March 14 warns Suleiman against siding with Hezbollah


March 14 leaders warned Lebanese president Michel Suleiman that he would suffer from the consequences of their campaign against the newly formed cabinet if he takes sides, An Nahar reported on Sunday , adding that  the new opposition urged the president to be neutral.

This comes after , the president criticized March 14 for launching an attack on the new cabinet as soon as it was formed

Suleiman also claimed that March 14 politicians ended their support to him .

Suleiman reportedly believes that March 14 stopped supporting him when it decided to boycott the cabinet.

Suleiman reportedly also believes that March 14 prevented some of its members from participating in PM Najib Mikati’s government , a possible reference to former president Amin Gemayel who discussed participating in a national unity cabinet , but Hezbollah reportedly rejected his conditions.

March 14 on the other hand criticized Suleiman for declaring that the cabinet as ‘made in Lebanon’ saying this should have been left for Hezbollah and Mikati to say .

Last week, Suleiman declared in an interview that the government was 100 percent Lebanese and was not formed through a Syrian green light.

The March 14 leaders confirmed that they would continue their campaign against the cabinet and mainly Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun , Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and the illegal arms .

The newly formed cabinet includes 18 ministers out of 30 who are either Hezbollah members or allies the other 12 ministers were allocated to the so called centrist bloc which includes 3 for the president , 6 for PM Mikati and 3 for MP Walid Jumblatt.

Jumblatt’s share of 3 ministers was included in the so called centrist bloc , but according to observers Hezbollah considers Jumblatt its ally too and thus it controls his share too . Including Jumblatt in the share of Mikati and Suleiman was reportedly a ploy intended to cover up Hezbollah’s control of the government .

The Iranian- and Syrian-backed Hezbollah brought down PM Saad Hariri’s government on January 12 over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s (STL) imminent indictment which is widely expected to implicate Hezbollah members in the assassination of former PM Rafik Hariri in 2005



4 responses to “March 14 warns Suleiman against siding with Hezbollah”

  1. guss043 Avatar

    Soleiman is a jerk off,president who used nahr el bared and made deal with Syrian, we should not forget that Lahoud appointed him and he msut had the Syrian approval, he’s a weak president who just cared to be president nothing else, Promised the mother of Francois el Haj to bring his killers to justice and left the door and forgot about him. We do not need any president from the army , most of them are competent and impotent, Fouad Chehab was fluke but still had dual personality and had full hate to Camille Chamoun, personal vendetta, but at least he banned the SSNP party ,too bad he didnt exterminate them all with their leaders .
    Don’t hope much from Soleiman , el Maktoub byinkara min Inwenou” plus the Lebanese army institution is a corrupt institution that all their members belong to someone party or religion, their allegiance is for the tribes ,not for Lebanon.
    He ‘s bending down since day one to Hizbollah and Syria, and he dares to talk to March 14 only,did you hear him criticizing March 8, what his army did in 2008 ,helped Hizbollah shiites gangs of Berri to burn Moustakbal TV. Trust me i had so many friedn officers from the Lebanese army and all what they cared about is cheating on their wife and screwing around and Yheddou Marajel al De3if or the weak, when it is somethign THAT need real fight they run away!!!!

  2. guss043 Avatar

    Soleiman is a jerk off,president who used nahr el bared and made deal with Syrian, we should not forget that Lahoud appointed him and he msut had the Syrian approval, he’s a weak president who just cared to be president nothing else, Promised the mother of Francois el Haj to bring his killers to justice and left the door and forgot about him. We do not need any president from the army , most of them are competent and impotent, Fouad Chehab was fluke but still had dual personality and had full hate to Camille Chamoun, personal vendetta, but at least he banned the SSNP party ,too bad he didnt exterminate them all with their leaders .
    Don’t hope much from Soleiman , el Maktoub byinkara min Inwenou” plus the Lebanese army institution is a corrupt institution that all their members belong to someone party or religion, their allegiance is for the tribes ,not for Lebanon.
    He ‘s bending down since day one to Hizbollah and Syria, and he dares to talk to March 14 only,did you hear him criticizing March 8, what his army did in 2008 ,helped Hizbollah shiites gangs of Berri to burn Moustakbal TV. Trust me i had so many friedn officers from the Lebanese army and all what they cared about is cheating on their wife and screwing around and Yheddou Marajel al De3if or the weak, when it is somethign THAT need real fight they run away!!!!

  3. antar2011 Avatar

    i agree.
    he has made some questionable claims lately and it does nothing to his image as “moderate’.
    he should really be furious with his minister who helped in the fall of former govt.
    he should be furious for marginalisation o fhis position.
    he should be furious because he knows quite well what sort of ministers this new govt have.

    but what he do? he will be going to Bashaar after govt’s ministerial declaration is finished.

    out of all places!
    i am afraid if he keeps going like this…we would be having another Lahoud on our hands here.

  4.  Avatar

    i agree.
    he has made some questionable claims lately and it does nothing to his image as “moderate’.
    he should really be furious with his minister who helped in the fall of former govt.
    he should be furious for marginalisation o fhis position.
    he should be furious because he knows quite well what sort of ministers this new govt have.

    but what he do? he will be going to Bashaar after govt’s ministerial declaration is finished.

    out of all places!
    i am afraid if he keeps going like this…we would be having another Lahoud on our hands here.

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