubarak secretly planning for a comeback and he will need some foreign support to capitalize this goal.

  8. wargame1 Avatar

    Hosni Mubarak secretly planning for a comeback and he will need some foreign support to capitalize this goal.

  9. So what if Amr Musa has Jewish blood line the important thing here if he can govern Egypt effectively, so if you have a long beard and you never brush your teeth but you are a God hugger and you have a dark spot on your for head to show you how you pray every day ,is that makes you a better leader of what?Are we here to run a country or show to people how intolerant we are of other life styles or religions. Enough of this stupid brains.

  10. So what if Amr Musa has Jewish blood line the important thing here if he can govern Egypt effectively, so if you have a long beard and you never brush your teeth but you are a God hugger and you have a dark spot on your for head to show you how you pray every day ,is that makes you a better leader of what?Are we here to run a country or show to people how intolerant we are of other life styles or religions. Enough of this stupid brains.

  11. dabshaleem Avatar

    i sayed all time salafites = zioniste mr a salafite with sex with zioniste = salafizioniste mr

    1. yazidi Avatar

        faqihi irani shit =hezboshytan and nasarshytan have sex with rats =dabshaleem

  12. dabshaleem Avatar

    i sayed all time salafites = zioniste mr a salafite with sex with zioniste = salafizioniste mr

    1. yazidi Avatar

        faqihi irani shit =hezboshytan and nasarshytan have sex with rats =dabshaleem

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