Arab League chief to visit Syria on Saturday


The head of the Arab League, Nabil Elaraby, will travel to Syria on Saturday, Al Arabiya satellite television reported, after an Arab diplomatic source said Syria had refused to receive the head of the regional body.

The source said Damascus had refused the visit by Elaraby after he met Syrian opposition members and because of a leaked proposal by Qatar on possible Arab action over Syria’s crackdown on popular unrest, although the document was not adopted.




10 responses to “Arab League chief to visit Syria on Saturday”

  1. antar2011 Avatar

    and what he is hoping to achieve?
    ma el 7maaaar in power in Syria does not want anyone to be involved.
    Al Arabi should have gone to Iran straight away, then he might have better results then now.

    also, Al-Arabi is mistaken if he believes the syrian pple are willing to negotiate with el 7maaar Bashaar. in fact, it is the biggest insult to them from the arab world to negotiate with the animal who slayed many of their children and young men.

  2. antar2011 Avatar

    and what he is hoping to achieve?
    ma el 7maaaar in power in Syria does not want anyone to be involved.
    Al Arabi should have gone to Iran straight away, then he might have better results then now.

    also, Al-Arabi is mistaken if he believes the syrian pple are willing to negotiate with el 7maaar Bashaar. in fact, it is the biggest insult to them from the arab world to negotiate with the animal who slayed many of their children and young men.

  3.  Avatar

    and what he is hoping to achieve?
    ma el 7maaaar in power in Syria does not want anyone to be involved.
    Al Arabi should have gone to Iran straight away, then he might have better results then now.

    also, Al-Arabi is mistaken if he believes the syrian pple are willing to negotiate with el 7maaar Bashaar. in fact, it is the biggest insult to them from the arab world to negotiate with the animal who slayed many of their children and young men.

  4. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Another expensive polluting jet-flight for nothing. But they do like to ‘discuss’ don’t they?

  5. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Another expensive polluting jet-flight for nothing. But they do like to ‘discuss’ don’t they?

  6.  Avatar

    Another expensive polluting jet-flight for nothing. But they do like to ‘discuss’ don’t they?

  7. Since he was refused in the beginning ,why is he going!They will not change ,they will not listen and will only do what they want!!!!

  8. Since he was refused in the beginning ,why is he going!They will not change ,they will not listen and will only do what they want!!!!

  9.  Avatar

    Since he was refused in the beginning ,why is he going!They will not change ,they will not listen and will only do what they want!!!!

  10.  Avatar

    Since he was refused in the beginning ,why is he going!They will not change ,they will not listen and will only do what they want!!!!

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