Aoun: Cabinet could collapse if same situation continues in Lebanon


Following the Change and Reform bloc’s weekly meeting on Tuesday Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun told reporters that if the situation in Lebanon continues the way it is, then the government will collapse.

“If the situation continues as is, then those who have been demanding the resignation of cabinet have been right. ” Aoun said

He said that the Change and Reform bloc has not decided yet on whether to participate in Wednesday’s cabinet meeting or not .

“We will take the decision tomorrow after lunch,” he said

He went on to explain what happens during a caretaker cabinet

“The resignation of government does not mean that the ministers will stop working , but they will continue their roles until a new cabinet is formed,” he stated.

Aoun’s ministers boycotted a cabinet session earlier this month, and called on the government to carry out several projects that are at a stalemate after Prime Minister Najib Mikati threatened to resign if the cabinet fails to provide its share of funding the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, which is probing the assassination of former Premier Rafik Hariri

Aoun did not indicate what action the bloc will take tomorrow , saying that it will “make a small surprise” every once in a while.

“If the situation is so out of control, then we will step down and we can do so whenever we want,” the MP stressed.

He denied that Marada Movement leader MP Suleiman Franjieh was mediating between the bloc and Prime Minister Najib Mikati in order to end the dispute.

Aoun thanked Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah for supporting his demands and criticized the performance of the government .

“We thank Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah for his support of our demands. We will list the government’s accomplishments from now on. What has this government done in six months besides the funding of the STL? ”

10 out of the 30 ministers in the cabinet represent the Change and Reform bloc.

In an indirect reference to President Michel Suleiman, Aoun said: “Others should understand that we represent the people and we will not hand over power to those who don’t have proper representation.”

“We are working for the whole of Lebanon and they should protest whenever we discriminate against anyone,” he remarked.



41 responses to “Aoun: Cabinet could collapse if same situation continues in Lebanon”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Hmmm … maybe the desires of the people are getting to them through the ministers?? Some water and electricity perhaps ?? Maybe ?? Some year soon??

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Hmmm … maybe the desires of the people are getting to them through the ministers?? Some water and electricity perhaps ?? Maybe ?? Some year soon??

  3.  Avatar

    Hmmm … maybe the desires of the people are getting to them through the ministers?? Some water and electricity perhaps ?? Maybe ?? Some year soon??

  4. An appearance for you makes us smile
    No doubt you are ahead
    of the pack by a mile
    Your absolute commitment to the people is always the
    number1 file
    You make your decisions after lunch with a glass of wine
    Lebanon enemies
    are scared because the peoples support comes in a big PILE

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Liban1. We know that’s for fun.
      But we know the pile is not #1
      Though you might think it wine
      What falls on heads is not fine.
      The pile grows by a mile
      And you think it’s a smile?
      Well, only words are not ‘do’.
      Ears and now nose tell. It’s #2.


  5.  Avatar

    An appearance for you makes us smile
    No doubt you are ahead
    of the pack by a mile
    Your absolute commitment to the people is always the
    number1 file
    You make your decisions after lunch with a glass of wine
    Lebanon enemies
    are scared because the peoples support comes in a big PILE

  6.  Avatar

    An appearance for you makes us smile
    No doubt you are ahead
    of the pack by a mile
    Your absolute commitment to the people is always the
    number1 file
    You make your decisions after lunch with a glass of wine
    Lebanon enemies
    are scared because the peoples support comes in a big PILE

    1.  Avatar

      Liban1. We know that’s for fun.
      But we know the pile is not #1
      Though you might think it wine
      What falls on heads is not fine.
      The pile grows by a mile
      And you think it’s a smile?
      Well, only words are not ‘do’.
      Ears and now nose tell. It’s #2.


  7. josephphdman Avatar

    this governement is wortless needs to resign , any governement in the world respect itself doesnt allow gangs and criminals to fire katucha on other people using its land , the war matters should only be authorize by the legal elected governement ,by lebaneese people and no one else . about aoun i agree with him on this one for the cabinet to resign ,but that does,nt change that he is a criminal who commited many crimes against lebaneese civilian and he should be prosecuted for those crimes

  8.  Avatar

    this governement is wortless needs to resign , any governement in the world respect itself doesnt allow gangs and criminals to fire katucha on other people using its land , the war matters should only be authorize by the legal elected governement ,by lebaneese people and no one else .

  9.  Avatar

    this governement is wortless needs to resign , any governement in the world respect itself doesnt allow gangs and criminals to fire katucha on other people using its land , the war matters should only be authorize by the legal elected governement ,by lebaneese people and no one else .

  10. antar2011 Avatar

    what cabinet? do we really have a cabinet or do we have a bunch of money grabbers with big mouths talking the talk but not doing the walk.

    1. We’ve seen your walk and heard your talk, ooops I mean your backward walk and the STL talk….. 20 years from now Lebanon will be in much better shape than where we got it. He has to reverse the damage the Farteen had caused before we can see improvement. It’s coming watch out.

      1. kamille1 Avatar

        the only thing coming that we have to watch out for is the complete destruction of our lebanon..this guy aoun was born to do just that. “He has to reverse the damage the Farteen had caused before we can see improvement.” there is no way you can be serious???? since aoun and his band took over the government, lebanon is losing his credit standing, the growth of the economy has come to a halt, the electricity is worth, crime is unstopable, lebanese are leaving the country in scores and even the so called tourists are taking a break, and to top it off aoun is the opposition to his own government, that’s a record, i have never heard of that in my a bunch of losers him and his supporters.

      2. antar2011 Avatar

        this govt is 5 months old. what good thig has it doe to the country?

        Aoun has majority of ministers in it…it has done absolutely nothing other then arguing and bickerring between themselves and of course you kow the reason…

      3. antar2011 Avatar

        of course it is coming i am more optimistic then you are especially when i am seeing FPM is confused lost and without a friend….ohhh

  11. antar2011 Avatar

    what cabinet? do we really have a cabinet or do we have a bunch of money grabbers with big mouths talking the talk but not doing the walk.

  12.  Avatar

    what cabinet? do we really have a cabinet or do we have a bunch of money grabbers with big mouths talking the talk but not doing the walk.

    1.  Avatar

      We’ve seen your walk and heard your talk, ooops I mean your backward walk and the STL talk….. 20 years from now Lebanon will be in much better shape than where we got it. He has to reverse the damage the Farteen had caused before we can see improvement. It’s coming watch out.

      1.  Avatar

        the only thing coming that we have to watch out for is the complete destruction of our lebanon..this guy aoun was born to do just that. “He has to reverse the damage the Farteen had caused before we can see improvement.” there is no way you can be serious???? since aoun and his band took over the government, lebanon is losing his credit standing, the growth of the economy has come to a halt, the electricity is worth, crime is unstopable, lebanese are leaving the country in scores and even the so called tourists are taking a break, and to top it off aoun is the opposition to his own government, that’s a record, i have never heard of that in my a bunch of losers him and his supporters.

      2.  Avatar

        this govt is 5 months old. what good thig has it doe to the country?

        Aoun has majority of ministers in it…it has done absolutely nothing other then arguing and bickerring between themselves and of course you kow the reason…

      3.  Avatar

        of course it is coming i am more optimistic then you are especially when i am seeing FPM is confused lost and without a friend….ohhh

      4.  Avatar

        of course it is coming i am more optimistic then you are especially when i am seeing FPM is confused lost and without a friend….ohhh

    2.  Avatar

      We’ve seen your walk and heard your talk, ooops I mean your backward walk and the STL talk….. 20 years from now Lebanon will be in much better shape than where we got it. He has to reverse the damage the Farteen had caused before we can see improvement. It’s coming watch out.

  13. HAHA!!! what an A-hole!
    “We thank Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah for his support of our
    demands. We will list the government’s accomplishments from now on. What
    has this government done in six months besides the funding of the STL? ”

    Exactly moron what have you done??? The took over by force, and did nothing and now what? oh ya! blame the opposition or ANYBODY but yourself….what a fuckin failure, Aoun and his supporters are the lowest form of scum that Lebanon has ever produced (I dare say even more so than HA….or maybe equally as scummy)

    1. Fadi, be patient wait and see. The big kahuna is at work, we may call us scums but we are proud Lebanese scums and we represent 70% of the Christians. You definitively can’t say that.  

      1. say what? you represent 70% of the Christians??? where do you get this figure from lol? Every Christian Leb I know is critical of Aoun to say the least…Besides its not a Christian or religious thing but rather about morals and honour and BALLS something Aoun and his supporters have none of…Every week these retards contradict themselves…its actually sad and pathetic how low this M8 Aoun disaster has gotten…

      2. MeYosemite Avatar

        Libnan1: simple question to you. Are you for lebanon or for the syria big Arab dream? Wait and see what? What outcome are you referring to?

        1. I can answer this one:

          wait and see what outcome? dont even ask him as he doesn’t even know! Just like all Aoun supporters, they dont even know what tomorrow will bring lol! They subscribe to a surprise bag of utter failures…He says wait and see because thats what he is doing, nobody knows what flip-flop contradiction will come next….(but ask them and its all part of the plan…) What a sad joke.

      3. I have to agree with Fadi81…no way Aoun represents 70% of us Christians… are exaggerating my friend…Aoun sold his soul to Syria and Hizbullah in exchange for the Presidency of Lebanon, and they turned their backs on him. Please, do not insult our intelligence…nor your own, as well…

      4. josephphdman Avatar

        if you support the devil , you either stupid ,ignorant,or another devil

      5. You know the eventuality is they will have to be removed by force if necessary..:-/

  14.  Avatar

    HAHA!!! what an A-hole!
    “We thank Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah for his support of our
    demands. We will list the government’s accomplishments from now on. What
    has this government done in six months besides the funding of the STL? ”

    Exactly moron what have you done??? The took over by force, and did nothing and now what? oh ya! blame the opposition or ANYBODY but yourself….what a fuckin failure, Aoun and his supporters are the lowest form of scum that Lebanon has ever produced (I dare say even more so than HA….or maybe equally as scummy)

    1.  Avatar

      Fadi, be patient wait and see. The big kahuna is at work, we may call us scums but we are proud Lebanese scums and we represent 70% of the Christians. You definitively can’t say that.  

      1.  Avatar

        say what? you represent 70% of the Christians??? where do you get this figure from lol? Every Christian Leb I know is critical of Aoun to say the least…Besides its not a Christian or religious thing but rather about morals and honour and BALLS something Aoun and his supporters have none of…Every week these retards contradict themselves…its actually sad and pathetic how low this M8 Aoun disaster has gotten…

      2.  Avatar

        Libnan1: simple question to you. Are you for lebanon or for the syria big Arab dream? Wait and see what? What outcome are you referring to?

        1.  Avatar

          I can answer this one:

          wait and see what outcome? dont even ask him as he doesn’t even know! Just like all Aoun supporters, they dont even know what tomorrow will bring lol! They subscribe to a surprise bag of utter failures…He says wait and see because thats what he is doing, nobody knows what flip-flop contradiction will come next….(but ask them and its all part of the plan…) What a sad joke.

      3. I have to agree with Fadi81…no way Aoun represents 70% of us Christians… are exaggerating my friend…Aoun sold his soul to Syria and Hizbullah in exchange for the Presidency of Lebanon, and they turned their backs on him. Please, do not insult our intelligence…nor your own, as well…

      4.  Avatar

        if you support the devil , you either stupid ,ignorant,or another devil

      5.  Avatar

        if you support the devil , you either stupid ,ignorant,or another devil

      6. No your not.The cave dweller is..
        You know the eventuality is they will have to be removed by force if necessary..:-/

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