Hezbollah members detained for collaborating with Israel, report


NOW Lebanon reported that an unnamed Hezbollah source told its correspondent on Saturday that a “group of Hezbollah members were detained in the past few days for collaborating with Israel.”

The source who spoke on condition of anonymity declined to disclose the number of those detained or their position in the party but revealed that that one of the collaborators is related to a prominent Hezbollah official and another is a “religious figure.”

We will update this report as more information becomes available.



48 responses to “Hezbollah members detained for collaborating with Israel, report”

  1. ralphsrouji Avatar

    I bet these “agents” are linked to the STL

    1. 316909 Avatar

      Grow up. Next thing HA supporters are going to say is the Tsunami in Japan is linked to the STL

      1. ralphsrouji Avatar

        Man the attitude… read and understand before jumping on my neck. Did you see the ” ” around agents?
        The anti-STL campaign has started, now that they’re in charge, HA throws a group of alleged agents who are going to confess after being slapped twice that they planted all these evidences that the STL has against HA. Of course these “agents” will disappear after confessing.

        1. 316909 Avatar

          Next time explain because most of us dont have a crystal ball that reads minds for us…. Good thought though maybe true only time will tell. The problem is the ISF and Army handle the spies and the command structure remains the same as it was before. If arrested they will not be leaving jail any time soon (not even on bail) and will be sentenced without bail as the others were so disappearing may not be an option. Maybe killed in jail but thats too obvious or maybe breakout of jail and then hide in dahyi until HA kill them (considering what you said is true)

    2. 316909 Avatar

      Grow up. Next thing HA supporters are going to say is the Tsunami in Japan is linked to the STL

  2.  Avatar

    I bet these “agents” are linked to the STL

    1.  Avatar

      Grow up. Next thing HA supporters are going to say is the Tsunami in Japan is linked to the STL

      1.  Avatar

        Man the attitude… read and understand before jumping on my neck. Did you see the ” ” around agents?
        The anti-STL campaign has started, now that they’re in charge, HA throws a group of alleged agents who are going to confess after being slapped twice that they planted all these evidences that the STL has against HA. Of course these “agents” will disappear after confessing.

        1.  Avatar

          Next time explain because most of us dont have a crystal ball that reads minds for us…. Good thought though maybe true only time will tell. The problem is the ISF and Army handle the spies and the command structure remains the same as it was before. If arrested they will not be leaving jail any time soon (not even on bail) and will be sentenced without bail as the others were so disappearing may not be an option. Maybe killed in jail but thats too obvious or maybe breakout of jail and then hide in dahyi until HA kill them (considering any of what you said is true)

  3. guss043 Avatar

    Nasrallah, Najjad, and the Alawites all agent of Israel, Najjad come from a jew family, so is Khaddafi , Nasrallah,Najjad, are highly paid mossad agents  bankrolled by the mossad to conspire and destroy the Arab world

    1. eblashko Avatar

      Yes, because Israel really stands to gain from a strong Hezbollah and Syria…NOT!!!

      But you’re right. Khaddafi’s mother was actually from a Jewish family, so he has a little bit of Jewish blood in him. But it’s not something we’re very proud of. He must take after his father.  

      1. 316909 Avatar

        Maybe not but the Military industrial complex will and they have no borders and the only religion they follow is cash money. Im not saying these people spy for Israel and im not saying they dont but I truly believe all wars are fake and controlled for one reason and that profit one way or the other. Do a little research and see for your self.

        1. eblashko Avatar

          Maybe. But in Israel, the voices for peace and land-for-peace have always been from the military complex; those of former chiefs of staff, defense ministers, heads of the mossad, etc.

          Like Amram Mitzna, Gabi Ashkenazi, Ehud Barak, Amir Peretz, Meir Dagan, and Shaul Mofaz… and even Yitzhak Rabin. All of them have been left wing, pro-peace leaders who’ve hailed from the military complex. It’s always been the non-military politicians, who aside from Sharon tend to come from non-military backgrounds, that favor the pro-confrontation policy: Netanyahu, Lieberman, Eli Yishai of Shas, Arieh Eldad of the National Union, etc.

          In fact, the recently released “Israeli Peace Initiative” (which this current right wing government conveniently chose to ignore) was penned totally by 40 former defense officials.

        2. 316909 Avatar

          Military men are not part of the military industrial complex. I know for a fact that most U.S Army personnel hate war and Im sure its the same in every military. Im talking about the people that make weapons and sell them to the Army. No war = no new orders = less profit. to stay in business they basically create wars. they control the media, have powerful people like dick chainey and others in power and arm and finance both sides until the war starts then cash in.

        3. 316909 Avatar

          @eblashko the arab peace initiative has been on the table for 10 years I think and offers Israel full recognition from all arab states if they pull back to the 67 border. Left, Right and center parties have come to power in Israel since and not one of them ever even considered it. This was signed by every arab league member including Lebanon, Syria, Iraq (witch was under saddam back then and he signed it). People know that Israeli people want peace but the problem is that its a little more complicated than that. This war employs too many people and a lot of political careers are based on defense. A lot of jobs are based on defense not just in Israel or Lebanon but Europe, Russia and America. No money is made in peace if you dont have oil. Now times may change since we found oil and gas in Lebanon and Israel but before they can have peace in this region they need to create a new bad boy and thats where Iran come in. Turkey will control non gulf arabs and Iran will be the new Enemy. A Palestinian state is close, Peace is close and maybe even a military agreement with all arabs and Israel for defending against any Iranian aggregation.  The war will also be fought in Iraq with the Arabs backing the Sunni and Iran backing the Shia and I think a second front will be opened in Afghanistan against Iran with a insurgency on both sides of the Iranian border.

        4. eblashko Avatar

          You’re right, but the aforementioned ministers with a military-background who came from the peace camp have all endorsed the Arab Peace Initiative. If you read the text of the “Israeli Peace Initiative”, penned by those same ministers, which the current government has ignored, it explicitly says that this is a response of the Arab Peace Initiative.

          The Arab peace initiative in itself is fine. There are  few kinks to be worked out in regards to refugees, Jerusalem, and borders, but for the most part, it’s fine. But we shouldn’t be negotiating with the Arab League to solve this problem. We should be negotiating with the Palestinians. And so far those negotiations have been based on the Arab league prncipals. Olmert’s proposal to Abbas in 2008 worked along these lines, (and he still rejected) offering the 1967 borders with 1:1 swaps, and a separation of Jerusalem based on demographics). Abbass’s rejection pushed a LOT of voters here to the right, convincing us that nothing would ever be enough for them.

          Aside from that, there is another problem with the Arab Peace Initiative. What Netanyahu claims, and what he is correct about it a sense, is that although we have no relations with the Arab countries, we’re not really at war with them. We haven’t fought a war against an Arab country since 1973. We are at War with Hamas, Hezbollah, and in the greater sense, Iran. Unlike the on-paper war with Saudi Arabia or Yemen, this is a very real war and their hostility poses to Israel a very real threat. But none of these parties has ratified the Arab Peace initiative, all refusing to do so because of Iranian orders, so even if we were to sign the peace treaty, it wouldn’t stop the rockets on our cities, so what’s the point of signing.

          As far as this war conspiracy about money making and the war industry goes, i guess there’s a possibility that it’s partially true, but it didn’t keep Israel and Egypt from signing a peace agreement in 1979, which allowed us to slash the defense budget by a quarter, which we did. And I can’t help but think of Russia, who I think is the World’s largest arms exporter, and hasn’t really been at war with anyone except puny Georgia, in many years. I don’t think peace will affect the arms industry so much. IT and hi-tech start-ups have surpassed arms as Israel’s main source of revenue anyway I think. Also, Israelis as a whole, especially influential, rich Israelis, have drifted economically rightward through the years, abandoning the Kibbutz, and embracing capitalism. There has been an increased call year after year for reduced taxes, and the defense budget is what eats up most of the federal funds.

      2. 316909 Avatar

        Maybe not but the Military industrial complex will and they have no borders and the only religion they follow is cash money. Im not saying these people spy for Israel and im not saying they dont but I truly believe all wars are fake and controlled for one reason and that profit one way or the other. Do a little research and see for your self.

        1. eblashko Avatar

          You’re right, but the aforementioned ministers with a military-background who came from the peace camp have all endorsed the Arab Peace Initiative. If you read the text of the “Israeli Peace Initiative”, penned by those same ministers, which the current government has ignored, it explicitly says that this is a response of the Arab Peace Initiative.

          The Arab peace initiative in itself is fine. There are  few kinks to be worked out in regards to refugees, Jerusalem, and borders, but for the most part, it’s fine. But we shouldn’t be negotiating with the Arab League to solve this problem. We should be negotiating with the Palestinians. And so far those negotiations have been based on the Arab league prncipals. Olmert’s proposal to Abbas in 2008 worked along these lines, (and he still rejected) offering the 1967 borders with 1:1 swaps, and a separation of Jerusalem based on demographics). Abbass’s rejection pushed a LOT of voters here to the right, convincing us that nothing would ever be enough for them.

          Aside from that, there is another problem with the Arab Peace Initiative. What Netanyahu claims, and what he is correct about it a sense, is that although we have no relations with the Arab countries, we’re not really at war with them. We haven’t fought a war against an Arab country since 1973. We are at War with Hamas, Hezbollah, and in the greater sense, Iran. Unlike the on-paper war with Saudi Arabia or Yemen, this is a very real war and their hostility poses to Israel a very real threat. But none of these parties has ratified the Arab Peace initiative, all refusing to do so because of Iranian orders, so even if we were to sign the peace treaty, it wouldn’t stop the rockets on our cities, so what’s the point of signing.

          As far as this war conspiracy about money making and the war industry goes, i guess there’s a possibility that it’s partially true, but it didn’t keep Israel and Egypt from signing a peace agreement in 1979, which allowed us to slash the defense budget by a quarter, which we did. And I can’t help but think of Russia, who I think is the World’s largest arms exporter, and hasn’t really been at war with anyone except puny Georgia, in many years. I don’t think peace will affect the arms industry so much. IT and hi-tech start-ups have surpassed arms as Israel’s main source of revenue anyway I think. Also, Israelis as a whole, especially influential, rich Israelis, have drifted economically rightward through the years, abandoning the Kibbutz, and embracing capitalism. There has been an increased call year after year for reduced taxes, and the defense budget is what eats up most of the federal funds.

  4. guss043 Avatar

    Nasrallah, Najjad, and the Alawites all agent of Israel, Najjad come from a jew family, so is Khaddafi , Nasrallah,Najjad, are highly paid mossad agents  bankrolled by the mossad to conspire and destroy the Arab world

    1.  Avatar

      Yes, because Israel really stands to gain from a strong Hezbollah and Syria…NOT!!!

      But you’re right. Khaddafi’s mother was actually from a Jewish family, so he has a little bit of Jewish blood in him. But it’s not something we’re very proud of. He must take after his father.  

      1.  Avatar

        Maybe not but the Military industrial complex will and they have no borders and the only religion they follow is cash money. Im not saying these people spy for Israel and im not saying they dont but I truly believe all wars are fake and controlled for one reason and that profit one way or the other. Do a little research and see for your self.

        1.  Avatar

          Maybe. But in Israel, the voices for peace and land-for-peace have always been from the military complex; those of former chiefs of staff, defense ministers, heads of the mossad, etc.

          Like Amram Mitzna, Gabi Ashkenazi, Ehud Barak, Amir Peretz, Meir Dagan, and Shaul Mofaz… and even Yitzhak Rabin. All of them have been left wing, pro-peace leaders who’ve hailed from the military complex. It’s always been the non-military politicians, who aside from Sharon tend to come from non-military backgrounds, that favor the pro-confrontation policy: Netanyahu, Lieberman, Eli Yishai of Shas, Arieh Eldad of the National Union, etc.

          In fact, the recently released “Israeli Peace Initiative” (which this current right wing government conveniently chose to ignore) was penned totally by 40 former defense officials.

        2.  Avatar

          Military men are not part of the military industrial complex. I know for a fact that most U.S Army personnel hat war and Im sure its the same in every military. Im talking about the people that make weapons and sell them to the Army. No war = no new orders = less profit. to stay in business they basically create wars. they control the media, have powerful people like dick chainey and others in power and arm and finance both sides until the war starts then cash in.

        3.  Avatar

          @eblashko the arab peace initiative has been on the table for 10 years I think and offers Israel full recognition from all arab states if the pull back to the 67 border. Left, Right and center parties have come to power in Israel since and not one of them ever even considered it. This was signed by every arab league member including Lebanon, Syria, Iraq (witch was under saddam back the and he signed it). People know that Israeli people want peace but the problem is that its a little more complicated than that. This war employs too many people and a lot of political careers are based on defense. A lot of jobs are based on defense not just in Israel or Lebanon but Europe, Russia and America. No money is made in peace if you dont have oil. Now times may change since we found oil and gas in Lebanon and Israel but before they can have peace in this region they need to create a new bad boy and thats where Iran come in. Turkey will control non gulf arabs and Iran will be the new Enemy. A Palestinian state is close, Peace is close and maybe even a military agreement with all arabs and Israel for defending against any Iranian aggregation.  The war will also be fought in Iraq with the Arabs backing the Sunni and Iran backing the Shia and Im hoping a second front will be opened in Afghanistan against Iran with a insurgency on both sides of the Iranian border.

        4.  Avatar

          You’re right, but the aforementioned ministers military-background who came from the peace camp have all endorsed the Arab Peace Initiative. If you read the text of the “Israeli Peace Initiative”, penned by those same ministers, which the current government has ignored, it explicitly says that this is a response of the Arab Peace Initiative.

          The Arab peace initiative in itself is fine. There are  few kinks to be worked out in regards to refugees, Jerusalem, and borders, but for the most part, it’s fine. But we shouldn’t be negotiating with the Arab League to solve this problem. We should be negotiating with the Palestinians. And so far those negotiations have been based on the Arab league prncipals. Olmert’s proposal to Abbas in 2008 worked along these lines, (and he still rejected) offering the 1967 borders with 1:1 swaps, and a separation of Jerusalem based on demographics). Abbass’s rejection pushed a LOT of voters here to the right, convincing us that nothing would ever be enough for them.

          Aside from that, there is another problem with the Arab Peace Initiative. What Netanyahu claims, and what he is correct about it a sense, is that although we have no relations with the Arab countries, we’re not really at war with them. We haven’t fought a war against an Arab country since 1973. We are at War with Hamas, Hezbollah, and in the greater sense, Iran. Unlike the on-paper war with Saudi Arabia or Yemen, this is a very real war and their hostility poses to Israel a very real threat. But none of these parties has ratified the Arab Peace initiative, all refusing to do so because of Iranian orders.

          As far as this war conspiracy about money making and the war industry goes, i guess there’s a possibility that it’s partially true, but it didn’t keep Israel and Egypt from signing a peace agreement in 1979, which allowed us to slash the defense budget in half, which we did. And I can’t help but think of Russia, who I think is the World’s largest arms exporter, and hasn’t really been at war with anyone except puny Georgia, in many years. I don’t think peace will affect the arms industry so much. IT and hi-tech start-ups have surpassed arms as Israel’s main source of revenue anyway I think.

  5. Crossed Avatar

    Throw them in Jail. If they contributed to loss of Lebanese life they should face the death penalty. Great on Hezbollah for exposing them!

    1. 316909 Avatar

      No one said HA exposed them. All they said is a HA official said a group had been detained.

  6. Crossed Avatar

    Throw them in Jail. If they contributed to loss of Lebanese life they should face the death penalty. Great on Hezbollah for exposing them!

  7.  Avatar

    Throw them in Jail. If they contributed to loss of Lebanese life they should face the death penalty. Great on Hezbollah for exposing them!

    1.  Avatar

      No one said HA exposed them. All they said is a HA official said a group had been detained.

  8.  Avatar

    Throw them in Jail. If they contributed to loss of Lebanese life they should face the death penalty. Great on Hezbollah for exposing them!

  9. Beiruti Avatar

    and the Kataeb were dirty for Allying with Israel? Hypocrisy at its finest.

    1. eblashko Avatar

      At least Kataeb didn’t lie to the Lebanese people about it

  10.  Avatar

    and the Kataeb were dirty for Allying with Israel? Hypocrisy at its finest.

    1.  Avatar

      At least Kataeb didn’t lie to the Lebanese people about it

  11. master09 Avatar

    It all comes down to the dollar. Go back to what the MI6 did with the Arabs. Brothers turned against each other for promise of power and much more. What did the British get BP and trillions of dollars.
    I wrote this 1 year ago that HA have hundreds who work for Isreal and USA but all lol at me.
    Look at what George Soros can do to people, in America he has given 46 million to stuggling news sites and radio stations just so they can report about the things he wants.

    Money Money Money, must be funny.

    1. kareemthehippy Avatar

      Mamma mia, here you go again..

      1. master09 Avatar

        mamma how did I let it go mamma, cooll dude

    2. kareemthehippy Avatar

      Mamma mia, here you go again..

  12.  Avatar

    It all comes down to the dollar. Go back to what the MI6 did with the Arabs. Brothers turned against each other for promise of power and much more. What did the British get BP and trillions of dollars.
    I wrote this 1 year ago that HA have hundreds who work for Isreal and USA but all lol at me.
    Look at what George Soros can do to people, in America he has given 46 million to stuggling news sites and radio stations just so they can report about the things he wants.

    Money Money Money, must be funny.

    1.  Avatar

      Mamma mia, here you go again..

      1.  Avatar

        mamma how did I let it go mamma, cooll dude

  13. Amine123 Avatar

    Didn’t Aoun also was in Israel for a while during the civil war? I wonder if he is an Israeli agent subotaging Lebanon economy and government

  14. Amine123 Avatar

    Didn’t Aoun also was in Israel for a while during the civil war? I wonder if he is an Israeli agent subotaging Lebanon economy and government

  15.  Avatar

    Didn’t Aoun also was in Israel for a while during the civil war? I wonder if he is an Israeli agent subotaging Lebanon economy and government

  16.  Avatar

    Didn’t Aoun also was in Israel for a while during the civil war? I wonder if he is an Israeli agent subotaging Lebanon economy and government

  17. waw is that the groups who are pure as god and they only have shiia to defend lebanon as all the other religion lebanese groupe are untrusted for god sake it did show clearley now that the shiia are no better then any other lebanese group and they are out there to fill there pocket so all the resistance crapes where stuffing down people throughts is ball you are all treators shame on the lebanese people who keep a blind eyes on anyone spying for israel syria and iran in our home land kill them all

  18. waw is that the groups who are pure as god and they only have shiia to defend lebanon as all the other religion lebanese groupe are untrusted for god sake it did show clearley now that the shiia are no better then any other lebanese group and they are out there to fill there pocket so all the resistance crapes where stuffing down people throughts is ball you are all treators shame on the lebanese people who keep a blind eyes on anyone spying for israel syria and iran in our home land kill them all

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