Syria says Lebanon warned it of Al-Qaeda infiltration


Syrian Foreign Ministry said that “Beirut warned Damascus that members of Al-Qaeda infiltrated Syria two days ago.”, Free Lebanon Radio reported.

The report comes after twin suicide bombings against security service buildings in Damascus on Friday left over 40 people dead and 100 wounded , in an attack Syria blamed on Al-Qaeda.



12 responses to “Syria says Lebanon warned it of Al-Qaeda infiltration”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Well, Al-Q and Taliban ARE the bomb experts … have managed to kill more of ‘their own’ people than anyone else.
    Setting new records in Iraq now ….
    But does Syria believe what Lebanese tell them? They only took away their tanks and army in 2005, after all ….

    1. Syria had 29 years to infiltrate every nook and cranny of Lebanese society its people & institutions. Assassinations, massacres etc were not done for the “fun” of it!

      For the most part Al Qaida is a mercenary group working for whomever pays it most, It has been known to work for various regimes including Syrian & Iranian. Its victims are mostly the very people it claims to defend!

  2.  Avatar

    Well, Al-Q and Taliban ARE the bomb experts … have managed to kill more of ‘their own’ people than anyone else.
    Setting new records in Iraq now ….
    But does Syria believe what Lebanese tell them? They only took away their tanks and army in 2005, after all ….

    1.  Avatar

      Syria had 29 years to infiltrate every nook and cranny of Lebanese society its people & institutions. Assassinations, massacres etc were not done for the “fun” of it!

      For the most part Al Qaida is a mercenary group working for whomever pays it most, It has been known to work for various regimes including Syrian & Iranian. Its victims are mostly the very people it claims to defend!

  3. They have a lot of experience and I do not think they are in need of warnings!!!

  4.  Avatar

    They have a lot of experience and I do not think they are in need of warnings!!!

  5. LEBANON101 Avatar

    “A Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Friday that Lebanon warned
    two days ago that al-Qaeda had infiltrated into the country.”—-  yeah
    and in 2 days they had time to freely set up two bi bombs and attack 2
    of the most heavily secured buildings . where? in syria where every
    other person is moukhabarat

  6.  Avatar

    “A Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Friday that Lebanon warned
    two days ago that al-Qaeda had infiltrated into the country.”—-  yeah
    and in 2 days they had time to freely set up two bi bombs and attack 2
    of the most heavily secured buildings . where? in syria where every
    other person is moukhabarat

  7. Yeah right! Just few months ago, Al-Qaida was attacking Iraq from Syria. Syrian regime
    has provided safe-haven for all terrorist organizations. This act probably is planned and
    executed by former Syrian’s intelligence members or by the regime itself.

  8.  Avatar

    Yeah right!

  9. LOL…what a joke…LEBANON had to warn SYRIA…yea, right….The world really believes these lies. Lak, ya Bashar, ya “ha’keem”, YOU are the one who is being laughed in all corners of the world. Do you realize you are looked at as a clown, moron, idiot, incompetent imbecile, by the leaders of 99% of ALL the countries in the world???? Imagine that…just about every President of just about every country on Earth, thinks your a real liar and an asshole…Feel good about that too, ya Bashoora….????

  10. LOL…what a joke…LEBANON had to warn SYRIA…yea, right….The world really believes these lies. Lak, ya Bashar, ya “ha’keem”, YOU are the one who is being laughed in all corners of the world. Do you realize you are looked at as a clown, moron, idiot, incompetent imbecile, by the leaders of 99% of ALL the countries in the world???? Imagine that…just about every President of just about every country on Earth, thinks your a real liar and an asshole…Feel good about that too, ya Bashoora….????

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