‘partnership & love’ is slogan of the Spiritual summit


The Lebanese Christian -Islamic spiritual summit that was held at Bkirki on Thursday issued a statement at the end of the summit : Here are the highlights

-Called for urgent formation of a cabinet “today and not tomorrow ”

– Called for adhering to the Lebanese institutions to deal with any dispute, relying on the Lebanese army and legitimate internal security forces to maintain security and stability and to combat terrorism and organized crime and provide the necessary means to help them do the job, in addition to asserting Lebanon’s sovereignty and the right of the State in the liberation of its territory from Israeli occupation .

– The meeting stressed national unity among the Lebanese, warning of fragmentation, calling for commitment to the culture of dialogue aiming at achieving harmony and common good.

– The conferees called for strengthening of national identity , culturally , educationally, politically and socially . They also called for strengthening the state and for respect for the Constitution and laws, and to uphold respect for moral and spiritual values ​​and called upon the media to respect and preserve these values.

– The conferees also stressed the importance of resolving the Palestinian and Arab Israeli – Israeli conflict , which is the key to peace and stability in the region.

– The summit adopted the slogan of “partnership and love” which was suggested by Patriarch Rai

The newly elected Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rai hosted the summit which was also be attended by , Grand Mufti of the Republic Mohammed Rashid Qabbani, the Vice President of the Higher Shiite Islamic Council, Abdul Amir Qabalan, Druze spiritual leader Sheikh el Akl Naim Hassan, Syriac Orthodox Patriarch Zakka I, Syriac Catholic Patriarch Ignatius Joseph III Younan, Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregorios III Laham, Armenian Catholicos of Cilicia Aram I, and Patriarch of Armenian Catholics Nerses Bedros XIX.

Papal Ambassador to Lebanon Monsengieur Gabriele Jordano Cascia also participated in the summit

As expected the summit avoided two controversial issues which relate to Hezbollah .They are:

– The Special Tribunal for Lebanon

– None -state ( Hezbollah) arms



2 responses to “‘partnership & love’ is slogan of the Spiritual summit”

  1. libnan1 Avatar

    Well Done Batrach,

  2.  Avatar

    Well Done Batrach,

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