Wahhab slams Jumblatt for supporting Anti-Assad protesters


Former minister Wiam Wahhab slammed on Monday Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt for calling on the Druze commmunity to support the Syrian people against the regime of president Bashar al-Assad.

“Is Jumblatt threatening us with a battle between the Druze people similar to the Ain Dara Battle,” Wahhab , a staunch ally of Hezbollah and Syria asked during an interview with New TV, in a reference to 1711 battle which divided the Druze of Lebanon.

Wahhab said that such a conflict is not in the interest of the Druze community.

Jumblatt warned on Monday against attempts to create division among Syria and Lebanon’s Druze population over anti Syrian regime demonstrations.

“Syria’s Druze have a long history of resisting occupiers and they will do so today in the name of liberating their country from oppression,” Jumblatt wrote in his weekly editorial in the al-Anbaa magazine.

“They will not allow some thugs from Mount Lebanon or the Syrian regime to lure them into a trap,” he stressed, in reference to Wahhab who reportedly took Druze fighters from Lebanon to Syria to help the forces loyal to president Bashar a Assad in the crackdown against the pro-democracy protesters

Addressing the Druze, Jumblatt said : “The future belongs to those seeking freedom in Syria…You belong on their side.”

Jumblatt decried the Syrian regime’s promise of reform calling it a “joke” and slammed the major powers for supporting the regime arms, intelligence, and naval vessels.

“Instead of helping the Syrian people end four decades of oppression, these countries are hanging onto the regime at the expense of the country’s unity,” Jumblatt said in reference to the support the regime has been getting from China, Iran and Russia.

He also accused the west of justifying its failures in Syria by blaming the Syrian opposition .

“The West is using the division among the Syrian opposition to justify its failure to recognize it,” Jumblatt added.

According to an estimate by the Local Coordination Committees of Syria, a network of opposition activists over 9,000 people have been killed in the 11 months of Syria’s uprising.

Lebanon’s political scene is split between supporters of Assad’s regime, led by Hezbollah, and the March 14 alliance which is supporting the Syrian opposition

Photo: File photo of Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt ( R) and former minister Wiam Wahhab



16 responses to “Wahhab slams Jumblatt for supporting Anti-Assad protesters”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Hey Wahhab …. shut up! Don’t take us back to some theory about 1771 emulation.
    We have enough trouble with history from 2005 !!!
    And … It’s one of the few sides Jumblatt has been on where he’s (mostly) right. 🙂

  2.  Avatar

    Hey Wahhab …. shut up! Don’t take us back to some theory about 1771 emulation.
    We have enough trouble with history from 2005 !!!
    And … It’s one of the few sides Jumblatt has been on where he’s (mostly) right. 🙂

  3. i’m not a big fan of jumblatt, but he is pretty much the only lebanese leader who is out there defending the syrian people and standing publicly on their side, as far as that idiot wahhab, he doesn’t deserve any wasted time responding to..

    1. antar2011 Avatar

      you are wrong he is not the only lebanese leader defending the syrian pple….

  4.  Avatar

    i’m not a big fan of jumblatt, but he is pretty much the only lebanese leader who is out there defending the syrian people and standing publicly on their side, as far as that idiot wahhab, he doesn’t deserve any wasted time responding to..

    1.  Avatar

      you are wrong he is not the only lebanese leader defending the syrian pple….

  5. Yes,the future belongs to those who believe in freedom,in democracy,,in equality and justice, in the individual ,in human dignity and those who are responsive to change !The future does not belong to the strong who resist change and cling to their power!They will survive, but not for long!!!

  6.  Avatar

    Yes,the future belongs to those who believe in freedom,in democracy,,in equality and justice, in the individual ,in human dignity and those who are responsive to change !The future does not belong to the strong who resist change and cling to their power!They will survive, but not for long!!!

  7. antar2011 Avatar

    i am sure Jumblatt is thinking…who is this…boy…to talk to the Druze community..

    i have read some comments from druze syrian saying not Wahhab nor Jumblatt represents them..

    wahhab has taken up the job of Arslan in dividing the druze community up in the same way Aoun was chosen for this reason among the christian community and also Miqati was chosen for the same reason to divide up the sunni community..

    the Druze are known for their unity….they should do something about this wahhab.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I am sure, Antar, that there are some people with brains in every ‘community’ who don’t agree with the hate precepts of their group. The problem is that they don’t get together with the brains of another community to figure out something rational. It is always the brain-dead confrontationists who shout out their stupidities the loudest.
      Of course, that sells newspapers better too.

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I am sure, Antar, that there are some people with brains in every ‘community’ who don’t agree with the hate precepts of their group. The problem is that they don’t get together with the brains of another community to figure out something rational. It is always the brain-dead confrontationists who shout out their stupidities the loudest.
      Of course, that sells newspapers better too.

  8.  Avatar

    i am sure Jumblatt is thinking…who is this…boy…to talk to the Druze community..

    i have read some comments from druze syrian saying not Wahhab nor Jumblatt represents them..

    wahhab has taken up the job of Arslan in dividing the druze community up in the same way Aoun was chosen for this reason among the christian community and also Miqati was chosen for the same reason to divide up the sunni community..

    the Druze are known for their unity….they should do something about this wahhab.

    1.  Avatar

      I am sure, Antar, that there are some people with brains in every ‘community’ who don’t agree with the hate precepts of their group. The problem is that they don’t get together with the brains of another community to figure out something rational. It is always the brain-dead confrontationists who shout out their stupidities the loudest.
      Of course, that sells newspapers better too.

  9. Patience2 Avatar

    Wahhab … one of  Berri’s ‘warts’ … Jumblatt should be proud to be ‘slammed’ by lowlife like this.  It means that he(Jumblatt) is(for once) doing the right thing.

  10.  Avatar

    Wahhab … one of  Berri’s ‘warts’ … Jumblatt should be proud to be ‘slammed’ by lowlife like this.  It means that he(Jumblatt) is(for once) doing the right thing.

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