Syrian Free Army to target the Syrian army, report


Syrian Free Army commander Brigadier General Riad al-Assaad warned in remarks published by As-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper on Friday that the rebel force “will begin to target the Syrian army.”

“We were excluding the Syrian army at the beginning, but now we have to target it… because it is slaughtering our people,” he said

Assaad denied that his force is receiving arms from abroad.

The rebel officer also said that over 10,000 soldiers have defected from the Syrian army across the country, adding that his forces “formed a whole army with battalions conforming to the hierarchy followed in the Syrian army.”

According to Assaad, around 36 officers are present with him in Turkey in addition to around 30 soldiers, adding that the rest of the soldiers “are in the battlefield.”

He also commended Turkey and said that the latter “are the only ones standing by us now.”

“The Arabs have failed us. We have no one to [support] us but Turkey now,” Assaad said, adding that there is no military coordination with Turkey yet.

According to the United Nations, the Syrian regime’s crackdown on protests that erupted in mid-March has killed more than 2,900 people.



7 responses to “Syrian Free Army to target the Syrian army, report”

  1. Mr. Al-Assaad is right. when the army is killing their own people, then you have to fight back becasue logic is not an option anymore…
    Sadly you mention that (“The Arabs have failed us. We have no one to [support] us but Turkey now,” )… Can you please tell me why this is surprising!!!
    Can you tell me when the ARABS really SUPPORTED each otheres in a positive and just way!!! But don’t worry, if you can not think of any time that they did… then you are not crazy, or forgetful… The truth is the Arabs are good in killing each others, back stabbing each others. Remember lebanon; Libya; Iraq, Palestine… and on and on…. If the Arabs put forward the same effort to support each others, then the entire Middle east would have indeed been the envy of the world. 

    1. sami, i cant argue with your assessment, they suck on so many levels.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        It’s that old ‘Tribal’ mentality … something the Libyans will still need to contend with too, even if Qadaffi is out of the picture.
        Hell … just look at Africa for more examples of that.
        The whole concept of ‘Nationhood’ never seems to sink in. How will Palestinians ever achieve anything? Really.
        Let alone Lebanon …. and, in some sad cases in America, the similar ‘gangs’.

  2. Mr. Al-Assaad is right. when the army is killing their own people, then you have to fight back becasue logic is not an option anymore…
    Sadly you mention that (“The Arabs have failed us. We have no one to [support] us but Turkey now,” )… Can you please tell me why this is surprising!!!
    Can you tell me when the ARABS really SUPPORTED each otheres in a positive and just way!!! But don’t worry, if you can not think of any time that they did… then you are not crazy, or forgetful… The truth is the Arabs are good in killing each others, back stabbing each others. Remember lebanon; Libya; Iraq, Palestine… and on and on…. If the Arabs put forward the same effort to support each others, then the entire Middle east would have indeed been the envy of the world. 

    1. sami, i cant argue with your assessment, they suck on so many levels.

      1.  Avatar

        It’s that old ‘Tribal’ mentality … something the Libyans will still need to contend with too, even if Qadaffi is out of the picture.
        Hell … just look at Africa for more examples of that.
        The whole concept of ‘Nationhood’ never seems to sink in. How will Palestinians ever achieve anything? Really. Let alone Lebanon …. and, in some sad cases in America, the similar ‘gangs’.

      2.  Avatar

        It’s that old ‘Tribal’ mentality … something the Libyans will still need to contend with too, even if Qadaffi is out of the picture.
        Hell … just look at Africa for more examples of that.
        The whole concept of ‘Nationhood’ never seems to sink in. How will Palestinians ever achieve anything? Really. Let alone Lebanon …. and, in some sad cases in America, the similar ‘gangs’.

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