MP Qadiri calls Lebanon’s stance at UN over Syria’s crackdown: Shameful


March 14 MP Ziad al-Qadiri said in a statement released on Thursday that Lebanon’s decision to abstain from voting on the UN Security Council presidential statement pertaining to the Syrian crisis “is shameful and brings harm to Lebanon’s reputation and relations with the international community.”

Qadiri also said that “the news did not surprise him because he knows that the decision of the Lebanese government is in the hands of the Syrian regime.”

His comments come after UN Security Council on Wednesday condemned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s brutal crackdown against protesters and called for those responsible for violence to be held “accountable.”

Lebanon did not block the adoption, but disassociated itself from the document.

“Whatever affects Lebanon, affects Syria, whatever affects Syria will also affect Lebanon,” Lebanon’s deputy ambassador Caroline Ziade told the UN Security council meeting.

“Since Lebanon considers that the statement being discussed today does not help address the current situation in Syria, Lebanon therefore disassociates itself from this presidential statement,” Ziade added.

In a related development Mt Lebanon Mufti Mohammad Ali Jouzu criticized Lebanon’s position at the UN security council regarding the condemnation of the the brutal crackdown by saying : “Lebanon does not dare to condemn the crackdown because it has itself been the victim of the crackdown since 36 years or since the days of tutelage till now” stressing” that the Lebanese people reject dictatorships of all kinds”.

He added that the Lebanese Foreign minister should represent the will of the Lebanese people, a possible reference to Syria’s influence over Hezbollah which controls the Lebanese cabinet decisions

Jouzu also criticized the position of China at the security council and warned that this could lead to boycott of Chinese products by the Arab countries



77 responses to “MP Qadiri calls Lebanon’s stance at UN over Syria’s crackdown: Shameful”

  1. Leborigine Avatar

    Shameful up come he pain spot tfooh jew rule me HA brain geagea where if come to north down and M16 walla ma fi bain klashinakov b tee z embarrassing fee he franca ma free soorya!!

    Gee that was painful, at least someone might understand this perfectly.

    1. Mosetsfire Avatar

      what the hell did you just say?

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        I think it was for leobetapar

        1. shankarees Avatar

          He’s a kook!

        2. Beiruti Avatar

          From now on we must communicate like this. The Leo dialect.

      2. Leborigine Avatar

        Sorry Mohamad, a bit of dark humour.

    2. Beiruti Avatar


    3. Beiruti Avatar

      Spot on thumbs up 🙂

    4. antar2011 Avatar

      what are you on about mate?

  2.  Avatar

    Shameful up come he pain spot tfooh jew rule me HA brain geagea where if come to north down and M16 walla ma fi bain klashinakov b tee z embarrassing fee he franca ma free soorya!!

    Gee that was painful, at least someone might understand this perfectly.

    1. what the hell did you just say?

      1.  Avatar

        I think it was for leobetapar

        1.  Avatar

          He’s a kook!

        2.  Avatar

          From now on we must communicate like this. The Leo dialect.

        3.  Avatar

          From now on we must communicate like this. The Leo dialect.

      2.  Avatar

        I think it was for leobetapar

      3.  Avatar

        Sorry Mohamad, a bit of dark humour.

    2.  Avatar


    3.  Avatar

      Spot on thumbs up 🙂

    4.  Avatar

      what are you on about mate?

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    I guess what we’d all prefer is a long column of bombers flying in from the west and flattening Syria.
    Otherwise, we won’t comment on what goes on there.

  4.  Avatar

    I guess what we’d all prefer is a long column of bombers flying in from the west and flattening Syria.
    Otherwise, we won’t comment on what goes on there.

  5.  Avatar

    I guess what we’d all prefer is a long column of bombers flying in from the west and flattening Syria.
    Otherwise, we won’t comment on what goes on there.

  6. Patience2 Avatar

    Sadly, the Lebanese people are earning what they’re getting through their inaction.  I wonder if future ‘elections’ will have any effect??

  7.  Avatar

    Sadly, the Lebanese people are earning what they’re getting through their inaction.  I wonder if future ‘elections’ will have any effect??

  8.  Avatar

    Sadly, the Lebanese people are earning what they’re getting through their inaction.  I wonder if future ‘elections’ will have any effect??

  9.  Avatar

    Sadly, the Lebanese people are earning what they’re getting through their inaction.  I wonder if future ‘elections’ will have any effect??

  10. Beiruti Avatar

    Online translator for Leborigine, here are some basic translations. If you have an other problems trying to read Leborigines messages you can contact me at 707-645-243 and i will be glad to help you understand this kind of language for i have studied this very carefully, for now theres a basic word translator listed below.

    Zioniaste- Zionist
    Klashinakov- Kalashnikov also known as the AK47

    There have been other words heavily misspelled on other comments with i will clarify for you confused online readers.
    Leborigine also has the tendency to mix English, Arabic and French in one sentence, this would be ok if it wasnt for the fact that every other word is a different language. 

    Also there are some sentences which im not qualified to translate, due to the fact im am not that professional for example “Shameful up come he pain spot tfooh jew rule me HA brain geagea where if come to north down and M16 walla” –Leborigine–

    If you look at this sentence it could be look at in 2 ways either the negative way which is to look at this sentence as a crime to the English language, or it can be looked upon a positive way, and use this sentence and there is your daily puzzle, just try to solve the riddle or what it actually means. 

    If i did not satisfy your needs please tell me, and i will try to do my best. Referring to your political views Mr.Leborigine you seem to be those brainwashed little kids, that says everything not related to HA is a Mossad agent. But man if you are a Hezbollah agent please fix your English before Nasrallah fires you himself, i think Nasrallah would even stand on me for this one, referring your English.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      hehehehe … nice … an expansion of pidgin-english concepts … useful in small groups linked by personal association.

    2. PROPHET.T Avatar

      One of the best comments Beiruti ever posted.

      1. Beiruti Avatar

        Prophet im glad i made your day, i had a bit extra time today so i wanted to put some humour in this website lol.

    3. Leborigine Avatar

      Good one Beiruti. I was trying to make sense to those who do not make sense at all! 🙂
      5thDrawer pretty much got it on the mark initially in the above comment.
      I do not know where you got the idea that I might be an HA supporter when we have discussed politics on this site before??!

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Ah yes 🙂 … poor Leo … seems he took a holiday – finally. 🙂

        1. Beiruti Avatar

          Ahaha my bad i confused the Leborigine with the Leobatar guy aha.

      2. Beiruti Avatar

        My apologies Leborigine ahaha i confused you with the Leo guy ahaha sorry once again 😉

        1. Leborigine Avatar

          No problems, we have to have a laugh every now and again or else all the news from Lebanon will drive us mad!

      3. Beiruti Avatar

        I understand now you were mocking Leobetar ahaha this made my day you spoke literally exactly like him that you fooled me completely 100% to think it was him due to the way you wrote, both of your names are very similar so i confused the both of you ahah great one. So my message above you can replace your name with leobetars 😉

  11.  Avatar

    Online translator for Leborigine, here are some basic translations. If you have an other problems trying to read Leborigines messages you can contact me at 707-645-243 and i will be glad to help you understand this kind of language for i have studied this very carefully, for now theres a basic word translator listed below.

    Zioniaste- Zionist
    Klashinakov- Kalashnikov also known as the AK47

    There have been other words heavily misspelled on other comments with i will clarify for you confused online readers.
    Leborigine also has the tendency to mix English, Arabic and French in one sentence, this would be ok if it wasnt for the fact that every other word is a different language. 

    Also there are some sentences which im not qualified to translate, due to the fact im am not that professional for example “Shameful up come he pain spot tfooh jew rule me HA brain geagea where if come to north down and M16 walla” –Leborigine–

    If you look at this sentence it could be look at in 2 ways either the negative way which is to look at this sentence as a crime to the English language, or it can be looked upon a positive way, and use this sentence and there is your daily puzzle, just try to solve the riddle or what it actually means. 

    If i did not satisfy your needs please tell me, and i will try to do my best. Referring to your political views Mr.Leborigine you seem to be those brainwashed little kids, that says everything not related to HA is a Mossad agent. But man if you are a Hezbollah agent please fix your English before Nasrallah fires you himself, i think Nasrallah would even stand on me for this one, referring your English.

    1.  Avatar

      hehehehe … nice … an expansion of pidgin-english concepts … useful in small groups liked by personal association.

    2. PROPHET.T Avatar

      One of the best comments Beiruti ever posted.

      1.  Avatar

        Prophet im glad i made your day, i had a bit extra time today so i wanted to put some humour in this website lol.

      2.  Avatar

        Prophet im glad i made your day, i had a bit extra time today so i wanted to put some humour in this website lol.

    3.  Avatar

      Good one Beiruti. I was trying to make sense to those who do not make sense at all! 🙂
      5thDrawer pretty much got it on the mark initially in the above comment.
      I do not know where you got the idea that I might be an HA supporter when we have discussed politics on this site before??!

      1.  Avatar

        Ah yes 🙂 … poor Leo … seems he took a holiday – finally. 🙂

        1.  Avatar

          Ahaha my bad i confused the Leborigine with the Leobatar guy aha.

        2.  Avatar

          Ahaha my bad i confused the Leborigine with the Leobatar guy aha.

        3.  Avatar

          Ahaha my bad i confused the Leborigine with the Leobatar guy aha.

      2.  Avatar

        My apologies Leborigine ahaha i confused you with the Leo guy ahaha sorry once again 😉

        1.  Avatar

          No problems, we have to have a laugh every now and again or else all the news from Lebanon will drive us mad!

        2.  Avatar

          No problems, we have to have a laugh every now and again or else all the news from Lebanon will drive us mad!

      3.  Avatar

        My apologies Leborigine ahaha i confused you with the Leo guy ahaha sorry once again 😉

      4.  Avatar

        My apologies Leborigine ahaha i confused you with the Leo guy ahaha sorry once again 😉

      5.  Avatar

        I understand now you were mocking Leobetar ahaha this made my day you spoke literally exactly like him that you fooled me completely 100% to think it was him due to the way you wrote, both of your names are very similar so i confused the both of you ahah great one. So my message above you can replace your name with leobetars 😉

    4.  Avatar



    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Youth is wonderful …


    1.  Avatar

      Youth is wonderful …


  15. 5thDrawer Avatar

    For Info: UN:
       Presidential statements are considered less potent than resolutions and require approval from all 15 council members.
       Lebanon, a neighbour and close ally of Syria, didn’t block adoption of the statement, but it invoked a procedure last used 35 years ago and dissociated itself from the text.

  16.  Avatar

    For Info: UN:
       Presidential statements are considered less potent than resolutions and require approval from all 15 council members.
       Lebanon, a neighbour and close ally of Syria, didn’t block adoption of the statement, but it invoked a procedure last used 35 years ago and dissociated itself from the text.

  17. 2160John Avatar

    Oh so now you start talking. Where was this blob of fat and his supporters when the Sunnis sided with the PLO against the Christians?

    It’s a shame that the supposed mainstream Sunni leadership in Lebanon always seem to take the wrong side. From the days of siding with the Ottomans against all Lebanese sects, the Civil War when they supported the PLO and now when they try to bend Lebanon over for anal rape by a fabricated UN tribunal which blames the wrong people(just in order to gain political advantage) in order to create chaos in a country that the World community can’t control. Reminds me of the fabricated tribunal which blamed Qaddafi for the Lockerbie bombing while it turned out that the CIA did it.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Seems a lot of fabrication going on, 2160 … and you are reading the wrong propaganda, or trying to create it. 
      Try wikipedia, dolt. 
        Read the whole sad tale of it, and how no justice has ever come from it for the 270 people who died for nothing except revenge by Quadaffi, the despot of Libya. Of course he offered blood-money – as if that can be a ‘saving grace’. The whole thing is a sordid mess of people talking out of their asses.
        Incidentally, the convicted ass who was going to die in jail (Megrahi) and to whom the Scots gave compassionate leave  to return to his family for that event, is still alive. More lies imparted on the world by the ‘believers’, I suppose, which you will hate to admit.
        Chaos is created by such as those who bend the truth ….

      1. 2160John Avatar

        He was blackmailed into paying it.

        “In 1988, the FBI’s Robert Mueller (above) supervised the Lockerbie Bombing investigation.
        “He successfully kept the CIA’s connection to the bombing from becoming public.
        “The CIA and FBI took control of the crash scene for the first day (keeping Scottish police at bay), searching through and removing numerous pieces of evidence and luggage from the wreckage to obscure the connections of the bombing to the CIA special team that was on board the aircraft.
        “One CIA defector has said that the team had been returning to the states against orders to blow the whistle on CIA drug and terrorist connections in the Middle East.” –

        Wikipedia is not a credible source. I can go and post information there. If you see reality through the lens of your enemies then you will end up with a lie. If you are pro-democracy and freedom then you will support the truth and go after the criminals whoever they may be. Or maybe you have an agenda here due to the amount of constant and lengthly posts you put here. Either way I will find out and I hope you are here to do good rather than cover up for criminals who are ruining our world through wars, sabotage and media propaganda.

        If you want the truth then look deep for it. Not just some stuff from Wikipedia.

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Then why don’t you add what you know to Wikipedia? Along with the links. Anyone can, & IF it’s viable, it stays.
          Just because certain people were on a plane doesn’t mean a ‘connection’ to the one who planted a device or made it, and one would expect investigators to call in experts from outside a sleepy little town like Lockerbie. The wiki-articles describe the evidence rather well – I wouldn’t assume all the luggage would be holding bombs. If there were agents on a plane, I could understand the interest … but FBI and CIA have not been happy partners over the years so it’s hard to believe they backed each other up so well.
          I looked at the ‘prisonplanet’ – which appears to be some kind of American Right-Wing OR Typically Sensationalist site as it has several obviously biased things of dubious thought or stories related to other weird-thinking people. (Global Extermination of Everyone ??)  I still prefer the open-source wikipedia … which is at least up to 2011 for this subject, and is checked for veracity of all it’s entries. Even by the people using it.

          Do you believe there is a ‘hidden agenda’ behind every story?
          Why do you think the UN tribunal was ‘fabricated’? Lebanon asked for it, and the UN courts decided to take it on.
          Why do you think all the story of Lockerbie was ‘fabricated’? Why bring it into a story of Lebanon at all, unless trying to push an agenda of disinformation?  On that, I merely pointed out how justice has never been done – in any way.

          And then you threaten me. Tsk … perhaps I shouldn’t have called you a dolt.
            Your entries have been as long as some of mine. You are noting mine because I reply to yours. We are fortunate that Gassan allows this open forum. A forum of opinion as much as fact, I might add, along with some humour.
           I could just as easily state that you have an agenda too. What you read from me and others is what we think. I am open to looking deeply when necessary – but will disagree as often as I please. We all seek the truth, no?

  18.  Avatar

    Oh so now you start talking. Where was this blob of fat and his supporters when the Sunnis sided with the PLO against the Christians?

    It’s a shame that the supposed mainstream Sunni leadership in Lebanon always seem to take the wrong side. From the days of siding with the Ottomans against all Lebanese sects, the Civil War when they supported the PLO and now when they try to bend Lebanon over for anal rape by a fabricated UN tribunal which blames the wrong people(just in order to gain political advantage) in order to create chaos in a country that the World community can’t control. Reminds me of the fabricated tribunal which blamed Qaddafi for the Lockerbie bombing while it turned out that the CIA did it.

    1.  Avatar

      Seems a lot of fabrication going on, 2160 … and you are reading the wrong propaganda, or trying to create it. 
      Try wikipedia, dolt. 
        Read the whole sad tale of it, and how no justice has ever come from it for the 270 people who died for nothing except revenge by Quadaffi, the despot of Libya. Of course he offered blood-money – as if that can be a ‘saving grace’. The whole thing is a sordid mess of people talking out of their asses.  Incidentally, the convicted ass who was going to die in jail (Megrahi) and to whom the Scots gave compassionate leave  to return to his family for that event, is still alive. More lies imparted on the world by the ‘believers’, I suppose, which you will hate to admit.
        Chaos is created by such as those who bend the truth ….

      1.  Avatar

        He was blackmailed into paying it.

        “In 1988, the FBI’s Robert Mueller (above) supervised the Lockerbie Bombing investigation.
        “He successfully kept the CIA’s connection to the bombing from becoming public.
        “The CIA and FBI took control of the crash scene for the first day (keeping Scottish police at bay), searching through and removing numerous pieces of evidence and luggage from the wreckage to obscure the connections of the bombing to the CIA special team that was on board the aircraft.
        “One CIA defector has said that the team had been returning to the states against orders to blow the whistle on CIA drug and terrorist connections in the Middle East.” –

        Wikipedia is not a credible source. I can go and post information there. If you see reality through the lens of your enemies then you will end up with a lie. If you are pro-democracy and freedom then you will support the truth and go after the criminals whoever they may be. Or maybe you have an agenda here due to the amount of constant and lengthly posts you put here. Either way I will find out and I hope you are here to do good rather than cover up for criminals who are ruining our world through wars, sabotage and media propaganda.

        If you want the truth then look deep for it. Not just some stuff from Wikipedia.

        1.  Avatar

          Then why don’t you add what you know to Wikipedia? Along with the links. Anyone can, & IF it’s viable, it stays.
          Just because certain people were on a plane doesn’t mean a ‘connection’ to the one who planted a device or made it, and one would expect investigators to call in experts from outside a sleepy little town like Lockerbie. The wiki-articles describe the evidence rather well – I wouldn’t assume all the luggage would be holding bombs. If there were agents on a plane, I could understand the interest … but FBI and CIA have not been happy partners over the years so it’s hard to believe they backed each other up so well.
          I looked at the ‘prisonplanet’ – which appears to be some kind of American Right-Wing OR Typically Sensationalist site as it has several obviously biased things of dubious thought or stories related to other weird-thinking people. (Global Extermination of Everyone ??)  I still prefer the open-source wikipedia … which is at least up to 2011 for this subject, and is checked for veracity of all it’s entries. Even by the people using it.

          Do you believe there is a ‘hidden agenda’ behind every story?
          Why do you think the UN tribunal was ‘fabricated’? Lebanon asked for it, and the UN courts decided to take it on.
          Why do you think all the story of Lockerbie was ‘fabricated’? Why bring it into a story of Lebanon at all, unless trying to push an agenda of disinformation?  On that, I merely pointed out how justice has never been done – in any way.

          And then you threaten me. Tsk … perhaps I shouldn’t have called you a dolt.
            Your entries have been as long as some of mine. You are noting mine because I reply to yours. We are fortunate that Gassan allows this open forum. A forum of opinion as much as fact, I might add, along with some humour.
           I could just as easily state that you have an agenda too. What you read from me and others is what we think. I am open to looking deeply when necessary – but will disagree as often as I please. We all seek the truth, no?

  19.  Avatar

    Oh so now you start talking. Where was this blob of fat and his supporters when the Sunnis sided with the PLO against the Christians?

    It’s a shame that the supposed mainstream Sunni leadership in Lebanon always seem to take the wrong side. From the days of siding with the Ottomans against all Lebanese sects, the Civil War when they supported the PLO and now when they try to bend Lebanon over for anal rape by a fabricated UN tribunal which blames the wrong people(just in order to gain political advantage) in order to create chaos in a country that the World community can’t control. Reminds me of the fabricated tribunal which blamed Qaddafi for the Lockerbie bombing while it turned out that the CIA did it.

  20. antar2011 Avatar

    eih wallah shameful…and disgusting…

  21.  Avatar

    eih wallah shameful…and disgusting…

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