Porn found in Syrian leader's mailbox from alleged mistress


The undated picture shows the woman, clad only in white lingerie, pressing herself against a wall as her clothes lie discarded in a heap at her feet. On the day Mr Assad received the photograph, his troops opened fire on a number of funeral processions in Syria, killing at least 12 people.

It was discovered among thousands of emails from the personal accounts of the Syrian president and his wife after their passwords were smuggled out of Damascus by opposition groups.

The photograph was sent to Mr Assad on December 11 last year by a woman who is not his wife.

The email contains no words and it is not known who the woman in the photograph is.

Mr Assad’s personal account contains dozens of emails from a Yahoo account where the sender offers advice and passes on messages from people outside Syria.

While the emails deal largely with affairs of state they have a relaxed and often joking tone.

Members of the Syrian opposition believe the woman may also have a second email address under a false name which she used to send Mr Assad more intimate messages.

This account appears to have been set up on December 1 last year and as an apparent test an email was sent to Mr Assad’s address saying simply “hi”. Around 18 minutes later he replied “Hi and a half”.

Over several weeks, the exchange becomes more flirtatious as they swapped romantic music by the popular Lebanese singer Fairuz and at one point he appears to send her a gift certificate.

On January 17, Mr Assad received an email from the second account with a single Arabic character meaning “I love you” and on January 25 another email contains only an x, the popular sign for a kiss.

While there is no direct evidence of a sexual relationship, the revelation could prove highly damaging for Mr Assad, who has sought to present a united front with his British-born wife, Asma al-Assad, in the face of growing international isolation.

There is evidence in the emails that the Assads began to cling even closer together as the fighting grew fiercer in Syria. On December 28, she wrote to him: “If we are strong together, we will overcome this together…I love you…”

He replied: “i’m not worry about this, and i have no doubt.”

The Daily Telegraph tried to contact Mr Assad’s correspondent using the email addresses found in Mr Assad’s inbox but received no reply.

The Daily Telegraph



22 responses to “Porn found in Syrian leader's mailbox from alleged mistress”

  1. Seriously what a load of crap! You think he would use his email address to talk to his “lover” while using the same email to get advise on how to kill more people? Dont you think he would have a separate email address for things like that or that the women could simply skype him or use a fake facebook account to communicate? I really could care less if Assad was cheating on his wife or playing with a German Shepard on his own time. This is a type of Physic-ops to divide the family and get his wife to leave him and return to the U.K with her children where she will be threatened with jail time unless she speaks out against Bashar. They do this all the time. They did it with Noriega (Panama), Arafat, Saddam, Gadaffi and now Bashar. I dont trust a single thing I read in the papers because most including this website have a agenda and are motivated by political alliances. Do you really trust the people that gave you Iraq, 9-11, Afghanistan just to name a few from recent history? 

    I dont care what happens in Syria as long as Lebanon is stable and I think others should feel the same. The situation in Syria has nothing to do with us and security in Lebanon should remain as it is. HA can not afford another war or the government collapsing and march 14 can not afford to be in power and have to support the revolution witch would cause our security to collapse.

  2. Seriously what a load of crap! You think he would use his email address to talk to his “lover” while using the same email to get advise on how to kill more people? Dont you think he would have a separate email address for things like that or that the women could simply skype him or use a fake facebook account to communicate? I really could care less if Assad was cheating on his wife or playing with a German Shepard on his own time. This is a type of Physic-ops to divide the family and get his wife to leave him and return to the U.K with her children where she will be threatened with jail time unless she speaks out against Bashar. They do this all the time. They did it with Noriega (Panama), Arafat, Saddam, Gadaffi and now Bashar. I dont trust a single thing I read in the papers because most including this website have a agenda and are motivated by political alliances. Do you really trust the people that gave you Iraq, 9-11, Afghanistan just to name a few from recent history? 

    I dont care what happens in Syria as long as Lebanon is stable and I think others should feel the same. The situation in Syria has nothing to do with us and security in Lebanon should remain as it is. HA can not afford another war or the government collapsing and march 14 can not afford to be in power and have to support the revolution witch would cause our security to collapse.

  3. antar2011 Avatar

    oh dear
    he is in big trouble now!

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Yah Antar … hehehhe …. and if they call that porn, then even the British Media has become seriously deluded. 🙂
      And only ONE picture??  Come on … 
      Or, are they actually trying to show he’s a saint of some kind? Hahahahhaaa …

  4. antar2011 Avatar

    oh dear
    he is in big trouble now!

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Yah Antar … hehehhe …. and if they call that porn, then even the British Media has become seriously deluded. 🙂
      And only ONE picture??  Come on … 
      Or, are they actually trying to show he’s a saint of some kind? Hahahahhaaa …

  5. Prophettttt Avatar

    What is wrong  Kamashastra?Why is it a big deal for Bashar to get into porn? Didn’t Clinton practice some sort of KamaOral at the oval office?lol

  6. Prophettttt Avatar

    What is wrong  Kāmashastra?Why is it a big deal for Bashar to get into porn? Didn’t Clinton practice some sort of KamaOral at the oval office?lol

  7. master09 Avatar

    Yeh Clinton got some real meat, assad  plays with his own salami ….

    1. Hannibal Avatar

      lol you guys are bad…

    2. dabshaleem Avatar

      yu lik naieh meat mr only wahabies row meat mr

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Even the meat was bad Dab … the Syrian Brothers Grimm tried to flog it in Lebanon. 🙂 Something about their refrigerators not working in Homs … but taking it to Lebanon with no electricity didn’t help at all. :-))

  8. master09 Avatar

    Yeh Clinton got some real meat, assad  plays with his own salami ….

    1. lol you guys are bad…

    2. dabshaleem Avatar

      yu lik naieh meat mr only wahabies row meat mr

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Even the meat was bad Dab … the Syrian Brothers Grimm tried to flog it in Lebanon. 🙂

  9. dabshaleem Avatar

    manye salafites send mesages lik this befoer snifing no problema mr 

  10. dabshaleem Avatar

    manye salafites send mesages lik this befoer snifing no problema mr 

  11. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Speaking of ‘Headlines’ …. this one reminded me of the great line by Marlene Dietrich.
    “Sex… In America an obsession.  In other parts of the world a fact.”
    Of course, Marlene Dietrich had no idea what the Muslim mind thought of it … but then again, who would want to? 🙂

  12. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Speaking of ‘Headlines’ …. this one reminded me of the great line by Marlene Dietrich.
    “Sex… In America an obsession.  In other parts of the world a fact.”
    Of course, Marlene Dietrich had no idea what the Muslim mind thought of it … but then again, who would want to? 🙂

  13. Noureldeen Egela Avatar
    Noureldeen Egela

    Criminal and perverter , nothing new

  14. Noureldeen Egela Avatar
    Noureldeen Egela

    Criminal and perverter , nothing new

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