Mansour kept Mikati in the dark over Lebanon vote


Lebanon Prime Minister Nagib Mikati told the ambassadors of the Arabian Gulf states that he was not aware that Lebanon voted against the Arab League resolution to suspend Syria’s membership , al Hayat newspaper reported.

Al Hayat also reported that Mikati told the ambassadors that Lebanese Foreign Affairs minister Adnan Mansor has taken the decision to vote against the measure without consulting with him.

During his visit to Tripoli on Monday Mikati whose cabinet is controlled by Hezbollah tried to justify the vote by saying ” Arab countries “understand” Lebanon’s position at the Arab League meeting on Saturday”, National News Agency quoted him as saying .

“Lebanon’s position regarding what is happening in Syria was taken in a way that takes into consideration the exceptional historic and geographic ties between Lebanon and Syria and which our brotherly Arabs understand.” He added

The Arab League voted Saturday to suspend Syria’s membership in the organization and warned that the country could face sanctions if it did not end its crackdown against anti-government protesters.

Syria, Yemen and Lebanon voted against the measure, while Iraq abstained.

The Lebanese leaders are divided over Lebanon’s vote

Mansour who is a member of the Amal movement a close ally of the Iranian and Syrian backed Hezbollah militant group said on Saturday during the Arab League foreign ministers’ meeting in Cairo that he objected to the League’s decision to suspend Syria because the “decision has dangerous repercussions for Syria and the region.”



17 responses to “Mansour kept Mikati in the dark over Lebanon vote”

  1. MeYosemite Avatar

    So the next step is to fire the ambassador, quit, or we don’t believe you.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      They brought him into the mess, and out of a very comfortable career, to be a figurehead ???

  2.  Avatar

    So the next step is to fire the ambassador, quit, or we don’t believe you.

    1.  Avatar

      They brought him into the mess, and out of a very comfortable career, to be a figurehead ???

  3. antar2011 Avatar

    i donn’t believe him.

    1. Neither do I.

  4.  Avatar

    i donn’t believe him.

    1.  Avatar

      Neither do I.

  5. what a stooge! this is no surprise, he bows in fear when HA or Syria tells him too. Time for the Lebanese men to come out and take control…these spineless cowards are too scared to defend Lebanon, they’d rather side with the devil and claim its safer on the darkside..

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      You FORGOT the WOMEN again …

      1. ooops…Yes of course the WOMEN too! Nothing is more assertive and powerful than Lebanese women that’s for sure 🙂

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Absolutely. 😉  Good boy.  🙂  

  6.  Avatar

    what a stooge! this is no surprise, he bows in fear when HA or Syria tells him too. Time for the Lebanese men to come out and take control…these spineless cowards are too scared to defend Lebanon, they’d rather side with the devil and claim its safer on the darkside..

    1.  Avatar

      You FORGOT the WOMEN again …

      1.  Avatar

        ooops…Yes of course the WOMEN too! Nothing is more assertive and powerful than Lebanese women that’s for sure 🙂

        1.  Avatar

          Absolutely. 😉  Good boy.  🙂  

        2.  Avatar

          Absolutely. 😉  Good boy.  🙂  

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