Geagea: Assad wants to gain Sunni legitimacy


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad wants to gain Sunni legitimacy by receiving Lebanese Sunni figures, Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea said during an interview with An-Nahar newspaper published on Friday , in reference to the visits of former Prime Ministers Salim al-Hoss and Omar Karami to Damascus.

“This is an attempt to show that nothing unusual is happening in Syria, and after the Arab boycott of the Syrian regime, Assad is trying to gain some kind of Sunni legitimacy from Lebanon,” he told

Geagear also slammed the visit of the Syrian delegation to the Maronite Patriarchate.

“This visit is an attempt to drown Patriarch Bechara Boutros al-Rai in stances that are not his,” he added.

Geagea also said that although the Patriarch expressed some sympathy for the Syrian regime, “he for sure did not voice the statements that they are trying to attribute to him.”

Rai met on Wednesday with a delegation of Syrian religious figures headed by Damascus Mufti Adnan Afyouni.

Assad on Thursday met with former Lebanese PM Omar Karami and his son Youth and Sports Minister Faisal Karami and on Wednesday he met with former PM Salim el Hoss.

Religious-political tourism

Similarly Future bloc MP Nohad Al-Mashnouq decried Assad’s meetings with Lebanese Sunni figures and the visit of a Syrian delegation to the Maronite Patriarchate’s headquarters calling them “social folklore and religious-political tourism.”

“These visits and receptions do not change the situation. They do not solve the crisis in Lebanon, but incite it,” Mashnouq told An-Nahar newspaper.

Mashnouq added that these visits also do not change the situation in Syria, “where the revolution is continuing against Assad’s regime and is not affected by visits of Lebanese former officials.”



15 responses to “Geagea: Assad wants to gain Sunni legitimacy”

  1. josephphdman Avatar

    i believe all what the patriach  rai wanted , is just to give assad more time to reform ; that did not mean that he approves of his regeme brutality against the syrian people ; because patriach rai  mentioned to give assad more time to reform in his statement,  that means he does,nt approve of assad behavior and he wants him to reform , and he was just asking the international community to give him more time , but  at the end of the day ,it is not up to the lebaneese to decide syria,s fate , it is only the right of the syrian people to decide there own fate ;
    president assad should set a date for afree election   so the syrian people could  go to the pole and vote to choose there leader; and  talk to the oposition group  to discuss the detail of transition to democracy , so the syrian people could live in dignity and freedom which they deserve.

    1. Yes phd that is why, but also can you imagine the Muslim Brotherhood in power the ME will go back 500 years, kiss freedom  good bye . 

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      There is no sense in continuing to kiss the ass of the despot who’s ‘troops’ have been so barbaric with their ‘peacemaking’ methods. Even if there had been – after first reports of mutilations – a reprimand from Assad to those ‘troops’ about their treatment of unarmed women and children and civilians generally, with a hint of humanity in it, by this time there is no excuse for his ‘regime’s’ methods or for what the world has seen happening.
        To imagine that, with a few ‘adjustments’ and a little chat, he could possibly continue to keep his hold on the people and the power – that actually comes from them – is a serious delusion.
       Allowing for one shot at trying to make him see, one must now look at what kind of thinking leads certain ‘others’ to even want to talk to him, let alone continue to work to help him stay there, and take careful note of who those ‘others’ are.

    3. shankarees Avatar

      What a load of rubbish!

    4. LEBANON101 Avatar

      to late for reform and elelctions they had 41 years to do that. the people dont want him to step down anymore. they WANT TO KILL HIM. its to late to turn around now. its either al assad and his thugs or the syrian people. my bet is on the syrian people

  2.  Avatar

    i believe all what the patriach  rai wanted , is just to give assad more time to reform ; that did not mean that he approves of his regeme brutality against the syrian people ; because patriach rai  mentioned to give assad more time to reform in his statement,  that means he does,nt approve of assad behavior and he wants him to reform , and he was just asking the international community to give him more time , but  at the end of the day ,it is not up to the lebaneese to decide syria,s fate , it is only the right of the syrian people to decide there own fate ;
    president assad should set a date for afree election   so the syrian people could  go to the pole and vote to choose there leader; and  talk to the oposition group  to discuss the detail of transition to democracy , so the syrian people could live in dignity and freedom which they deserve.

    1.  Avatar

      Yes phd that is why, but also can you imagine the Muslim Brotherhood in power the ME will go back 500 years, kiss freedom  good bye . 

    2.  Avatar

      There is no sense in continuing to kiss the ass of the the despot who’s ‘troops’ have been so barbaric with their ‘peacemaking’ methods. Even if there had been – after first reports of mutilations – a reprimand from Assad to those ‘troops’ about their treatment of unarmed women and children and civilians generally, with a hint of humanity in it, by this time there is no excuse for his ‘regime’s’ methods or for what the world has seen happening.
        To imagine that, with a few ‘adjustments’ and a little chat he could possibly continue to keep his hold on the people and the power – that actually comes from them – is a serious delusion.
       Allowing for one shot at trying to make him see, one must now look at what kind of thinking leads certain ‘others’ to even want to talk to him, let alone continue to work to help him stay there, and take careful note of who those ‘others’ are. 

    3.  Avatar

      What a load of rubbish!

    4.  Avatar

      to late for reform and elelctions they had 41 years to do that. the people dont want him to step down anymore. they WANT TO KILL HIM. its to late to turn around now. its either al assad and his thugs or the syrian people. my bet is on the syrian people

  3. Patience2 Avatar

    Why can’t patriarch Rai come out with a detailed PUBLIC statement clearing all this up??  Once and for all.  Letting everybody know his exact position and mentality??

  4. Patience2 Avatar

    Why can’t patriarch Rai come out with a detailed PUBLIC statement clearing all this up??  Once and for all.  Letting everybody know his exact position and mentality??

  5.  Avatar

    Why can’t patriarch Rai come out with a detailed PUBLIC statement clearing all this up??  Once and for all.  Letting everybody know his exact position and mentality??

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