Lebanon won’t take part in AL’s monitoring mission in Syria


Prime Minister Najib Mikati has decided that Lebanon will not take part in the Arab Leagues’s monitoring mission , aimed at ending the nine months of unrest in Syria, Minister of Foreign Affairs Adnan Mansour announced on Saturday .

Mansour told MTV television that Mikati made this decision after consultations with President Michel Suleiman.

adding that the decision is not politically-motivated.

Lebanon’s political scene is bitterly divided between those who support the Syrian regime and those who support the pro- democracy revolt.

More than 6200 people, mostly civilians, have been killed in the uprising against the Syrian regime since mid-March, according to Human rights organizations.



8 responses to “Lebanon won’t take part in AL’s monitoring mission in Syria”

  1. Of course not, it would interfere with Hezbollah’s operations already in progress… Whats wrong with this picture?

    1. Patience2 Avatar

      What it would be is: Hezbollah monitoring themselves — even THEY are not stupid enough(I think) to believe that anybody would believe their results!

      1. At this point, I wouldn’t put anything past them…
        On a lighter side, Hope your holiday season is treating you safe and well

      2. At this point, I wouldn’t put anything past them…
        On a lighter side, Hope your holiday season is treating you safe and well

  2. Of course not, it would interfere with Hezbollah’s operations already in progress… Whats wrong with this picture?

    1.  Avatar

      What it would be is: Hezbollah monitoring themselves — even THEY are not stupid enough(I think) to believe that anybody would believe their results!

      1. At this point, I wouldn’t put anything past them…
        On a lighter side, Hope your holiday season is treating you safe and well

    2.  Avatar

      What it would be is: Hezbollah monitoring themselves — even THEY are not stupid enough(I think) to believe that anybody would believe their results!

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