Jumblatt: Hezbollah chief should support the Syrian people not Assad


Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblatt told As Safir daily in remarks published on Saturday that Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah should have announced his backing for the Syrian people rather than defending the Assad regime.

“I would have hoped that for Syria’s sake he ( Nasrallah) would have directly addressed (President) Bashar Assad and told him that Syria is more important” than anything else, Jumblatt said

Jumblatt who was referring to Nasrallah’s televised speech last Thursday said “Nasrallah’s “support for the Syrian people is much more important than his support for the regime and its delusional reform promises” and added: “Sayyed Hassan knows what I mean and I don’t want to go into a public confrontation with him about this.”

Jumblatt described as an” illusion” the newly drafted constitution based on which the Syrian authorities have called for a Feb. 26 referendum aimed at ending nearly five decades of Baath Party rule.

“ For the sake of Syria and the resistance, it’s better to accept the international consensus on a U.N. recommendation for the Syrian president to step down,” Jumblatt stressed referring to the UN general Assembly resolution

Jumblatt described the city of Homs as the Stalingrad of Syria. “If it falls, then Syria would fall” and have an unknown fate.

The Battle of Stalingrad ( the city was also known as Leningrad and now St. Petersburg ) is considered by many historians to have been the turning point in World War Two in Europe.The battle at Stalingrad bled the German army dry in Russia and after this defeat, the German Army was in full retreat.



10 responses to “Jumblatt: Hezbollah chief should support the Syrian people not Assad”

  1. He does not have permission from Iran to say such a thing, whoever pays the money plays the music.

  2. He does not have permission from Iran to say such a thing, whoever pays the money plays the music.

  3.  Avatar

    He does not have permission from Iran to say such a thing, whoever pays the money plays the music.

  4. libnani2012 Avatar

    Nasrallah claims that he defeated Israel in 2006.  I have two questions for him 1. if this is true, how come he is not in Tel aviv.  2. and why is he hiding in a cave for the last 6 years.  Is this how winners behave?

  5.  Avatar

    Nasrallah claims that he defeated Israel in 2006.  I have two questions for him 1. if this is true, how come he is not in Tel aviv.  2. and why is he hiding in a cave for the last 6 years.  Is this how winners behave?

    1.  Avatar

      i have 2 answer for you brother
      1. nasarshytan thats his name
      2. Sewage that his home not hiding cave as you said

  6. The AMAL movement of Musa Sadr did bring Israeli solders in Lebanon to fight the Lebanese in 1982. Due to their anti Israeli slogan the Lebanese people forgot that they were Invaded by Iranian Mullah regime through Hezbushaitan. Hezbushaitan is the controlled opposition of Israel. According to the Ex secretary General Hezbushaitan is Israels boder gurad and they prevent any attack on Israel. 

    Since the Iraqi and Afghan resistance started the Hezbushaitans resistance faded away and now if we compare the resistance of Hezbushaitan against Israel with the Iraqi and the Afghan resistance the obvious fake resistance of Hezbushaitan is clear against the tiny Israel. The small Chechen fighters even did better than this fake Irani resistance.The occasional rocket attack and suicide bomb(remote controlled bombed) by hezbushaitan against Israel in fact helped Israel to invade more land and defy any UN resolution under this pretext. How many inches of Land is recovered by Hezbushaitan from Israel for the Palestinians?? ZERO inches more over Israel almost gobbling up the whole palestine. Another stooge in Syria sold the Golan Height to Israel and handed it over by arranging a phony 6 day war!!! 

  7.  Avatar

    The AMAL movement of Musa Sadr did bring Israeli solders in Lebanon to fight the Lebanese in 1982. Due to their anti Israeli slogan the Lebanese people forgot that they were Invaded by Iranian Mullah regime through Hezbushaitan. Hezbushaitan is the controlled opposition of Israel. According to the Ex secretary General Hezbushaitan is Israels boder gurad and they prevent any attack on Israel. 

    Since the Iraqi and Afghan resistance started the Hezbushaitans resistance faded away and now if we compare the resistance of Hezbushaitan against Israel with the Iraqi and the Afghan resistance the obvious fake resistance of Hezbushaitan is clear against the tiny Israel. The small Chechen fighters even did better than this fake Irani resistance.The occasional rocket attack and suicide bomb(remote controlled bombed) by hezbushaitan against Israel in fact helped Israel to invade more land and defy any UN resolution under this pretext. How many inches of Land is recovered by Hezbushaitan from Israel for the Palestinians?? ZERO inches more over Israel almost gobbling up the whole palestine. Another stooge in Syria sold the Golan Height to Israel and handed it over by arranging a phony 6 day war!!! 

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