Syrian FM: Problems in Syria are our own and we will solve them


Speaking Sunday at press conference in Damascus shortly after the Arab League rejected Syria’s proposed amendments at AL peace plan to end the country’s unrest, Syria’s foreign minister Walid al-Moallem questioned Arab League’s right to impose sanction on Syria and said some Arab parties want to use the Arab League as a tool to reach UN Security Council. A possible reference to what happened in the Libyan situation.

Moallem said Sunday the proposed Arab League mission gave excessive authority to the observers and violated Syria’s sovereignty. He denied Damascus had sought to restrict the observers’ movement within Syria, but declined to give further details.

“The Arab League’s protocol disregards any coordination with the Syrian side… We dealt positively with the proposed protocol, despite it containing terms that were impossible to implement.” Moallem declared on Sunday.

He added “Problems in Syria are our own and we will solve them in Syria.”

He said Syria will send a reply to the Arab League secretary general asking for clarifications on why the proposed amendments were rejected, because what is happening in Syria “Syria cannot afford reactionary actions or rushing to answers.”

“Arab commission will be allowed to meet with opposition members in Syria.” he added.

Moallem downplayed the expiry of the Arab deadline, saying an agreement is still possible‎.

When asked if opposition would accompany monitors, Muallem said “No one can take the role of the Syrian state or duties.”

Debating journalists at press conference, Moallem indicated “Pressures we are facing are not only Arab or Muslim. They are American and European pressures.”

When asked about Lebanon political affect at Syria, Syrian FM answered “Lebanon is a brotherly country and it has a special relation with Syria and I don’t want to say anything else so that I don’t get misinterpreted. There are sides in Lebanon claiming to be an opposition, but there are unchangeable facts.” A possible reference to the complete domination of the Lebanese government by its ally , Hezbollah.

He said that Syria does not need any logistical support from any Arab country and is coordinating all its actions with its Russian friends.

Answering about reports that predict a civil war in Syria, Moallem refuted all Turkish and U.S. statements and stressed “Our people are capable of defending themselves and there won’t be a civil war.”

“We have not arrived at the situation of a civil war yet and I hope we never do. We are fighting armed insurgents.” he concluded.

DP , agencies



2 responses to “Syrian FM: Problems in Syria are our own and we will solve them”

  1. You are fighting against the free Syrian army. The armed insurgents are from Iran and Hezbullah as the ex Iranian president Abulhassan bani sadr said about their involvement in Syria long before. Now if you hire these armed gang to kill your own people and insist on your own army to shoot the Syrians then only the psycho Alawite and your hired thugs will act happily. Thats what happened and now you are facing a little counter attack. Your Russian friends ? Russias only true allie in the middle east is Israel because one out of every seven Israelis is Russian! Russian base in Syria is to protect Israel and their puppets ofcourse.Israel is home to the world’s largest diaspora of Russian speakers outside of non-Russian-speaking countries. Due to demand from the new immigrants, many Russian language newspapers appeared, and with the development of the multichannel television in Israel during the 1990s, many Russian channels started being rebroadcast in Israel. In November 2002, a new Israeli-Russian channel, Israel Plus, emerged. The Khazars in russia who converted to Judaism in the 8th century are all Russian  origin no matter where ever they stay. How can they be your friend? 

  2.  Avatar

    You are fighting against the free Syrian army. The armed insurgents are from Iran and Hezbullah as the ex Iranian president Abulhassan bani sadr said about their involvement in Syria long before. Now if you hire these armed gang to kill your own people and insist on your own army to shoot the Syrians then only the psycho Alawite and your hired thugs will act happily. Thats what happened and now you are facing a little counter attack. Your Russian friends ? Russias only true allie in the middle east is Israel because one out of every seven Israelis is Russian! Russian base in Syria is to protect Israel and their puppets ofcourse.Israel is home to the world’s largest diaspora of Russian speakers outside of non-Russian-speaking countries. Due to demand from the new immigrants, many Russian language newspapers appeared, and with the development of the multichannel television in Israel during the 1990s, many Russian channels started being rebroadcast in Israel. In November 2002, a new Israeli-Russian channel, Israel Plus, emerged. The Khazars in russia who converted to Judaism in the 8th century are all Russian  origin no matter where ever they stay. How can they be your friend? 

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