Verbal war escalates between Aoun, Mikati


Earlier today the cabinet session was boycotted  by the minsters  of the  Change and Reform bloc which is headed by MP Michel Aoun . Aoun later told OTV in a phone interview that his ministers boycotted the cabinet session in response to Mikati’s interview with LBC .

Lebanon’s Prime Minister Najib Mikati told LBC on Thursday that he would resign if his government fails to secure funding for a UN-backed court set up to probe the February 14, 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

“I refuse to be in the post where Lebanon fails to commit to its international obligations … I think by resigning, I would protect Lebanon,” he told LBC television.

November   30 is  the date that was  set for the cabinet session which will discuss the STL funding

Aoun also accused Mikati of dictating the agenda of the ministerial sessions

Mikati responded by attacking Aoun and reminding him of article  64 of the constitution which is based on the Taef accord and which stipulates that the prime minister is the one that calls for  cabinet meetings and sets the agenda of all meetings after consultations with the president .

Aoun responded during a dinner in Jbeil that a person who is scared about his wealth cannot run the country  and instead should move aside and allow the poor people to rule .

Mikati was listed by Forbes as the richest man in Lebanon with over $2.5 Billion in assets .

The STL has been a topic of contention in Lebanon with the ruling coalition led by Shiite armed group Hezbollah rejecting any attempt to fund Lebanon’s share of the court.

In late June, the UN-backed court indicted four members of Hezbollah for alleged roles in Hariri’s assassination. The group denies any involvement in the case and refuses to cooperate with the court.

One observer told Ya Libnan. “Hezbollah is behind the verbal war between Aoun and Mikati “. He added” they are using Aoun because they are afraid to directly upset Mikati and force him to quit at a time when he may be the only legitimate Sunni leader that may be willing to serve in a cabinet that is dominated by the party and also because this cabinet is very important for the Syrian regime specially because Arab sanctions may be implemented at any time “.



24 responses to “Verbal war escalates between Aoun, Mikati”

  1. beyondreason1022 Avatar

    Lebanon is circus and will continue…

    1. Only as long as Lebanon allows Hezbollah and Iran and Syria to run the show.. They are 100% responsible for why Lebanon is against the wall with the rest of the world and hasn’t progressed 5 minutes since they took over.In fact, thanks to the war they started, your already what 4-5 years behind? Some freedom fighters you have there….
      You should sell the leaders out to the mossad, and deport the rest back to Iran.. Dont worry, get them out and they wont come back cause were going to hit them hard in a couple months and Iran will be finished, they just dont know whats coming. (hopefully along with Assad’s crew and Hamas n Islamic Jihad and the rest of the homicidal murdering scumbag agents of the mullahs..)

    2. Only as long as Lebanon allows Hezbollah and Iran and Syria to run the show.. They are 100% responsible for why Lebanon is against the wall with the rest of the world and hasn’t progressed 5 minutes since they took over.In fact, thanks to the war they started, your already what 4-5 years behind? Some freedom fighters you have there….
      You should sell the leaders out to the mossad, and deport the rest back to Iran.. Dont worry, get them out and they wont come back cause were going to hit them hard in a couple months and Iran will be finished, they just dont know whats coming. (hopefully along with Assad’s crew and Hamas n Islamic Jihad and the rest of the homicidal murdering scumbag agents of the mullahs..)

  2.  Avatar

    Lebanon is circus and will continue…

    1. Only as long as Lebanon allows Hezbollah and Iran and Syria to run the show.. They are 100% responsible for why Lebanon is against the wall with the rest of the world and hasn’t progressed 5 minutes since they took over.In fact, thanks to the war they started, your already what 4-5 years behind? Some freedom fighters you have there….
      You should sell the leaders out to the mossad, and deport the rest back to Iran.. Dont worry, get them out and they wont come back cause were going to hit them hard in a couple months and Iran will be finished, they just dont know whats coming. (hopefully along with Assad’s crew and Hamas n Islamic Jihad and the rest of the homicidal murdering scumbag agents of the mullahs..)

  3. When reason weakens and fails, ¨verbal war escalates ¨!!

    1. Samir Younes Avatar
      Samir Younes

      Just as what happened recently in a direct TV debate between the loyalists and the opposition where the debate ended in a find in front the whole nation. Congratulations for this development of the free thought in the country…

    2. Samir Younes Avatar
      Samir Younes

      Just as what happened recently in a direct TV debate between the loyalists and the opposition where the debate ended in a find in front the whole nation. Congratulations for this development of the free thought in the country…

  4.  Avatar

    When reason weakens and fails, ¨verbal war escalates ¨!!

    1. Samir Younes Avatar
      Samir Younes

      Just as what happened recently in a direct TV debate between the loyalists and the opposition where the debate ended in a find in front the whole nation. Congratulations for this development of the free thought in the country…

    2. Samir Younes Avatar
      Samir Younes

      Just as what happened recently in a direct TV debate between the loyalists and the opposition where the debate ended in a find in front the whole nation. Congratulations for this development of the free thought in the country…

  5. Samir Younes Avatar
    Samir Younes

    You are certainly right about Mr Aoun to be the puppet of Hezbollah. Every so-called politician in Lebanon is a puppet of somebody else. And the most unfortunate is that these politicians or parties in Lebanon never think about the best of of their own people. They are simply hired by foreign countries.

  6. Samir Younes Avatar
    Samir Younes

    You are certainly right about Mr Aoun to be the puppet of Hezbollah. Every so-called politician in Lebanon is a puppet of somebody else. And the most unfortunate is that these politicians or parties in Lebanon never think about the best of of their own people. They are simply hired by foreign countries.

  7. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Aoun is telling Mikati to ‘let the poor people rule’ ???
     And this after he got close and chummy with the ‘party’ of 2 seats – that took away their election results ???
    What an ass!
    And why do they ‘debate’ in separate places and through separate media reports on various days?? Are they not supposed to ALL BE IN CABINET to do these things?? No-one is running things for sure …. but Mikati is right to quote the constitution – as weird as it might be.
    No wonder the country CANNOT function. And a 5-day countdown begins …

    1. My friend this man ca’t live by the constitution ,look at his past , in 1988 by constitution he was only suppose to oversee the presidential election ( Houkoumat Tasrif aamal) ,so what he did ,he proclaimed himself as a defacto dictator at that time. When Mouawad was elected he was suppose to leave and he didnt and caused his death , it wasn’t up to Aoun to decide if Mouawad is legitimate or not. This man is what you call in Araic , Rajel Ghaougagi” . Syria dreamed to storm the defense minstry for years and Sarkis little army stopped Syrian tanks in 1978 from pushing 1 meter , and we have Aoun in 1990 allowing them to enter the presidential palace ,the ministry of defense, he tool arm from Syria to fight the LF and offer them Habib El Chartouni if they dont remove him. Watch the series made by El Jazire ” Lebanon War ” ,if you need i can send you the link.Elias Sarkis several time was pushed by the Syrian to finsih with Bashir and refused , and one thing the Lebanese don’t know that Syria an Tony Frangie planned an assassination of Elias Sarkis, it was motivate by drugs and by politics  here is the link about the Canadian investigator who revealed the plot to Kill Elias Sarkis
      To our misery that Aoun followers or whoever left that still follow him are people who like dictatorship!!!

  8. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Aoun is telling Mikati to ‘let the poor people rule’ ???
     And this after he got close and chummy with the ‘party’ of 2 seats – that took away their election results ???
    What an ass!
    And why do they ‘debate’ in separate places and through separate media reports on various days?? Are they not supposed to ALL BE IN CABINET to do these things?? No-one is running things for sure …. but Mikati is right to quote the constitution – as weird as it might be.
    No wonder the country CANNOT function. And a 5-day countdown begins …

  9.  Avatar

    Aoun is telling Mikati to ‘let the poor people rule’ ???
     And this after he got close and chummy with the ‘party’ of 2 seats – that took away their election results ???
    What an ass!
    And why do they ‘debate’ in separate places and through separate media reports on various days?? Are they not supposed to ALL BE IN CABINET to do these things?? No-one is running things for sure …. but Mikati is right to quote the constitution – as weird as it might be.
    No wonder the country CANNOT function. And a 5-day countdown begins …

    1. My friend this man ca’t live by the constitution ,look at his past , in 1988 by constitution he was only suppose to oversee the presidential election ( Houkoumat Tasrif aamal) ,so what he did ,he proclaimed himself as a defacto dictator at that time. When Mouawad was elected he was suppose to leave and he didnt and caused his death , it wasn’t up to Aoun to decide if Mouawad is legitimate or not. This man is what you call in Araic , Rajel Ghaougagi” . Syria dreamed to storm the defense minstry for years and Sarkis little army stopped Syrian tanks in 1978 from pushing 1 meter , and we have Aoun in 1990 allowing them to enter the presidential palace ,the ministry of defense, he tool arm from Syria to fight the LF and offer them Habib El Chartouni if they dont remove him. Watch the series made by El Jazire ” Lebanon War ” ,if you need i can send you the link.Elias Sarkis several time was pushed by the Syrian to finsih with Bashir and refused , and one thing the Lebanese don’t know that Syria an Tony Frangie planned an assassination of Elias Sarkis, it was motivate by drugs and by politics  here is the link about the Canadian investigator who revealed the plot to Kill Elias Sarkis
      To our misery that Aoun followers or whoever left that still follow him are people who like dictatorship!!!

  10.  Avatar

    Aoun is telling Mikati to ‘let the poor people rule’ ???
     And this after he got close and chummy with the ‘party’ of 2 seats – that took away their election results ???
    What an ass!
    And why do they ‘debate’ in separate places and through separate media reports on various days?? Are they not supposed to ALL BE IN CABINET to do these things?? No-one is running things for sure …. but Mikati is right to quote the constitution – as weird as it might be.
    No wonder the country CANNOT function. And a 5-day countdown begins …

  11. Patience2 Avatar

    Aoun(Mr. Potty-Mouth) opens up and all nearby must pinch their noses.

  12.  Avatar

    Aoun(Mr. Potty-Mouth) opens up and all nearby must pinch their noses.

  13. Aoun the question is ,what are you going to do when the Assassin(s) regim in Syria fall ?Well I can predict ,  if you ever watched  the movie “Forrest Gump” , it will be the same for you, “Run Aoun Run” . The latest pictures of you shows without doubt that you are sick of something, so hopefully you’ll die from Natural causes , because you are going to run like a mad man ( actually not like cause you are beyond mad ) after Assad fall but you ‘ll not find a place to hide !!!!

  14. Aoun the question is ,what are you going to do when the Assassin(s) regim in Syria fall ?Well I can predict ,  if you ever watched  the movie “Forrest Gump” , it will be the same for you, “Run Aoun Run” . The latest pictures of you shows without doubt that you are sick of something, so hopefully you’ll die from Natural causes , because you are going to run like a mad man ( actually not like cause you are beyond mad ) after Assad fall but you ‘ll not find a place to hide !!!!

  15. Aoun the question is ,what are you going to do when the Assassin(s) regim in Syria fall ?Well I can predict ,  if you ever watched  the movie “Forrest Gump” , it will be the same for you, “Run Aoun Run” . The latest pictures of you shows without doubt that you are sick of something, so hopefully you’ll die from Natural causes , because you are going to run like a mad man ( actually not like cause you are beyond mad ) after Assad fall but you ‘ll not find a place to hide !!!!

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