FPM threatens to withhold its vote of confidence


Free Patriotic Movement MP Simon Abi Ramia told News TV on Sunday:” If PM Designate Nagib Mikati forms a cabinet without our approval and the president signs off on it we will then withhold our confidence vote at the parliament “.

He added ” let the president then secure a confidence vote for the cabinet at the parliament ” .

Following a meeting with the French ambassador on Sunday , he told New TV that he voiced concerns over the deterioration of the situations in Syria. He added “We call on the Lebanese not to interfere in Syria’s affairs as Lebanon’s interest lies in security and political stability in Syria.”



8 responses to “FPM threatens to withhold its vote of confidence”

  1. ralphsrouji Avatar

    we got really scared that you’re going to withhold the confidence vote.
    we’re not going to sleep at night if you don’t reach an agreement on the government.
    pff simon abou ramia giving us lessons where lebanon’s interest lays.
    what these morrons say should no longer appear in the media, time for reporters/journalists to stop covering what every idiot in the country feels like saying.

  2.  Avatar

    we got really scared that you’re going to withhold the confidence vote.
    we’re not going to sleep at night if you don’t reach an agreement on the government.
    pff simon abou ramia giving us lessons where lebanon’s interest lays.
    what these morrons say should no longer appear in the media, time for reporters/journalists to stop covering what every idiot in the country feels like saying.

  3. ghzayel Avatar

    i refuse to believe anything this mp says, he is as deceitful and machiavelic as his master in rabieh. it is too bad he represents the predominantly christian district of jbeil and surrounding areas.

    counting on the overwhelming majority of shia voters voting in one block in the jbail area, abou ramia unfortunately got elected in the last parliamentary elections defeating fares souaid the highly popular 14th of march representative.

    it is true he is voicing concerns over the situation in syria, but if you read carefully between the lines, it is only because he is worried about the fate of the syrian regime more than being concerned about stopping the massacres perpetrated against the syrian people.

    as a master of double talk, typical of fpm politburo, he is calling on lebanese not to interfere in syria’s affairs while his ally / mentor hezballah along with berri are blatantly declaring their open and covert support for the syrian regime.

    this mp’s master in rabieh along with hezballah and the pro syrian folks promoted pm designate mikati after dealing a treacherous blow to previous pm hariri while on a tour in the usa bringing the downfall of his government.

    now these love birds, not from the same feathers though, are threatening to bring down any future mikati government if it was not to their liking. it seems like what is under the table became lately way more important than what is on the table.

    obviously the seriousness of the situation in syria that could turn the tables upside down is making the 8th of march love birds jittery and confused.

    they are getting very close to adopting hezballah’s strategy of not wanting any strong government in any shape or form to take over the situation in lebanon unless hezballah receives these two iron clad warranties:

    1- the un tribunal for lebanon will not target the hizb in any way or form.

    2- the hizb will be allowed to keep their weapons for ever and any future government should consider the matter of them creating a state within a state as business as usual.

    two impossible conditions for any sane sunni pm designate to meet in lebanon.

  4. ghzayel Avatar

    i refuse to believe anything this mp says, he is as deceitful and machiavelic as his master in rabieh. it is too bad he represents the predominantly christian district of jbeil and surrounding areas.

    counting on the overwhelming majority of shia voters voting in one block in the jbail area, abou ramia unfortunately got elected in the last parliamentary elections defeating fares souaid the highly popular 14th of march representative.

    it is true he is voicing concerns over the situation in syria, but if you read carefully between the lines, it is only because he is worried about the fate of the syrian regime more than being concerned about stopping the massacres perpetrated against the syrian people.

    as a master of double talk, typical of fpm politburo, he is calling on lebanese not to interfere in syria’s affairs while his ally / mentor hezballah along with berri are blatantly declaring their open and covert support for the syrian regime.

    this mp’s master in rabieh along with hezballah and the pro syrian folks promoted pm designate mikati after dealing a treacherous blow to previous pm hariri while on a tour in the usa bringing the downfall of his government.

    now these love birds, not from the same feathers though, are threatening to bring down any future mikati government if it was not to their liking. it seems like what is under the table became lately way more important than what is on the table.

    obviously the seriousness of the situation in syria that could turn the tables upside down is making the 8th of march love birds jittery and confused.

    they are getting very close to adopting hezballah’s strategy of not wanting any strong government in any shape or form to take over the situation in lebanon unless hezballah receives these two iron clad warranties:

    1- the un tribunal for lebanon will not target the hizb in any way or form.

    2- the hizb will be allowed to keep their weapons for ever and any future government should consider the matter of them creating a state within a state as business as usual.

    two impossible conditions for any sane sunni pm designate to meet in lebanon.

  5.  Avatar

    i refuse to believe anything this mp says, he is as deceitful and machiavelic as his master in rabieh. it is too bad he represents the predominantly christian district of jbeil and surrounding areas.

    counting on the overwhelming majority of shia voters voting in one block in the jbail area, abou ramia unfortunately got elected in the last parliamentary elections defeating fares souaid the highly popular 14th of march representative.

    it is true he is voicing concerns over the situation in syria, but if you read carefully between the lines, it is only because he is worried about the fate of the syrian regime more than being concerned about stopping the massacres perpetrated against the syrian people.

    as a master of double talk, typical of fpm politburo, he is calling on lebanese not to interfere in syria’s affairs while his ally / mentor hezballah along with berri are blatantly declaring their open and covert support for the syrian regime.

    this mp’s master in rabieh along with hezballah and the pro syrian folks promoted pm designate mikati after dealing a treacherous blow to previous pm hariri while on a tour in the usa bringing the downfall of his government.

    now these love birds, not from the same feathers though, are threatening to bring down any future mikati government if it was not to their liking. it seems like what is under the table became lately way more important than what is on the table.

    obviously the seriousness of the situation in syria that could turn the tables upside down is making the 8th of march love birds very jittery and confused.

    they are getting very close to adopting hezballah’s strategy of not wanting any strong government in any shape or form to take over the situation in lebanon unless hezballah receives these two iron clad warranties:

    1- that the tribunal will not target the hizb in any way or form.

    2- they will be allowed to keep their weapons for ever and consider the matter of them creating a state within a state as business as usual.

    two impossible conditions for any sane sunni pm designate to meet in lebanon.

  6. Leborigine Avatar

    “We call on the Lebanese not to interfere in Syria’s affairs as Lebanon’s interest lies in security and political stability in Syria.”

    Really!! So Lebanon should bend over for everyone and no one should bend over for us.
    I am sick and tired of you people defending syria. Defend Lebanon first for once and be patriotic you SOB.

  7. Leborigine Avatar

    “We call on the Lebanese not to interfere in Syria’s affairs as Lebanon’s interest lies in security and political stability in Syria.”

    Really!! So Lebanon should bend over for everyone and no one should bend over for us.
    I am sick and tired of you people defending syria. Defend Lebanon first for once and be patriotic you SOB.

  8.  Avatar

    “We call on the Lebanese not to interfere in Syria’s affairs as Lebanon’s interest lies in security and political stability in Syria.”

    Really!! So Lebanon should bend over for everyone and no one should bend over for us.
    I am sick and tired of you people defending syria. Defend Lebanon first for once and be patriotic you SOB.

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