Syrian Mufti: Assad wants to step down after implementing reforms


Syria’s top Sunni Muslim cleric Mufti Ahmed Badereddine Hassoun on Monday told the German Der Spiegel magazine that Syrian president Bashar al Assad intends to step down as soon as he implements the promised reforms and focus on practicing his medical profession .

He told Der Spiegel that Assad does not intend to be president for life and wants to step down as soon as free multi-party elections are held

He added that Assad has always been dreaming about setting up and running an eye clinic

‘I am telling this to Europe and the United States: We will set up suicide attackers who now live on your land in case you bomb Syria or Lebanon,’ Mufti Ahmed Badereddine Hassoun said in a video posted on Al Arabiya television’s website.

Hassoun was addressing a delegation of Lebanese women who had come to offer their condolences for his son’s death.

Hassoun renewed his threat against military intervention in Syria and warned that such an intervention will set the world on fire

Last month he threatened to order suicide bombings in the United States and Europe if his country was attacked by them

He urged the Europeans to be more committed to Syria .

On Sunday, British newspaper Sunday Telegraph quoted Hassoun as saying that he wants the one party rule abolished in Syria and wants free elections to be held within 6 months

Hassoun’s 22-year-old son, Sariya ( see insert) , was assassinated on October 2nd in an ambush on the road between Idlib and Aleppo in front of a university .

Hassoun is considered to be a firm ally of President Assad and a very controversial cleric .



215 responses to “Syrian Mufti: Assad wants to step down after implementing reforms”

  1. lebanesesam Avatar

    Kol Khara – Hassoun labes fared kapsoun –

  2. lebanesesam Avatar

    Kol Khara – Hassoun labes fared kapsoun –

  3.  Avatar

    Kol Khara

  4. Leborigine Avatar

    No none gave you authority to speak on behalf of Lebanon you SOB.
    Just defend your desert and a few grains of sand!

    1. leobetapar Avatar

      lebanon is a historic part of this desert call Syria

      1. Leborigine Avatar

        Only in your imagination.

        Please do not insult my country by comparing it to syria or anyone else.
        I have said it before and I will say it again, Lebanon was never or will ever be part of syria. Unless you belong to the SSNP and have no pride in Lebanon and have been brainwashed to believe that crappy story.

        You probably think that syria was part of Lebanon at one stage, which is fair, but the Lebanese are happy with the 10452km2 and its more than enough for us. We were more than happy to give the people on our eastern and northern border that land which they have decided to call syria. You do not see us chanting and forcing our opinion on you so we kindly request that you do not do the same to us, despite that we actually gave you that desert!

        BTW, does it really matter, why do you always have to assert that historical theory, we are in 2011 and Lebanon has its own entity as as syria has its own entity. Build a bridge and get over it. I do not have a problem with the syrians, I have a problem with people forcing their opinion onto me.

        Let me give you one more fact Leo that is slightly off the subject, Iraq, which has much more influence and history in the region deserves more credit than what you give syria, unless you are syrian of course and if it wasn’t for the late Saddam’s policies, the israeli flag would have been fluttering above damascus for the past few years.

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          C’mon we see a bright futur with the United Monotehism Arab (UMA as you noticed )including Great Syria (actual Syria + Lebanon) and Irak and Iran we look for the futur and don’t care of the passeiste like you

      2. If you think so,  should we say Isreal belongs to the JEWS 100% or you can’t see that history because it does not favour your thinking. The past is gone if we give land back to before 1914 to the real people  you might be living in the ocean.  

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          no no living where God the all mighty put you :in EXIL anyone with a zioniste passport is nothing but an heretique Herzl and Zioniaste have been declared heretique by any trust worthy rabbis

        2. leobetapar Avatar

          you have problem if i don’t like the hyenas heretique who insult judaisme by they existence so i have hate you really really have problem the only book you have to master first is dictionnary go to see what hate means and stop tyo ridiculised yourself

      3. Patience2 Avatar

        Seems like there is a fairly noticeable mountain range(the anti-Lebanon mts.) separating Lebanon from Syria!  While Syria may be a desert, Lebanon has a serious shortage of sand for concrete.  Would Lebanon have this shortage if it were part of the Syrian ‘desert’??

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          lolololol wait some u will have all the sand u need

        2. leobetapar Avatar

          lolololol wait some u will have all the sand u need

      4. Ya Leobetapar: In your fxxking dreams….Lebanon will never, ever, ever, ever be part of Syria, not now, nor EVER….you wish, you Black Rock citizen….

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          yeah yeah wait some we will soon talk about.

        2. leobetapar Avatar

          yeah yeah wait some we will soon talk about.

      5. MeYosemite Avatar

        Which history is that? Before we had ottoman empire for hundreds of years. There was an ottoman province called Damascus, eyalet, and that included what is Israel/Palestine now. The Sidon and Tripoli provinces or eyalet were distinct from Damascus. Check any history reference. Noting the fact that Tripoli province had a large section of the north of what is Syria now, which has been a denial on Syrian side; In Syrian history teaching, exposure is only given to the Damascus eyalet. As in most Lebanese history teaching the reference is to the other two.

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          history is not the past but what lay for u in the futur i mean the reintegration :Be ready

        2. leobetapar Avatar

          history is not the past but what lay for u in the futur i mean the reintegration :Be ready

    2. Let him have it, that bastard…pissed me off too, when I read it a few weeks ago…who the hell is HE to voluntarily sacrifice our Lebanese sons? How fxxking bold of him. I hate this bastard….

      1. Leborigine Avatar

        Its ok my friend, let him rant on. He obviously does not have anything better to do. If his country is crap, he wants to make everyone elses country crap as well so his country can look better.

  5.  Avatar

    No none gave you authority to speak on behalf of Lebanon you SOB.
    Just defend your desert and a few grains of sand!

    1.  Avatar

      lebanon is a historic part of this desert call Syria

    2.  Avatar

      lebanon is a historic part of this desert call Syria

      1.  Avatar

        Only in your imagination.

        Please do not insult my country by comparing it to syria or anyone else.
        I have said it before and I will say it again, Lebanon was never or will ever be part of syria. Unless you belong to the SSNP and have no pride in Lebanon and have been brainwashed to believe that crappy story.

        You probably think that syria was part of Lebanon at one stage, which is fair, but the Lebanese are happy with the 10452km2 and its more than enough for us. We were more than happy to give the people on our eastern and northern border that land which they have decided to call syria. You do not see us chanting and forcing our opinion on you so we kindly request that you do not do the same to us, despite that we actually gave you that desert!

        Let me give you one more fact Leo that is slightly off the subject, Iraq, which has much more influence and history in the region deserves more credit than what you give syria, unless you are syrian of course and if it wasn’t for the late Saddam’s policies, the israeli flag would have been fluttering above damascus for the past few years.

        1.  Avatar

          C’mon we see a bright futur with the United Monotehism Arab (UMA as you noticed )including Great Syria (actual Syria + Lebanon) and Irak and Iran we look for the futur and don’t care of the passeiste like you

      2.  Avatar

        If you think so,  should we say Isreal belongs to the JEWS 100% or you can’t see that history because it does not favour your thinking. The past is gone if we give land back to before 1914 to the real people  you might be living in the ocean.  

        1.  Avatar

          no no living where God the all mighty put you :in EXIL anyone with a zioniste passport is nothing but an heretique Herzl and Zioniaste have been declared heretique by any trust worthy rabbis

        2.  Avatar

          you have problem if i don’t like the hyenas heretique who insult judaisme by they existence so i have hate you really really have problem the only book you have to master first is dictionnary go to see what hate means and stop tyo ridiculised yourself

      3.  Avatar

        Seems like there is a fairly noticeable mountain range(the anti-Lebanon mts.) separating Lebanon from Syria!  While Syria may be a desert, Lebanon has a serious shortage of sand for concrete.  Would Lebanon have this shortage if it were part of the Syrian ‘desert’??

        1.  Avatar

          lolololol wait some u will have all the sand u need

      4. Ya Leobetapar: In your fxxking dreams….Lebanon will never, ever, ever, ever be part of Syria, not now, nor EVER….you wish, you Black Rock citizen….

        1.  Avatar

          yeah yeah wait some we will soon talk about.

        2.  Avatar

          yeah yeah wait some we will soon talk about.

      5.  Avatar

        Which history is that? Before we had ottoman empire for hundreds of years. There was an ottoman province called Damascus, eyalet, and that included what is Israel/Palestine now. The Sidon and Tripoli provinces or eyalet were distinct from Damascus. Check any history reference. Noting the fact that Tripoli province had a large section of the north of what is Syria now, which has been a denial on Syrian side; In Syrian history teaching, exposure is only given to the Damascus eyalet. As in most Lebanese history teaching the reference is to the other two.

        1.  Avatar

          history is not the past but what lay for u in the futur i mean the reintegration :Be ready

        2.  Avatar

          history is not the past but what lay for u in the futur i mean the reintegration :Be ready

        3.  Avatar

          history is not the past but what lay for u in the futur i mean the reintegration :Be ready

    3.  Avatar

      lebanon is a historic part of this desert call Syria

    4. Let him have it, that bastard…pissed me off too, when I read it a few weeks ago…who the hell is HE to voluntarily sacrifice our Lebanese sons? How fxxking bold of him. I hate this bastard….

      1.  Avatar

        Its ok my friend, let him rant on. He obviously does not have anything better to do. If his country is crap, he wants to make everyone elses country crap as well so his country can look better.

  6. Patience2 Avatar

    Not president — dictator for life.  He’ll think about stepping down after the reforms, the reforms being the removal of ALL opposition.  And then, he’ll just THINK about stepping down. (Odd that a Sunni cleric would be spewing this garbage!)

    1. leobetapar Avatar

      because there is still some sunnis not salafiste you will have to know them soon when syria will take back the lebanon outskirt

      1. antar2011 Avatar

        you are a paranoid maniac

      2. You need to wake up and stop drinking that bitter Syrian coffee your boy Bashar and his Daddy have been feeding you clowns, for over 50 years….pity you…

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          u an urs are feeding by the ahl shitty we are waiting for ur weaning so we can teach u
          poor boys

    2. antar2011 Avatar

      it has nothing to do with sunni or a shia or an alawites….in syria you are either with the revolution or against it.

      this sheikh is against therefore he is called a shabi77777

      unlike lebanon, sectarian issues does not play a role with syrian pple.

      1. leobetapar Avatar

        that ‘s great like in France you are laic or you shut up .Assad the great will shut up all the salfistes

        1. Assad the Great! Please, take your fingers off the keyboard, and go sit in the corner, as you are embarrassing yourself…..turn around, too…

          1. leobetapar Avatar

            Assad the great Lion of Damas will win

        2. Assad the “not-Great”, is pissing in his pants right now, and soon all his supporters will be too…..Yalla, I will look for your comments, ya leobetapar, after the regime has fallen, which I predict to happen by the end of this year..Bashar will not see 2012….When he is gone, are you still going to shoot your big mouth off? LOL….

          1. leobetapar Avatar

            Assad very very great imposing is stature to all the arab and turkish shits ,he will soon got back his protectorat ,u know which?

        3. Assad the “not-Great”, is pissing in his pants right now, and soon all his supporters will be too…..Yalla, I will look for your comments, ya leobetapar, after the regime has fallen, which I predict to happen by the end of this year..Bashar will not see 2012….When he is gone, are you still going to shoot your big mouth off? LOL….

  7.  Avatar

    Not president — dictator for life.  He’ll think about stepping down after the reforms, the reforms being the removal of ALL opposition.  And then, he’ll just THINK about stepping down. (Odd that a Sunni cleric would be spewing this garbage!)

    1.  Avatar

      because there is still some sunnis not salafiste you will have to know them soon when syria will take back the lebanon outskirt

      1.  Avatar

        you are a paranoid maniac

      2. You need to wake up and stop drinking that bitter Syrian coffee your boy Bashar and his Daddy have been feeding you clowns, for over 50 years….pity you…

        1.  Avatar

          u an urs are feeding by the ahl shitty we are waiting for ur weaning so we can teach u
          poor boys

        2.  Avatar

          u an urs are feeding by the ahl shitty we are waiting for ur weaning so we can teach u
          poor boys

        3.  Avatar

          u an urs are feeding by the ahl shitty we are waiting for ur weaning so we can teach u
          poor boys

    2.  Avatar

      it has nothing to do with sunni or a shia or an alawites….in syria you are either with the revolution or against it.

      this sheikh is against therefore he is called a shabi77777

      unlike lebanon, sectarian issues does not play a role with syrian pple.

      1.  Avatar

        that ‘s great like in France you are laic or you shut up .Assad the great will shut up all the salfistes

        1. Assad the Great! Please, take your fingers off the keyboard, and go sit in the corner, as you are embarrassing yourself…..turn around, too…

          1.  Avatar

            Assad the great Lion of Damas will win

          2.  Avatar

            Assad the great Lion of Damas will win

          3.  Avatar

            Assad the great Lion of Damas will win

        2. Assad the “not-Great”, is pissing in his pants right now, and soon all his supporters will be too…..Yalla, I will look for your comments, ya leobetapar, after the regime has fallen, which I predict to happen by the end of this year..Bashar will not see 2012….When he is gone, are you still going to shoot your big mouth off? LOL….

          1.  Avatar

            Assad very very great imposing is stature to all the arab and turkish shits ,he will soon got back his protectorat ,u know which?

        3. Assad the “not-Great”, is pissing in his pants right now, and soon all his supporters will be too…..Yalla, I will look for your comments, ya leobetapar, after the regime has fallen, which I predict to happen by the end of this year..Bashar will not see 2012….When he is gone, are you still going to shoot your big mouth off? LOL….

        4. Assad the “not-Great”, is pissing in his pants right now, and soon all his supporters will be too…..Yalla, I will look for your comments, ya leobetapar, after the regime has fallen, which I predict to happen by the end of this year..Bashar will not see 2012….When he is gone, are you still going to shoot your big mouth off? LOL….

  8.  Avatar

    Not president — dictator for life.  He’ll think about stepping down after the reforms, the reforms being the removal of ALL opposition.  And then, he’ll just THINK about stepping down. (Odd that a Sunni cleric would be spewing this garbage!)

  9. hamid_farah Avatar

    Hassoun you traiter your son was a big warning to you and you will be hanged by your testicles you lucky bastard.
    You just a high paid whore of the syrian regime. are you blind to the butchery of your master that he’s inflicting on your sunnis bretheren.. you’re just a lamb and soon you will become a goat and you will die a violant death.

    1. lebanesesam Avatar

      Maybe they will sacrifice him for the Adha 🙂

      1. hamid_farah Avatar

        I hope they do and do it soon before Adha is over.

      2. leobetapar Avatar

        yeah that the used of civilized sunnis

    2. leobetapar Avatar

      that show how far you sunnis have gone inside civilization

      1. antar2011 Avatar

        haven’t you read anything about the period in history at about 1500’s?
        oops it turns out to be that the sunnis have contributed a lot to modern civilisation…..
        just ask the historian Bernard Lewis.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Only Ayatollas and Muftis like this one stopped them, or took them backward …

          1. antar2011 Avatar

            thank you for your objectivity….unlike some morons here.

  10.  Avatar

    Hassoun you traiter your son was a big warning to you and you will be hanged by your testicles you lucky bastard.
    You just a high paid whore of the syrian regime. are you blind to the butchery of your master that he’s inflicting on your sunnis bretheren.. you’re just a lamb and soon you will become a goat and you will die a violant death.

    1.  Avatar

      Maybe they will sacrifice him for the Adha 🙂

      1.  Avatar

        I hope they do and do it soon before Adha is over.

      2.  Avatar

        yeah that the used of civilized sunnis

      3.  Avatar

        yeah that the used of civilized sunnis

    2.  Avatar

      that show how far you sunnis have gone inside civilization

    3.  Avatar

      that show how far you sunnis have gone inside civilization

      1.  Avatar

        haven’t you read anything about the period in history at about 1500’s?
        oops it turns out to be that the sunnis have contributed a lot to modern civilisation…..
        just ask the historian Bernard Lewis.

        1.  Avatar

          Only Ayatollas and Muftis like this one stopped them, or took them backward …

          1.  Avatar

            thank you for your objectivity….unlike some morons here.

          2.  Avatar

            thank you for your objectivity….unlike some morons here.

      2.  Avatar

        haven’t you read anything about the period in history at about 1500’s?
        oops it turns out to be that the sunnis have contributed a lot to modern civilisation…..
        just ask the historian Bernard Lewis.

      3.  Avatar

        haven’t you read anything about the period in history at about 1500’s?
        oops it turns out to be that the sunnis have contributed a lot to modern civilisation…..
        just ask the historian Bernard Lewis.

    4.  Avatar

      that show how far you sunnis have gone inside civilization

  11. master09 Avatar

    and focus on practicing his medical profession, this guy is pissing in peoples pockets. This really shows how much shit people spin to keep the money coming. He has 50 billion dollars, do you think he is going to fix teeth, OR……….??

    1. leobetapar Avatar

      u just say what u want give me his account number?

      1. 27246 … 927433 if you are smart you can read the words in the numbers……. I don’t say what I want it is FACT. The EU AND USA HAVE SANCTIONS AND A HOLD ON HIS WORLD ASSETS  which have been reported at……FACT DUDE
        Country: SyriaYears in power: 11Wealth: $122 billion

        SO when I write I do from facts not because only whats in my mind, or what I think like YOU DO WITH YOUR HATE THAT BLINDS YOU AND TO YOU BLACK IS WHITE AND WHITE IS SHIT.  Read more books NOT JUST ONE………………………….

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          u know nothing even CIA will never pretend be able to prove that Assad have Bn$ you just idiot ,who you try to kid me? c’mon you haven’t read one tenth of what i do in one year.You think like many Arabs that just affirming with great certitude is enough that work only with illetrate try to be more smart and don’t pretend to have proof about what even CIA can’t have

    2. Patience2 Avatar

      And would I want HIM working in my mouth??

      1. Leobetapar: Once this is all over, and it won’t be long, you are going to be in shock, when you and the BRAINWASHED Syrian people, find out just how much the Assad family has stolen from Syria, in 50 years. Also, you will be shocked to find out just exactly how the rest of this world lives, compared to “closed door” Syria. I have been there, a few times, and can tell you, I was quite surprised to see how the people live and what they actually think about the rest of the world, which is ACTUALLY free, and compared to Lebanon, Syria is a toy…HUGE difference between Lebanon and Syria..bigtime….The ASSads actually closed the door on the good people of Syria for 50 years, and they don’t want you to know how the rest of this world actually lives and thrives. Unfortunately, when they put this crap in your head from the time you are a baby, until when you are supposed to be a man, you have no choice but to believe it and suck it all up……I feel bad for the Syrian people, as they are good people, but have been lied to, all those years.

  12.  Avatar

    and focus on practicing his medical profession, this guy is pissing in peoples pockets. This really shows how much shit people spin to keep the money coming. He has 50 billion dollars, do you think he is going to fix teeth, OR……….??

    1.  Avatar

      u just say what u want give me his account number?

      1.  Avatar

        3425 277348 if you are smart you can read the words in the numbers……. I don’t say what I want it is fact. The EU AND USA HAVE SANCTIONS AND A HOLD ON HIS WORLD ASSETS  which have been reported at……FACT DUDE
        Country: SyriaYears in power: 11Wealth: $122 billion

        SO when I write I do from facts not because only whats in my mind, or what I think like YOU DO WITH YOUR HATE THAT BLINDS YOU AND TO YOU BLACK IS WHITE AND WHITE IS SHIT.  Read more books NOT JUST ONE…………………………. 

        1.  Avatar

          u know nothing even CIA will never pretend be able to prove that Assad have Bn$ you just idiot ,who you try to kid me? c’mon you haven’t read one tenth of what i do in one year.You think like many Arabs that just affirming with great certitude is enough that work only with illetrate try to be more smart and don’t pretend to have proof about what even CIA can’t have

    2.  Avatar

      And would I want him working in my mouth??

      1. Leobetapar: Once this is all over, and it won’t be long, you are going to be in shock, when you and the BRAINWASHED Syrian people, find out just how much the Assad family has stolen from Syria, in 50 years. Also, you will be shocked to find out just exactly how the rest of this world lives, compared to “closed door” Syria. I have been there, a few times, and can tell you, I was quite surprised to see how the people live and what they actually think about the rest of the world, which is ACTUALLY free, and compared to Lebanon, Syria is a toy…HUGE difference between Lebanon and Syria..bigtime….The ASSads actually closed the door on the good people of Syria for 50 years, and they don’t want you to know how the rest of this world actually lives and thrives. Unfortunately, when they put this crap in your head from the time you are a baby, until when you are supposed to be a man, you have no choice but to believe it and suck it all up……I feel bad for the Syrian people, as they are good people, but have been lied to, all those years.

  13. eblashko Avatar

    It seems to me like Assad is far more professional at killing people than he is at saving them. It will be a tough transition for him. 

    1. Yalla…the only transition for him will be from palace to “ma’ib’bro”….

  14.  Avatar

    It seems to me like Assad is far more professional at killing people than he is at saving them. It will be a tough transition for him. 

    1. Yalla…the only transition for him will be from palace to “ma’ib’bro”….

  15. josephphdman Avatar

    this is another lie message just to buy more time so the regeme could kill most opposition people and imprisonned the rest ,hoping to break up the revolution and protesters get tired and go home; but this regeme will not survive the best option to save civilians life , is withdraw from opposition areas and declared there own alawite state ,and if they keep killing people t hey will drive the country into an all out civil war, as a result the alawite may lose everything

    1. leobetapar Avatar

      the one liar is you this guy is a good cleric who doesn’t want his country to fall in salafiste hands

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Sure Leo .. but he made a few clerical errors. The first one was opening his mouth.

      2. antar2011 Avatar

        a good cleric does not intice violance…
        he is a good cleric only to those who think Assad will stay in power for ever.

      3. Leborigine Avatar

        I pressed the like instead of reply, so it does not count and do not get too excited!

        How can you be a good cleric when you threaten to kill innocent people by terrorising them.

        Do you have kids, do you have a sister or a brother, parents?? A loving wife/girlfriend/partner?

        How would you feel if you lost any of those peiople that you love dearly to some terrorist that this guy has set up?
        This guy is going to set up attackers to kill blindly and kill innocent people just to prove a point!! Think about what you are saying. He would have been wiser to say that he would stand up to his attackers and destroyed them as they attack his country!

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          he defend the laicisme Assad is an angel a true one he face abominable salafiste who just want to bring on earth the city of God ,their fucking egregor We know what is in the book of Ould Tayya bring by the all shitty Ahl Saud on the shoulder of shaytan Lawrence who like the fire lololololol

  16.  Avatar

    this is another lie message just to buy more time so the regeme could kill most opposition people and imprisonned the rest ,hoping to break up the revolution and protesters get tired and go home; but this regeme will not survive the best option to save civilians life , is withdraw from opposition areas and declared there own alawite state ,and if they keep killing people t hey will drive the country into an all out civil war, as a result the alawite may lose everything

    1.  Avatar

      the one liar is you this guy is a good cleric who doesn’t want his country to fall in salafiste hands

    2.  Avatar

      the one liar is you this guy is a good cleric who doesn’t want his country to fall in salafiste hands

      1.  Avatar

        Sure Leo .. but he made a few clerical errors. The first one was opening his mouth.

      2.  Avatar

        a good cleric does not intice violance…
        he is a good cleric only to those who think Assad will stay in power for ever.

      3.  Avatar

        a good cleric does not intice violance…
        he is a good cleric only to those who think Assad will stay in power for ever.

      4.  Avatar

        I pressed the like instead of reply, so it does not count and do not get too excited!

        How can you be a good cleric when you threaten to kill innocent people by terrorising them.

        Do you have kids, do you have a sister or a brother, parents?? A loving wife/girlfriend/partner?

        How would you feel if you lost any of those peiople that you love dearly to some terrorist that this guy has set up?
        This guy is going to set up attackers to kill blindly and kill innocent people just to prove a point!! Think about what you are saying. He would have been wiser to say that he would stand up to his attackers and destroyed them as they attack his country!

        1.  Avatar

          he defend the laicisme Assad is an angel a true one he face abominable salafiste who just want to bring on earth the city of God ,their fucking egregor We know what is in the book of Ould Tayya bring by the all shitty Ahl Saud on the shoulder of shaytan Lawrence who like the fire lololololol

  17. When our Special Forces come visit you, the first thing your family will notice after they leave, is a hole, right in the middle of that dishrag on your head, halfway down and halfway across, so you can join your son, you moron….

    1. leobetapar Avatar

      the way u speak i guessed u r another civilized sunni

      1. Wrong….Maronite Catholic….and proud of it too….

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          is it jesus who tech you the hate?

      2. Every person on this earth lie and hate 100% of them you me all.
         JESUS teach NOTHING but PEACE AND LOVE….. LOVE NOT HATE. You should read the book of LOVE, and he never hurt one human, the lord Jesus forgives all then and now, even you.
        WHAT did Mohammed TEACH, ………….? What did he do to people??

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Amen, master09.
          And I guess Leo didn’t like the early Jesuit schooling … or the fact he got whacked in the ‘ear’ on occasion. 😉

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Amen, master09.
          And I guess Leo didn’t like the early Jesuit schooling … or the fact he got whacked in the ‘ear’ on occasion. 😉

        3. leobetapar Avatar

          sorry i have no pity in reserve so i will not go for it Your church and the greeks foul you very bad Jesus in Aramanenien has said “don’t love each others if it’s not how i had loved you” you man of one book of one traduction try to evolve got the scientifique traduction of the bible made by real oecuminique scholars for a start (i got it when i was 9) after you will be able to seat at the feet of ground men and ear their teaching

        4. leobetapar Avatar

          so right so right! the merchant of the temple were masochistes delight by the stike innit?

        5. antar2011 Avatar

          lets just keep misconceptions about religion aside please.

          i understand you are p*** off from Leo but there are other muslims visit this site and who feel very insulted at your comments about a sacred figure but agree with your political views about lebanon.

          i could do the same thing as you just did and insult what you call your God but i do not do that not only because i do not want to go down to this level but also even if i do not belief Issa a.s. is a God i cannot insult and belittle him in the way you do to our prophet Muhammad pbuh simply because apart from aything else he was a God fearing honest and just a good man.

          the best thing is to leave religion out of your comments and all is good.

      3. don’t love each others if it’s not how i had loved you” I will not bother to xplain because if you can not understand between the line than your mind is closed like many others.   HE KNOWS TOO MUCH, HENCE HE WILL MISS THE BEAUTY OF IT…
        He may arrive at some stupid conclusions, but he will miss the whole moment and the moment is momentous.

        – You say to get a dictionary, YOU CAN’T even spell the word.

        You can read 20,000 books but if you read about what your mind tells you than ???? PITY yourself dude

        You judge people on what they rite on this site, everyone is a Jew lover or a zionisteee to you if it is against what you believe.
        99.9 % are like robots taught at a school or uni from books that teachers are made and ordered to use.
        The brainwased 99.9% thats where you sit but who am I to judge, you have your path in life.
        YOU NO NOTHING ABOUT ME MUSLIM CHRISTIAN OR JEW.I will not lower my self to the 99.9%

        Think how you want because it is a free world.
        A good day to you and good luck in your life…

        1. antar2011 Avatar

          the rubbish you just quoted is just that…rubbish.

          regardless of what your misinformed muslim friend said…these comments have nothing to do with a religion whose name derived from peace….Islam.

          how many poeple you heard who belonged to christianity but have nothing to do with christianity? your friend is just that a muslim who is officially a muslim but has no knowledge of islam/Quran/tafseer….unfortunately.

          throw all the books you have read about the Quran and or tafseer because they are most likely to have been made from non muslims who have zilch knowledge of the arabic language before anything else…and replace them with books written by muslims themselves [logical ain’t it?]…i hope you transfer this advice to your muslim friend the same too.

        2. antar2011 Avatar

          the rubbish you just quoted is just that…rubbish.

          regardless of what your misinformed muslim friend said…these comments have nothing to do with a religion whose name derived from peace….Islam.

          how many poeple you heard who belonged to christianity but have nothing to do with christianity? your friend is just that a muslim who is officially a muslim but has no knowledge of islam/Quran/tafseer….unfortunately.

          throw all the books you have read about the Quran and or tafseer because they are most likely to have been made from non muslims who have zilch knowledge of the arabic language before anything else…and replace them with books written by muslims themselves [logical ain’t it?]…i hope you transfer this advice to your muslim friend the same too.

  18. When our Special Forces come visit you, the first thing your family will notice after they leave, is a hole, right in the middle of that dishrag on your head, halfway down and halfway across, so you can join your son, you moron….

    1.  Avatar

      the way u speak i guessed u r another civilized sunni

      1. Wrong….Maronite Catholic….and proud of it too….

        1.  Avatar

          is it jesus who tech you the hate?

      2.  Avatar

        Every person on this earth lie and hate 100% of them you me all.
         JESUS teach NOTHING but PEACE AND LOVE LOVE NOT HATE You should read the book of LOVE, and never hurt one human.
        WHAT did Mohammed TEACH, ………….? What did he do to people??

        1.  Avatar

          sorry i have no pity in reserve so i will not go for it Your church and the greeks foul you very bad Jesus in Aramanenien has said “don’t love each others if it’s not how i had loved you” you man of one book of one traduction try to evolve got the scientifique traduction of the bible made by real oecuminique scholars for a start (i got it when i was 9) after you will be able to seat at the feet of ground men and ear their teaching

        2.  Avatar

          so right so right! the merchant of the temple were masochistes delight by the stike innit?

        3.  Avatar

          lets just keep misconceptions about religion aside please.

          i understand you are p*** off from Leo but there are other muslims visit this site and who feel very insulted at your comments about a sacred figure but agree with your political views about lebanon.

          i could do the same thing as you just did and insult what you call your God but i do not do that not only because i do not want to go down to this level but also even if i do not belief Issa a.s. is a God i cannot insult and belittle him in the way you do to our prophet Muhammad pbuh.

          the best thing is to leave religion out of your comments and all is good.

      3.  Avatar

        don’t love each others if it’s not how i had loved you” I will not bother to xplain because if you can not understand between the line than your mind is closed like many others.   HE KNOWS TOO MUCH, HENCE HE WILL MISS THE BEAUTY OF IT…
        He may arrive at some stupid conclusions, but he will miss the whole moment and the moment is momentous.

        –   Muhammad said women were 1/2 as smart as men (Hadith 3:826; 2:541), that the majority in hell will be women (Had. 1:28,301; 2:161; 7:124), and that women could be mortgaged. This could be translated into a thousand ways yes, Because did he not say that women are important By the way this was given to me by my Muslim friend.  –

        –   Muhammad was a sinner (Quran 40:55; 48:1-2)  How should I read this one?

        or this one    –  he cowered, was uncertain, and wanted to commit suicide (Quran 74:1-5)  The book written by the the Jewish slaves Muhammad had beside him. thats rite the Jews. 

        You say to get a dictionary, YOU CAN’T even spell the word.

        You can read 20,000 books but if you read about what your mind tells you than ????

        You judge people on what they rite on this site, everyone is a Jew lover or a zionisteee to you if it is against what you believe.
        99.9 % are like robots taught at a school or uni from books that teachers are made and ordered to use.
        The brainwased 99.9% thats where you sit but who am I to judge, you have your path in life.
        YOU NO NOTHING ABOUT ME MUSLIM CHRISTIAN OR JEW.I will not lower my self to the 99.9%

        Think how you want because it is a free world.
        A good day to you and good luck in your life…   

        1.  Avatar

          the rubbish you just quoted is just that…rubbish.

          regardless of what your misinformed muslim friend said…these comments have nothing to do with a religion whose name derived from peace….Islam.

          how many poeple you heard who belonged to christianity but have nothing to do with christianity? your friend is just that a muslim who is officially a muslim but has no knowledge of islam/Quran/tafseer….unfortunately.

          throw all the books you have read about the Quran and or tafseer because they are most likely to have been made from non muslims who have zilch knowledge of the arabic language before anything else…and replace them with books written by muslims themselves [logical ain’t it?]…i hope you transfer this advice to your muslim friend the same too.

        2.  Avatar

          the rubbish you just quoted is just that…rubbish.

          regardless of what your misinformed muslim friend said…these comments have nothing to do with a religion whose name derived from peace….Islam.

          how many poeple you heard who belonged to christianity but have nothing to do with christianity? your friend is just that a muslim who is officially a muslim but has no knowledge of islam/Quran/tafseer….unfortunately.

          throw all the books you have read about the Quran and or tafseer because they are most likely to have been made from non muslims who have zilch knowledge of the arabic language before anything else…and replace them with books written by muslims themselves [logical ain’t it?]…i hope you transfer this advice to your muslim friend the same too.

        3.  Avatar

          the rubbish you just quoted is just that…rubbish.

          regardless of what your misinformed muslim friend said…these comments have nothing to do with a religion whose name derived from peace….Islam.

          how many poeple you heard who belonged to christianity but have nothing to do with christianity? your friend is just that a muslim who is officially a muslim but has no knowledge of islam/Quran/tafseer….unfortunately.

          throw all the books you have read about the Quran and or tafseer because they are most likely to have been made from non muslims who have zilch knowledge of the arabic language before anything else…and replace them with books written by muslims themselves [logical ain’t it?]…i hope you transfer this advice to your muslim friend the same too.

  19. Why would the US bomb my beloved Lebanon? You are a sick man…..go sit in the corner and shut up….suck your thumb, while you’re at it….and turn around and face the corner, too…..

  20. Why would the US bomb my beloved Lebanon? You are a sick man…..go sit in the corner and shut up….suck your thumb, while you’re at it….and turn around and face the corner, too…..

  21. 5thDrawer Avatar

    There’s those women again … the girl scouts that Hezzy sent to the Ayatolla in the summer sure do get around. Nothing like being ‘in service’. 😉

  22.  Avatar

    There’s those women again … the girl scouts they sent to the Ayatolla in the summer sure do get around. Nothing like being ‘in service’. 😉

  23. Your time will come. Let Lebanon be

  24.  Avatar

    Your time will come. Let Lebanon be

  25. leobetapar Avatar

    hey antar i saw your comment even  if ya libnan judge it so idiot they don’t put it online
    yeah yeah for century there was no lebanon just Syria and its phenicien coast: Lebanon is an invention of the french as i told u

    1. The word LEBANON is in books that date back centuries or is that a lie.

      1. leobetapar Avatar

        o yeah yeah that’s right doesn’t Salomon build with cedars of Lebanon or the bible isn’t an old books?so there’s Heliopolis Cairo Menphis and so on and so for how many country are in Egypt?

        1. How many country are in Egypt? This is how they “educate” you to speak and write in Syria?? When my Lebanese cousins come to visit us in America, my American friends are shocked at the level of intelligence, in addition to the THREE languages, Arabic, French, and English, they are taught in Lebanon. EVERYONE, in the world, knows the Assad regime never put an emphasis on education, in Syria, and would you like to know why? Because an educated society, is a dangerous society, to a dictatorial regimes. They did not want the Syrian people to become TOO smart, as they knew it would leave to revolt. Only thing, is they did not count on the evolution of the internet, which opened the eyes of the Syrian people….except, for YOU, of course….you are still on your island…..stay there….

          1. leobetapar Avatar

            lololololol the Lebanese smart! doing what ? making money like they cousins of the south and by the way selling they souls and sometimes more innit?

        2. How many country are in Egypt? This is how they “educate” you to speak and write in Syria?? When my Lebanese cousins come to visit us in America, my American friends are shocked at the level of intelligence, in addition to the THREE languages, Arabic, French, and English, they are taught in Lebanon. EVERYONE, in the world, knows the Assad regime never put an emphasis on education, in Syria, and would you like to know why? Because an educated society, is a dangerous society, to a dictatorial regimes. They did not want the Syrian people to become TOO smart, as they knew it would leave to revolt. Only thing, is they did not count on the evolution of the internet, which opened the eyes of the Syrian people….except, for YOU, of course….you are still on your island…..stay there….

      2. leobetapar Avatar

        so you stop ur of Evangiles Try to got a right Bible u will be stronger i am sure

        1. Leobetapar, were you taught how to read and the history of civilization when you went to these lovely schools in brotherly Syria?

          1. leobetapar Avatar

            i don’t think you know something worth to tell about history the first proof: you are claiming about a history of civilization Better for me to ignore that

        2. Leobetapar, were you taught how to read and the history of civilization when you went to these lovely schools in brotherly Syria?

    2. Your mind, is an invention of Bath Assad…they have controlled your mind, for as long as you have been alive, and when this is all said and done, and Bashar is gone, you will be crying like a baby, when you find out how good the rest of the world lives, compared to your lowly Syria…they shut the door on your country for 50 years, you clown, and you have no idea what is going on, beyond those closed doors. I visited Syria a few times, and was in shock at what I saw and how the people live and what they think. Compared to the rest of the FREE world, Syria is a backward country…and as for Lebanon, don’t even go there, as Lebanon is much more advanced than Syria, in all ways….Show me one educational institution that can compare with the ones in Lebanon? The students in Syria are learning Soviet era garbage in books that are 60 years old. In Lebanon, children are taught three languages, Arabic, French, and English, and in Syria, only one, Arabic. In addition to the elementary and high schools in Lebanon, which university in Syria can compare to AUB in Beirut??? LOL….you’re country is a joke, and so are you…

      1. leobetapar Avatar

        only the stupid decide who is who before hand.
        i never visit an arab country if it’s not Marocco Lebaneses are far more too racist for me to go there on holliday but when it will be a part of Syria may be i will came and enjoy you mediterraneen sand

        1. Leobetapar: You have never been to Lebanon? Oh man, are you going to be in shock…..You have never left Syria??? Walla, and you are so fxxking educated that you can comment on the rest of the world, when you have never even left Syria???? You’re a joke, and I truly and sincerely pity you……If you ever have a chance to visit America, or Lebanon or Australia or France, and see how the people in these countries, TRULY live, you will be so very, very embarrassed about your statements, on this forum, and you will FINALLY realize how the Assad regime has brainwashed you and your family and everyone in Syria, for FIFTY YEARS. It will take 100 years to clean the minds of all involved…

          1. leobetapar Avatar

            you very stupid i told u 20 times i am not arab and never go to Syria I am french presently in UK

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Actually C S … he’s safe in France …

          1. leobetapar Avatar

            France is a heidocratie which forbide the young girl to be pudique UK very Great just they are causing wrong to catholique but we are used of it by them

        3. 5thDrawer Avatar

          (Checking Maps for Marocco … 😉
          Gotta tell you Leo … the sand is getting harder to find between the hotels, and the sewage from Liban and Gaza hitting it means keeping water out of your mouth, or small scratches on the skin. Try to avoid the occasional dead cow.

          1. leobetapar Avatar

            why don’t you write a roman you impress me.For now all things good here in London

  26.  Avatar

    hey antar i saw your comment even  if ya libnan judge it so idiot they don’t put it online
    yeah yeah for century there was no lebanon just Syria and its phenicien coast: Lebanon is an invention of the french as i told u

    1.  Avatar

      The word LEBANON is in books that date back centuries or is that a lie.

      1.  Avatar

        o yeah yeah that’s right doesn’t Salomon build with cedars of Lebanon or the bible isn’t an old books?so there’s Heliopolis Cairo Menphis and so on and so for how many country are in Egypt?

        1. How many country are in Egypt? This is how they “educate” you to speak and write in Syria?? When my Lebanese cousins come to visit us in America, my American friends are shocked at the level of intelligence, in addition to the THREE languages, Arabic, French, and English, they are taught in Lebanon. EVERYONE, in the world, knows the Assad regime never put an emphasis on education, in Syria, and would you like to know why? Because an educated society, is a dangerous society, to a dictatorial regimes. They did not want the Syrian people to become TOO smart, as they knew it would leave to revolt. Only thing, is they did not count on the evolution of the internet, which opened the eyes of the Syrian people….except, for YOU, of course….you are still on your island…..stay there….

          1.  Avatar

            lololololol the Lebanese smart! doing what ? making money like they cousins of the south and by the way selling they souls and sometimes more innit?

      2.  Avatar

        so you stop ur of Evangiles Try to got a right Bible u will be stronger i am sure

        1. Leobetapar, were you taught how to read and the history of civilization when you went to these lovely schools in brotherly Syria?

          1.  Avatar

            i don’t think you know something worth to tell about history the first proof: you are claiming about a history of civilization Better for me to ignore that

    2.  Avatar

      The word LEBANON is in books that date back centuries or is that a lie.

    3. Your mind, is an invention of Bath Assad…they have controlled your mind, for as long as you have been alive, and when this is all said and done, and Bashar is gone, you will be crying like a baby, when you find out how good the rest of the world lives, compared to your lowly Syria…they shut the door on your country for 50 years, you clown, and you have no idea what is going on, beyond those closed doors. I visited Syria a few times, and was in shock at what I saw and how the people live and what they think. Compared to the rest of the FREE world, Syria is a backward country…and as for Lebanon, don’t even go there, as Lebanon is much more advanced than Syria, in all ways….Show me one educational institution that can compare with the ones in Lebanon? The students in Syria are learning Soviet era garbage in books that are 60 years old. In Lebanon, children are taught three languages, Arabic, French, and English, and in Syria, only one, Arabic. In addition to the elementary and high schools in Lebanon, which university in Syria can compare to AUB in Beirut??? LOL….you’re country is a joke, and so are you…

      1.  Avatar

        only the stupid decide who is who before hand.
        i never visit an arab country if it’s not Marocco Lebaneses are far more too racist for me to go there on holliday but when it will be a part of Syria may be i will came and enjoy you mediterraneen sand

      2.  Avatar

        only the stupid decide who is who before hand.
        i never visit an arab country if it’s not Marocco Lebaneses are far more too racist for me to go there on holliday but when it will be a part of Syria may be i will came and enjoy you mediterraneen sand

        1. Leobetapar: You have never been to Lebanon? Oh man, are you going to be in shock…..You have never left Syria??? Walla, and you are so fxxking educated that you can comment on the rest of the world, when you have never even left Syria???? You’re a joke, and I truly and sincerely pity you……If you ever have a chance to visit America, or Lebanon or Australia or France, and see how the people in these countries, TRULY live, you will be so very, very embarrassed about your statements, on this forum, and you will FINALLY realize how the Assad regime has brainwashed you and your family and everyone in Syria, for FIFTY YEARS. It will take 100 years to clean the minds of all involved…

          1.  Avatar

            you very stupid i told u 20 times i am not arab and never go to Syria I am french presently in UK

        2.  Avatar

          Actually C S … he’s safe in France …

          1.  Avatar

            France is a heidocratie which forbide the young girl to be pudique UK very Great just they are causing wrong to catholique but we are used of it by them

        3.  Avatar

          (Checking Maps for Marocco … )
          Gotta tell you Leo … the sand is getting harder to find between the hotels, and the sewage from Liban and Gaza hitting it means keeping water out of your mouth, or small scratches on the skin. Try to avoid the occasional dead cow.

          1.  Avatar

            why don’t you write a roman you impress me.For now all things good here in London

      3.  Avatar

        only the stupid decide who is who before hand.
        i never visit an arab country if it’s not Marocco Lebaneses are far more too racist for me to go there on holliday but when it will be a part of Syria may be i will came and enjoy you mediterraneen sand

  27. leobetapar Avatar

    hey antar stop insulting so your comment will appear online and everyone will have good laugh
    you need bernard Lewis (isn’t bernard henry levy ) to exist poor of you the christian have Jesus (Issa) the shia have Seydinna Ali and the sunnis have Bernard Lewis lolololol

    1. antar2011 Avatar

      man…i just give up on you!

      you are a waste of a human being!

      i am tired in replying to your incompetency.

      1. NO ANTAR these are from hundreds of books written by MUSLIMS and over 100 years not just today, would you like the titles of these books I can send you a couple So prove these . The qoutes are from the QURAN LOGIC ain’ t IT.  

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          A particular kind of ‘logic’ … Leogic perhaps … Hahahahahaa

          But do we then see the problem with listening to all the different ‘religiously bent’ megalomaniacs who ‘lead’ us ‘believers’ into the intolerant past with war and suffering instead of into a future of tolerance for free thought, and a belief that all mankind could actually advance TOGETHER if it wasn’t for someone trying to jamb their version of a ‘god’ into us all the time.?? And in this case, for shame, the same ‘god’ who’s ‘rules-for-living’ have been changed and revised and hadithed to death – FOR death?? Simply to allow POWER to a man.

        2. antar2011 Avatar

          no thank you i do not have any use for garbage.

          but please don’t spread this rubbish here even if i respect your right in reading it.

          PS…. Quran tafseer and language is nto for the average joe. you need to have many qualifications to do a tafseer including speaking the language of the Quran itself. i can tell you, none have existed since Ibn Katheer. so enough with your crap about islam. you think you know a lot about islam from the stinking rubbish you read, whereas in fact you no zilch about anything to do with islam or the Quran.

          and no reading standard modern arabic is not enough you moron.

      2. No Antar I have many very close Muslim Friends  for over 35 years and my 3 best friends are Muslims  and do not hate Muslims but when this GUY LEO puts on a comment that says.

        ” IS IT JESUS THAT TEACH YOU TO HATE”  , I do not have a hate bone in my body, but this clown its ok to say this.
        By the way what I write is not hate it is from books written by many Muslims so if I am wrong, I INVITE  you to prove me Wrong.

        I would like ask you a ? IN western countries governments allow Muslims to practice as free as they want, they even build prey
        rooms in hospitals airports and so on, but 90% of  ME countries a Christian is burned or a church is burned or a Bible is burned and the people in power do nothing about it. Every day Christians are persecuted in Muslim countries, Tell me is that PEACE OR HATE.  
        Trust me I AM  SORRY if I offened anybody because that is not my reason but this LEO put a remark like that and that is ok…..Well I will not decuss RELG again. This is a site of free speech but GODS should be left out and your facts or fiction is the persons rite.
        Good day to you

        1. antar2011 Avatar

          i would love to proove you wrong which i can…but not on this forum because this is not a religious forum…

          master09…have you heard of the term in arabic ‘mustashreq”? or orientalists?….a lot of muslims themselves can be described that even if they are not really…but many books which you probably read are written by them. they have one major common factor…they have absolutely zero knowledge of the Quran tafseer and so their writings are biased.

          there are many versus in the quran which when read out of context send a completely different message then what it is supposed to when read in context……most orientalists and wanabe-muslims forgot that factor.

      3. Yes good answer Antar this is a political site lets keep it at that, but the coin has two sides and we all believe what we want be it rite or wrong. 
        Good day

        1. antar2011 Avatar

          no maybes or perhapses….this is a political site and lets keep religion out of it..period.
          good day to you to brother….in humanity.

  28.  Avatar

    hey antar stop insulting so your comment will appear online and everyone will have good laugh
    you need bernard Lewis (isn’t bernard henry levy ) to exist poor of you the christian have Jesus (Issa) the shia have Seydinna Ali and the sunnis have Bernard Lewis lolololol

    1.  Avatar

      man…i just give up on you!

      you are a waste of a human being!

      i am tired in replying to your incompetency.

      1.  Avatar

        NO ANTAR these are from hundreds of books written by MUSLIMS and over 100 years not just today, would you like the titles of these books I can send you a couple So prove these . The qoutes are from the QURAN LOGIC ain’ t IT.  

        1.  Avatar

          A particular kind of ‘logic’ … Leogic perhaps … Hahahahahaa

        2.  Avatar

          no thank you i do not have any use for garbage.

          but please don’t spread this rubbish here even if i respect your right in reading it.

          PS…. Quran tafseer and language is nto for the average joe. you need to have many qualifications to do a tafseer including speaking the language of the Quran itself. i can tell you, none have existed since Ibn Katheer. so enough with your crap about islam. you think you know a lot about islam from the stinking rubbish you read, whereas in fact you no zilch about anything to do with islam or the Quran.

          and no reading standard modern arabic is not enough you moron.

        3.  Avatar

          no thank you i do not have any use for garbage.

          but please don’t spread this rubbish here even if i respect your right in reading it.

          PS…. Quran tafseer and language is nto for the average joe. you need to have many qualifications to do a tafseer including speaking the language of the Quran itself. i can tell you, none have existed since Ibn Katheer. so enough with your crap about islam. you think you know a lot about islam from the stinking rubbish you read, whereas in fact you no zilch about anything to do with islam or the Quran.

          and no reading standard modern arabic is not enough you moron.

      2.  Avatar

        NO ANTAR these are from hundreds of books written by MUSLIMS and over 100 years not just today, would you like the titles of these books I can send you a couple So prove these . The qoutes are from the QURAN LOGIC ain’ t IT.  

      3.  Avatar

        No Antar I have many very close Muslim Friends  for over 35 years and my 3 best friends are Muslims  and do not hate Muslims but when this GUY LEO puts on a comment that says.

        ” IS IT JESUS THAT TEACH YOU TO HATE”  , I do not have a hate bone in my body, but this clown its ok to say this.
        By the way what I write is not hate it is from books written by many Muslims so if I am wrong, I INVITE  you to prove me Wrong.

        I would like ask you a ? IN western countries governments allow Muslims to practice as free as they want, they even build prey
        rooms in hospitals airports and so on, but 90% of  ME countries a Christian is burned or a church is burned or a Bible is burned and the people in power do nothing about it. Every day Christians are persecuted in Muslim countries, Tell me is that PEACE OR HATE.  
        Trust me I AM  SORRY if I offened anybody because that is not my reason but this LEO put a remark like that and that is ok…..Well I will not decuss RELG again. This is a site of free speech but GODS should be left out and your facts or fiction is the persons rite.
        Good day to you

        1.  Avatar

          i would love to proove you wrong which i can…but not on this forum because this is not a religious forum…

          master09…have you heard of the term in arabic ‘mustashreq”? or orientalists?….a lot of muslims themselves can be described that even if they are not really…but many books which you probably read are written by them. they have one major common factor…they have absolutely zero knowledge of the Quran tafseer and so their writings are biased.

          there are many versus in the quran which when read out of context send a completely different message then what it is supposed to when read in context……most orientalists and wanabe-muslims forgot that factor.

      4.  Avatar

        Yes good answer Antar this is a political site lets keep it at that, but the coin has two sides and we all believe what we want be it rite or wrong. 
        Good day

        1.  Avatar

          no maybes or perhapses….this is a political site and lets keep religion out of it..period.
          good day to you to brother….in humanity.

  29. 5thDrawer Avatar

    So … being the ‘Top Dog’ of Syria, what prevented him from setting up an ‘eye-clinic’ years ago? Maybe even a ‘free’ one for ‘his people’?

  30.  Avatar

    So … being the ‘Top Dog’ of Syria, what prevented him from setting up an ‘eye-clinic’ years ago?

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