Jumblatt hails brave Syrians, condemns inaction of Arab states


Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt in remarks to be published on Tuesday condemned the stance of Arab countries and the UN regarding the situation in Syria. Jumblatt also said that “the Syrian people know that if they fall back it will mean a return to the midst of darkness and injustice…”

“The international and Arab efforts waned from initially calling for the fall of President [Bashar al-Assad] and the withdrawal of army troops from streets… to drawing a parallel between the murderer and the victim and failing to [help] humanitarian and rescue groups reach the affected areas,” Jumblatt told the weekly newspaper Al-Anbaa.

However, the PSP leader said that the Syrian people did not digress from their path even after a year of continuous killing by the regime.

“The Syrian people after a year of continuous killing [led by Assad’s regime], did not [deviate from their path] but are more and more adamant to [pursue their] demands and [obtain their] rights.”

He also said that the fall of the Homs’ neighborhood of Baba Amr “is not the end of the road because there is Edleb, Latakia, Hama and dozens of Syrian cities that refuse to back away no matter the cost.”

The UN says more than 7,500 people have been killed in the crackdown on Syrian protesters who have been demonstrating against the Baath regime since mid-March 2011.

Thousands of Syrians have fled to Lebanon, where the political scene is split between supporters of the Syrian regime – led by Hezbollah – and the pro-Western March 14 camp.

Now Lebanon



8 responses to “Jumblatt hails brave Syrians, condemns inaction of Arab states”

  1. josephphdman Avatar

    junblat entitled to his opinion ,  democracy guaratee freedom of speach ; he also  gets credit , for courage ,knowing that threats against his life  by hezbollah and the syrian regeme , were made  to him many times  if he speaks against them, they will assassinate him.

  2. josephphdman Avatar

    junblat entitled to his opinion ,  democracy guaratee freedom of speach ; he also  gets credit , for courage ,knowing that threats against his life  by hezbollah and the syrian regeme , were made  to him many times  if he speaks against them, they will assassinate him.

  3. The Druze in Israel enjoy a very high esteem, there are 5 Druze MP’s in the Knesset (some were also deputy ministers) and many Druze generals and high ranking police officers . Most Israelis love the Druze people. 

    1. The Druze in the israeli government do not represent the feelings or attitudes of the majority or Druze in regards to there dislike and disgust at the way the israeli government conducts itself in relation to the appalling conditions it subjects the Palistinian people to everyday. So please don’t insinuate that all the Druze communities around the middle east support or accept the horrible humanitarian and war crimes committed daily by the israeli. I am Druze and I am disgusted and appalled by the actions of this and all previous israeli government actions.

  4. The Druze in Israel enjoy a very high esteem, there are 5 Druze MP’s in the Knesset (some were also deputy ministers) and many Druze generals and high ranking police officers . Most Israelis love the Druze people. 

    1. The Druze in the israeli government do not represent the feelings or attitudes of the majority or Druze in regards to there dislike and disgust at the way the israeli government conducts itself in relation to the appalling conditions it subjects the Palistinian people to everyday. So please don’t insinuate that all the Druze communities around the middle east support or accept the horrible humanitarian and war crimes committed daily by the israeli. I am Druze and I am disgusted and appalled by the actions of this and all previous israeli government actions.

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