Aoun launches attack against Lebanon intelligence chief


Change and Reform bloc leader MP Michel Aoun launched an attack against Internal Security Forces (ISF) Information Branch chief Colonel Wissam al-Hassan following his bloc’s weekly meeting.

“Hassan’s presence in his post is against Article 8 of the law pertaining to the ISF. There is no body called the Information Branch. Who is it formed of? What are its foreign connections?” Aoun told reporters

“I do not engage in Hassan’s work. When the false witnesses’ issue was raised, he knew what he did. The Information Branch is a branch that does not legally exist. The violations were covered up by a prime minister.” A possible reference to deposed PM Saad Hariri.

Aoun has repeatedly campaigned against the ISF Information Branch, which arrested in August 2010 Brigadier General Fayez Karam, a senior member of Aoun’s Free Patriotic Movement in addition to several other spies .

Hezbollah also launched an attack against Colonel al-Hassan. Hezbollah MP Nawwaf al-Moussawi last week accused the Police Intelligence chief of providing the information about the indictment in former PM Rafik Hariri’s Feb. 2005 assassination to a media outlet.

“The security agency that distributed the copies of indictments and résumés of the accused before it becomes public is known. Col. Wissam al-Hassan delivered the leaks to a single media outlet,” al-Moussawi said at the parliament.

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon issued the indictments in the assassination of Lebanon’s former PM Hariri on June 30. An STL delegation met with Lebanon’s state prosecutor Said Mirza and handed him a copy of the Lebanon portion of the indictment and the arrest warrants. Two of the suspects Mustafa Badreddine and Salim Ayyash are reportedly senior members of the Iranian and Syrian-backed Hezbollah while the other two Hassan Aneissy, also known as Hassan Issa, and Assad Sabra played a supporting role in the execution of the assassination

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah denounced on several occasions the court as a conspiracy by the U.S. and Israel and said last year that the group “will cut off the hand” of anyone who tries to arrest its party members linked to the February 14, 2005 bombing that killed Hariri and 22 others.

Lebanon has 30 days to find and arrest the suspects but Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said on July 2 that the party would not cooperate with the tribunal.

“No Lebanese government will be able to carry out any arrests whether in 30 days, 30 years or even 300 years.”

General Security chief

Asked about the post of a General Security chief, which most recently was held by a Shiite but was originally held by a Maronite (before the period of Syrian tutelage in Lebanon) , Aoun responded :” I am requesting to restore the position to the Maronites . I have not met with Speaker Nabih Berri until now on this issue , and we are not in a disagreement with Berri.”

“Whether the position goes to the Maronites or the Shiites, it is not the end of the world.” He said

The issue of appointments will be the top topic this Thursday during the first cabinet meeting ( after securing the vote of confidence) . The position was most recently held by the late General Wafik Jezzini, a Shiite who passed away last March after suffering from a terminal illness. Jezzini like his predecessor Jamil Al Sayed was very closely associated with Hezbollah ). Sayed , who is also a Shiite was one of Syria’s top operatives in Lebanon from 1998-2005, when he was imprisoned in connection with the assassination of former Lebanese premier Rafik Hariri .



31 responses to “Aoun launches attack against Lebanon intelligence chief”

  1. libnan1 Avatar

    We all know you can do anything
    We all know you can be anyone
    We are all happy for you, too
    But first all Lebanese must believe
    in the power of you

    1. Fadi81 Avatar

      Haha! this is what AOUN calls his support???
      With supporters like these who would want to lead lol??? I guess it lets us realize the level of nutiness required to support Aoun and his dimentia LOL….This trainwreck just keeps getting better and better to watch…

      1. libnan1 Avatar

        You need to go to church this coming Sunday and ask for forgiveness. We will let you on the train when you are desperate to save your sole.  

    2. Fadi81 Avatar

      When HA and M8 fall, Mr Aoun will come crawling back on his knees like the dog he is…and you know what he’ll get??? A BIG FAT MARCH FARTEEN IN HIS MOUTH…Back to Baris you weak old man. lol

      1. libnan1 Avatar

        Aoun will always be a leader, THE FARTEEN will all disperse and float in the air. Are you kidding yourself !!!! Their leader Hariri Jr. jumped ship and according to the Onion he is depressed. Amin has no backbone, the only one left is Geagea who has  very small support in the Christian community, most of his supporters are on this site. Aoun ow bess will baeiey killoun khass (only AOUN and the rest are lettuce). lol   

        1. Fadi81 Avatar

          The new message….

          If you cant handle all the FARTEEN get the hell outta Lebanon!

    3. Fadi81 Avatar

      When HA and M8 fall, Mr Aoun will come crawling back on his knees like the dog he is…and you know what he’ll get??? A BIG FAT MARCH FARTEEN IN HIS MOUTH…Back to Baris you weak old man. lol

  2.  Avatar

    We all know you can do anything
    We all know you can be anyone
    We are all happy for you, too
    But first all Lebanese must believe
    in the power of you

    1.  Avatar

      Haha! this is what AOUN calls his support???
      With supporters like these who would want to lead lol??? I guess it lets us realize the level of nutiness required to support Aoun and his dimentia LOL….This trainwreck just keeps getting better and better to watch…

      1.  Avatar

        You need to go to church this coming Sunday and ask for forgiveness. We will let you on the train when you are desperate to save your sole.  

    2.  Avatar

      When HA and M8 fall, Mr Aoun will come crawling back on his knees like the dog he is…and you know what he’ll get??? A BIG FAT MARCH FARTEEN IN HIS MOUTH…Back to Baris you weak old man. lol

      1.  Avatar

        Aoun will always be a leader, THE FARTEEN will all disperse and float in the air. Are you kidding yourself !!!! Their leader Hariri Jr. jumped ship and according to the Onion he is depressed. Amin has no backbone, the only one left is Geagea who has  very small support in the Christian community, most of his supporters are on this site. Aoun ow bess will baeiey killoun khass (only AOUN and the rest are lettuce). lol   

        1.  Avatar

          The new message….

          If you cant handle all the FARTEEN get the hell outta Lebanon!

        2.  Avatar

          The new message….

          If you cant handle all the FARTEEN get the hell outta Lebanon!

      2.  Avatar

        Aoun will always be a leader, THE FARTEEN will all disperse and float in the air. Are you kidding yourself !!!! Their leader Hariri Jr. jumped ship and according to the Onion he is depressed. Amin has no backbone, the only one left is Geagea who has  very small support in the Christian community, most of his supporters are on this site. Aoun ow bess will baeiey killoun khass (only AOUN and the rest are lettuce). lol   

  3. Amine123 Avatar

    I wonder who Aoun represent, Lebanon or Syria? when we are going to get rid of this A$$?

  4.  Avatar

    I wonder who Aoun represent, Lebanon or Syria? when we are going to get rid of this A$$?

  5. 316909 Avatar

    What a stupid idiot you have become….

  6.  Avatar

    What a stupid idiot you have become….

  7.  Avatar

    What a stupid idiot you have become….

  8. Beiruti Avatar

    Where are all the Aoun supporters going after this criminal dies?

  9.  Avatar

    Where are all the Aoun supporters going after this criminal dies?

  10. Aoun is a crazed lunatic whose only dream is to become president of Lebanon.

    The idiots are those who follow him blindly. I guess you may call him the Pied Piper.

  11.  Avatar

    Aoun is a crazed lunatic whose only dream is to become president of Lebanon.

    The idiots are those who follow him blindly. I guess you may call him the Pied Piper.

  12. Did not Aoun in 1990 say he wanted no foreign interference in Lebanon? Well, he is promoting Syrian and Iranian influence in Lebanon. He was also against all militias.  What a flake.

  13. Did not Aoun in 1990 say he wanted no foreign interference in Lebanon? Well, he is promoting Syrian and Iranian influence in Lebanon. He was also against all militias.  What a flake.

  14. aoun is the best prick lebanon ever had in cast you can;t go all what you have to do is put aoun poster in your toilet and you tummy will just  fine go and sell some chickles on the road general thats what you are good at

  15. aoun is the best prick lebanon ever had in cast you can;t go all what you have to do is put aoun poster in your toilet and you tummy will just  fine go and sell some chickles on the road general thats what you are good at

  16. antar2011 Avatar

    my father in law served under his command in the lebanese army…one thing he told me, it is a known fact between us soldiers and higher ranked officers, Aoun is not stable.

    i dunno how he has come thus far…perhaps only by unstable pple like him who keep on cheering him, he is still in lebaanese politics.

  17.  Avatar

    my father in law served under his command in the lebanese army…one thing he told me, it is a known fact between us soldiers and higher ranked officers, Aoun is not stable.

    i dunno how he has come thus far…perhaps only by unstable pple like him who keep on cheering him, he is still in lebaanese politics.

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