Golan sold to Israel before 67 war by Assad’s father, uncle?


Dr. Mahmoud Jame’, a close friend to late Egyptian President Anwar Sadat has recently raised an interesting issue when he said that Sadat was briefed on the secret that the Golan Heights were actually sold to Israel in ahead of the 1967 War in exchange for US$100 million.

Dr. Jame’, a member of the first Consultative Council in Egypt, and author of the book “I Knew Sadat”, said that the money was received by Rifaat al-Assad and his brother Hafez Assad, the former Syrian president. The check was deposited in a Swiss bank.

Jame’ went on to say that, “one morning Sadat took me with him in private and without a guard to the (Syrian part of the) Golan Heights, and I swear by the Almighty God that he put his hand on my shoulder and as we were standing on the Golan Heights, he told me literally: Look Mahmoud This is the Golan, can any power seize it so easily, even if it is Israel?” And Jame’ said, “I said to Sadat this is impossible, he said to me I will tell you a dangerous secret, the Golan Heights were purchased by Israel for $100 million. The check was received by both Hafez and Rifaat al-Assad and deposited in their accounts in a Swiss bank.”

The price in return was that Syrian Defense Minister at the time, Hafez Assad, order the Syrian forces to withdraw immediately from the Golan Heights in the June 1967 war without firing a single shot and handing it over to Israel. “This story and my testimony of this event, has been kept secret for many years until1999, when I alluded in the book “I Knew Sadat” to the incident without revealing the full details. In 2006, when I was hosted by Almihwar channel, I provided the full details frankly, to the extent that even Moataz was stunned,” the Egyptian writer said.

“The next day, Almihwar hosted Mr. Amin Gemayel, Lebanon’s former president, and the subject was raised with him. He supported my words. Then the Beirut-based Future channel tried to invite me to Beirut to discuss the subject, but I apologized, and refused,” he added.

Syrian sources dismiss the Egyptian writer’s claims. They claim this “baseless” story is part of a smear campaign against the Assad regime.




55 responses to “Golan sold to Israel before 67 war by Assad’s father, uncle?”

  1. Wow, I believe it, those mobsters will sell their mother for a buck

  2.  Avatar

    Wow, I believe it, those mobsters will sell their mother for a buck

  3. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    well that explains it why Assad never raised a gun at Israel in since him and his son came to power. Where is Wikileaks when you need them lol. time to dig up that swiss bank and see i guess. The Assad family always been tough with Lebanon and on their own people. otherwise they’re cowards toward Israel from day one since they came to Power. Of course Hezbollah the number one terrorist group in the world is always obliged to sacrifice Lebanon for Syria and Iran. So why should Assad fight any wars other than utter words of war and never act on it. Then you have the Clown Aoun who sold his people to the highest bidders Iran and Hezbollah and Syria.. The whore of the middle east he is and his followers are as Dumb as they come..

    1. Nagi, You sound like you haven’t had any Columbian action lately …:) Aoun is the CROWN of Lebanon.

      1. nagy_michael2 Avatar

        yah why don’t ask the clown to protect the Christians in Jubeil and bring home the soldiers whom Syria abducted and tourturing in their jails. i have lots of action on weekly basis and i have time i would do it daily lol.
        looks like the Bitch Nassrallah is itching for a fight lately and he is the one who is not getting any actions.
        it seems like 1/2 of the spies are members of Hezbollah. and some are aounist too.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Would be best if everyone just ignores him. Man standing with chess-board but no-one playing the other side. See what kind of ‘tantrum’ he would throw then, that ‘Man-of-God’.

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Would be best if everyone just ignores him. Man standing with chess-board but no-one playing the other side. See what kind of ‘tantrum’ he would throw then, that ‘Man-of-God’.

      2. libnan1: Aoun is the “Crown” of Lebanon”?? You must be either deaf, dumb or blind, with all due respect to the deaf, dumb and blind. If he is the “Crown” of Lebanon, does that make you the “Clown” of Lebanon….:)

        1. hamid_farah Avatar

          Aoun is the Crown of Nassrallah and Iran allright. and the pope of the Middle East do not forget that.. And he is definitely the Sweetest Whore March 8th could have.. he is defender of the Islamic Republic of Iran but no the christians in his backyard in Jubeil. He does not defend the army when it goes into Hezbollah area but he will fight hard if someone else attacks the army. he tells the army HA is off limit and its okay if Hezbollah shoots at Lebanese army. what a crockpot Aoun is. Mark my word Aoun will be hanged with his son-in-law Bassil within a year time. The syrian army will split and will take over most of Syria back and Hezbollah will suffer heavy losses not just from the Israelis but also from Lebanese and Syrian too. the end of Hezbollah is coming near.. brace yourselves for changes my brothers and sisters and this time it could be good.

    2. Nagi, You sound like you haven’t had any Columbian action lately …:) Aoun is the CROWN of Lebanon.

      1. libnan1: Aoun is the “Crown” of Lebanon”?? You must be either deaf, dumb or blind, with all due respect to the deaf, dumb and blind. If he is the “Crown” of Lebanon, does that make you the “Clown” of Lebanon….:)

  4.  Avatar

    well that explains it why Assad never raised a gun at Israel in since him and his son came to power. Where is Wikileaks when you need them lol. time to dig up that swiss bank and see i guess. The Assad family always been tough with Lebanon and on their own people. otherwise they’re cowards toward Israel from day one since they came to Power. Of course Hezbollah the number one terrorist group in the world is always obliged to sacrifice Lebanon for Syria and Iran. So why should Assad fight any wars other than utter words of war and never act on it. Then you have the Clown Aoun who sold his people to the highest bidders Iran and Hezbollah and Syria.. The whore of the middle east he is and his followers are as Dumb as they come..

    1.  Avatar

      You sound like you haven’t had any Columbian action lately …:) Aoun is the CROWN of Lebanon.

      1.  Avatar

        yah why don’t ask the clown to protect the Christians in Jubeil and bring home the soldiers whom Syria abducted and tourturing in their jails. i have lots of action on weekly basis and i have time i would do it daily lol.
        looks like the Bitch Nassrallah is itching for a fight lately and he is the one who is not getting any actions.
        it seems like 1/2 of the spies are members of Hezbollah. and some are aounist too.

        1.  Avatar

          Would be best if everyone just ignores him. Man standing with chess-board but no-one playing the other side. See what kind of ‘tantrum’ he would throw then, that ‘Man-of-God’.

      2. libnan1: Aoun is the “Crown” of Lebanon”?? You must be either deaf, dumb or blind, with all due respect to the deaf, dumb and blind. If he is the “Crown” of Lebanon, does that make you the “Clown” of Lebanon….:)

        1.  Avatar

          Aoun is the Crown of Nassrallah and Iran allright. and the pope of the Middle East do not forget that.. And he is definitely the Sweetest Whore March 8th could have.. he is defender of the Islamic Republic of Iran but no the christians in his backyard in Jubeil. He does not defend the army when it goes into Hezbollah area but he will fight hard if someone else attacks the army. he tells the army HA is off limit and its okay if Hezbollah shoots at Lebanese army. what a crockpot Aoun is. Mark my word Aoun will be hanged with his son-in-law Bassil within a year time. The syrian army will split and will take over most of Syria back and Hezbollah will suffer heavy losses not just from the Israelis but also from Lebanese and Syrian too. the end of Hezbollah is coming near.. brace yourselves for changes my brothers and sisters and this time it could be good.

  5. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Well … maybe that explains the inability to actually get a ‘bill for services’ from even a hospital in these countries … they don’t like records of anything … might confuse the future.

  6.  Avatar

    Well … maybe that explains the inability to actually get a ‘bill for services’ from even a hospital in these countries … they don’t like records of anything … might confuse the future.

  7. lebsyrian Avatar

    Story is true

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      “Then the Beirut-based Future channel tried to invite me to Beirut to discuss the subject, but I apologized, and refused,” he added.”
      Yah .. might have blown up real good … this is a smart man.
      WONDER if the Americans have a ‘deposit slip’ hanging around in the archives …. but you know if the Israelis had come out with it, no-one would have believed it … and it would become propaganda fodder for the ones who simply hate Jews with all the irrationality of that.

      1. Where’s Leo with the answers we all need? (to decipher anyways..)

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          He’s still trying to connect ‘Zionist’ with ‘Nazi’ in Mein Kampf analysis papers. Don’t ask … he might have a new slant on it.

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Oh hell, I A … you woke him up. !  :-))

    2. bobwollaton Avatar

      This is cheap talk. May be it is true, May be it is fabricated. How do you know which it is? what is your evidence? Were you present on the deal? did Assad consult you. Did you see some authoritative documents to support this. I am willing to listen with both ears. I await your reply please. Bob

  8. lebsyrian Avatar

    Story is true

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      “Then the Beirut-based Future channel tried to invite me to Beirut to discuss the subject, but I apologized, and refused,” he added.”
      Yah .. might have blown up real good … this is a smart man.
      WONDER if the Americans have a ‘deposit slip’ hanging around in the archives …. but you know if the Israelis had come out with it, no-one would have believed it … and it would become propaganda fodder for the ones who simply hate Jews with all the irrationality of that.

      1. Where’s Leo with the answers we all need? (to decipher anyways..)

    2. bobwollaton Avatar

      This is cheap talk. May be it is true, May be it is fabricated. How do you know which it is? what is your evidence? Were you present on the deal? did Assad consult you. Did you see some authoritative documents to support this. I am willing to listen with both ears. I await your reply please. Bob

  9.  Avatar

    Story is true

    1.  Avatar

      “Then the Beirut-based Future channel tried to invite me to Beirut to discuss the subject, but I apologized, and refused,” he added.”
      Yah .. might have blown up real good … this is a smart man.
      WONDER if the Americans have a ‘deposit slip’ hanging around in the archives …. but you know if the Israelis had come out with it, no-one would have believed it … and it would become propaganda fodder for the ones who simply hate Jews with all the irrationality of that.

      1. Where’s Leo with the answers we all need? (to decipher anyways..)

        1.  Avatar

          He’s still trying to connect ‘Zionist’ with ‘Nazi’ in Mein Kampf analysis papers. Don’t ask … he might have a new slant on it.

        2.  Avatar

          Oh hell, I A … you woke him up. !  :-))

    2.  Avatar

      This is cheap talk. May be it is true, May be it is fabricated. How do you know which it is? what is your evidence? Were you present on the deal? did Assad consult you. Did you see some authoritative documents to support this. I am willing to listen with both ears. I await your reply please. Bob

  10. Will there ever be a time when the Arab World is able to step out of its mental toilet and stop blaming everything on dark Zionist conspiracies involving money?  Populations get the dictators they deserve (by following hateful screeds and fascist movements like the Baath). And dictators (esp. the “revolutionary” kind) leave messes behind them.  The “disclosure” in this article makes absolutely no sense in any context (who would enforce such a deal? where in the world would this $100 million come from? Did the Pan Arab gvt in Egypt agree to have its air force wiped out for the real estate transfer to look ‘legit’?) but especially when you consider the Golan’s history: the countless attacks right before the 6 Day War, the dog fights during, and especially the massive tank battle on the Golan in 1973.  Grow up. As a people.  The world can’t take this much stupidity for much longer.  Meanwhile in Israel they have developed a likely vaccine for cancer. Cancer.  

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Exactly. Human progress ignored … from ALL countries … when not politically expedient. (ref: the S. Jobs stories)
       But it would be interesting to have ALL the facts of history in Wikipedia … not that ALL want to believe it even when accurate. 🙂

    2. bobwollaton Avatar

      I think you are right. Such an unlikely story. See the reference to Gmayel and Future and come to your own conclusion. Frankly a pathetic story.

  11.  Avatar

    Will there ever be a time when the Arab World is able to step out of its mental toilet and stop blaming everything on dark Zionist conspiracies involving money?  Populations get the dictators they deserve (by following hateful screeds and fascist movements like the Baath). And dictators (esp. the “revolutionary” kind) leave messes behind them.  The “disclosure” in this article makes absolutely no sense in any context (who would enforce such a deal? where in the world would this $100 million come from? Did the Pan Arab gvt in Egypt agree to have its air force wiped out for the real estate transfer to look ‘legit’?) but especially when you consider the Golan’s history: the countless attacks right before the 6 Day War, the dog fights during, and especially the massive tank battle on the Golan in 1973.  Grow up. As a people.  The world can’t take this much stupidity for much longer.  Meanwhile in Israel they have developed a likely vaccine for cancer. Cancer.  

    1.  Avatar

      Exactly. Human progress ignored … from ALL countries … when not politically expedient. (ref: the S. Jobs stories)
       But it would be interesting to have ALL the facts of history in Wikipedia … not that ALL want to believe it even when accurate. 🙂

    2.  Avatar

      I think you are right. Such an unlikely story. See the reference to Gmayel and Future and come to your own conclusion. Frankly a pathetic story.

  12. beyondreason1022 Avatar

    Amin Gemayel, Lebanon’s former president, should also say that I was also paid for the return of Palestinians fighters back to Lebanon gotten paid $5K for each head return. TRUE STORY! 

    1. WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?????? when amine gemayel was president, he barely had control over baabda palace. and what return are you talking about?? the only one i know about and i lived it, is the 1982 invasion of lebanon, when the isrealis kicked the palestinians from beirut and the syrians opened their arms for them in tripoli, then they pulled out of the city and bombed the hell out of them till they are done. so you see the isrealis in beirut and the syrians in tripoli..next time at least offer some evidence before you accuse anybody specialy a true lebanese like amine.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        The stories and memories change village-by-village. Each a different experience, yet all the same. Sad. Where IS Lebanon?

    2. WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?????? when amine gemayel was president, he barely had control over baabda palace. and what return are you talking about?? the only one i know about and i lived it, is the 1982 invasion of lebanon, when the isrealis kicked the palestinians from beirut and the syrians opened their arms for them in tripoli, then they pulled out of the city and bombed the hell out of them till they are done. so you see the isrealis in beirut and the syrians in tripoli..next time at least offer some evidence before you accuse anybody specialy a true lebanese like amine.

  13.  Avatar

    Amin Gemayel, Lebanon’s former president, should also say that I was also paid for the return of Palestinians fighters back to Lebanon gotten paid $5K for each head return. TRUE STORY! 

    1.  Avatar

      WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?????? when amine gemayel was president, he barely had control over baabda palace. and what return are you talking about?? the only one i know about and i lived it, is the 1982 invasion of lebanon, when the isrealis kicked the palestinians from beirut and the syrians opened their arms for them in tripoli, then they pulled out of the city and bombed the hell out of them till they are done. so you see the isrealis in beirut and the syrians in tripoli..next time at least offer some evidence before you accuse anybody specialy a true lebanese like amine.

      1.  Avatar

        The stories and memories change village-by-village. Each a different experience, yet all the same. Sad. Where IS Lebanon?

  14. We have to investigate the allegation from available source. So what happened in Golan Height ? Did the Syrian fought a bloody war against Israel? How many soldiers died? How many days the war lasted? Did Hafez call on his solders to withdraw from the battle field ?

    Since Israel is occupying Golan height I would expect Syrian Hafez Assad fought like the Iraqis and the Afghans with small arms. did Assad solders had small arms like the Iraqis and the Afghans? Hafez Assad seems a brave man who killed 40000 Syrians in few days in the 80s , so how many Israelis did he kill for his Golan height? Hezbollah, Assad, Iran revolutionary gird combined couldn’t secure an INCH land in Palestine from Israel , rather Israel gobbled up land after land of Palestine in the presence of the great warriors. 

    So what happened in Golan Height ? Syria seems to be very strong now and every now and then it threatens to wipe out Israel , well then that little chunk of Golan Height be the first target. But if Hafez sold the land then Israel will demand that money back with compound interest. 

  15.  Avatar

    We have to investigate the allegation from available source. So what happened in Golan Height ? Did the Syrian fought a bloody war against Israel? How many soldiers died? How many days the war lasted? Did Hafez call on his solders to withdraw from the battle field ?

    Since Israel is occupying Golan height I would expect Syrian Hafez Assad fought like the Iraqis and the Afghans with small arms. did Assad solders had small arms like the Iraqis and the Afghans? Hafez Assad seems a brave man who killed 40000 Syrians in few days in the 80s , so how many Israelis did he kill for his Golan height? Hezbollah, Assad, Iran revolutionary gird combined couldn’t secure an INCH land in Palestine from Israel , rather Israel gobbled up land after land of Palestine in the presence of the great warriors. 

    So what happened in Golan Height ? Syria seems to be very strong now and every now and then it threatens to wipe out Israel , well then that little chunk of Golan Height be the first target. But if Hafez sold the land then Israel will demand that money back with compound interest. 

  16. Arabs need a righteous leader to win war like that of Iraqi and Afghan resistance. In a Six-Day War Israel lost 115 men, with another 306 wounded. An estimated 2,500 Syrians were killed, with another 5,000 wounded and then Hefz Al Assad withdraw its army and Israel take Golanheight!!  
    But didnt this brave war hero killed 40000 of his own people in Syria the 80s? well his son couldnt reach up to that figure yet. Now If Bashar go for another war against Israel , then how long would he last this time? So far he killed 3500 of its own but his daddy killed 40000 Syrian  and 115 Israeli solders in that Six day war. So Bashars kill ratio in Israel would be less than 1. regarding his current kill rate of 3500 Syrians. A six day war!!! the afghan and the Iraqi resistance  would have a belly laugh.

  17.  Avatar

    Arabs need a righteous leader to win war like that of Iraqi and Afghan resistance. In a Six-Day War Israel lost 115 men, with another 306 wounded. An estimated 2,500 Syrians were killed, with another 5,000 wounded and then Hefz Al Assad withdraw its army and Israel take Golanheight!!  
    But didnt this brave war hero killed 40000 of his own people in Syria the 80s? well his son couldnt reach up to that figure yet. Now If Bashar go for another war against Israel , then how long would he last this time? So far he killed 3500 of its own but his daddy killed 40000 Syrian  and 115 Israeli solders in that Six day war. So Bashars kill ratio in Israel would be less than 1. regarding his current kill rate of 3500 Syrians. A six day war!!! the afghan and the Iraqi resistance  would have a belly laugh.

  18. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
    Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

    Love it. Does that include Har Dov (Sheeba Farms)? If so, I’d say that if that territory is believed to be Lebanese, Syria should really compensate Lebanon with say….half of Damascus perhaps? hehehe

  19. Love it. Does that include Har Dov (Sheeba Farms)? If so, I’d say that if that territory is believed to be Lebanese, Syria should really compensate Lebanon with say….half of Damascus perhaps? hehehe

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