Jumblatt urges government to protect Syrian refugees


Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat condemned on Wednesday the kidnapping of Syrian opposition members in Lebanon , urged the Lebanese government to protect Syrian refugees and warned against the reemergence of a “new era of mandate” in Lebanon a possible reference to the “infamous” security hegemony that controlled the country for nearly three decades .

In a statement Jumblatt said: “All Syrian activists have the right to express their opinions freely without being subjected to any harassment or pressure from any side.”

“The PSP asserts the right for political asylum as stipulated in the Lebanese constitution and laws, which calls for respecting the freedom of political expression in accordance with Lebanon’s historic role as a country that protects diversity and freedoms,” Jumblatt stressed.

“Are we witnessing the resurrection of a new phase of the infamous Syrian mandate?” He asked

The PSP leader also urged Lebanon’s Higher Relief council to “carry out its duties and offer aide to Syrian refugees.”

Furthermore, Jumblat renewed the party’s “absolute” rejection of using Lebanon for any actions that may harm Syria’s security and stability.

“The party confirms its commitment to the army’s great national role in confronting Israel, but it also plays a role in maintaining the country’s borders and it is necessary to keep it out of the conflict in Syria and remain focused on Lebanon’s internal stability and security,” he noted.

Several Syrian opposition figures were reportedly abducted in Lebanon including Baath party co-founder and former Syrian VP Shebli al-Aysami who went missing in Aley last May . Aysami’s son confirmed yesterday that his father is in Syria.

Al-Jumhuriya newspaper reported on October 11 that Internal Security Forces Director General Achraf Rifi told the Parliamentary Human Rights Committee that “Lebanese security forces assigned to protect the Syrian embassy in Lebanon kidnapped four [dissident] Syrians using embassy vehicles.”

According to local reports the kidnappers were led by Lt. Salah Ali al-Hajj, the head of the Syrian Embassy guard unit. Hajj is the son of Maj. Gen. Ali Hajj, Lebanon’s former ISF chief who was held along with three other Lebanese generals for four years for alleged involvement in the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

But Syrian Ambassador Ali Abdul Karim Ali denied any involvement and challenged Rifi to provide evidence.

Thousands of Syrians have fled to Lebanon in recent months, often using illegal border crossings, to escape the violence gripping their country.



42 responses to “Jumblatt urges government to protect Syrian refugees”

  1. leobetapar Avatar

    this man is unsane how syrian can had mandate on Lebanon when Lebanon is part of Syria .Someone have to told him history France had a mandate on Lebanon and used to created puppet as his father.

    1. antar2011 Avatar

      syria is not part of lebanon only Assadies think so…that’s why we have different constitution, different currency, different national anthem and some borders seperating the two countries….

      1. is the Lebanese politicians who think Syria is part of Lebanon , isnt the SSNP think so? isnt the Sunni asked to be with Syria until recently , the Lebanese are serving interest of Syria and not vise versa, we need to stop our stupidity and stop playing the victim and innocent, we are a rotten society that can be bought and sold to th highest bidder, it was Nasser in the 50’s and 60’s ,Iran in 1979 until now. Does Hezollah recognize Lebanon? does Assaad Herdan recognise Lebanon , when he plan the assassination of many Politicians including Bashir .Let’s stop the chikdish talk, Syria have all our politicans or most of them including this boring idiot sitting in Baabda

        1. MeYosemite Avatar

          Very good response. I like the intention. Do you think people are ready to stand up for Lebanon? If so I am willing to get a group going something like google group to begin building the momentum for the people. I need about two dozens or so of thumbs up to move forward. Feedback is appreciated also.

          1. MeYosemite Avatar

            Folks I got only six thumbs up as of today. I need more to move forward… Just a reminder. check previous post in this thread.
            guss043: I used a replied mode to keep conversion linked… This is meant for all.

        2. antar2011 Avatar

          we are a rotten society indeed…cannot agree more with you bro.

  2.  Avatar

    this man is unsane how syrian can had mandate on Lebanon when Lebanon is part of Syria .Someone have to told him history France had a mandate on Lebanon and used to created puppet as his father.

    1.  Avatar

      syria is not part of lebanon only Assadies think so…that’s why we have different constitution, different currency, different national anthem and some borders seperating the two countries….

      1. is the Lebanese politicians who think Syria is part of Lebanon , isnt the SSNP think so? isnt the Sunni asked to be with Syria until recently , the Lebanese are serving interest of Syria and not vise versa, we need to stop our stupidity and stop playing the victim and innocent, we are a rotten society that can be bought and sold to th highest bidder, it was Nasser in the 50’s and 60’s ,Iran in 1979 until now. Does Hezollah recognize Lebanon? does Assaad Herdan recognise Lebanon , when he plan the assassination of many Politicians including Bashir .Let’s stop the chikdish talk, Syria have all our politicans or most of them including this boring idiot sitting in Baabda

        1.  Avatar

          Very good response. I like the intention. Do you think people are ready to stand up for Lebanon? If so I am willing to get a group going somewhere to begin building the momentum for the people. I need about two dozens or so of thumbs up to move forward. Feedback is appreciated also.

        2.  Avatar

          Very good response. I like the intention. Do you think people are ready to stand up for Lebanon? If so I am willing to get a group going somewhere to begin building the momentum for the people. I need about two dozens or so of thumbs up to move forward. Feedback is appreciated also.

        3.  Avatar

          Very good response. I like the intention. Do you think people are ready to stand up for Lebanon? If so I am willing to get a group going somewhere to begin building the momentum for the people. I need about two dozens or so of thumbs up to move forward. Feedback is appreciated also.

          1.  Avatar

            Folks I got only six thumbs up as of today. I need more to move forward… Just a reminder. check previous post in this thread.
            guss043: I used a replied mode to keep conversion linked… This is meant for all.

        4.  Avatar

          Very good response. I like the intention. Do you think people are ready to stand up for Lebanon? If so I am willing to get a group going somewhere to begin building the momentum for the people. I need about two dozens or so of thumbs up to move forward. Feedback is appreciated also.

        5.  Avatar

          we are a rotten society indeed…cannot agree more with you bro.

        6.  Avatar

          we are a rotten society indeed…cannot agree more with you bro.

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    ‘Lebanon’s internal stability and security’ and ‘which calls for respecting the freedom of political expression in accordance with Lebanon’s historic role as a country that protects diversity and freedoms’  …. he speaks wished-for truth until he adds ‘ great national role in confronting Israel’ … which was only necessary when certain people decided to make Lebanon a staging ground for attacks on Israel.
    In 2011, you can’t have protection for diversity and exclude even one group from that diversity at the same time. It’s that exclusion which now threatens the stability the most, along with the respect he seeks.
    As Leo notes below (with some unusual historical correctness 😉 the British and French ‘mandates’ re-created Israel and Lebanon – basically with the concept of providing some safety to two different religious groups (Christian and Jews) being dumped on at the time, although neither of them wanted the protection of the then-great powers to continue to help them it seems … yet pulling together soon enough before being split by the factions that wanted them gone again was difficult. The Israelis managed to finally get their act together. Lebanon it seems still has the ‘diversity’ of minds that don’t think as one country – except when it comes to being ‘against’ the neighbour who could have been the best one to have as an ally – especially considering the freedoms Israelis have attained after 70 years.
    Jumblatt is right to say ‘stay out of Syria’s politics and help any refugees’ … but he should be firing that line at Hezzys especially, as well as any Alawites hanging around … as well as reminding Syria, with Leb-army back-up, it has no business coming across the border to make trouble or to kidnap anyone – not even Estonian cyclists who probably thought the place was safe to be a tourist in.
    Beirut still pumps out those ads of course … maybe one could be safe on a tour-bus … but would you rent a car to ‘see the country’?

  4.  Avatar

    ‘Lebanon’s internal stability and security’ and ‘which calls for respecting the freedom of political expression in accordance with Lebanon’s historic role as a country that protects diversity and freedoms’  …. he speaks wished-for truth until he adds ‘ great national role in confronting Israel’ … which was only necessary when certain people decided to make Lebanon a staging ground for attacks on Israel.
    In 2011, you can’t have protection for diversity and exclude even one group from that diversity at the same time. It’s that exclusion which now threatens the stability the most, along with the respect he seeks.
    As Leo notes below (with some unusual historical correctness 😉 the British and French ‘mandates’ re-created Israel and Lebanon – basically with the concept of providing some safety to two different religious groups (Christian and Jews) being dumped on at the time, although neither of them wanted the protection of the then-great powers to continue to help them it seems … yet pulling together soon enough before being split by the factions that wanted them gone again was difficult. The Israelis managed to finally get their act together. Lebanon it seems still has the ‘diversity’ of minds that don’t think as one country – except when it comes to being ‘against’ the neighbour who could have been the best one to have as an ally – especially considering the freedoms Israelis have attained after 70 years.
    Jumblatt is right to say ‘stay out of Syria’s politics and help any refugees’ … but he should be firing that line at Hezzys especially, as well as any Alawites hanging around … as well as reminding Syria, with Leb-army back-up, it has no business coming across the border to make trouble or to kidnap anyone – not even Estonian cyclists who probably thought the place was safe to be a tourist in.
    Beirut still pumps out those ads of course … maybe one could be safe on a tour-bus … but would you rent a car to ‘see the country’?

  5. Lebanon currently is the dirtiest country of Middle east .worst than Syria even, This disgusting president who by constitution is the highest command for the army is behind all the kidnapping, this puppy dog to Assad in Hezbollah residng in Baabda is the biggest dictator, I don’t mention Mikati because he’s a joke anyway. Now is the time for people to go down and ask this government and this president to leave immediately , what kind of country we have that we are not able to protect refugees, what freedom we talk about? what glory. shame on us !!!!!!!!!!! I spit on this institution named Lebanese army, a useless dirty institution that is corrupted , full of traitors , divided by religions and tribal loyalty. Before 1975 they were bunch of ” Tboule ” with bellies , never protected Lebanon borders from anyone, not capable of controlling the Palestinians when they were bunch of Bandits in 1969. This institution  need to be dismantled totally and built from scratch .
    We need a Druze president for Lebanon, they are the least corrupted between all the so called religions in this F cursed country .

  6. Lebanon currently is the dirtiest country of Middle east .worst than Syria even, This disgusting president who by constitution is the highest command for the army is behind all the kidnapping, this puppy dog to Assad in Hezbollah residng in Baabda is the biggest dictator, I don’t mention Mikati because he’s a joke anyway. Now is the time for people to go down and ask this government and this president to leave immediately , what kind of country we have that we are not able to protect refugees, what freedom we talk about? what glory. shame on us !!!!!!!!!!! I spit on this institution named Lebanese army, a useless dirty institution that is corrupted , full of traitors , divided by religions and tribal loyalty. Before 1975 they were bunch of ” Tboule ” with bellies , never protected Lebanon borders from anyone, not capable of controlling the Palestinians when they were bunch of Bandits in 1969. This institution  need to be dismantled totally and built from scratch .
    We need a Druze president for Lebanon, they are the least corrupted between all the so called religions in this F cursed country .

    1.  Avatar

      Well said but you say a Druze president , that blows out all the good points you make. WE NEED A PRESIDENT FOR THE PEOPLE FULL STOP.  

      1. why not Druze , their area is the cleanest, they never abused their  land and have respect for the green nature , go see the Christian areas sold to highest bidder ,mountains erased and replaced with buildings , Druze they never ignored their villages , and Joumblatt the Father when he was in government in the 60’s he was the most honest person along with Raymond Edde, but  hate for the Maronite was higher and led him to  contribute big time to the Lebanese civil war and extend its life .
        Faker El Dine brought the pine trees from Italy and plant them in Beirut until  Israel burned them in 1982 invasion. I said a Druze president as they are not greedy people and hungry for money !!

        1.  Avatar

          No your rite but my point was missed.
          Lebanon needs to stop saying Christian Muslim and say brothers.
          Yes this is crazy idea but for any country to move forward the people MUST BE ONE.
          Money the evil of man. Look at how people follow those with money funny, yes.
          There is always going to be two sides of the coin.     

        2.  Avatar

          Mr. guessWhat, Since the Druse leaders except Kamal are so good why did they allow their militia to kill innocent Christians, destroy their homes and churches. I’m from that part of Lebanon and witnessed it as a kid. The hatred towards innocent Christian was unprecedented.
          The Army was and still is run by politician. It was more than capable to defend Lebanon if it wasn’t for the Sunni corrupted leaders that wanted to join their Arab masters.
          Aoun was the most Lebanese army officer the army ever had. The brave men of the army stood up, fought for Lebanon including the Lebanese militias. With all his mistakes, if wasn’t for Aoun there will be no Lebanon as we know it.     

          1. charbel curi Avatar
            charbel curi

            kiss my ass gma is coward and yellow i saw him run to french embassy faster then the dogs

    2.  Avatar

      Well said but you say a Druze president , that blows out all the good points you make. WE NEED A PRESIDENT FOR THE PEOPLE FULL STOP.  

    3.  Avatar

      What are you smokin.? The army is the most honored institution Lebanon has, it’s the politicians and religious leaders that try to influences it. The army was a great institution under the command of Aoun “The Great”. 

      1.  Avatar

        Yes the Army was a great institutions under Aoun and yet he let Hezbollah take down a pilot and the guy who was arrested was let go after one year. Then Hezbollah celebrated in shooting in the air after his release as if he was in Israelis prison. You know very well that he was shot down to deliver a message to the Lebanese army either obey us and do not come to out area or we will kill you. On top of it your supreme Commander Aoun said about that incident the soldiers shouldn’t been in the area. that’s a security zone.. so where the respect for this honorable institutions from Aoun.
        he is full of it and so are you man. I used to be his big support and now and recently i hate him more than ever and i hate Nassrallah and his cronies who are destroying Lebanon more than israel have done in the past 30 years.

      2. Honorable where and when ?, did it stop the Syrian entering Lebanon in 1958 ? did it stop the PLO in the first war in 1968 ? did it stop them again in 1973? how their Helicopter went dwon killing Emile Boustany the army commander , how the same thing happened with Jean Njeim, 1975 we are being attacked in our houses in Ain el roummaneh by PLO and Amal, and they are sitting in their baracks. After they split and Ahmd el Khatib emerge with The Lebanese Arabic Army slaightering Christian soldiers in their be in the south and Zahle, and after send his tank to Help the Mourabitoun and PLO to Capture the Holiday INN and so on, and after the Captain Housein Awed shell the presidential palace .Until sarkis came and tried to buidl a real army by excluding the Lebanese Arabic Members from it and recruiting good young men that were not involved in the civil war , it was slow build but strong with Gaby Lahoud and Johnny Abdou , they built the *the brigade that was trained fiercely mainly to battle the Syrian Special Troops and here comes the mad man named Aoun the one you adore and use the 8 th brigade to fight Syria over night and after split the army by using it agaisnt Lebanese Forces , the story that was never revelaed until now ,that most of the Northern villages that have of lot army men from Kobeiat and and Becharre left Aoun when he Fought Geagea and went home . Now you have a bandit army helping the Syrian capturing the refugees and returning them to Syria.
        I saw them in 1993 and 1997 and 2002 in the trucks circulating Beirut like Zaaran and hitting on young girls. Why army need to be in the city , they should be on the borders like all normal countries in the world where you dont see army corps in cities or barracks built in cities .It is a joke army with no doubt , army obey the law of the land and swear to protect th constitution and not allegiance to Aoun or other . If am in the army and see Syrian truck or Israeli truck crossing the border I will shoot at it .
        Lahoud son was sitting in the port of Beirut collecting % on the customs clearance, currently 20 % of the army is on the payroll by Hizbollah for gathering intelligence , as I said you have a Kerkhane run by the a mafia army !! that is well paid

      3. by the way ,watch your leader Aoun on you tube saying , ” I am here in Baabada ,let hem come and I will die here ” ,after that shortly the coward went to hide in the French embassy without telling his soldiers that kept fighting until the Syrian troops came and slughtered them , their bodies is buried in Yarze field , and your general doesn’t want to open the subject at all. I know people who were with him in the 80’s in Souk El Gharb and reliable sources ,that he was the mother of all cowards , and didn’t believe it until he run like a scared dog to the French Embassy , and he didn’t dare to return to lebanon until Hairi blood was shed , after that he came after strucking a deal with lahoud and the Syrian not to be prosecuted .If  you can’t see that , for sure you are the one who’s smoking ,I mean smoking really  heavy stuff !!! ,most . Open your eyes and get out of the darkness , how you could follow such impolite , azaar , whos words are below the belt (Bala Marba) marba el Barracks. Do you know that Aoun brother was several time admitted to Deir El Salib? it runs in the family, just try to look at Aoun when he talk and observe and be neutral ? if you don’t see the mental problem that he ahve  and instability ,look at the eyes and see the craziness signs ,they are overwhelming , if you can’t see that it means  you seriously need a doctor yourself !!!!

  7. Yes why not a Durz president… remember Fakhr el Din II

  8.  Avatar

    Yes why not a Durz president… remember Fakhr el Din II

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