Invalidity of the Logic that Defends the Syrian Regime


by Ghassan Karam

The fall of the USSR and the official establishment of the Russian federation in 1991 was a major turning point in the political make up of what was known as the Soviet Union and all its European and Asian satellites. The rise of Boris Yeltsin to power of a free, and independent Russia that has renounced 70 years of Communism effectively marked the end of the Cold War. The occasion was welcomed by most people all over the globe if for nothing else but for the potential peace dividend that it carried and for the apparent freedom and liberty that it had bestowed on the people of Russia as well as all the Soviet satellites from Kazakhstan to Latvia, Georgia, the Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, the unification of Germany… Yet some people on the extreme left blamed the Russian citizens and the residents of each of the satellites for wanting a better life. They blamed them for their uprising and for throwing the yoke of their exploiters and corrupt politicians who deprived the citizenry of its rights but made sure to bestow all kinds of privileges upon themselves. Many leftist party members in the West argued that the citizens of the ex Soviet Union should have never demanded what is rightfully theirs but should have allowed the oligarchs and their security forces to go on abusing them for personal gain. Obviously that line of thinking is laughable as any visitor to any of the liberated countries can document.

Move forward twenty years and in particular to the uprising that started in Syria over 5 months ago and you run against the same tired, self serving, hackneyed and superficial logic. Many of the Syrian regimes supporters know better than to make a straight forward argument in favour of a brutal dictatorship and so they twist themselves into unwieldy shapes trying to argue that the regime is needed because without it then Syria would degenerate into sectarian warfare. Obviously none of those that advance this line of thinking would provide any shred of evidence why such an outcome is inevitable. We are also told that Bashar Assad the scion of the cruel dictatorship that has been ruling under an emergency law and through a single political party rule for over 40 years need more time to introduce the legitimate reforms that the unarmed civilian protestors are calling for. Isn’t almost half a century long enough to come up with a package of reforms? And if it is true that the current regime is intent on reforms then isn’t it a coincidence that this matter became apparent only when its monopoly on power was challenged. Is it rational then to question the sincerity of such reform proposals while the tanks are demolishing neighborhoods and the prisons are full of political detainees? It is very clear that all of these are nothing else but excuses for those that are happy with the status quo of no elections, one party rule and promotion of Soviet style personal celebrity rule.

This unfortunate use of inverted logic is not left only for the domestic supporters of the dictatorship. Similar logic has been used by Egyptian thinkers as well as Lebanese writers. The most glaring such example, however, is that taken by Hezbollah. Sayed Hassan Nasrallah has stated the position of his party clearly one more time in his latest speech on the occasion of the International Day of Jerusalem. He, as expected, lavished nothing but praise on the Syrian regime but was sure to justify that by highlighting the steadfastness of the Syrian government against Israel. His premise is that the single most important issue in the Arab society is the position against Israel and in favour of the Resistance movements and since the Syrian Baath has supported Hezbollah, Hamas and PFLP-GC then any movement by the people against this regime is suspect and must be defeated. The very clear weakness of the above, even for those that share the believe in the preeminence of the Arab-Israeli position is the fact that Mr. Nasrallah assumes that the replacement government will not take the same position against Israel. He makes that assumption and asks the listeners to accept it on faith. That is purely an exercise in tautological thinking.  The other weakness in this strange logic is the assumption that Mr. Nasrallah knows best what is good for the Syrian people. They do not have a say in self determination. Could that kind of thinking be influenced by the principles of Welayat Al Faqih?

As if all of the above is not enough, many of the same groups that are defending the Syrian killing machine are applying the same logic to downplay the tremendous accomplishments of the Libyan revolutionaries that have spared no cost to free themselves from the dictates of the mad man Qadaffi. Obviously it would be unacceptable to defend such a mad person and his entourage directly and so it has become common for this group to apply its strange logic by claiming, that the courageous and brave Libyan people were manipulated by foreign powers. That is simply just as grotesque of an insult to the intelligence of the Libyan as the above thinking was an insult to the intelligence of the Syrian people.

What is especially pernicious about the above illogic is that its promoters were very highly critical of the doctrine of “preemptive strikes” as articulated by George W Bush. That principle allowed the US to take action/wage war based on suspicion that an act was being planned, no proof was necessary. That is identical to what supporters of the Syrian regime are claiming, deprive civilians of their rights, use ruthless force to put them down only because you suspect that they will propose a policy that you disagree with, no proof needed and their rights be damned even if they chose to enact such a policy. What imperious hubris.

Why cannot we accept the simple fact that the Soviet masses as well as the Tunisian, Egyptian, Libyan, Yemeni and Syrian have risen against their exploiters because they have had enough. They prefer to live in dignity rather than be used and mistreated by oligarchs bent on accumulating personal wealth and power?

The days of the Syrian dictatorship, like all other dictatorships, are numbered irrespective of its disingenuous efforts to save itself.



135 responses to “Invalidity of the Logic that Defends the Syrian Regime”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Once again accurate thinking Ghassan.
      If the despots even attempted to molify the people’s concerns through some appeasements and real ‘help’ for the average citizen in a daily life of struggle against natural conditions, one might be tempted to say change could happen slowly but peacefully. But eventually people DO realize they are like candles being burned from both ends, and their ‘leaders’ do not lead anything but the movement of wealth and luxury into their own pockets. Protected only by violence against the citizens, who see finally that their only recourse is to return the violence or die, those despots will be overcome.
      It is to be hoped another form of despotism does not replace it.

    1. Ghassan Karam Avatar
      Ghassan Karam

                    Uncertainty is always accompanies change but it is a risk worth taking.

  2.  Avatar

    Once again accurate thinking Ghassan.
      If the despots even attempted to molify the people’s concerns through some appeasements and real ‘help’ for the average citizen in a daily life of struggle against natural conditions, one might be tempted to say change could happen slowly but peacefully. But eventually people DO realize they are like candles being burned from both ends, and their ‘leaders’ do not lead anything but the movement of wealth and luxury into their own pockets. Protected only by violence against the citizens, who see finally that their only recourse is to return the violence or die, those despots will be overcome.
      It is to be hoped another form of despotism does not replace it.

    1. 5thDrawer,
                    Uncertainty is always accompanies change but it is a risk worth taking.

  3.  Avatar

    Once again accurate thinking Ghassan.
      If the despots even attempted to molify the people’s concerns through some appeasements and real ‘help’ for the average citizen in a daily life of struggle against natural conditions, one might be tempted to say change could happen slowly but peacefully. But eventually people DO realize they are like candles being burned from both ends, and their ‘leaders’ do not lead anything but the movement of wealth and luxury into their own pockets. Protected only by violence against the citizens, who see finally that their only recourse is to return the violence or die, those despots will be overcome.
      It is to be hoped another form of despotism does not replace it.

  4. Very well written article.. This is what your site should be putting out.
    Time will tell for the Syrian’s, but I wish them the best. Screw the bunker dweller, he is to busy working that spray on tan..

  5. Very well written article.. This is what your site should be putting out.
    Time will tell for the Syrian’s, but I wish them the best. Screw the bunker dweller, he is to busy working that spray on tan..

  6. Sebouh80 Avatar

    Mr.Karam, I disagree with the content of this article on a number of points respectively.
    First let me clarify few points to the general viewers: The great russian Marxist revolutionist Leon Trotsky in 1938 wrote a famous book called “The revolution betrayed” this was written shortly before his assassination by Stalin’s henchmen in Mexico in 1940.

    In this book, Trotsky predicted that the USSR, as a transitional society in the transition between capitalism and socialism had to come to terms with the following disjunctive either the toppling of the ruling bureaucracy or capitalist restoration led by the bureaucracy. If that is not a stunning prediction, what else is?
    The most interesting factor in Trotsky’s book is how he almost seems to forecast the end of the USSR nearly 50 years ago in advance. Moreover, the revolution betrayed is essential reading for all those seeking to understand the rise degeneration and fall of Soviet Union. Long before the advent of Glasnost and Perestroika Leon Trotsky warned that the Stalinist regime was preparing the ground for the return of capitalism in Soviet Union.
    It appears that the first workers republic that existed for any longer than a few weeks or months. From this book and the earlier book, things did not happen well at all. These revolutionaries had an opportunity and they took it, and this book tells the story very well of what than happened. I can gather from the whole of it that it was not quite the right place or time for it to be a good revolution. Trotsky’s belief is that Socialism requires the abundance of production of the most productive Capitalist country’s, so there is enough for the abundance to go around for everyone.
    Later in  late 1991, the bureaucracy or nomenklatura headed by Boris Yeltsin dissolved the USSR after the independence of many states within the USSR and later this same bureaucracy transformed into a Capitalist oligarchs monopolizing the Russian economy.

    Now speaking of Syria, I highly recommend in this respect that a special fact-finding mission be created for the sole purpose to find out what is really going on inside Syria because we are always getting conflicting reports on the number of casualties and the overall reality of the situation. The team has to be composed of highly professionals that are unbiased and are not under the influence of foreign intelligence services. The purpose of all this is to give us the real picture inside Syria and bring all those who are held accountable to justice.
    Finally, guys I was never a Gaddafi fan, but these so called TNC rebels are worth than Gaddafi if that is possible.
    Who are these rebels?
    The rebels were created by NATO and are composed of ex Gaddafi ministers and Al Qaeda partisans.
    In order to prove my point the Al Qaeda linked Libyan Islamic Foreign Group are in control of the former strongholds of Muammar Gaddafi in Tripoli. The thug’s name is Abdel Belhadj, aka Abdel Hakim al- Hasadi, friend of Osama bin laden, former US POW, and infamous killer of US soldiers in Afghanistan.
    I guess these are the pro-democracy liberaters. LOL.

    1. Ghassan Karam Avatar
      Ghassan Karam

                 So Trotskey predicted the failure of the Soviet Union 50 years prior to its actual demise. That is an interesting tid bit but has nothing to say about what we are discussing. As for Libya would you be more comfortable if the rebels were supported by Putin? 🙂 The rebekls were helped by NATO , as they should have been. Mr. Qadaffi, in case you have forgotten, threatened that his goons were willing to go door to door in order to get each and every one that opposed him. Libya will not be a perfect functioning democracy neither would Syria but to pretend that the people should be subjected to abuse, killing, exploitation and violation of all what is right and decent is preposterous.

      1. Sebouh80 Avatar

        Mr.Karam, I reject imperialism in all its forms whether its from the NATO states or from their rivals Russia and China.

        As you are well aware, that both of these imperialist powers are either directly or indirectly competing for geopolitical expansion or resource appropriation..
        The problem is that the NATO states and their Russian and Chinese counterparts have contradictory interests that at some point will lead into a devastating clash.

        1. Ghassan Karam Avatar
          Ghassan Karam

                      I asked the question. tongue in cheek, because you seem to think that Libya, forexample, will be condemned to stay under the cruel rule of a mad man if it does not choose a pure socialist structure, when you well know that such a structure does not exist. But what is more important these are not the choices that Libya, Syria or whoever face. Their choice is either servitude under a totalitarian regime or a substantially better, though wanting, form of liberal democracy.
                    Anyway, no matter what is ones personal ideology, no one has the right to say that what the people have chosen is wrong. As you well know I have many problems with the ideology of Hezbollah but I have no problem if the Lebanese people decide to adopt it. That is simply what is meant by accepting and respecting the other. I will disagree with their choice but I will accept it and respect it.

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Ghassan (below) might respect it … but hopefully can still point out the curious anomalies that spring up on occasion .. 🙂
             As for ‘clashes’ Sebouh … seems keeping a working crew on a space-station could be a problem after stupidly retiring all the shuttles instantly. One might have thought a ‘back-up’ could be kept intact. But I don’t think we see contradictory interests there … only some ‘cheap’ thinking about the ‘business’ … in Russia, owned mostly by the Putin Corp.
            Working ‘together’ was necessary to get it to the point is has reached. Whether the Jesuits want to take over mineral rights on the moon, and general space travel, or not, remains to be seen I guess … but I’m sure Trotsky didn’t envision that coming. 🙂
            Could we all ‘share’ to advance human development? At least until the next large meteor hits? That’s the big question.

        3. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Ghassan (below) might respect it … but hopefully can still point out the curious anomalies that spring up on occasion .. 🙂
             As for ‘clashes’ Sebouh … seems keeping a working crew on a space-station could be a problem after stupidly retiring all the shuttles instantly. One might have thought a ‘back-up’ could be kept intact. But I don’t think we see contradictory interests there … only some ‘cheap’ thinking about the ‘business’ … in Russia, owned mostly by the Putin Corp.
            Working ‘together’ was necessary to get it to the point is has reached. Whether the Jesuits want to take over mineral rights on the moon, and general space travel, or not, remains to be seen I guess … but I’m sure Trotsky didn’t envision that coming. 🙂
            Could we all ‘share’ to advance human development? At least until the next large meteor hits? That’s the big question.

    2. Charlieladd Avatar

      How many more mass graves would have been created do you think by the time your fact-finding mission is established and carried on it’s work?
      I think the saddest thing is that by suppressing freedoms and free thinking the Arab world has lost the benefits of the brightest being allowed to rise and shine. Now that is a crime for you.

      1. Sebouh80 Avatar

        Hi Charlie,
        I respect your opinion and I totally understand your concerns about what is happening in Syria. Therefore,  I urge an unbiased fact-finding mission in this respect as soon as possible. This is the only way for us to know what is exactly going on inside Syria and without resorting to the usual propaganda media machines.

         Again what we need is a fair an unbiased report that has the authority to pinpoint all those who gave the orders for all these killings that took place in Syria for the past 6 months.
        I hope, I have answered your question.

    3. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Sebouh80 – Read all of ‘The Gulag Archipelago’ by Solzhenitzyn if you want to understand Communism … I’m sure these despots used it as a text-book. Imperialists never quite perfected the methods it seems to me …
        And EVERYONE seems to be trying that ‘geographical expansion’ you talk about … it’s generally called ‘business’. (Even Hezzy’s do it.) If you are always going to be yacking about the ‘Big Oil’ thing, consider who sets the prices, then also has Princes with nothing else to do driving around in solid gold and diamond-studded European automobiles while citizens starve and grovel. Women are locked up and so ‘taken-care-of’ they are bored into suicide, but a guy can carve his name in the dessert so it can be seen from space (was that for a god?) … yet you say NATO ‘created’ the desire of a people to have some democracy??
      AND YOU BELIEVE GADAFFI’S PROPAGANDA?? Or Assad’s version of it?
       Read Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ first … you might see who the pigs are.
         (Sorry animal ‘rightists’ … Not dumping on pigs here … cleanest of all animal meat, by the way. 😉

  7.  Avatar

    Mr.Karam, I disagree with the content of this article on a number of points respectively.
    First let me clarify few points to the general viewers: The great russian Marxist revolutionist Leon Trotsky in 1938 wrote a famous book called “The revolution betrayed” this was written shortly before his assassination by Stalin’s henchmen in Mexico in 1940.

    In this book, Trotsky predicted that the USSR, as a transitional society in the transition between capitalism and socialism had to come to terms with the following disjunctive either the toppling of the ruling bureaucracy or capitalist restoration led by the bureaucracy. If that is not a stunning prediction, what else is?
    The most interesting factor in Trotsky’s book is how he almost seems to forecast the end of the USSR nearly 50 years ago in advance. Moreover, the revolution betrayed is essential reading for all those seeking to understand the rise degeneration and fall of Soviet Union. Long before the advent of Glasnost and Perestroika Leon Trotsky warned that the Stalinist regime was preparing the ground for the return of capitalism in Soviet Union.
    It appears that the first workers republic that existed for any longer than a few weeks or months. From this book and the earlier book, things did not happen well at all. These revolutionaries had an opportunity and they took it, and this book tells the story very well of what than happened. I can gather from the whole of it that it was not quite the right place or time for it to be a good revolution. Trotsky’s belief is that Socialism requires the abundance of production of the most productive Capitalist country’s, so there is enough for the abundance to go around for everyone.
    Later in  late 1991, the bureaucracy or nomenklatura headed by Boris Yeltsin dissolved the USSR after the independence of many states within the USSR and later this same bureaucracy transformed into a Capitalist oligarchs monopolizing the Russian economy.

    Now speaking of Syria, I highly recommend in this respect that a special fact-finding mission be created for the sole purpose to find out what is really going on inside Syria because we are always getting conflicting reports on the number of casualties and the overall reality of the situation. The team has to be composed of highly professionals that are unbiased and are not under the influence of foreign intelligence services. The purpose of all this is to give us the real picture inside Syria and bring all those who are held accountable to justice.
    Finally, guys I was never a Gaddafi fan, but these so called TNC rebels are worth than Gaddafi if that is possible.
    Who are these rebels?
    The rebels were created by NATO and are composed of ex Gaddafi ministers and Al Qaeda partisans.
    In order to prove my point the Al Qaeda linked Libyan Islamic Foreign Group are in control of the former strongholds of Muammar Gaddafi in Tripoli. The thug’s name is Abdel Belhadj, aka Abdel Hakim al- Hasadi, friend of Osama bin laden, former US POW, and infamous killer of US soldiers in Afghanistan.
    I guess these are the pro-democracy liberaters. LOL.

    1. Sebouh,
                 So Trotskey predicted the failure of the Soviet Union 50 years prior to its actual demise. That is an interesting tid bit but has nothing to say about what we are discussing. As for Libya would you be more comfortable if the rebels were supported by Putin? 🙂 The rebekls were helped by NATO , as they should have been. Mr. Qadaffi, in case you have forgotten, threatened that his goons were willing to go door to door in order to get each and every one that opposed him. Libya will not be a perfect functioning democracy neither would Syria but to pretend that the people should be subjected to abuse, killing, exploitation and violation of all what is right and decent is preposterous.

      1.  Avatar

        Mr.Karam, I reject imperialism in all its forms whether its from the NATO states or from their rivals Russia and China.

        As you are well aware, that both of these imperialist powers are either directly or indirectly competing for geopolitical expansion or resource appropriation..
        The problem is that the NATO states and their Russian and Chinese counterparts have contradictory interests that at some point will lead into a devastating clash.

        1. Sebouh,
                      I asked the question. tongue in cheek, because you seem to think that Libya, forexample, will be condemned to stay under the cruel rule of a mad man if it does not choose a pure socialist structure, when you well know that such a structure does not exist. But what is more important these are not the choices that Libya, Syria or whoever face. Their choice is either servitude under a totalitarian regime or a substantially better, though wanting, form of liberal democracy.
                    Anyway, no matter what is ones personal ideology, no one has the right to say that what the people have chosen is wrong. As you well know I have many problems with the ideology of Hezbollah but I have no problem if the Lebanese people decide to adopt it. That is simply what is meant by accepting and respecting the other. I will disagree with their choice but I will accept it and respect it.

        2.  Avatar

          Ghassan (below) might respect it … but hopefully can still point out the curious anomalies that spring up on occasion .. 🙂
             As for ‘clashes’ Sebouh … seems keeping a working crew on a space-station could be a problem after stupidly retiring all the shuttles instantly. One might have thought a ‘back-up’ could be kept intact. But I don’t think we see contradictory interests there … only some ‘cheap’ thinking about the ‘business’ … in Russia, owned mostly by the Putin Corp.
            Working ‘together’ was necessary to get it to the point is has reached. Whether the Jesuits want to take over mineral rights on the moon, and general space travel, or not, remains to be seen I guess … but I’m sure Trotsky didn’t envision that coming. 🙂
            Could we all ‘share’ to advance human development? At least until the next large meteor hits? That’s the big question.

    2.  Avatar

      How many more mass graves would have been created do you think by the time your fact-finding mission is established and carried on it’s work?
      I think the saddest thing is that by suppressing freedoms and free thinking the Arab world has lost the benefits of the brightest being allowed to rise and shine. Now that is a crime for you.

      1.  Avatar

        Hi Charlie,
        I respect your opinion and I totally understand your concerns about what is happening in Syria. Therefore,  I urge an unbiased fact-finding mission in this respect as soon as possible. This is the only way for us to know what is exactly going on inside Syria and without resorting to the usual propaganda media machines.

         Again what we need is a fair an unbiased report that has the authority to pinpoint all those who gave the orders for all these killings that took place in Syria for the past 6 months.
        I hope, I have answered your question.

    3.  Avatar

      Sebouh80 – Read all of ‘The Gulag Archipelago’ by Solzhenitzyn if you want to understand Communism … I’m sure these despots used it as a text-book. Imperialists never quite perfected the methods it seems to me …
        And EVERYONE seems to be trying that ‘geographical expansion’ you talk about … it’s generally called ‘business’. (Even Hezzy’s do it.) If you are always going to be yacking about the ‘Big Oil’ thing, consider who sets the prices, then also has Princes with nothing else to do driving around in solid gold and diamond-studded European automobiles while citizens starve and grovel. Women are locked up and so ‘taken-care-of’ they are bored into suicide, but a guy can carve his name in the dessert so it can be seen from space (was that for a god?) … yet you say NATO ‘created’ the desire of a people to have some democracy??
      AND YOU BELIEVE GADAFFI’S PROPAGANDA?? Or Assad’s version of it?
       Read Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ first … you might see who the pigs are.
         (Sorry animal ‘rightists’ … Not dumping on pigs here … cleanest of all animal meat, by the way. 😉

  8. antar2011 Avatar

    who gave the right for Nasrushaytan to be involved in the syrian poeple under the pretence of doing the best for them?

    i am sure the syrian poeple did not ask for his help… nor his opinion of the situation in syria.

    the biggest slap in the face for the lebanese poeple is to have this shaytan in HA’s leader, declaring total faith in Bashaar’s regime [when we know what it means to be controled by this regime] and total loyalty to him [when we know how many martyrs fell as a result of the slaying of the monster] not once but for a second time…

    i hope his end comes with the fall of the monster next door….very near inshaAllah.

    1. Ghassan Karam Avatar
      Ghassan Karam

                   There is no doubt that a change of regime in Syria will have a monumental impact on Hezbollahs military capabilities. SHN was showing his fealty both to Tehran and Damascus.
                   Another important point that is related to the above but that is not as clear is that a democratic Syria is a must for a truly independent and sovereign Lebanon.

      1. antar2011 Avatar

        in another time and on another planet where there was no Assad family and their shabi7a in lebanon, i would have said, lebanon and syria are two seperate independent countries that has nothing to do with each other-politically. so even if saddam was next door , lebanon does not necessarily have to be ruled by saddam-wannabies.

        but unfortunately, you are correct, a democratic syria is indeed a must for a truely independent and sovereign lebanon….the shabi77a in nasrushaytan and co in march 8 want it that way.

  9.  Avatar

    who gave the right for Nasrushaytan to be involved in the syrian poeple under the pretence of doing the best for them?

    i am sure the syrian poeple did not ask for his help… nor his opinion of the situation in syria.

    the biggest slap in the face for the lebanese poeple is to have this shaytan in HA’s leader, declaring total faith in Bashaar’s regime [when we know what it means to be controled by this regime] and total loyalty to him [when we know how many martyrs fell as a result of the slaying of the monster] not once but for a second time…

    i hope his end comes with the fall of the monster next door….very near inshaAllah.

    1. antar2011,
                   There is no doubt that a change of regime in Syria will have a monumental impact on Hezbollahs military capabilities. SHN was showing his fealty both to Tehran and Damascus.
                   Another important point that is related to the above but that is not as clear is that a democratic Syria is a must for a truly independent and sovereign Lebanon.

      1.  Avatar

        in another time and on another planet where there was no Assad family and their shabi7a in lebanon, i would have said, lebanon and syria are two seperate independent countries that has nothing to do with each other-politically. so even if saddam was next door , lebanon does not necessarily have to be ruled by saddam-wannabies.

        but unfortunately, you are correct, a democratic syria is indeed a must for a truely independent and sovereign lebanon….the shabi77a in nasrushaytan and co in march 8 want it that way.

      2.  Avatar

        in another time and on another planet where there was no Assad family and their shabi7a in lebanon, i would have said, lebanon and syria are two seperate independent countries that has nothing to do with each other-politically. so even if saddam was next door , lebanon does not necessarily have to be ruled by saddam-wannabies.

        but unfortunately, you are correct, a democratic syria is indeed a must for a truely independent and sovereign lebanon….the shabi77a in nasrushaytan and co in march 8 want it that way.

  10. 2160John Avatar

    Sebouh and Ghassan,

    The end goal of NATO, UN, EU and the US is to turn the world into a socialist(possibly even communist) one world government under the illusion of democracy. They want to take control of the resources of all nations and control their governments by indebting them due to wars and then controlling their economy. Qaddafi has the 18th biggest gold reserve in the world while the IMF has the third. They want his oil and his gold. They do not care if Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood or liberals take over as long as they get it.

    They are against Bashar because he is not going in line with IMF policies. They do not care so much that he funds Hezbollah because they want Hezbollah well armed so it can destroy Israel. They are helping to overthrow leaders of Arab countries for two reasons. 1.) They are not going in line with IMF articles or didn’t agree to everything in them 2.)They want to install anti-Israeli leaders that will actually attack Israel and destroy it rather than not fire a shot for 40 years

    The plan is to have Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon fight Israel in a big war similair to the one mentioned in biblical prophecy and as a result have Jerusalem and Israel destroyed. They will then bring in the UN to take over like they did in South Lebanon except it will be in Jerusalem. They will then be able to rebuild the temple of solomon and change the capital of the world from NYC to Jerusalem.

    This is all in line with the plans of the Jesuits that control the papacy of Rome. They are the people behind Nazism, Communism, Zionism, Fascism. The pioneers of communism were sent from germany to russia on the sealed train in order to destroy russia.
    Nazism was created to destroy germany. Fascism caused the spanish civil war and it even led to the formation of the Kataeb in Lebanon. Zionism was created and used by the Jesuits to brainwash people of Jewish backgrounds to move to Israel. They helped Hitler do the holocaust in order to speed up the process. They needed Jews to fight the 6 arab nations that would invade it and then have its capital destroyed thus ushering in a call to PEACE and a One World Order.

    They want all nations to succumb to war, become weak and in a huge debt that they can never pay back. This will pave the way to complete control of the governments and they will then be able to control the nation’s politics. Politics will influence media, art, education, foreign policy,food you eat, the water you drink and possibly how you think in some cases. You have all been decieved. The elite in the governments of Russia, China, North Korea and the US are all on the same side behind closed doors and they are playing the same game and obey the same financial rules of  Roman canon law. Everything else is just to make their plans happen; theyre on the same side deceiving YOU THE PEOPLE.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      You really hate ‘those Jews’, eh?  We got the messages too … but understand where they come from.

      1. 2160John Avatar

        Everytime someone mentions the word Jewish, you become a paranoid person who thinks they’re anti-semetic.

        Even though I was saying indirectly that the Jews are not responsible for the all the bad things that are happening in the world, you failed to realize that I was taking away the blame from being wholly on them.

        I do not blame the Jewish community as a whole but where I do blame them is for protecting the criminals from within their society. If ther person is good then he is protected by the Jewish community and if he is bad then he is also protected by the community. This is why there’s “anti-semetism”. Your community is so brainwashed into only helping each other that they fail to root out the mass murders from within their ranks. So when the mass murderer is put on trial so to speak, the entire community which was aiding and abetting  and not to mention comitting gross negligence in stoping or reporting the crimes gets in trouble too.

        What’s even worse about the Jewish community is that the leaders know who really is pulling the strings yet they stay silent and let their people take the blame.
        The only reason Jews are put into positions of power in America is so they can take the blame. The real people who are pulling the strings are the high level Roman Catholics and the Jesuits and they are based in Washington DC. They control the pentagon, white house and scottish rite. 

        They supported communism and pushed it into russia and then Russia got the blame.
        They supported nazism and pushed it into germany and then Germany got the blame.
        They supported and CREATED Israel, and now Israel and the Jewish people are getting the blame.

        If you fail to realize this then you and your community will continue to be nothing more than cannon fodder and the “sacrificial lamb” of ushering in a One World Government through the UN (which is really controlled by the Vatican and the Jesuits behind it).

        Understand this or the Jewish people you love so dearly will continue towards their downfall.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          When did I mention ‘Love’.? That emotion has never been party to rational thoughts it seems to me.
            The largest confusion of ‘man’, I feel, is in tying what is (in each of us different) a ‘personal’ belief of ‘god’ with the politics of humans within a ‘belief system’ created by humans. If ‘megalomaniacs’ hide within such a system, then by all means root them out and post that truth for all to see, so better conclusions may be stated.
            If instead, your conclusions are based on emotional theories about who is pulling our strings, please don’t add to the confusions unless you show the proofs along with them.
            The ‘world domination’ theories are a favorite of even the megalomaniacs, of course – and as we see, some have certainly tried to live it – but where evidence has shown the ‘anti-social’ nature of their programmes, thinking people – realizing that we survive on the planet in large social groups more successfully than alone – have been quick to lift awareness. One reason that broadly-educated minds are first to be targeted, of course … this most often by narrowly educated theorists, although guns are first choices of some we can note with viability.

          As for me and ‘love’ … some days I prefer to say ‘What a bunch of assholes!’ and find a lonely spot on the beach.

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          I assume you read ‘Holy Blood, Holy Grail’ too … and maybe watched the movie about it.
          Anyone can make ‘charts’ and bend them to their particular outlook on life. We had enough of that over ‘global warming’ too. Easy enough to state a pile of ‘theories’ pretending someone in the past has verified the ‘facts’. We don’t have space here to take each point you attempt to make and run out it’s history, or debate the history of the vast number of groups you go through in your castigations. Might be better to simply say ‘Jesuits are the reason for everything bad in the world.’ and leave it as one topic to respond on.
          Oh … and I’m certain you didn’t get every ‘group’ or conspiracy theory in here either.

          Maybe the guy who shakes spears is trying to help you – with his double-spaced text-lines.

      2. This is a ” straw man ” argument, a major logical fallacy.

        5th, you are debating a point weaker and different than the one John stated, rather than debating the content of his post.

        Nowhere in John’s post do we see any hatred towards jews. 

        In a nutshell, John wrote that religions, nations, are being used against each other in a “Divide and Conquer” fashion, to create  (actually what many western world leaders openly admit to), ” A New World Order “.

        Epic  (and commonly used) Fail…..please try again

    2. lol, I read the first line of your post and just started laughing…I need not read the rest to know where its going. open your eyes to current events, and nevermind all that other jazz you hold onto so dearly.

      1. 2160John Avatar

        Then have your eyes closed to the truth, and keep believing in the the fantasy of one person being all good and the other being all bad while not realizing that they both work together.

        Don’t judge it till you read it all. If you don’t believe the facts then prove it otherwise.

        1. But why when the Kool Aid is sooooooo delicious to drink?

          Nothing to see here, just go back to sleep, the UN is taking care of you.

      2. Fadi,

        Wow yet another personal attack on John, Fadi why don’t you prove John wrong with some sort of proof or at least a statement.

        Laughter is a defense mechanism when we are presented with something we don’t understand or are scared to believe.

        1 more personal attack on John = 1 more EPIC FAIL

        1. what personal attack? asking him to open his eyes to current events is a personal attack? sounds like we got a few sensetive types here. In all honesty if he cant see any wrong with what the arab regimes do to their own people under the pretext of “security” then he is not worth debating. we can all hijack these posts with rants about radical conspiracies but I’d rather just comment on the issues and subjects of the articles. Fact is these people want freedoms that they know exist in other parts of the world. 20 years ago people were clueless to how much better life can be outside of these security regime controlled states. the spread of information and communication and news is beyond the control of these dictators, people are waking up. maybe its time for the conspiraxcy theorists to realize this and not allow their own hatred of the west get in the way of their better judgment.

        2. Fallacy: Ad Hominem Description of Ad HominemTranslated from Latin to English, “Ad Hominem” means “against the man” or “against the person.” An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument. Typically, this fallacy involves two steps. First, an attack against the character of person making the claim, her circumstances, or her actions is made (or the character, circumstances, or actions of the person reporting the claim). Second, this attack is taken to be evidence against the claim or argument the person in question is making (or presenting). This type of “argument” has the following form:
          Person A makes claim X.
          Person B makes an attack on person A.
          Therefore A’s claim is false. The reason why an Ad Hominem (of any kind) is a fallacy is that the character, circumstances, or actions of a person do not (in most cases) have a bearing on the truth or falsity of the claim being made (or the quality of the argument being made).

          Description of Ad Hominem
          Translated from Latin to English, “Ad Hominem” means “against the man” or “against the person.”
          An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument. Typically, this fallacy involves two steps. First, an attack against the character of person making the claim, her circumstances, or her actions is made (or the character, circumstances, or actions of the person reporting the claim). Second, this attack is taken to be evidence against the claim or argument the person in question is making (or presenting). This type of “argument” has the following form:
          Person A makes claim X. Person B makes an attack on person A. Therefore A’s claim is false.
          The reason why an Ad Hominem (of any kind) is a fallacy is that the character, circumstances, or actions of a person do not (in most cases) have a bearing on the truth or falsity of the claim being made (or the quality of the argument being made).

          I hope that answers your question, ” what personal attack?”

        3. Fallacy: Ad Hominem Description of Ad HominemTranslated from Latin to English, “Ad Hominem” means “against the man” or “against the person.” An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument. Typically, this fallacy involves two steps. First, an attack against the character of person making the claim, her circumstances, or her actions is made (or the character, circumstances, or actions of the person reporting the claim). Second, this attack is taken to be evidence against the claim or argument the person in question is making (or presenting). This type of “argument” has the following form:
          Person A makes claim X.
          Person B makes an attack on person A.
          Therefore A’s claim is false. The reason why an Ad Hominem (of any kind) is a fallacy is that the character, circumstances, or actions of a person do not (in most cases) have a bearing on the truth or falsity of the claim being made (or the quality of the argument being made).

          Description of Ad Hominem
          Translated from Latin to English, “Ad Hominem” means “against the man” or “against the person.”
          An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument. Typically, this fallacy involves two steps. First, an attack against the character of person making the claim, her circumstances, or her actions is made (or the character, circumstances, or actions of the person reporting the claim). Second, this attack is taken to be evidence against the claim or argument the person in question is making (or presenting). This type of “argument” has the following form:
          Person A makes claim X. Person B makes an attack on person A. Therefore A’s claim is false.
          The reason why an Ad Hominem (of any kind) is a fallacy is that the character, circumstances, or actions of a person do not (in most cases) have a bearing on the truth or falsity of the claim being made (or the quality of the argument being made).

          I hope that answers your question, ” what personal attack?”

        4. Fadi,

          Your reply to John :

          “lol, I read the first line of your post and just started laughing…I need not read the rest to know where its going. open your eyes to current events, and nevermind all that other jazz you hold onto so dearly. ”

          You’re stating that we need to ignore John’s argument because you “LOL”ed it. This is a logical fallacy; ” Ad Hominem”

        5. Fadi,

          Your reply to John :

          “lol, I read the first line of your post and just started laughing…I need not read the rest to know where its going. open your eyes to current events, and nevermind all that other jazz you hold onto so dearly. ”

          You’re stating that we need to ignore John’s argument because you “LOL”ed it. This is a logical fallacy; ” Ad Hominem”

    3. libnan1 Avatar

      Outstanding analysis…. 100 % in agreement. People think that UN peacekeepers are to keep peace, they are the new crusaders. They will be in the west bank and Sienna desert soon, at that point there will be no need for the existence of Israeli as far the oil companies are concerned and therefore funding will cease.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        That wasn’t ‘analysis’ … it was a list of almost every conspiracy theory since the dark ages.

    4. Beiruti Avatar

      Sound like you’re uneducated and you get your knowledge from watching Youtube videos about conspiracies and the illuminati/freemasonary. The Spanish Civil war was not because of Fascism, the result of the war was Fascism. Just from this i know you are not worth continuing a discussion with. If all the Arab countries couldn’t take Israel in 1948 when the Israelis were outnumbered on literally every single front, you think they will be able to now? 

      1. A personal attack on John, not logical. In fact John’s writtings show a great indepth knowledge of modern history.

        Try again Beiruti.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          If you stop shaking spears, maybe you can figure out how to stop the double-spaced text-lines.
          And yah .. that’s personal.

        2. leobetapar Avatar

          usually but this time he try to be as nut as Karan i guess

        3. leobetapar Avatar

          usually but this time he try to be as nut as Karan i guess

    5. master09 Avatar

      What space ship are you ON dude.

      1. Yet another personal attack and John, not helping the opposing views.

        John is still ahead by furlong.

        Try again “master09”

        1. master09 Avatar

          These are theories not facts.
          I have posted facts in reply to 2160John and some others and hard facts to thier comments and not once did they answer back.
          I am not taking shots at anyone but when one does not rite back and support what one is riting than you make comments to see if they will support thier claims. John can not be ahead by FURLONGS because he never writes back to back his THEORIES.
          How about you write something for him and back these THEORIES up yourself. NO PERSONAL ATTACK.
          These are THEORIES the only blurry fact he speaks about is gold Lybia is 26th holder of gold 143 tons  Lebanon has more gold
          300 tons. USA is already mining Gold with RUSSIA and legally at 1 ton per day. FACT a country must have a ratio 1/35 of its currency to gold or the dollar will be devalued and worth less. You must control the side of SPECIE MONEY and FIAT MONEY, which can control the goverment finacial system.  

          Oil the story of oil is to keep people blinded, did you know USA and Canada has enough oil to last for 200 years. IN Canada a black gold sitting on the surface that looks like rocks is now been turned into oil.  USA wants the Arabs to run out of oil or come close to finish, why want they drill for oil in America at the moment?????.

          USA will start to help Afghanistan mine trillions worth of Lithium that is trillions $$$$$.

          Look at Lybia location that should give you a good Idea why USA wants to be there.

          He talks about the Jesuits, can you tell us about the Islamic revolution and what this plan is about????
          Just like the ISlamic revolution in IRAN  is in place to take over the world and kill of all NON muslims, show me how that is NOT the same as what any other group or government is trying to do, be it Jews or America or even Lebanon.
          HA is in Lebanon using the land to fight the JEWS because if IRAN OR SYRIA went to war with the JEWS they know that will end very badly for them. YES or NO.??  
          Wars have been and will alway be.
          Super power have used war for many reasons for the past 5000 years so these THEORIES are someones point of view and NOT facts.
          I have a theory the Lebanese government will never look after thier own people, OH sorry thats a FACT.

          Show me if you can be ahead by  furlongs. GIVE FACTS not stories

        2. Again no reply My mind is open back up these soooo facts you talk about that John writes.
          All you do is bla bla bla about what someone else writes, how about backing up these so called facts that run back to 600 AD. These so called research you talk about who wrote them?? again people with theories NOT FACTS.

          You talk about people taking cheap shoots, that is all you have done is say we are rite and you are wrong with no backing up.
          It seems everyone is experiening  psychosis,  but not you guys because you all have information that no one can get their hands on or read.
          Its like the subject of GLOBAL warming there are HOAX, MYTHS ,FACTS , STATISTICS AND SCAMS which side are you on.

          You say….
          Fallacy: Ad Hominem Description of Ad HominemTranslated from Latin to English, “Ad Hominem” means “against the man” or “against the person.” An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument. Typically, this fallacy involves two steps.
          First, an attack against the character of person making the claim, her circumstances, or her actions is made (or the character, circumstances, or actions of the person reporting the claim). Second, this attack is taken to be evidence against the claim or argument the person in question is making (or presenting). This type of “argument” has the following form: Person A makes claim X. 
          These are not facts where he gets his information from if so prove it simple.
          I have asked you and him to prove these theories and NO still waiting. MY MIND IS UNIVERSAL.
          By the way check out web page VATICAN ASSASSINS THIS is ??? I would like some feedback,

    6. So you mean those really weren’t humanitarian peace bombs falling on Tripoli?

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Nothing in a war is humanitarian … but such precision bombing is better than just flattening the place – don’t your think?
        Well … of course … perhaps not if you wanted Qadaffi to ‘win’ and kill everyone he could out of vengeance … or perhaps you’d rather people just fought with stone axes as in the ‘good old days’ – up close and personal.

        1. 2160John Avatar

          I did not read the “Holy Grail” book you mentioned. I study information straight from the source. I read books written by insiders to Communism, Freemason history documents, CIA manuals and reports, religious references and other material. I also have first hand experience of the subject from years of research and experience. I do not follow any ideology but rather follow strong principles.

          I realized that 18th might not be the right number in tons of gold for Libya but kept it anyway to see if people will actually check up on my information and make sure it’s correct and even expected you to reply regarding it. The good thing about 5th drawer is he/she always likes to check on other people’s information but he/she usually does it in order to prove others wrong if it doesn’t match his view on politics or reality. Wikipedia is not really a very reliable source too. If you want to learn about Muslims then go to a Muslim website, if you want to learn about Jews then go to a Jewish website. Wikipedia is not very reliable.

          Regarding Iran, the shah was overthrown because of issues regarding natural resources and he was nationalizing the oil industry. Khomeini( a freemason)was put into power and sent to Iran in order to take power. He did the Islamic Revolution and later betrayed the people that put him in power.The next year the Iran-Iraq war was started. Another freemason that was put into power goes by the name of Saddam Hussein and he attacked Iran. Both leaders of both countries were overthrown and replaced at convenient times and a war ensued.. They went into a lengthly war and divided the Sunni and Shiite Muslims and the effect is even seen till today. Divide and Conquer as Shake Speare said. Mossad agents went to Iraq and started blowing up bombs and killing innocent people, Saddam used it as an excuse to carry out a pre-planned war against Iran.

          The Jesuits are talented assassins. They use the Art of War by Sun Tzu.  They want to put extremist Muslims in power in the Middle East that work with them. They support the Muslim Brotherhood and they support the leaders of Israel like Shimon Peres. The Jewish people are used as the “sacrificial lamb” to usher in a New World Order. Jews are taught they have been treated really badly throughout history and killed. That if they don’t stick together then another pogrom or holocaust will happen. They are taught to resent their treatment by all that harmed them and the only way to survive is to stick with each other no matter what the fellow Jew does. The Jesuists indoctrinated the Jewish people with Zionism, installed fixed ideas and memories of bad history into their collective mindset. They are now using the Jewish people’s own mindset against themselves. They manipulate both the Muslims and Jews to kill each other and then reap the profits throught the IMF, World Bank and spreading the UN and indebting nations.

          They put Jews in positions of power to use them as front groups. Notice how the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Rockefellers, Rothschilds and all those with leading authority in the country are Jewish.  The Rockfefellers and Rothschilds do not even like Jews, they secretly supported the PLO and so did the Vatican.They want the people of the world to blame the Jews like the Germans did when they accused them of controlling the banks and press. It might be a bit true but who are the banks working for?? Who is the the federal reserve, World Bank, IMF, Italian Mafia, CIA, Mossad, UN, EU, NATO really working for???

          It’s the pope in the Vatican. It’s the Jesuits that took over the Vatican. All the world is killing each other and the Pope and the people behind the pope sit in their red and black robes on their thrones while gaining more and more power after war after war. They believe that they are the leading spiritual authority of the world and all the land is for them. It’s true that all roads lead to Rome.

        2. 5thDrawer,

          NATO, US, UN said it’s not a war, they are not calling it a war.

          They are calling it a ” humanitarian intervention” ……Obama stated that he did not need to get the constitutional approval of congress, specifically because it is not a war but a (and I quote the president) ” Kinetic Action”, not a war.

          Did you forget that?

        3. 5thDrawer,

          NATO, US, UN said it’s not a war, they are not calling it a war.

          They are calling it a ” humanitarian intervention” ……Obama stated that he did not need to get the constitutional approval of congress, specifically because it is not a war but a (and I quote the president) ” Kinetic Action”, not a war.

          Did you forget that?

        4. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Yes SSpeare … they can call it what they want, but we all know it’s a war. A war for people without any hope to perhaps finally have some. And the rest is politics. We understand that.
          I happen to agree with giving the people a hand.

      2. 2160John Avatar

        LOL. Humanitarian Peace bombs!! There’s no such thing. If anything they would of been dropped to stop the Rawandan Genocide but Rawanda didn’t have enough oil. Plus, there’s too many Black Africans, why not let them kill each other off and decrease the world population by a bit. This is exactly how they think.

        Libya has gold and oil. Even though Qaddafi was not well liked, he had some good ideas. He wanted to create the United States of Africa. They feared him even though he gave up his nuclear program and basically kissed their behind for a number of years. Assad is having some problems with the IMF too. It’s all about the money, power and control. Wahabists, Freemasons, Kabbalist and zionist jews all work for the Jesuits. They use them for divide and conquer as you said. It’s good to have people like you around that actually understand what’s happening.

        1. master09 Avatar

          AGENDA   The New World (Jesuit) Order  :   world tyranny:   The Jesuit Order  
          The Agenda”   is one term for the “new world order” used by the insiders / globalists  —  the ILLUMINISTS, also called the ILLUMINATI.    Ultimately, the goal of the spiritual adversary of mankind is to rule the whole world (currently by putting the UN over every nation).  It also includes the Agenda:  to move the Papacy to Jerusalem, and this has been the primary design for 1600 years, only overshadowed by the objective to expunge the entire nation of Israel from the Earth, because of the Covenant
          They’ve designed conflicts of every sort, and even invented Islam to plow the way for the big Papal move from Rome to Jerusalem.

          This is where you get your theories from WOW good work.

        2. Thanks John,

          I wish I could say you are wrong in what you write, but unfortunately any research of what you wrote checks out. However I must share my opinion on something.

          To any reader who is not as far ahead in geopolitical and historical research as you are, what you are writting will sound “nuts” and “crazy”.
          I agree with 98% of what you wrote but I have been researching geopolitics for over a decade, some readers have not yet shaken off their mass schooling system/corporate media programming. So their mind is trained to immediately call you a “conspiracy theorist”. Which, as you have noticed is the most common response from a smart , highly educated person who cannot compute what you are saying into the matrix that they live in.

          So I find readers are more open minded if you ease them into the rabbit hole, because nobody can get to the bottom of the rabitt hole without going through the rest of it.

          I do that by starting the focus on one specific point, and showing them the facts on that one thing, lead to the next, that way they are not totally shocked, wich will be too much and turn them away.

          But please don’t take what I’m saying as anything more than constructive, I have a high respect for your indepth knowledge and courage to continue educating even when you are ridiculed.

          I think this quote by Mahatma Ghandi is suitable; ” First the ignore you, then they ridicule you, then you win”

        3. Thanks John,

          I wish I could say you are wrong in what you write, but unfortunately any research of what you wrote checks out. However I must share my opinion on something.

          To any reader who is not as far ahead in geopolitical and historical research as you are, what you are writting will sound “nuts” and “crazy”.
          I agree with 98% of what you wrote but I have been researching geopolitics for over a decade, some readers have not yet shaken off their mass schooling system/corporate media programming. So their mind is trained to immediately call you a “conspiracy theorist”. Which, as you have noticed is the most common response from a smart , highly educated person who cannot compute what you are saying into the matrix that they live in.

          So I find readers are more open minded if you ease them into the rabbit hole, because nobody can get to the bottom of the rabitt hole without going through the rest of it.

          I do that by starting the focus on one specific point, and showing them the facts on that one thing, lead to the next, that way they are not totally shocked, wich will be too much and turn them away.

          But please don’t take what I’m saying as anything more than constructive, I have a high respect for your indepth knowledge and courage to continue educating even when you are ridiculed.

          I think this quote by Mahatma Ghandi is suitable; ” First the ignore you, then they ridicule you, then you win”

    7. leobetapar Avatar

      one one your diatribe worth the one of Karam slave of ahl shitty

    8. leobetapar Avatar

      my lord it’s only reading shake spear that i got that’s it’s John .What’s happen to you John do you have an accident a blow on the head.I am absolutly desapointed tell me do you really believe the nuts you right or do you try to be as stupid than Karam the slave of ahl shitty?please answer me because i know very good psychiatric books in case of need

    9. leobetapar Avatar

      i rectify because you worth it
      my lord it’s only reading shake spear that i got that’s it’s John .What’s happen to you John? do you have an accident?a blow on the head?.I am absolutly desapointed tell me do you really believe the nuts you write or do you try to be as stupid as Karam the slave of ahl shitty?please answer me because i know very good psychiatric books in case of need

    10. No is not in line with the Jesuits,  is in line with Israel the Greater Enemy of Catholics, They are in fact trying to destroy the Vatican.  

      You got it in some points, but not in all of them,  and You got it backwards,  this is a Jewish plan to take over as a totalitarian world Government, Not The Jesuits,  in fact The Jesuits where toppled for Jewish Fascist to collect hight taxes in Our income,  

      Before it was stablished by the Catholic Church that You will pay 10% of Your income but only if You where able to pay,  No penalties, No Jail No Pressure.  it was Voluntary. It was called THITE (Diezmo in Spanish Language)But then it came the true  Jewish Fascists to take over the Government of Spain in 1937 and it was what I call it an Ideologic Confusion in which the People thought that You must stop Believing in  Jesus as God.This was the main objective of the Jews after killing Jesus it’s being said that all the poison came from the Synagogues and they poisoned the Roman Empire to kill Christians,  Because Jesus Cursed the Jews as son of the Devil.I agree with You in the goal of NATO, Israel is a member of NATO,  and Contradicts what You say about the destruction of Israel,  But Yes a World order is not going to be stablished is NOW in effect and is working every time like a clock to steal other Countries under false pretences like preaching Democracy,  But practising dictatorship.

      The Main Goal Here is to topple Christianity in Jerusalem,  You can visit if You don’t believe Me and see by Yourself how Jews mistreat Christians,  Harassment and insults to Jesus are the bread of every day in Israel.

      As for the plan to have Lebanon,  Syria, Egypt and Palestine fight against Israel,  I doubt that the different sectarian groups one day will respond to such flagrant provocations from Israel,  But that could Be a possibility,  for one thing the Enemy is always a good reason to make Allies,  But Who is the enemy? Which one would You chose? One is destroying Our Lebanon with Bombs and the Others are destroying it with overpopulation and internal conflicts.

      As for the so called DEBT,  I call it Plastic Recession,  It was invented as a way to exploit every Citizen in every Country to Make You a modern slave under a fictional story.The American Natives have a word to describe this Greed,  “KESHAGUESH” (Gut Greed)  And We are all in a ride for it,  A Very Long Ride…

  11. 2160John Avatar

    Sebouh and Ghassan,

    The end goal of NATO, UN, EU and the US is to turn the world into a socialist(possibly even communist) one world government under the illusion of democracy. They want to take control of the resources of all nations and control their governments by indebting them due to wars and then controlling their economy. Qaddafi has the 18th biggest gold reserve in the world while the IMF has the third. They want his oil and his gold. They do not care if Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood or liberals take over as long as they get it.

    They are against Bashar because he is not going in line with IMF policies. They do not care so much that he funds Hezbollah because they want Hezbollah well armed so it can destroy Israel. They are helping to overthrow leaders of Arab countries for two reasons. 1.) They are not going in line with IMF articles or didn’t agree to everything in them 2.)They want to install anti-Israeli leaders that will actually attack Israel and destroy it rather than not fire a shot for 40 years

    The plan is to have Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon fight Israel in a big war similair to the one mentioned in biblical prophecy and as a result have Jerusalem and Israel destroyed. They will then bring in the UN to take over like they did in South Lebanon except it will be in Jerusalem. They will then be able to rebuild the temple of solomon and change the capital of the world from NYC to Jerusalem.

    This is all in line with the plans of the Jesuits that control the papacy of Rome. They are the people behind Nazism, Communism, Zionism, Fascism. The pioneers of communism were sent from germany to russia on the sealed train in order to destroy russia.
    Nazism was created to destroy germany. Fascism caused the spanish civil war and it even led to the formation of the Kataeb in Lebanon. Zionism was created and used by the Jesuits to brainwash people of Jewish backgrounds to move to Israel. They helped Hitler do the holocaust in order to speed up the process. They needed Jews to fight the 6 arab nations that would invade it and then have its capital destroyed thus ushering in a call to PEACE and a One World Order.

    They want all nations to succumb to war, become weak and in a huge debt that they can never pay back. This will pave the way to complete control of the governments and they will then be able to control the nation’s politics. Politics will influence media, art, education, foreign policy,food you eat, the water you drink and possibly how you think in some cases. You have all been decieved. The elite in the governments of Russia, China, North Korea and the US are all on the same side behind closed doors and they are playing the same game and obey the same financial rules of  Roman canon law. Everything else is just to make their plans happen; theyre on the same side deceiving YOU THE PEOPLE.

    1. leobetapar Avatar

      my lord it’s only reading shake spear that i got that’s it’s John .What’s happen to you John do you have an accident a blow on the head.I am absolutly desapointed tell me do you really believe the nuts you right or do you try to be as stupid than Karam the slave of ahl shitty?please answer me because i know very good psychiatric books in case of need

    2. leobetapar Avatar

      i rectify because you worth it
      my lord it’s only reading shake spear that i got that’s it’s John .What’s happen to you John? do you have an accident?a blow on the head?.I am absolutly desapointed tell me do you really believe the nuts you write or do you try to be as stupid as Karam the slave of ahl shitty?please answer me because i know very good psychiatric books in case of need

  12.  Avatar

    Sebouh and Ghassan,

    The end goal of NATO, UN, EU and the US is to turn the world into a socialist(possibly even communist) one world government under the illusion of democracy. They want to take control of the resources of all nations and control their governments by indebting them due to wars and then controlling their economy. Qaddafi has the 18th biggest gold reserve in the world while the IMF has the third. They want his oil and his gold. They do not care if Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood or liberals take over as long as they get it.

    They are against Bashar because he is not going in line with IMF policies. They do not care so much that he funds Hezbollah because they want Hezbollah well armed so it can destroy Israel. They are helping to overthrow leaders of Arab countries for two reasons. 1.) They are not going in line with IMF articles or didn’t agree to everything in them 2.)They want to install anti-Israeli leaders that will actually attack Israel and destroy it rather than not fire a shot for 40 years

    The plan is to have Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon fight Israel in a big war similair to the one mentioned in biblical prophecy and as a result have Jerusalem and Israel destroyed. They will then bring in the UN to take over like they did in South Lebanon except it will be in Jerusalem. They will then be able to rebuild the temple of solomon and change the capital of the world from NYC to Jerusalem.

    This is all in line with the plans of the Jesuits that control the papacy of Rome. They are the people behind Nazism, Communism, Zionism, Fascism. The pioneers of communism were sent from germany to russia on the sealed train in order to destroy russia.
    Nazism was created to destroy germany. Fascism caused the spanish civil war and it even led to the formation of the Kataeb in Lebanon. Zionism was created and used by the Jesuits to brainwash people of Jewish backgrounds to move to Israel. They helped Hitler do the holocaust in order to speed up the process. They needed Jews to fight the 6 arab nations that would invade it and then have its capital destroyed thus ushering in a call to PEACE and a One World Order.

    They want all nations to succumb to war, become weak and in a huge debt that they can never pay back. This will pave the way to complete control of the governments and they will then be able to control the nation’s politics. Politics will influence media, art, education, foreign policy,food you eat, the water you drink and possibly how you think in some cases. You have all been decieved. The elite in the governments of Russia, China, North Korea and the US are all on the same side behind closed doors and they are playing the same game and obey the same financial rules of  Roman canon law. Everything else is just to make their plans happen; theyre on the same side decieving YOU THE PEOPLE.

    1.  Avatar

      You really hate ‘those Jews’, eh?  We got the messages too … but understand where they come from.

      1.  Avatar

        Everytime someone mentions the word Jewish, you become a paranoid person who thinks they’re anti-semetic.

        Even though I was saying indirectly that the Jews are not responsible for the all the bad things that are happening in the world, you failed to realize that I was taking away the blame from being wholly on them.

        I do not blame the Jewish community as a whole but where I do blame them is for protecting the criminals from within their society. If ther person is good then he is protected by the Jewish community and if he is bad then he is also protected by the community. This is why there’s “anti-semetism”. Your community is so brainwashed into only helping each other that they fail to root out the mass murders from within their ranks. So when the mass murderer is put on trial so to speak, the entire community which was aiding and abetting  and not to mention comitting gross negligence in stoping or reporting the crimes gets in trouble too.

        What’s even worse about the Jewish community is that the leaders know who really is pulling the strings yet they stay silent and let their people take the blame.
        The only reason Jews are put into positions of power in America is so they can take the blame. The real people who are pulling the strings are the high level Roman Catholics and the Jesuits and they are based in Washington DC. They control the pentagon, white house and scottish rite. 

        They supported communism and pushed it into russia and then Russia got the blame.
        They supported nazism and pushed it into germany and then Germany got the blame.
        They supported and CREATED Israel, and now Israel and the Jewish people are getting the blame.

        If you fail to realize this then you and your community will continue to be nothing more than cannon fodder and the “sacrificial lamb” of ushering in a One World Government through the UN (which is really controlled by the Vatican and the Jesuits behind it).

        Understand this or the Jewish people you love so dearly will continue towards their downfall.

        1.  Avatar

          When did I mention ‘Love’.? That emotion has never been party to rational thoughts it seems to me.
            The largest confusion of ‘man’, it seems to me, is in tying what is (in each of us different) a ‘personal’ belief of ‘god’ with the politics of humans within a ‘belief system’ created by humans. If ‘megalomaniacs’ hide within such a system, then by all means root them out and post that truth for all to see, so better conclusions may be stated.
            If instead, your conclusions are based on emotional theories about who is pulling our strings, please don’t add to the confusions unless you show the proofs along with them.
            The ‘world domination’ theories are a favorite of even the megalomaniacs, of course – and as we see, some have certainly tried to live it – but where evidence has shown the ‘anti-social’ nature of their programmes, thinking people – realizing that we survive on the planet in large social groups more successfully than alone – have been quick to lift awareness. One reason that broadly-educated minds are first to be targeted, of course … this most often by narrowly educated theorists, although guns are first choices of some we can note with viability.

        2.  Avatar

          When did I mention ‘Love’.? That emotion has never been party to rational thoughts it seems to me.
            The largest confusion of ‘man’, it seems to me, is in tying what is (in each of us different) a ‘personal’ belief of ‘god’ with the politics of humans within a ‘belief system’ created by humans. If ‘megalomaniacs’ hide within such a system, then by all means root them out and post that truth for all to see, so better conclusions may be stated.
            If instead, your conclusions are based on emotional theories about who is pulling our strings, please don’t add to the confusions unless you show the proofs along with them.
            The ‘world domination’ theories are a favorite of even the megalomaniacs, of course – and as we see, some have certainly tried to live it – but where evidence has shown the ‘anti-social’ nature of their programmes, thinking people – realizing that we survive on the planet in large social groups more successfully than alone – have been quick to lift awareness. One reason that broadly-educated minds are first to be targeted, of course … this most often by narrowly educated theorists, although guns are first choices of some we can note with viability.

        3.  Avatar

          When did I mention ‘Love’.? That emotion has never been party to rational thoughts it seems to me.
            The largest confusion of ‘man’, it seems to me, is in tying what is (in each of us different) a ‘personal’ belief of ‘god’ with the politics of humans within a ‘belief system’ created by humans. If ‘megalomaniacs’ hide within such a system, then by all means root them out and post that truth for all to see, so better conclusions may be stated.
            If instead, your conclusions are based on emotional theories about who is pulling our strings, please don’t add to the confusions unless you show the proofs along with them.
            The ‘world domination’ theories are a favorite of even the megalomaniacs, of course – and as we see, some have certainly tried to live it – but where evidence has shown the ‘anti-social’ nature of their programmes, thinking people – realizing that we survive on the planet in large social groups more successfully than alone – have been quick to lift awareness. One reason that broadly-educated minds are first to be targeted, of course … this most often by narrowly educated theorists, although guns are first choices of some we can note with viability.

        4.  Avatar

          When did I mention ‘Love’.? That emotion has never been party to rational thoughts it seems to me.
            The largest confusion of ‘man’, it seems to me, is in tying what is (in each of us different) a ‘personal’ belief of ‘god’ with the politics of humans within a ‘belief system’ created by humans. If ‘megalomaniacs’ hide within such a system, then by all means root them out and post that truth for all to see, so better conclusions may be stated.
            If instead, your conclusions are based on emotional theories about who is pulling our strings, please don’t add to the confusions unless you show the proofs along with them.
            The ‘world domination’ theories are a favorite of even the megalomaniacs, of course – and as we see, some have certainly tried to live it – but where evidence has shown the ‘anti-social’ nature of their programmes, thinking people – realizing that we survive on the planet in large social groups more successfully than alone – have been quick to lift awareness. One reason that broadly-educated minds are first to be targeted, of course … this most often by narrowly educated theorists, although guns are first choices of some we can note with viability.

        5.  Avatar

          I assume your read ‘Holy Blood, Holy Grail’ too … and maybe watched the movie about it.
          Anyone can make ‘charts’ and bend them to their particular outlook on life. We had enough of that over ‘global warming’ too. Easy enough to state a pile of ‘theories’ pretending someone in the past has verified the ‘facts’. We don’t have space here to take each point you attempt to make and run out it’s history, or debate the history of the vast number of groups you through in for your castigations. Might be better to simply say ‘Jesuits are the reason for everything bad in the world.’ and leave it as one topic to respond on.
          Oh … and I’m certain you didn’t get every ‘group’ or conspiracy theory in here either.

          Maybe the guy who shakes spears is trying to help you – with his double-spaced text-lines.

      2. This is a ” straw man ” argument, a major logical fallacy.

        5th, you are debating a point weaker and different than the one John stated, rather than debating the content of his post.

        Nowhere in John’s post do we see any hatred towards jews. 

        In a nutshell, John wrote that religions, nations, are being used against each other in a “Divide and Conquer” fashion, to create  (actually what many western world leaders openly admit to), ” A New World Order “.

        Epic  (and commonly used) Fail…..please try again

      3. This is a ” straw man ” argument, a major logical fallacy.

        5th, you are debating a point weaker and different than the one John stated, rather than debating the content of his post.

        Nowhere in John’s post do we see any hatred towards jews. 

        In a nutshell, John wrote that religions, nations, are being used against each other in a “Divide and Conquer” fashion, to create  (actually what many western world leaders openly admit to), ” A New World Order “.

        Epic  (and commonly used) Fail…..please try again

    2.  Avatar

      lol, I read the first line of your post and just started laughing…I need not read the rest to know where its going. open your eyes to current events, and nevermind all that other jazz you hold onto so dearly.

      1.  Avatar

        Then have your eyes closed to the truth, and keep believing in the the fantasy of one person being all good and the other being all bad while not realizing that they both work together.

        Don’t judge it till you read it all. If you don’t believe the facts then prove it otherwise.

        1. But why when the Kool Aid is sooooooo delicious to drink?

          Nothing to see here, just go back to sleep, the UN is taking care of you.

      2. Fadi,

        Wow yet another personal attack on John, Fadi why don’t you prove John wrong with some sort of proof or at least a statement.

        Laughter is a defense mechanism when we are presented with something we don’t understand or are scared to believe.

        1 more personal attack on John = 1 more EPIC FAIL

        1.  Avatar

          what personal attack? asking him to open his eyes to current events is a personal attack? sounds like we got a few sensetive types here. In all honesty if he cant see any wrong with what the arab regimes do to their own people under the pretext of “security” then he is not worth debating. we can all hijack these posts with rants about radical conspiracies but I’d rather just comment on the issues and subjects of the articles. Fact is these people want freedoms that they know exist in other parts of the world. 20 years ago people were clueless to how much better life can be outside of these security regime controlled states. the spread of information and communication and news is beyond the control of these dictators, people are waking up. maybe its time for the conspiraxcy theorists to realize this and not allow their own hatred of the west get in the way of their better judgment.

        2.  Fallacy: Ad Hominem Description of Ad HominemTranslated from Latin to English, “Ad Hominem” means “against the man” or “against the person.” An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument. Typically, this fallacy involves two steps. First, an attack against the character of person making the claim, her circumstances, or her actions is made (or the character, circumstances, or actions of the person reporting the claim). Second, this attack is taken to be evidence against the claim or argument the person in question is making (or presenting). This type of “argument” has the following form:
          Person A makes claim X.
          Person B makes an attack on person A.
          Therefore A’s claim is false. The reason why an Ad Hominem (of any kind) is a fallacy is that the character, circumstances, or actions of a person do not (in most cases) have a bearing on the truth or falsity of the claim being made (or the quality of the argument being made).

          Description of Ad Hominem
          Translated from Latin to English, “Ad Hominem” means “against the man” or “against the person.”
          An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument. Typically, this fallacy involves two steps. First, an attack against the character of person making the claim, her circumstances, or her actions is made (or the character, circumstances, or actions of the person reporting the claim). Second, this attack is taken to be evidence against the claim or argument the person in question is making (or presenting). This type of “argument” has the following form:
          Person A makes claim X. Person B makes an attack on person A. Therefore A’s claim is false.
          The reason why an Ad Hominem (of any kind) is a fallacy is that the character, circumstances, or actions of a person do not (in most cases) have a bearing on the truth or falsity of the claim being made (or the quality of the argument being made).

        3.  Fallacy: Ad Hominem Description of Ad HominemTranslated from Latin to English, “Ad Hominem” means “against the man” or “against the person.” An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument. Typically, this fallacy involves two steps. First, an attack against the character of person making the claim, her circumstances, or her actions is made (or the character, circumstances, or actions of the person reporting the claim). Second, this attack is taken to be evidence against the claim or argument the person in question is making (or presenting). This type of “argument” has the following form:
          Person A makes claim X.
          Person B makes an attack on person A.
          Therefore A’s claim is false. The reason why an Ad Hominem (of any kind) is a fallacy is that the character, circumstances, or actions of a person do not (in most cases) have a bearing on the truth or falsity of the claim being made (or the quality of the argument being made).

          Description of Ad Hominem
          Translated from Latin to English, “Ad Hominem” means “against the man” or “against the person.”
          An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument. Typically, this fallacy involves two steps. First, an attack against the character of person making the claim, her circumstances, or her actions is made (or the character, circumstances, or actions of the person reporting the claim). Second, this attack is taken to be evidence against the claim or argument the person in question is making (or presenting). This type of “argument” has the following form:
          Person A makes claim X. Person B makes an attack on person A. Therefore A’s claim is false.
          The reason why an Ad Hominem (of any kind) is a fallacy is that the character, circumstances, or actions of a person do not (in most cases) have a bearing on the truth or falsity of the claim being made (or the quality of the argument being made).

        4. Fadi,

          Your reply to John :

          “lol, I read the first line of your post and just started laughing…I need not read the rest to know where its going. open your eyes to current events, and nevermind all that other jazz you hold onto so dearly. ”

          You’re stating that we need to ignore John’s argument because you “LOL”ed it. This is a logical fallacy; ” Ad Hominem”

    3.  Avatar

      Outstanding analysis…. 100 % in agreement. People think that UN peacekeepers are to keep peace, they are the new crusaders. They will in the west bank soon, at that point there will be no need for the existence of Israeli as far the oil companies are concerned and therefore funding will cease.   

      1.  Avatar

        That wasn’t ‘analysis’ … it was a list of almost every conspiracy theory since the dark ages.

    4.  Avatar

      Sound like you’re uneducated and you get your knowledge from watching Youtube videos about conspiracies and the illuminati/freemasonary. The Spanish Civil war was not because of Fascism, the result of the war was Fascism. Just from this i know you are not worth continuing a discussion with. If all the Arab countries couldn’t take Israel in 1948 when the Israelis were outnumbered on literally every single front, you think they will be able to now? 

      1. A personal attack on John, not logical. In fact John’s writtings show a great indepth knowledge of modern history.

        Try again Beiruti.

        1.  Avatar

          If you stop shaking spears, maybe you can figure out how to stop the double-spaced text-lines.
          And yah .. that’s personal.

        2.  Avatar

          usually but this time he try to be as nut as Karan i guess

    5.  Avatar

      Sound like you’re uneducated and you get your knowledge from watching Youtube videos about conspiracies and the illuminati/freemasonary. The Spanish Civil war was not because of Fascism, the result of the war was Fascism. Just from this i know you are not worth continuing a discussion with. If all the Arab countries couldn’t take Israel in 1948 when the Israelis were outnumbered on literally every single front, you think they will be able to now? 

    6.  Avatar

      What space ship are you ON dude.

      1. Yet another personal attack and John, not helping the opposing views.

        John is still ahead by furlong.

        Try again “master09”

        1.  Avatar

          These are theories not facts.
          I have posted facts in reply to 2160John and some others and hard facts to thier comments and not once did they answer back.
          I am not taking shots at anyone but when one does not rite back and support what one is riting than you make comments to see if they will support thier claims. John can not be ahead by FURLONGS because he never writes back to back his THEORIES.
          How about you write something for him and back these THEORIES up yourself. NO PERSONAL ATTACK.
          These are THEORIES the only blurry fact he speaks about is gold Lybia is 26th holder of gold 143 tons  Lebanon has more gold
          300 tons. USA is already mining Gold with RUSSIA and legally at 1 ton per day. FACT a country must have a ratio 1/35 of its currency to gold or the dollar will be devalued and worth less. You must control the side of SPECIE MONEY and FIAT MONEY, which can control the goverment finacial system.  

          Oil the story of oil is to keep people blinded, did you know USA and Canada has enough oil to last for 200 years. IN Canada a black gold sitting on the surface that looks like rocks is now been turned into oil.  USA wants the Arabs to run out of oil or come close to finish, why want they drill for oil in America at the moment?????.

          USA will start to help Afghanistan mine trillions worth of Lithium that is trillions $$$$$.

          Look at Lybia location that should give you a good Idea why USA wants to be there.

          He talks about the Jesuits, can you tell us about the Islamic revolution and what this plan is about????
          Just like the ISlamic revolution in IRAN  is in place to take over the world and kill of all NON muslims, show me how that is NOT the same as what any other group or government is trying to do, be it Jews or America or even Lebanon.
          HA is in Lebanon using the land to fight the JEWS because if IRAN OR SYRIA went to war with the JEWS they know that will end very badly for them. YES or NO.??  
          Wars have been and will alway be.
          Super power have used war for many reasons for the past 5000 years so these THEORIES are someones point of view and NOT facts.
          I have a theory the Lebanese government will never look after thier own people, OH sorry thats a FACT.

          Show me if you can be ahead by  fulongs. GIVE FACTS not stories


        2.  Avatar

          Again no reply My mind is open back up these soooo facts you talk about that John writes.
          All you do is bla bla bla about what someone else writes, how about backing up these so called facts that run back to 600 AD.
          You talk about people taking cheap shoots, that is all you have done is say we are rite and you are wrong with no backing up.
          It seems everyone is experiening  psychosis,  but not you guys because you all have information that no one can get their hands on or read.
          You say….
          Fallacy: Ad Hominem Description of Ad HominemTranslated from Latin to English, “Ad Hominem” means “against the man” or “against the person.” An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument. Typically, this fallacy involves two steps.
          First, an attack against the character of person making the claim, her circumstances, or her actions is made (or the character, circumstances, or actions of the person reporting the claim). Second, this attack is taken to be evidence against the claim or argument the person in question is making (or presenting). This type of “argument” has the following form: Person A makes claim X. 
          These are not facts where he gets his information from if so prove it simple.
          I have asked you and him to prove these theories and NO still waiting. MY MIND IS UNIVERSAL.

        3.  Avatar

          Again no reply My mind is open back up these soooo facts you talk about that John writes.
          All you do is bla bla bla about what someone else writes, how about backing up these so called facts that run back to 600 AD.
          You talk about people taking cheap shoots, that is all you have done is say we are rite and you are wrong with no backing up.
          It seems everyone is experiening  psychosis,  but not you guys because you all have information that no one can get their hands on or read.
          You say….
          Fallacy: Ad Hominem Description of Ad HominemTranslated from Latin to English, “Ad Hominem” means “against the man” or “against the person.” An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument. Typically, this fallacy involves two steps.
          First, an attack against the character of person making the claim, her circumstances, or her actions is made (or the character, circumstances, or actions of the person reporting the claim). Second, this attack is taken to be evidence against the claim or argument the person in question is making (or presenting). This type of “argument” has the following form: Person A makes claim X. 
          These are not facts where he gets his information from if so prove it simple.
          I have asked you and him to prove these theories and NO still waiting. MY MIND IS UNIVERSAL.

    7.  Avatar

      What space ship are you ON dude.

    8. So you mean those really weren’t humanitarian peace bombs falling on Tripoli?

    9. So you mean those really weren’t humanitarian peace bombs falling on Tripoli?

      1.  Avatar

        Nothing in a war is humanitarian … but such precision bombing is better than just flattening the place – don’t your think?

        1.  Avatar

          I did not read the “Holy Grail” book you mentioned. I study information straight from the source. I read books written by insiders to Communism, Freemason history documents, CIA manuals and reports, religious references and other material. I also have first hand experience of the subject from years of research and experience. I do not follow any ideology but rather follow strong principles.

          I realized that 18th might not be the right number in tons of gold for Libya but kept it anyway to see if people will actually check up on my information and make sure it’s correct and even expected you to reply regarding it. The good thing about 5th drawer is he/she always likes to check on other people’s information but he/she usually does it in order to prove others wrong if it doesn’t match his view on politics or reality. Wikipedia is not really a very reliable source too. If you want to learn about Muslims then go to a Muslim website, if you want to learn about Jews then go to a Jewish website. Wikipedia is not very reliable.

          Regarding Iran, the shah was overthrown because of issues regarding natural resources and he was nationalizing the oil industry. Khomeini( a freemason)was put into power and sent to Iran in order to take power. He did the Islamic Revolution and later betrayed the people that put him in power.The next year the Iran-Iraq war was started. Another freemason that was put into power goes by the name of Saddam Hussein and he attacked Iran. Both leaders of both countries were overthrown and replaced at convenient times and a war ensued.. They went into a lengthly war and divided the Sunni and Shiite Muslims and the effect is even seen till today. Divide and Conquer as Shake Speare said. Mossad agents went to Iraq and started blowing up bombs and killing innocent people, Saddam used it as an excuse to carry out a pre-planned war against Iran.

          The Jesuits are talented assassins. They use the Art of War by Sun Tzu.  They want to put extremist Muslims in power in the Middle East that work with them. They support the Muslim Brotherhood and they support the leaders of Israel like Shimon Peres. The Jewish people are used as the “sacrificial lamb” to usher in a New World Order. Jews are taught they have been treated really badly throughout history and killed. That if they don’t stick together then another pogrom or holocaust will happen. They are taught to resent their treatment by all that harmed them and the only way to survive is to stick with each other no matter what the fellow Jew does. The Jesuists indoctrinated the Jewish people with Zionism, installed fixed ideas and memories of bad history into their collective mindset. They are now using the Jewish people’s own mindset against themselves. They manipulate both the Muslims and Jews to kill each other and then reap the profits throught the IMF, World Bank and spreading the UN and indebting nations.

          They put Jews in positions of power to use them as front groups. Notice how the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Rockefellers, Rothschilds and all those with leading authority in the country are Jewish.  The Rockfefellers and Rothschilds do not even like Jews, they secretly supported the PLO and so did the Vatican.They want the people of the world to blame the Jews like the Germans did when they accused them of controlling the banks and press. It might be a bit true but who are the banks working for?? Who is the the federal reserve, World Bank, IMF, Italian Mafia, CIA, Mossad, UN, EU, NATO really working for???

          It’s the pope in the Vatican. It’s the Jesuits that took over the Vatican. All the world is killing each other and the Pope and the people behind the pope sit in their red and black robes on their thrones while gaining more and more power after war after war. They believe that they are the leading spiritual authority of the world and all the land is for them. It’s true that all roads lead to Rome.

        2.  Avatar

          I did not read the “Holy Grail” book you mentioned. I study information straight from the source. I read books written by insiders to Communism, Freemason history documents, CIA manuals and reports, religious references and other material. I also have first hand experience of the subject from years of research and experience. I do not follow any ideology but rather follow strong principles.

          I realized that 18th might not be the right number in tons of gold for Libya but kept it anyway to see if people will actually check up on my information and make sure it’s correct and even expected you to reply regarding it. The good thing about 5th drawer is he/she always likes to check on other people’s information but he/she usually does it in order to prove others wrong if it doesn’t match his view on politics or reality. Wikipedia is not really a very reliable source too. If you want to learn about Muslims then go to a Muslim website, if you want to learn about Jews then go to a Jewish website. Wikipedia is not very reliable.

          Regarding Iran, the shah was overthrown because of issues regarding natural resources and he was nationalizing the oil industry. Khomeini( a freemason)was put into power and sent to Iran in order to take power. He did the Islamic Revolution and later betrayed the people that put him in power.The next year the Iran-Iraq war was started. Another freemason that was put into power goes by the name of Saddam Hussein and he attacked Iran. Both leaders of both countries were overthrown and replaced at convenient times and a war ensued.. They went into a lengthly war and divided the Sunni and Shiite Muslims and the effect is even seen till today. Divide and Conquer as Shake Speare said. Mossad agents went to Iraq and started blowing up bombs and killing innocent people, Saddam used it as an excuse to carry out a pre-planned war against Iran.

          The Jesuits are talented assassins. They use the Art of War by Sun Tzu.  They want to put extremist Muslims in power in the Middle East that work with them. They support the Muslim Brotherhood and they support the leaders of Israel like Shimon Peres. The Jewish people are used as the “sacrificial lamb” to usher in a New World Order. Jews are taught they have been treated really badly throughout history and killed. That if they don’t stick together then another pogrom or holocaust will happen. They are taught to resent their treatment by all that harmed them and the only way to survive is to stick with each other no matter what the fellow Jew does. The Jesuists indoctrinated the Jewish people with Zionism, installed fixed ideas and memories of bad history into their collective mindset. They are now using the Jewish people’s own mindset against themselves. They manipulate both the Muslims and Jews to kill each other and then reap the profits throught the IMF, World Bank and spreading the UN and indebting nations.

          They put Jews in positions of power to use them as front groups. Notice how the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Rockefellers, Rothschilds and all those with leading authority in the country are Jewish.  The Rockfefellers and Rothschilds do not even like Jews, they secretly supported the PLO and so did the Vatican.They want the people of the world to blame the Jews like the Germans did when they accused them of controlling the banks and press. It might be a bit true but who are the banks working for?? Who is the the federal reserve, World Bank, IMF, Italian Mafia, CIA, Mossad, UN, EU, NATO really working for???

          It’s the pope in the Vatican. It’s the Jesuits that took over the Vatican. All the world is killing each other and the Pope and the people behind the pope sit in their red and black robes on their thrones while gaining more and more power after war after war. They believe that they are the leading spiritual authority of the world and all the land is for them. It’s true that all roads lead to Rome.

        3.  Avatar

          I did not read the “Holy Grail” book you mentioned. I study information straight from the source. I read books written by insiders to Communism, Freemason history documents, CIA manuals and reports, religious references and other material. I also have first hand experience of the subject from years of research and experience. I do not follow any ideology but rather follow strong principles.

          I realized that 18th might not be the right number in tons of gold for Libya but kept it anyway to see if people will actually check up on my information and make sure it’s correct and even expected you to reply regarding it. The good thing about 5th drawer is he/she always likes to check on other people’s information but he/she usually does it in order to prove others wrong if it doesn’t match his view on politics or reality. Wikipedia is not really a very reliable source too. If you want to learn about Muslims then go to a Muslim website, if you want to learn about Jews then go to a Jewish website. Wikipedia is not very reliable.

          Regarding Iran, the shah was overthrown because of issues regarding natural resources and he was nationalizing the oil industry. Khomeini( a freemason)was put into power and sent to Iran in order to take power. He did the Islamic Revolution and later betrayed the people that put him in power.The next year the Iran-Iraq war was started. Another freemason that was put into power goes by the name of Saddam Hussein and he attacked Iran. Both leaders of both countries were overthrown and replaced at convenient times and a war ensued.. They went into a lengthly war and divided the Sunni and Shiite Muslims and the effect is even seen till today. Divide and Conquer as Shake Speare said. Mossad agents went to Iraq and started blowing up bombs and killing innocent people, Saddam used it as an excuse to carry out a pre-planned war against Iran.

          The Jesuits are talented assassins. They use the Art of War by Sun Tzu.  They want to put extremist Muslims in power in the Middle East that work with them. They support the Muslim Brotherhood and they support the leaders of Israel like Shimon Peres. The Jewish people are used as the “sacrificial lamb” to usher in a New World Order. Jews are taught they have been treated really badly throughout history and killed. That if they don’t stick together then another pogrom or holocaust will happen. They are taught to resent their treatment by all that harmed them and the only way to survive is to stick with each other no matter what the fellow Jew does. The Jesuists indoctrinated the Jewish people with Zionism, installed fixed ideas and memories of bad history into their collective mindset. They are now using the Jewish people’s own mindset against themselves. They manipulate both the Muslims and Jews to kill each other and then reap the profits throught the IMF, World Bank and spreading the UN and indebting nations.

          They put Jews in positions of power to use them as front groups. Notice how the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Rockefellers, Rothschilds and all those with leading authority in the country are Jewish.  The Rockfefellers and Rothschilds do not even like Jews, they secretly supported the PLO and so did the Vatican.They want the people of the world to blame the Jews like the Germans did when they accused them of controlling the banks and press. It might be a bit true but who are the banks working for?? Who is the the federal reserve, World Bank, IMF, Italian Mafia, CIA, Mossad, UN, EU, NATO really working for???

          It’s the pope in the Vatican. It’s the Jesuits that took over the Vatican. All the world is killing each other and the Pope and the people behind the pope sit in their red and black robes on their thrones while gaining more and more power after war after war. They believe that they are the leading spiritual authority of the world and all the land is for them. It’s true that all roads lead to Rome.

        4. 5thDrawer,

          Good job, seems you maybe waking up/

          NATO, US, UN said it’s not a war, they are not calling it a war. They are calling it a ” humanitarian intervention” ……

          Did you forget that?

          This is your most EPIC FAIL EVER!!!  CONGRATULATIONS

        5.  Avatar

          Yes SSpeare … they can call it what they want, but we all know it’s a war. A war for people without any hope to perhaps finally have some. And the rest is politics. We understand that.
          I happen to agree with giving the people a hand.

      2.  Avatar

        LOL. Humanitarian Peace bombs!! There’s no such thing. If anything they would of been dropped to stop the Rawandan Genocide but Rawanda didn’t have enough oil. Plus, there’s too many Black Africans, why not let them kill each other off and decrease the world population by a bit. This is exactly how they think.

        Libya has gold and oil. Even though Qaddafi was not well liked, he had some good ideas. He wanted to create the United States of Africa. They feared him even though he gave up his nuclear program and basically kissed their behind for a number of years. Assad is having some problems with the IMF too. It’s all about the money, power and control. Wahabists, Freemasons, Kabbalist and zionist jews all work for the Jesuits. They use them for divide and conquer as you said. It’s good to have people like you around that actually understand what’s happening.

        1.  Avatar

          AGENDA   The New World (Jesuit) Order  :   world tyranny:   The Jesuit Order  
          The Agenda”   is one term for the “new world order” used by the insiders / globalists  —  the ILLUMINISTS, also called the ILLUMINATI.    Ultimately, the goal of the spiritual adversary of mankind is to rule the whole world (currently by putting the UN over every nation).  It also includes the Agenda:  to move the Papacy to Jerusalem, and this has been the primary design for 1600 years, only overshadowed by the objective to expunge the entire nation of Israel from the Earth, because of the Covenant

          This is where you get your theories from WOW good work. 

        2. Thanks John,
          I wish I could say you are wrong in what you write, but unfortunately any research of what you wrote checks out.

    10.  Avatar

      one one your diatribe worth the one of Karam slave of ahl shitty

    11.  Avatar

      my lord it’s only reading shake spear that i got that’s it’s John .What’s happen to you John do you have an accident a blow on the head.I am absolutly desapointed tell me do you really believe the nuts you right or do you try to be as stupid than Karam the slave of ahl shitty?please answer me because i know very good psychiatric books in case of need

    12.  Avatar

      i rectify because you worth it
      my lord it’s only reading shake spear that i got that’s it’s John .What’s happen to you John? do you have an accident?a blow on the head?.I am absolutly desapointed tell me do you really believe the nuts you write or do you try to be as stupid as Karam the slave of ahl shitty?please answer me because i know very good psychiatric books in case of need

    13.  Avatar

      No is not in line with the Jesuits,  is in line with Israel the Greater Enemy of Catholics, They are in fact trying to destroy the Vatican.  

      You got it in some points, but not in all of them,  and You got it backwards,  this is a Jewish plan to take over as a totalitarian world Government, Not The Jesuits,  in fact The Jesuits where toppled for Jewish Fascist to collect hight taxes in Our income,  Before it was stablished by the Catholic Church that You will pay 10% of Your income but only if You where able to pay,  No penalties, No Jail No Pressure.  it was Voluntary. It was called THITE (Diezmo in Spanish Language)But then it came the true  Jewish Fascists to take over the Government of Spain in 1937 and it was what I call it an Ideologic Confusion in which the People thought that You must stop Believing in  Jesus as God.This was the main objective of the Jews after killing Jesus it’s being said that all the poison came from the Synagogues and they poisoned the Roman Empire to kill Christians,  Because Jesus Cursed the Jews as son of the Devil.I agree with You in the goal of NATO, Israel is a member of NATO,  and Contradicts what You say about the destruction of Israel,  But Yes a World order is not going to be stablished is NOW in effect and is working every time like a clock to steal other Countries under false pretences like preaching Democracy,  But practising dictatorship.The Main Goal Here is to topple Christianity in Jerusalem,  You can visit if You don’t believe Me and see by Yourself how Jews mistreat Christians,  Harassment and insults to Jesus are the bread of every day in Israel.As for the plan to have Lebanon,  Syria, Egypt and Palestine fight against Israel,  I doubt that the different sectarian groups one day will respond to such flagrant provocations from Israel,  But that could Be a possibility,  for one thing the Enemy is always a good reason to make Allies,  But Who is the enemy? Which one would You chose? One is destroying Our Lebanon with Bombs and the Others are destroying it with overpopulation and internal conflicts.As for the so called DEBT,  I call it Plastic Recession,  It was invented as a way to exploit every Citizen in every Country to Make You a modern slave under a fictional story.The American Natives have a word to describe this Greed,  “KESHAGUESH” (Gut Greed)  And We are all in a ride for it,  A Very Long Ride…

  13. Darw101 Avatar

    Sectarian warfare IS a possibility in Syria if the regime falls, the army will split along sectarian lines and we all know what that means…The minorities in Syria have everything to lose from such a disaster, so perhaps, we need to embrace Turkey’s view that is advocating a change in the political landscape but not at the expense of an internal strife and eventual chaos on its borders which Lebanon should also be wary of being extremely vulnerable to regional conflicts.

  14. PROPHET.T Avatar

    I always remember an English Proverb when listening to politicians and world leaders, who lecture others on what is best for them; “They are not all saints who use holy water”.
    However, I disagree with you on the comparison between the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Arab revolutions.
    Not  defending  any of the  Arab dictators and their  regimes( you know very  well  where I  stand on this  issue), but  non of the  Arab societies  have had  to  live  under   the  extreme  hard economical  conditions  the  former  soviet people  had  to endure. In the  former  soviet  Union, economic conditions, and  quality  of  life   for  average  soviet  citizen were  extremely  bad, where  people  decided that  they won’t take it  anymore. Not minimizing the state  police of the  former  soviet  Union, and its total  domination  of  the  society ,   I  believe the soviet  revolted  more against  harsh economical and  social conditions than political ones. People wanted to get  paid  for their  work  instead  of  working  for  minimum  supply  of  food. Doctors and  highly  educated  professionals didn’t want  to  get  paid as  much  as a restaurant boss boy.
      In  comparison, Non  of the Arab revolts ,so far,  had the title of  “revolt   for  better  economical  and  social  life”, but  rather for  more  freedom and  democracy and for social integrity and  less abuse and  control by  the  regimes.
    As to  why some   people would find  it  in  their  interest to defend the  Syrian  regime or any  other dictatorship, it  is  simply  self  interest. If we  look at  the  other  side of the  coin, the  united  states, and  western  Europe  never really  cared  about  democracy  in  any  of  the Arab states living  under  dictatorships, but  rather  supported  those  regimes and  those  dictators. Until  now, they  called  Mubarak and Bin Ali  along  with  Saudi Arabia and  other  gulf  states moderate Arab states.
    Saudi Arabia, being one of the worst dictatorships in the world, is America’s best friend. The question is why? Self interest is the simple answer. We read in the state department’s annual report   the usual criticisms of the Saudis, but never   goes beyond  routine criticism. It never calls for true reforms , elections, democracy  , or  even  social  justice.
    I don’t blame Nassralla for defending Syria and its leaders. It is in his interest to do so. If it  was not  for  Syria’s  support  ,He would not  be where  he  is now, and his  resistance  would not  have  been  able  to sustain  itself. I’m not  saying I agree with  him , but it  is what  it  is; self intrest.
    At The same time, most  people  who are  very  supportive of the Syrian revolution, are  doing  so as a revenge  of the Assad regime, and not  much  out of love  for  democracy  and  freedom  for  Syrian  people. Many people who  support  Syrian  revolution were  so  quiet  when  the  Egyptian  revolution  was   taking  place .
      But I have to  bring  your attention  to a change of tone  in Nassralla’s speeches, He never  defends  the  regime, but  He  defends  Syria which “ supports the resistance and the  Palestinian cause”. I have yet to hear him defend the regime and what it really stands for.
    This change of tone is also becoming clear in the official Iranian statements. Iran could  be the first  country  to abandon the Assad regime; Iranians also  look for their  own  interests, and their  hope is that an Islamite leaning  government  replaces Assad instead of a liberal  or  moderate  democratic  government.

    1. Ghassan Karam Avatar
      Ghassan Karam

                   You bring up many interesting points that would require a few lengthy posts to respond to.:-) But don’t worry I will not bore you or ant of the readers with a lengthy answer.
                  (1) Many of the academics and analysts of the Soviet Union will agree with your hypothesis but probably just as many and maybe more will agree with mine. But this is neither here nor there. The only reason that I mentioned the Ez Soviet Union is because many outsiders pretended that they know better than the people involved whether a regime is good for them or not. That is rather silly, don’t you think?
                  (2) Keeping in mind that each nation has its national interest in mind I would challenge anyone to point to countries that have a more genuine desire to see democracy practiced world wide than the US and western Europe. Do they support dictators ? yes but often they do not install them. What would be the reaction of the Saudis and the rest of the Arab World if the US was to push Saudi Arabia openly to democratize? You guessed it, the US will be asked to mind its own business. Its a difficult role, that of a world leader.
                 (3) SHN and Hezbollah cannot be blamed for acting in their own best interest. I have always maintained this. Neither is Syria when they exercise their power in Lebanon. I blame the Lebanese for competing with each other to act as Syrian agents and the Lebanese authorities since Independence for having created the conditions that have led to the civl war, civil conflict, povert, exploitation. feudalism, …
               (4) I have dealt with the qualifications that Nasrallah uses when he speaks about Syria a few times in the recent past. I find that logic faulty to the core.I would have more respect for those that argue that Syria will be better served under a totalitarian state rather than to try and argue that Syria needs reform and Bashar is the best qualified to deliver that reform or to favour Bashar for a a steadfastness that is illusory.

      1. PROPHET.T Avatar

        Ghassan,  ,
         I  just  wanted to elaborate on  one  point  we  both eluded  to, with no  requirement  on your part  to reply , unless   you  feel the need  to.
        As faulty as  you may  find  His  logic, He made a  judgment that  the interest of the  nation “ummah” ,and the threats  it  is  facing are   more  important and  urgent  than  the freedom that  the citizen  of the nation  demand. Clinton always said the (American) people know best!!!! Non in the Arab world believe in that yet.
        This is  where  He and  others  make    a bad  calculation  that  Syria  would  be less patriotic under someone  else  beside the Assads.
        I truly think that Syria would be as, if not more patriotic, under a democracy( my  hope it would  be one, my  fear  it  won’t). Syria has  always, before the Aassds, fought  for a  leading  role  in  the  region, and  would  always  do so. All the  fear  that  it  may  fall under the Saudi  umbrella( or the  western  umbrella are  mistaken ,and  a bit  insulting  to  Syrians. The  Saudis  can not  give  what they  don’t  have. If  Syrian  revolution   succeeds,  those  who   paid   with  their  blood, would  not  want to be  under  the  umbrella of  a regime which is more  brutal  than  the  one  they  fought  to  get  rid of.
         To say that only the Assads are true patriotic is really insulting to all Syrians. But I  can  understand Nassrallah ‘s  fear,  as  not  taking  a chance on  some thing  new. It is like  saying  “ the face  we know is always  better than  that  of  a someone  we don’t  know”. Yet not defending what the regime stands for, is worth studying, and worth observing how it may develop.
        One thing HA always overlooked is that the résistance could not have succeeded in a closed society. It is the freedom that the Lebanese society offers which allowed for HA succeeding as a organization and as a military   resistance. It could not have happened in Syria or Saudi Arabia for sure. Wars like anything are more likely to be won by open societies that closed ones.

    2. Darw101 Avatar

      All nations act first and foremost in self interest and what you mention makes sense. For example, Russia and China have so far resisted to join the chorus of worldwide condemnation of the syrian regime and the reason is due to strategic and economic reasons…now that Syria finds itself increasingly isolated from the international community, both Russia and China stand to reap the rewards and both of these countries have a history that is not necessarily sensitive to concepts like freedom and democracy.    

  15.  Avatar

    Sectarian warfare IS a possibility in Syria if the regime falls, the army will split along sectarian lines and we all know what that means…The minorities in Syria have everything to lose from such a disaster, so perhaps, we need to embrace Turkey’s view that is advocating a change in the political landscape but not at the expense of an internal strife and eventual chaos on its borders which Lebanon should also be wary of being extremely vulnerable to regional conflicts.

  16. PROPHET.T Avatar

    I always remember an English Proverb when listening to politicians and world leaders, who lecture others on what is best for them; “They are not all saints who use holy water”.
     I disagree with you on the comparison between the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Arab revolutions.
    Not  defending  any of the  Arab dictators and their  regimes( you know very  well  where I  stand on this  issue), but  non of the  Arab societies  have had  to  live  under   the  extreme  hard economical  conditions  the  former  soviet people  had  to endure. In the  former  soviet  Union, economic conditions, and  quality  of  life   for  average  soviet  citizen were  extremely  bad, where  people  decided that  they won’t take it  anymore. Not minimizing the state  police of the  former  soviet  Union, and its total  domination  of  the  society ,   I  believe the soviet  revolted  more against  harsh economical and  social conditions than political ones. People wanted to get  paid  for their  work  instead  of  working  for  minimum  supply  of  food. Doctors and  highly  educated  professionals didn’t want  to  get  paid as  much  as a restaurant boss boy.
      In  comparison, Non  of the Arab revolts ,so far,  had the title of  “revolt   for  better  economical  and  social  life”, but  rather for  more  freedom and  democracy and for social integrity and  less abuse and  control by  the  regimes.
    As to  why some   people would find  it  in  their  interest to defend the  Syrian  regime or any  other dictatorship, it  is  simply  self  interest. If we  look at  the  other  side of the  coin, the  united  states, and  western  Europe  never really  cared  about  democracy  in  any  of  the Arab states living  under  dictatorships, but  rather  supported  those  regimes and  those  dictators. Until  now, they  called  Mubarak and Bin Ali  along  with  Saudi Arabia and  other  gulf  states moderate Arab states.
    Saudi Arabia, being one of the worst dictatorships in the world, is America’s best friend. The question is why? Self interest is the simple answer. We read in the state department’s annual report   the usual criticisms of the Saudis, but never   goes being   routine criticism. It never calls for true reforms , elections, democracy  , or  even  social  justice.
    I don’t blame Nassralla for defending Syria and its leaders. It is in his interest to do so. If it  was not  for  Syria’s  support  ,He would not  be where  he  is now, and his  resistance  would not  have  been  able  to sustain  itself. I’m not  saying I agree with  him , but it  is what  it  is; self intrest.
    At The same time, most  people  who are  very  supportive of the Syrian revolution, are  doing  so as a revenge  of the Assad regime, and not  much  out of love  for  democracy  and  freedom  for  Syrian  people. Many people who  support  Syrian  revolution were  so  quiet  when  the  Egyptian  revolution  was   taking  place .
      But I have to  bring  your attention  to a change of tone  in Nassralla’s speeches, He never  defends  the  regime, but  He  defends  Syria which “ supports the resistance and the  Palestinian cause”. I have yet to hear him defend the regime and what it really stands for.
    This change of tone is also becoming clear in the official Iranian statements. Iran could  be the first  country  to abandon the Assad regime; Iranians also  look for their  own  interests, and their  hope is that an Islamite leaning  government  replaces Assad instead of a liberal  or  moderate  democratic  government.

    1. Prophet.t
                   You bring up many interesting points that would require a few lengthy posts to respond to.:-) But don’t worry I will not bore you or ant of the readers with a lengthy answer.
                  (1) Many of the academics and analysts of the Soviet Union will agree with your hypothesis but probably just as many and maybe more will agree with mine. But this is neither here nor there. The only reason that I mentioned the Ez Soviet Union is because many outsiders pretended that they know better than the people involved whether a regime is good for them or not. That is rather silly, don’t you think?
                  (2) Keeping in mind that each nation has its national interest in mind I would challenge anyone to point to countries that have a more genuine desire to see democracy practiced world wide than the US and western Europe. Do they support dictators ? yes but often they do not install them. What would be the reaction of the Saudis and the rest of the Arab World if the US was to push Saudi Arabia openly to democratize? You guessed it, the US will be asked to mind its own business. Its a difficult role, that of a world leader.
                 (3) SHN and Hezbollah cannot be blamed for acting in their own best interest. I have always maintained this. Neither is Syria when they exercise their power in Lebanon. I blame the Lebanese for competing with each other to act as Syrian agents and the Lebanese authorities since Independence for having created the conditions that have led to the civl war, civil conflict, povert, exploitation. feudalism, …
               (4) I have dealt with the qualifications that Nasrallah uses when he speaks about Syria a few times in the recent past. I find that logic faulty to the core.I would have more respect for those that argue that Syria will be better served under a totalitarian state rather than to try and argue that Syria needs reform and Bashar is the best qualified to deliver that reform or to favour Bashar for a a steadfastness that is illusory.

      1. PROPHET.T Avatar

        Ghassan,  ,
         I  just  wanted to elaborate on  one  point  we  both eluded  to, with no  requirement  on your part  to reply , unless   you  feel the need  to.
        As faulty as  you may  find  His  logic, He made a  judgment that  the interest of the  nation “ummah” ,and the threats  it  is  facing are   more  important and  urgent  than  the freedom that  the citizen  of the nation  demand. Clinton always said the (American) people know best!!!! Non in the Arab world believe in that yet.
        This is  where  He and  others  make    a bad  calculation  that  Syria  would  be less patriotic under someone  else  beside the Assads.
        I truly think that Syria would be as, if not more patriotic, under a democracy( my  hope it would  be one, my  fear  it  won’t). Syria has  always, before the Aassds, fought  for a  leading  role  in  the  region, and  would  always  do so. All the  fear  that  it  may  fall under the Saudi  umbrella( or the  western  umbrella are  mistaken ,and  a bit  insulting  to  Syrians. The  Saudis  can not  give  what they  don’t  have. If  Syrian  revolution   succeeds,  those  who   paid   with  their  blood, would  not  want to be  under  the  umbrella of  a regime which is more  brutal  than  the  one  they  fought  to  get  rid of.
         To say that only the Assads are true patriotic is really insulting to all Syrians. But I  can  understand Nassrallah ‘s  fear,  as  not  taking  a chance on  some thing  new. It is like  saying  “ the face  we know is always  better than  that  of  a someone  we don’t  know”. Yet not defending what the regime stands for, is worth studying, and worth observing how it may develop.
        One thing HA always overlooked is that the résistance could not have succeeded in a closed society. It is the freedom that the Lebanese society offers which allowed for HA succeeding as a organization and as a military   resistance. It could not have happened in Syria or Saudi Arabia for sure. Wars like anything are more likely to be won by open societies that closed ones.

    2.  Avatar

      All nations act first and foremost in self interest and what you mention makes sense. For example, Russia and China have so far resisted to join the chorus of worldwide condemnation of the syrian regime and the reason is due to strategic and economic reasons…now that Syria finds itself increasingly isolated from the international community, both Russia and China stand to reap the rewards and both of these countries have a history that is not necessarily sensitive to concepts like freedom and democracy.    

  17. leobetapar Avatar

    but not the Bahreini as you didn’t named them ?so now how much $ ahl shitty of riyyad pay you for each article? i wanna know your price,the price of your soul ,the price of your pen slave of ahl shitty

  18.  Avatar

    but not the Bahreini as you didn’t named them ?so now how much $ ahl shitty of riyyad pay you for each article? i wanna know your price,the price of your soul ,the price of your pen slave of ahl shitty

  19. the vatcan runs america? if so, y is it ok to openly call catholic priests “child molestors”… but u mention anything about israel n ur branded an antisametic?
    i do agree with u on most points, i do believe theres a plot to put nations under enough debt to enslave them, politicaly speaking. but the fact that our economic/banking systems r a jewish creation, shows us who is realy in control.
    if anything, the vatican is a jewish creation… if u think about it, the creator of christianity was in FACT a jew.

  20. the vatcan runs america? if so, y is it ok to openly call catholic priests “child molestors”… but u mention anything about israel n ur branded an antisametic?
    i do agree with u on most points, i do believe theres a plot to put nations under enough debt to enslave them, politicaly speaking. but the fact that our economic/banking systems r a jewish creation, shows us who is realy in control.
    if anything, the vatican is a jewish creation… if u think about it, the creator of christianity was in FACT a jew.

  21. the vatcan runs america? if so, y is it ok to openly call catholic priests “child molestors”… but u mention anything about israel n ur branded an antisametic?
    i do agree with u on most points, i do believe theres a plot to put nations under enough debt to enslave them, politicaly speaking. but the fact that our economic/banking systems r a jewish creation, shows us who is realy in control.
    if anything, the vatican is a jewish creation… if u think about it, the creator of christianity was in FACT a jew.

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