Jumblatt : Urged the Druze of Syria not to engage in crackdown


Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt accused the Syrian regime of president Bashar al Assad of trying to use the Druze of Syria in its brutal crackdown against the pro-democracy protesters .

Jumblatt on Friday urged the Druze of Syria not to engage in the repression of anti-regime protests, stressing that engaging the Druze in the “acts of killing” is a “historic mistake.”

In an interview with The Majalla weekly magazine , Jumblatt said: The Druze of Jabal al-Arab should not engage in a Syrian axis that is against the (Sunni) majority.” This is in reference to Daraa , a majority Sunni town and the flashpoint of the Syrian uprising. Daraa is adjacent to the Druze stronghold of Jabal al-Arab

“The Syrian regime is using some military recruits from the residents of Jabal al-Arab in acts of killing and repression against the protesters in Homs, Hama and Daraa,” jumblatt said



14 responses to “Jumblatt : Urged the Druze of Syria not to engage in crackdown”

  1. Amine123 Avatar

    Jumblatt you are irrelavant….You can’t control Lebanon Druze

    1. Mosetsfire Avatar

      He’s encouraging his fellow Druze not to be tools to the Syrian regime. I don’t care for Jumblatt either but bravo to him on finally saying something concrete.

      1. Amine123 Avatar

        I agree , but he should stay out of it

      2. disagree! he blows whichever way every other day…he’s a coward and an appeaser just like all those in M8…His opinion shouldnt matter to those Druze in Lebanon anymore, let alone Syrians…Those who have been fighting negative Syrian influence and interference in Lebanon as well as putting their safety at risk for a soveirgn Lebanon dont take ‘breaks’ from the message…they dont flip flop on these fundemental issues…no matter how dangerous and difficult it is! He is not worthy to stand with these men (and women…) nor is he worthy to represent the Druze. tfeh, ALL doors should be closed to these cowards as soon they will try to come crawling back…

    2. Mosetsfire Avatar

      He’s encouraging his fellow Druze not to be tools to the Syrian regime. I don’t care for Jumblatt either but bravo to him on finally saying something concrete.

  2.  Avatar

    Jumblatt you are irrelavant…. just shut the hell up, who are you to tell the Syrian whether they are Sunni , Druze or anything else not to fight for their freedom.. COWARD

    1. He’s encouraging his fellow Druze not to be tools to the Syrian regime. I don’t care for Jumblatt either but bravo to him on finally saying something concrete.

      1.  Avatar

        I misunderstood the article…I should delete my comments, thanks Mohamad

      2.  Avatar

        disagree! he blows whichever way every other day…he’s a coward and an appeaser just like all those in M8…His opinion shouldnt matter to those Druze in Lebanon anymore, let alone Syrians…Those who have been fighting negative Syrian influence and interference in Lebanon as well as putting their safety at risk for a soveirgn Lebanon dont take ‘breaks’ from the message…they dont flip flop on these fundemental issues…no matter how dangerous and difficult it is! He is not worthy to stand with these men (and women…) nor is he worthy to represent the Druze. tfeh, ALL doors should be closed to these cowards as soon they will try to come crawling back…

  3. This is good advice!!!!

  4.  Avatar

    This is good advice!!!!

  5. His word might not affect many but he did what is right. Assad will try to fear monger the minority group against the majority. In this type of incident the Dictators usually create sectarian violence in order to get support from other minorities. If Assad see a unity among the Christians, Druze , Muslims and others then he might do some church bombing blaming on Muslims type of false flag in order to create a rift so this is a dangerous time.I feel most people in what ever religion they are not hostile to another group. Maybe they dislike the other group but not hostile. Its always possible to live together. The thug leader with over ambitiousness like this Allawite dynasty will always create division so none can be organized and stand up against him.  I feel the ordinary Alawites must stay away from Assad too. Because Assad wont last very long. 

  6.  Avatar

    His word might not affect many but he did what is right. Assad will try to fear monger the minority group against the majority. In this type of incident the Dictators usually create sectarian violence in order to get support from other minorities. If Assad see a unity among the Christians, Druze , Muslims and others then he might do some church bombing blaming on Muslims type of false flag in order to create a rift so this is a dangerous time.I feel most people in what ever religion they are not hostile to another group. Maybe they dislike the other group but not hostile. Its always possible to live together. The thug leader with over ambitiousness like this Allawite dynasty will always create division so none can be organized and stand up against him.  I feel the ordinary Alawites must stay away from Assad too. Because Assad wont last very long. 

  7.  Avatar

    His word might not affect many but he did what is right. Assad will try to fear monger the minority group against the majority. In this type of incident the Dictators usually create sectarian violence in order to get support from other minorities. If Assad see a unity among the Christians, Druze , Muslims and others then he might do some church bombing blaming on Muslims type of false flag in order to create a rift so this is a dangerous time.I feel most people in what ever religion they are not hostile to another group. Maybe they dislike the other group but not hostile. Its always possible to live together. The thug leader with over ambitiousness like this Allawite dynasty will always create division so none can be organized and stand up against him.  I feel the ordinary Alawites must stay away from Assad too. Because Assad wont last very long. 

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