Arslan resigns his ministerial post


Minister of State Talal Arslan resigned his ministerial post .

He announced his resignation during a press conference and accused PM Nagib Mikati of lying and causing a rift between him , MP Walid Jumblatt and MP Michel Aoun.

He said “I cannot sit next to a man like Mikati in the same cabinet ”

He said “Mikati lied to all the Lebanese and caused rifts between many people , he thinks he is the smartest and this is something we cannot accept”. He added :” I have lost all confidence in Mikati and his abilities to seriously run the country”.

Arslan urged his supporters to maintain calm ad go back home stressing that he has no dispute with the army nor the security forces

Earlier today Arslan’s supporters blocked the Hasbani road linking Marjayoun and Beqaa in protest against the cabinet lineup.

Arslan was always insisting on being allocated a ministerial portfolio , but instead he was assigned a ministry of state . Ministries of state are usually used as a filler to complete the lineup



8 responses to “Arslan resigns his ministerial post”

  1. libnan1 Avatar

    I don’t blame you. The snake got something he does not deserve.

  2. libnan1 Avatar

    I don’t blame you. The snake got something he does not deserve.

  3.  Avatar

    I don’t blame you. The snake got something he does not deserve.

  4. Crossed Avatar

    What a baby. Grow up, life isn’t fair. If you didn’t get the position you wanted quiting isn’t going to solve anything. I’d rather have a cabinet of grown-ups anyway.

  5. Crossed Avatar

    What a baby. Grow up, life isn’t fair. If you didn’t get the position you wanted quiting isn’t going to solve anything. I’d rather have a cabinet of grown-ups anyway.

  6.  Avatar

    What a baby. Grow up, life isn’t fair. If you didn’t get the position you wanted quiting isn’t going to solve anything. I’d rather have a cabinet of grown-ups anyway.

  7. antar2011 Avatar

    he deserves the snub… he was the one responsible in ‘changing’ Jumblatt’s view ever since he “intervened” durin may 2008 to “save” Jumblatt…. i guess what goes around comes around…Mikati will be snubed next, in all of the major issues he thinks he can have a dialogue in…

  8.  Avatar

    he deserves the snub… he was the one responsible in ‘changing’ Jumblatt’s view ever since he “intervened” durin may 2008 to “save” Jumblatt…. i guess what goes around comes around…Mikati will be snubed next, in all of the major issues he thinks he can have a dialogue in…

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