Saudi delegation leaves Tunis meeting over "inactivity"


Saudi Arabia’s delegation walked out of a “Friends of Syria” meeting in Tunis on Friday over what it saw as the gathering’s “inactivity”, Saudi-owned Al Arabiya television said, but a Saudi official said it had only left to attend bilateral talks.

The television station said Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal left the meeting after saying in a speech that focusing on humanitarian aid to Syria was “not enough”.

Asked about the report, an aide to the Saudi foreign minister told Reuters: “We left to attend bilateral meetings” on the sidelines of the “Friends of Syria” conference.




10 responses to “Saudi delegation leaves Tunis meeting over "inactivity"”

  1. KSA will lead the Arab funding backed by the U.S and Europe.

  2. KSA will lead the Arab funding backed by the U.S and Europe.

  3. theResistance2 Avatar

    SA is a funny nation wow when it comes to morals and respect of other nations

    that get fumed and walk out of meetings,but god forbid we review there nations

    backward mentality,or the wahhabie school of thought,or how shia cannot be part of

    there goverement,its ok King Faisal walk out with an attitude there will be day soon

    when the so called arab league will be having meetings for “friends of Saudis”

    and planning your exit sir.

    1. i agree with you mate there will be” friends of saudis” but it will be a friends of free iranians as well soon!!

    2.  I think you got it all wrong. They left so they could get drunk and solicit prostitutes before they had to go back to KSA. Acting like they just walked out gave them the actual reason not to be at the meeting and the time to go out and get some…..

  4.  Avatar

    SA is a funny nation wow when it comes to morals and respect of other nations

    that get fumed and walk out of meetings,but god forbid we review there nations

    backward mentality,or the wahhabie school of thought,or how shia cannot be part of

    there goverement,its ok King Faisal walk out with an attitude there will be day soon

    when the so called arab league will be having meetings for “friends of Saudis”

    and planning your exit sir.

    1.  Avatar

      i agree with you mate there will be” friends of saudis” but it will be a friends of free iranians as well soon!!

    2.  I think you got it all wrong. They left so they could get drunk and solicit prostitutes before they had to go back to KSA. Acting like they just walked out gave them the actual reason not to be at the meeting and the time to go out and get some…..

  5. 5thDrawer Avatar

    There’s ALWAYS ‘side-meetings’ …. but at least they stayed for the free lunch … and might be back for dinner.

    Always thought they were kind of cute in their hoodies too ….

  6.  Avatar

    There’s ALWAYS ‘side-meetings’ …. but at least they stayed for the free lunch … and might be back for dinner.

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