Hezbollahs’ Contradictions


By Ghassan Karam

Ideas espoused by an individual, an institution or a political organization must be clear, unambiguous and consistent if they are to be taken seriously. It is not unknown or unacceptable for a change of heart regarding any position but that is different than holding contradictory positions regarding the same issue. Lord Maynard Keynes might have provided the best explanation for changing loyalties when he quipped “I do change my mind when new facts become available, don’t you sir? “. The above might be acceptable even in explaining the constant flip flops in the positions of Walid Jumblat, who is always holding his finger in an attempt to find which way the wind is blowing.

That however is a far cry from the pickle in which Hezbollah and its allies have placed themselves. They must think that the Lebanese public in general or at least their constituents cannot see through the light fog of their machinations. It is time that someone reminds these political leaders and all the talking heads that favour their positions, of the teachings of Aristotle: ““One cannot say of something that it is and that it is not in the same respect and at the same time.”  This simply means that one cannot be for liberation and yet for oppression at the same time.

But that is exactly what Hezbollah, Amal and the FPM have been promoting without any fear of appearing inconsistent, irrational and unprincipled. Hezbollah and its allies lent their full support to the Egyptian uprising and were instrumental in the vote of Lebanon at the Security Council in support of a Western led and enforced no fly zone in Libya. That vote argued that the Libyan government was to cease and desist from shooting at its own unarmed people who should have the right to demonstrate and express themselves without the fear of brutal reprisals from Libyan authorities.  If you thought that taking such a position in Libya would mean that Hezbollah and its allies would then offer support for the Syrian demonstrators then you would be wrong. Nabih Beri, Hezbollah MPs plus many an FPM spokesperson never let a day go by without offering full support to the Assad regime in its efforts to subdue by force the peaceful and brave Syrian demonstrators of Dara’a, Banias, Homs and other cities.

Whether by accident or by design the mask is off and the real intensions and motivations of this group, the so called “new majority”, are clear for all to see.  They view Colonel Qaddafi as a dictator, as they should, but the equally brutal, undemocratic and arguably more authoritarian Syrian regime of Bashar Assad and his circle of acquaintances as worthy of support. How is it possible to value innocent Libyan civilian blood but support and even encourage acts of brutality against Syrian innocent and unarmed civilians? The answer to this conundrum is simple enough: Hezbollah and its supporters are acting as a bunch of unprincipled thugs who se stand in Libya is not so much in support of those seeking liberation as much as it is taking revenge on Colonel Qaddafi for having participated in the disappearance of Moussa Al Sadr. Yes the message to the Syrian people is loud and clear, Hezbollah and its allies are wards of the illegitimate Syrian state and they will spare no effort to show their support to those that oppress, discriminate and shoot at innocent civilians provided that they keep the illegal flow of arms to the Hezbollah forces flowing, in total disregard to resolutions by the United Nations and in contradiction to the sovereignty of a neighbouring state.

Unfortunately the contradictions do not stop at condemning in the strongest means possible the Libyan oppressors while exonerating the Syrian brutal crackdown on demonstrators.  The political stands of the Lebanese “noble resistance” and its supporters become even more inconsistent, more incongruous and even more incoherent.  Hezbollah has condemned the judicial verdicts issue in Bahrain against Bahraini demonstrators, again as they should, but they have not offered even a word of support or shed a tear on the more than 450 murdered civilians in cold blood by the Syrian dictator, their friend, protector and arms supplier.

Then there is the most bewildering position of all. Hezbollah , Amal and all their allies never allow an opportunity to go by without praising the concept of resistance, as if anyone is opposed to it. They continue the charade of obfuscation, the charade to prevent the distinction between the concept of resistance and the implementation of that concept in a monopolistic, undemocratic, authoritarian and even theocratic style.

Yes the mask is off and the ugly truth behind the pretenders is clear for everyone to see. Hezbollah’s has just about run out of deceptions and the truth shall set the people of Lebanon and the region free of the “resistance” myth as practiced by the Iranian and Syrian regimes, two of the most oppressive regimes in the area that insist on proclaiming  their false democratic and liberation credentials.



122 responses to “Hezbollahs’ Contradictions”

  1. Hannibal Avatar

    HA reminds me of the mythological deity Janus. He is symbolized with two heads back to back, facing opposite directions or as we say in Arabic, “bell wejj mreeye wu bell afa sermeeye”… lol
    Great rumblings as usual Ghassan.

    1. Hannbal,
      I would rather think of Hezbollah as a two headed Hydra than a Janus lol.

    2. Hannbal,
      I would rather think of Hezbollah as a two headed Hydra than a Janus lol.

  2. HA reminds me of the mythological deity Janus. He is symbolized with two heads back to back, facing opposite directions or as we say in Arabic, “bell wejj mreeye wu bell afa sermeeye”… lol
    Great rumblings as usual Ghassan.

    1. Hannbal,
      I would rather think of Hezbollah as a two headed Hydra than a Janus lol.

  3. Leborigine Avatar

    What a precise and accurate explanation about the “new majority” in my view and many Lebanese.
    HA, amal and FPM’s motives and alliances have been transparent from day one and anyone who thinks otherwise, must be completely absurd. Their supporters do not have a leg to stand on when asked ‘why do you support the west in bringing down the leadership in Libya and Egypt but not in syria? The only responses I get is either change of subject or a piss in my ear!
    It is rather unfortunate that we have so many sub humans in Lebanon swearing loyalty and allegiance to a handful of sub humans in syria! At least ssnp declare their loyalty in the open, but these Mongaloids who fight in the name of ‘resistance’, ‘anti zionism’, ‘inter religious dialogues’ and ‘interior ministry’ are working for the syrians interest in the region, but yet try to convince us otherwise.

    1. Leborigine,
      The irrationality and the inconsistency in the Hezbollah position is astoundingboth in domestic as well as foreign affairs even if you keep the West out of the equation. Hezbollah is consistent in proclaiming support to the Egyptian masses, the Libyan rebel and the Bahraini demonstrators. But then they make a U turn and offer their total unquestioned support to the Syrian exploiters , oppressors and killers of the protesters. They are willing to sacrifice a whole people for the sake of a dictatorship that has no respect for human rights and individual freedoms.

      1. I think HA should put some eggs in another basket too just in case if the former basket falls.I understand their loyalty to Syrian Regime but at least copy Turkey ,MP Jumblatt when they advise the regime about speedy adoption of reforms

        1. Rafic,
          An excellent point. Had Hezbollah recommended the speedy adoption of reforms then there would not have been any grounds for my hypothesis of glaring and irreconcilable contradictions.

      2. I think HA should put some eggs in another basket too just in case if the former basket falls.I understand their loyalty to Syrian Regime but at least copy Turkey ,MP Jumblatt when they advise the regime about speedy adoption of reforms

        1. Rafic,
          An excellent point. Had Hezbollah recommended the speedy adoption of reforms then there would not have been any grounds for my hypothesis of glaring and irreconcilable contradictions.

  4. Leborigine Avatar

    What a precise and accurate explanation about the “new majority” in my view and many Lebanese.
    HA, amal and FPM’s motives and alliances have been transparent from day one and anyone who thinks otherwise, must be completely absurd. Their supporters do not have a leg to stand on when asked ‘why do you support the west in bringing down the leadership in Libya and Egypt but not in syria? The only responses I get is either change of subject or a piss in my ear!
    It is rather unfortunate that we have so many sub humans in Lebanon swearing loyalty and allegiance to a handful of sub humans in syria! At least ssnp declare their loyalty in the open, but these Mongaloids who fight in the name of ‘resistance’, ‘anti zionism’, ‘inter religious dialogues’ and ‘interior ministry’ are working for the syrians interest in the region, but yet try to convince us otherwise.

  5.  Avatar

    What a precise and accurate explanation about the “new majority” in my view and many Lebanese.
    HA, amal and FPM’s motives and alliances have been transparent from day one and anyone who thinks otherwise, must be completely absurd. Their supporters do not have a leg to stand on when asked ‘why do you support the west in bringing down the leadership in Libya and Egypt but not in syria? The only responses I get is either change of subject or a piss in my ear!
    It is rather unfortunate that we have so many sub humans in Lebanon swearing loyalty and allegiance to a handful of sub humans in syria! At least ssnp declare their loyalty in the open, but these Mongaloids who fight in the name of ‘resistance’, ‘anti zionism’, ‘inter religious dialogues’ and ‘interior ministry’ are working for the syrians interest in the region, but yet try to convince us otherwise.

    1. Leborigine,
      The irrationality and the inconsistency in the Hezbollah position is astoundingboth in domestic as well as foreign affairs even if you keep the West out of the equation. Hezbollah is consistent in proclaiming support to the Egyptian masses, the Libyan rebel and the Bahraini demonstrators. But then they make a U turn and offer their total unquestioned support to the Syrian exploiters , oppressors and killers of the protesters. They are willing to sacrifice a whole people for the sake of a dictatorship that has no respect for human rights and individual freedoms.

      1.  Avatar

        I think HA should put some eggs in another basket too just in case if the former basket falls.I understand their loyalty to Syrian Regime but at least copy Turkey ,MP Jumblatt when they advise the regime about speedy adoption of reforms

        1. Rafic,
          An excellent point. Had Hezbollah recommended the speedy adoption of reforms then there would not have been any grounds for my hypothesis of glaring and irreconcilable contradictions.

      2.  Avatar

        I think HA should put some eggs in another basket too just in case if the former basket falls.I understand their loyalty to Syrian Regime but at least copy Turkey ,MP Jumblatt when they advise the regime about speedy adoption of reforms

  6. FadiAbboud Avatar

    Thank you Ghassan, once again for speaking so” matter of fact ” about the Hezbollah Issue.

    1. Fadi.
      I am hopeful that this time around it is so clearly obvious that “the emperor has no cloths”. We need to shout that from the roof tops.

    2. Fadi.
      I am hopeful that this time around it is so clearly obvious that “the emperor has no cloths”. We need to shout that from the roof tops.

  7.  Avatar

    Thank you Ghassan, once again for speaking so” matter of fact ” about the Hezbollah Issue.

    1. Fadi.
      I am hopeful that this time around it is so clearly obvious that “the emperor has no cloths”. We need to shout that from the roof tops.

  8. The sad fact is that many supporters of the Hizb and all its allies have deemed it fit to ignore such blatant hypocrisy. I guess they are too busy building their illegal homes (before they run out of time) than to take notice of such details.

    1. Marillionlb,
      The contradictions are rampant all across Lebanon and in all fields. It is ironic that so many have acquired public lands , built on it and are being protected by the powers to be , possibly from both sides of the isle, when in some small towns the law abiding tax payers are subjected to large fines for minute violations that took place over two decades ago.

    2. Marillionlb,
      The contradictions are rampant all across Lebanon and in all fields. It is ironic that so many have acquired public lands , built on it and are being protected by the powers to be , possibly from both sides of the isle, when in some small towns the law abiding tax payers are subjected to large fines for minute violations that took place over two decades ago.

  9. The sad fact is that many supporters of the Hizb and all its allies have deemed it fit to ignore such blatant hypocrisy. I guess they are too busy building their illegal homes (before they run out of time) than to take notice of such details.

    1. Marillionlb,
      The contradictions are rampant all across Lebanon and in all fields. It is ironic that so many have acquired public lands , built on it and are being protected by the powers to be , possibly from both sides of the isle, when in some small towns the law abiding tax payers are subjected to large fines for minute violations that took place over two decades ago.

  10. libnan1 Avatar

    Well, then HA and its allies are no worst than the west and its allies. The democracies that we all admire started dropping bombs before the ink dried on the UN resolution regarding Libya and Iraq; while other UN resolutions have been on the books for 60 years without implementation. Picking and choosing does happens in the greatest so called democracies.

    1. Liban1,
      We have dealt with the misunderstanding that your post mentions many times in the past. No double standards should be acceptable at any time and from anyone. However, the implication that the UNSC has the obligation to act on the UN resolutions concerning Palestine is wrong since all the resolutions that you have in mind were NOT passed under chapter 7 and thus the UNSC does not have the power to implement them even if it wanted to since they are intended only as desire for a resolution by the parties concerned. Libya, Iraq and ultimately Lebanon are subject to resolutions passed under chapter seven which demands that the resolution be implemented.

    2. Liban1,
      We have dealt with the misunderstanding that your post mentions many times in the past. No double standards should be acceptable at any time and from anyone. However, the implication that the UNSC has the obligation to act on the UN resolutions concerning Palestine is wrong since all the resolutions that you have in mind were NOT passed under chapter 7 and thus the UNSC does not have the power to implement them even if it wanted to since they are intended only as desire for a resolution by the parties concerned. Libya, Iraq and ultimately Lebanon are subject to resolutions passed under chapter seven which demands that the resolution be implemented.

  11.  Avatar

    Well, then HA and its allies are no worst than the west and its allies. The democracies that we all admire started dropping bombs before the ink dried on the UN resolution regarding Libya and Iraq; while other UN resolutions have been on the books for 60 years without implementation. Picking and choosing does happens in the greatest so called democracies.

    1. Liban1,
      We have dealt with the misunderstanding that your post mentions many times in the past. No double standards should be acceptable at any time and from anyone. However, the implication that the UNSC has the obligation to act on the UN resolutions concerning Palestine is wrong since all the resolutions that you have in mind were NOT passed under chapter 7 and thus the UNSC does not have the power to implement them even if it wanted to since they are intended only as desire for a resolution by the parties concerned. Libya, Iraq and ultimately Lebanon are subject to resolutions passed under chapter seven which demands that the resolution be implemented.

  12. Sebouh80 Avatar

    The blatant contradictions among Hezbollah and their allies has become a discernible fact that has become impossible to dismiss.
    To start with, Hezbollah is advocating indirectly and sometimes directly for Arab masses to unite and topple the existing Arab reactionary regimes whether it be in North Africa or in the Gulf states fair enough, but this proposition has fallen short to include the other remaining brutal regimes like Syria and Iran Hezbollah’s patron states. Just recently the Syrian regime murdered more then 450 of their people during these latest demonstrations that took place in many parts of Syria, and not a single word of condemnation came out from Hezbollah or from their allies.

    Finally, this paradox has no doubt undermined Hezbollah’s political stance in the region. As a famous saying goes “one cannot be an imperialist and a disciple at the same time”. In this respect,Hezbollah cannot apply a double standard policy on two fronts indefinitly. Otherwise, it will backfire on them.

    1. Sebouh,
      Your description is spot on. Thanks.

  13. Sebouh80 Avatar

    The blatant contradictions among Hezbollah and their allies has become a discernible fact that has become impossible to dismiss.
    To start with, Hezbollah is advocating indirectly and sometimes directly for Arab masses to unite and topple the existing Arab reactionary regimes whether it be in North Africa or in the Gulf states fair enough, but this proposition has fallen short to include the other remaining brutal regimes like Syria and Iran Hezbollah’s patron states. Just recently the Syrian regime murdered more then 450 of their people during these latest demonstrations that took place in many parts of Syria, and not a single word of condemnation came out from Hezbollah or from their allies.

    Finally, this paradox has no doubt undermined Hezbollah’s political stance in the region. As a famous saying goes “one cannot be an imperialist and a disciple at the same time”. In this respect,Hezbollah cannot apply a double standard policy on two fronts indefinitly. Otherwise, it will backfire on them.

    1. Sebouh,
      Your description is spot on. Thanks.

  14.  Avatar

    The blatant contradictions among Hezbollah and their allies has become a discernible fact that has become impossible to dismiss.
    To start with, Hezbollah is advocating indirectly and sometimes directly for Arab masses to unite and topple the existing Arab reactionary regimes whether it be in North Africa or in the Gulf states fair enough, but this proposition has fallen short to include the other remaining brutal regimes like Syria and Iran Hezbollah’s patron states. Just recently the Syrian regime murdered more then 450 of their people during these latest demonstrations that took place in many parts of Syria, and not a single word of condemnation came out from Hezbollah or from their allies.

    Finally, this paradox has no doubt undermined Hezbollah’s political stance in the region. As a famous saying goes “one cannot be an imperialist and a disciple at the same time”. In this respect,Hezbollah cannot apply a double standard policy on two fronts indefinitly. Otherwise, it will backfire on them.

    1. Sebouh,
      Your description is spot on. Thanks.

  15. Ghassan ,

    Your hatred for HA should not get in the way of your professional writing,

    are you seriously writing about contradictions, the whole world of poltics is

    made up of contradictions,The U.S. supported bin laden to fight the russians in

    the mountains and now they are sworn enemies,the U.S. put Saddam Hussien

    in power to challenge Khomine and than they are the ones that remove him,

    The U.S. was sending Mubarek 2 billion dollars a year to keep him in power and

    they dont say a word in his defense when he was being ousted, as a matter of fact

    they demanded he steps down..does contradiction have anymore defention than that,

    The royal family with drew its invitation from Syria cause of its crack down,but still

    allowed its invitation for Bahrain,is that not a contradiction,The French support the U.S

    in freedom of speech and life,but tell muslim women you can not wear the Burqa anymore,

    is that not contradiction,The U.S. doesnt want any one in the middle east to have nuclear weapons,

    declared war on a nation for the assumption of nuclear weapons,2 million plus die for the sake of

    maybe having nuclear weapons,and they supplied Israel with 200 plus nuclear weapons,is that not

    contradiction sir…Lebanon kidnaps 2 soliders and we go to all out war, but since 2006,israel has

    kidnapped over 16 people and no one went war or asked for it or even tried to justify it,is this not

    a contradiction,500 muslims or arabs can die and you be lucky to read about it on the scroll of the news

    that you are watching on the bottom,but if one Israelie dies every media has it covered from top to bottom,

    is this not a contradiction and a form of biasim from the media….The title of your article should be called

    “The Examples of Politcs” it sure would make alot more sense than an attack on HA….I hope you have a good

    day sir….Peace

    1. Hannibal Avatar

      Michael (If that is your name that is)
      In his article Ghassan did not mention any US this or US that. His argument was simple, really simple… HA’s support to Egypt’s revolution and Gaddafi’s removal is in contradiction with their support to the Syrian regime and turning the blind eye to the massacres committed against the Syrian people. If you fail to see that you sir have a serious case of ADHD.

      1. Hannibal,

        or whatever your name is,i dont care wht his point is

        i care to state that he is being biased in his wrtiting,my point

        was that you can make a case about contradictions in poltics all day long,

        but i can see it went over your head sir…let me put it in lehimen terms for you,

        HA is supported by the goverment of Syria,do u reallly think its gonna go against it,

        now with that said Libya,Egypt,Tunis and etc there goverments do not support HA,

        so how in the Helllllll do u want HA to attack a goverment that supported it for many years,

        i mean this should all go without saying,there has to be a level of common sense on here,

        just like whn israel bombs the hell out of palestine and lebanon and the U.S. doesnt say a word,but

        one attack on israel and what do we hear,ofciourse The U.S. and Israel are allies,thats politcs,

        i hope i taught you smthng,next time address me with respect or dont address me at all….

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          Then you are a hypocrite… How is that for respect?

        2. antar2011 Avatar

          we expect them to go against any injustice…be it in syria or everywhere else.
          they were established to advocate for the minorities because of injustices done to them…
          what now they have changed their stances because they have some rockets and lucky instances in history that made them where they are now?

          what’s common sense is for HA to go back to their roots and stop supporting sides that do anything to disunite the pple they share the country with and destroy a country that they can be part of if they wished.

          what’s common sense is for them to stand up against wrong even if that meant standing against own’s interest for the betterment of society..this is the essence of what they claim to follow….islam and Allah azza wajal.

      2. What I stated was a fact,….I challenge anyone to contradict what i just said…

        you cant dont waiste your time….

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          nobody is arguing the validity of what you are saying… HOWEVER IT IS OUT OF CONTEXT… For all of you here saying that this article does not hit it on the nail… Answer me this: Is it OK to kill the Syrian people who are asking for a new regime? If you answer yes then ento wu damiirkon (if you have one that is). Otherwise, just shut your blabbers FOR GOD’s SAKE!!! Double standards you are…

      3. Everyone that has passion about politcs eventually becomes a hypocrite, so

        i wont argue that,but I think everyone on here has double standards,like the ones

        that didnt support what was happening in Bahrain,and felt the goverment should crush them,

        ive had debates on here with people supporting the bahranian goverment,is that not the same

        argument were having about Syria,so yes one way or another are passion to our views,can

        sometimes make us hyporcites…

    2. Michael,
      Let me make just two brief observations:
      (1) I do not hate Hezbollah. I disagree with their philosophy but I will fight for their right to hold any set of beliefs that they wish.
      (2) Two wrongs do not make a right. So more than one group holds contradictory positions:-) ( Remeber that we are not discussing a change in position over time but instead we are describing one party who holds two competing beliefs simultaneously.

  16. Ghassan ,

    Your hatred for HA should not get in the way of your professional writing,

    are you seriously writing about contradictions, the whole world of poltics is

    made up of contradictions,The U.S. supported bin laden to fight the russians in

    the mountains and now they are sworn enemies,the U.S. put Saddam Hussien

    in power to challenge Khomine and than they are the ones that remove him,

    The U.S. was sending Mubarek 2 billion dollars a year to keep him in power and

    they dont say a word in his defense when he was being ousted, as a matter of fact

    they demanded he steps down..does contradiction have anymore defention than that,

    The royal family with drew its invitation from Syria cause of its crack down,but still

    allowed its invitation for Bahrain,is that not a contradiction,The French support the U.S

    in freedom of speech and life,but tell muslim women you can not wear the Burqa anymore,

    is that not contradiction,The U.S. doesnt want any one in the middle east to have nuclear weapons,

    declared war on a nation for the assumption of nuclear weapons,2 million plus die for the sake of

    maybe having nuclear weapons,and they supplied Israel with 200 plus nuclear weapons,is that not

    contradiction sir…Lebanon kidnaps 2 soliders and we go to all out war, but since 2006,israel has

    kidnapped over 16 people and no one went war or asked for it or even tried to justify it,is this not

    a contradiction,500 muslims or arabs can die and you be lucky to read about it on the scroll of the news

    that you are watching on the bottom,but if one Israelie dies every media has it covered from top to bottom,

    is this not a contradiction and a form of biasim from the media….The title of your article should be called

    “The Examples of Politcs” it sure would make alot more sense than an attack on HA….I hope you have a good

    day sir….Peace

    1. Michael (If that is your name that is)
      In his article Ghassan did not mention any US this or US that. His argument was simple, really simple… HA’s support to Egypt’s revolution and Gaddafi’s removal is in contradiction with their support to the Syrian regime and turning the blind eye to the massacres committed against the Syrian people. If you fail to see that you sir have a serious case of ADHD.

      1. Hannibal,

        or whatever your name is,i dont care wht his point is

        i care to state that he is being biased in his wrtiting,my point

        was that you can make a case about contradictions in poltics all day long,

        but i can see it went over your head sir…let me put it in lehimen terms for you,

        HA is supported by the goverment of Syria,do u reallly think its gonna go against it,

        now with that said Libya,Egypt,Tunis and etc there goverments do not support HA,

        so how in the Helllllll do u want HA to attack a goverment that supported it for many years,

        i mean this should all go without saying,there has to be a level of common sense on here,

        just like whn israel bombs the hell out of palestine and lebanon and the U.S. doesnt say a word,but

        one attack on israel and what do we hear,ofciourse The U.S. and Israel are allies,thats politcs,

        i hope i taught you smthng,next time address me with respect or dont address me at all….

        1. Then you are a hypocrite… How is that for respect?

        2.  Avatar

          we expect them to go against any injustice…be it in syria or everywhere else.
          they were established to advocate for the minorities because of injustices done to them…
          what now they have changed their stances because they have some rockets and lucky instances in history that made them where they are now?

          what’s common sense is for HA to go back to their roots and stop supporting sides that do anything to disunite the pple they share the country with and destroy a country that they can be part of if they wished.

          what’s common sense is for them to stand up against wrong even if that meant standing against own’s interest for the betterment of society..this is the essence of what they claim to follow….islam and Allah azza wajal.

        3.  Avatar

          we expect them to go against any injustice…be it in syria or everywhere else.
          they were established to advocate for the minorities because of injustices done to them…
          what now they have changed their stances because they have some rockets and lucky instances in history that made them where they are now?

          what’s common sense is for HA to go back to their roots and stop supporting sides that do anything to disunite the pple they share the country with and destroy a country that they can be part of if they wished.

          what’s common sense is for them to stand up against wrong even if that meant standing against own’s interest for the betterment of society..this is the essence of what they claim to follow….islam and Allah azza wajal.

      2. What I stated was a fact,….I challenge anyone to contradict what i just said…

        you cant dont waiste your time….

        1. nobody is arguing the validity of what you are saying… HOWEVER IT IS OUT OF CONTEXT… For all of you here saying that this article does not hit it on the nail… Answer me this: Is it OK to kill the Syrian people who are asking for a new regime? If you answer yes then ento wu damiirkon (if you have one that is). Otherwise, just shut your blabbers FOR GOD’s SAKE!!! Double standards you are…

      3. Everyone that has passion about politcs eventually becomes a hypocrite, so

        i wont argue that,but I think everyone on here has double standards,like the ones

        that didnt support what was happening in Bahrain,and felt the goverment should crush them,

        ive had debates on here with people supporting the bahranian goverment,is that not the same

        argument were having about Syria,so yes one way or another are passion to our views,can

        sometimes make us hyporcites…

    2. Michael,
      Let me make just two brief observations:
      (1) I do not hate Hezbollah. I disagree with their philosophy but I will fight for their right to hold any set of beliefs that they wish.
      (2) Two wrongs do not make a right. So more than one group holds contradictory positions:-) ( Remeber that we are not discussing a change in position over time but instead we are describing one party who holds two competing beliefs simultaneously.

      1. Ghassan,

        Thank you for your reply,

        Im not dismissing what your saying , all im saying is politics is a rough buisness,whether at work or dealing

        with random people in the streets, there are always some sort of poltics that need to be played on a daily basis

        for an average person,but when were dealing with the big players of real life poltics some things are alot easier said

        than they can actually be done,your a smart man and seem well educated,so let me ask you this, Syria allows

        weapons to come to HA and supports them at many leveles,how can you or anyone else expect them to now

        whn the leadership that supports them is going through a rough patch,for them to come out and kick them while

        they are down,,would you as a man of respect even respect them for that,you would say wow after all syria has

        done for them look how fast they sold them out whn they saw there leadership was in danger,you and everyone else

        here would say now that HA sees there might be a change in goverement look how fast they sold out there supporters,

        my point is in this particular situation HA is in a lose lose,damned if they do and damned if they dont….getting back

        to what i was saying earlier bout poltics,how in this dangerous game of middle eastern poltics do you really expect

        HA to blast the leadership that has supported it for so many years…Thank you Ghassan, you write very well and even

        though I dont agree with some of the things you may write, I enjoy reading your matarial none the less..Peace bro


    3. Michael,
      Let me make just two brief observations:
      (1) I do not hate Hezbollah. I disagree with their philosophy but I will fight for their right to hold any set of beliefs that they wish.
      (2) Two wrongs do not make a right. So more than one group holds contradictory positions:-) ( Remeber that we are not discussing a change in position over time but instead we are describing one party who holds two competing beliefs simultaneously.

  17. PROPHET.T Avatar

    Although I have not been posting much lately due to some issues that have taken most of my time, but Your article ,and its little in particular, provoked me into writing few lines to address what seemed to be your total surprise that HA or any political party or government don’t contradict themselves when conducting their policies.
    Since when the business of politics is honest? How many times we discussed the double standard that the US, the west and the entire Arab world use in politics? The whole world of politics is dishonest.Politics ,and policies are based on interests and nothing else.
    I could easily twist your argument, and say that maybe your premises are wrong,and the contradiction does not exist.lol
    Good to exchange with you again.tc

  18. PROPHET.T Avatar

    Although I have not been posting much lately due to some issues that have taken most of my time, but Your article ,and its little in particular, provoked me into writing few lines to address what seemed to be your total surprise that HA or any political party or government don’t contradict themselves when conducting their policies.
    Since when the business of politics is honest? How many times we discussed the double standard that the US, the west and the entire Arab world use in politics? The whole world of politics is dishonest.Politics ,and policies are based on interests and nothing else.
    I could easily twist your argument, and say that maybe your premises are wrong,and the contradiction does not exist.lol
    Good to exchange with you again.tc

  19. PROPHET.T Avatar

    Though I’ve been staying away from politics and commenting due to some issues I’ve been dealing with , your title tempted me into saying few words.
    Ayn Rand once wrote:
    “”Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong.””
    Have you thought of the possibility of your premises(or some) being wrong? Politics and honesty are never on the same page.
    Good to exchange with you again, Tc

    1. Prophet,
      You cannot be serious if you are quoting Ayn Rand. Of course contradictions exist. You cannot be and not be at the same time:-)

  20. PROPHET.T Avatar

    Though I’ve been staying away from politics and commenting due to some issues I’ve been dealing with , your title tempted me into saying few words.
    Ayn Rand once wrote:
    “”Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong.””
    Have you thought of the possibility of your premises(or some) being wrong? Politics and honesty are never on the same page.
    Good to exchange with you again, Tc

    1. Prophet,
      You cannot be serious if you are quoting Ayn Rand. Of course contradictions exist. You cannot be and not be at the same time:-)

      1. PROPHET.T Avatar

        I’m sorry if my earlier comment sounded dismissive of your article.
        Two Point I want to make ; First, there is no honesty in politics. All nations,and political parties around the world conduct their policies with either contradictions or double standard or both.I’m not here to defend anyones’ honesty or ideology, but I would say that HA became just another Lebanese party,and is quickly learning to play the game well.
        Second, Interests have always been the driving force behind every policy conducted by HA or any other part in Lebanon.So no one is going to cut off the hand that supports him. Ideology aside, interests is always the key.
        It is obvious that all Lebanese political groups support “democracy” in other Arab countries, but each group or party have a preference as to which country they would like to see democracy and freedom flourish in. Egypt and Tunisian suited some Lebanese parties, and didn’t suit others,and now we see the same thing taking place when it comes to Syria. Rain and sunshine at the same time is very possible .lol
        If this revolution touches the Saudis, you will find some in Lebanon who will support it ,and others who will not.
        You , being a good followers of politics in general,and Lebanese politics in particular should not be so surprised that HA supported democracy in Egypt and didn’t support it when it came to Syria.Do you remember the silence among M14 Parties and their media outlets when Egypt was on the move? what would you say to that?But look how much they love freedom and democracy for the Syrian people . This is simply an anti Bashar Sentiment, and not support for freedom and democracy.

  21. Hannibal,

    Go back and read earlier posts, I have stated that what a shame for the people to rise

    and have to die ,i have said this on multiple occasions including Syria,so to answer your question

    absolutly its not ok that syrians have to die, but they are creating chaos,and in chaos people die,

    they are the minority can you agree with me on that,that the protestors against assad are a minority

    compared to the support he has,if you agree with that,than i will say in the US if 5 million protest

    against 300 milliion that dont,that america should change its forigne policy with Israel,do u think america

    will do that,or patiently finish them off at all costs necessary especially if they become a disturbance to

    the nation of the majority that dont support such wishes…thats allll im saying…i dont give a fuk about

    bashar or iran or anyone…i care about Lebanon…i want us to solve our problems..not waiste our times

    with everyone else….thats it…all my posts go back to Lebanon..and thats it……

  22. Hannibal,

    Go back and read earlier posts, I have stated that what a shame for the people to rise

    and have to die ,i have said this on multiple occasions including Syria,so to answer your question

    absolutly its not ok that syrians have to die, but they are creating chaos,and in chaos people die,

    they are the minority can you agree with me on that,that the protestors against assad are a minority

    compared to the support he has,if you agree with that,than i will say in the US if 5 million protest

    against 300 milliion that dont,that america should change its forigne policy with Israel,do u think america

    will do that,or patiently finish them off at all costs necessary especially if they become a disturbance to

    the nation of the majority that dont support such wishes…thats allll im saying…i dont give a fuk about

    bashar or iran or anyone…i care about Lebanon…i want us to solve our problems..not waiste our times

    with everyone else….thats it…all my posts go back to Lebanon..and thats it……

  23. Hannibal,

    Go back and read earlier posts, I have stated that what a shame for the people to rise

    and have to die ,i have said this on multiple occasions including Syria,so to answer your question

    absolutly its not ok that syrians have to die, but they are creating chaos,and in chaos people die,

    they are the minority can you agree with me on that,that the protestors against assad are a minority

    compared to the support he has,if you agree with that,than i will say in the US if 5 million protest

    against 300 milliion that dont,that america should change its forigne policy with Israel,do u think america

    will do that,or patiently finish them off at all costs necessary especially if they become a disturbance to

    the nation of the majority that dont support such wishes…thats allll im saying…i dont give a fuk about

    bashar or iran or anyone…i care about Lebanon…i want us to solve our problems..not waiste our times

    with everyone else….thats it…all my posts go back to Lebanon..and thats it……

  24. Hannibal,

    Go back and read earlier posts, I have stated that what a shame for the people to rise

    and have to die ,i have said this on multiple occasions including Syria,so to answer your question

    absolutly its not ok that syrians have to die, but they are creating chaos,and in chaos people die,

    they are the minority can you agree with me on that,that the protestors against assad are a minority

    compared to the support he has,if you agree with that,than i will say in the US if 5 million protest

    against 300 milliion that dont,that america should change its forigne policy with Israel,do u think america

    will do that,or patiently finish them off at all costs necessary especially if they become a disturbance to

    the nation of the majority that dont support such wishes…thats allll im saying…i dont give a fuk about

    bashar or iran or anyone…i care about Lebanon…i want us to solve our problems..not waiste our times

    with everyone else….thats it…all my posts go back to Lebanon..and thats it……

    1. You got it wrong… The ruling party is the minority. The majority has yet to rise. They are just too scared of the brutalities.

    2. Micheal every Nation in the world carries politician with many contradiction. But the point here is as Lebanese patriot we should declare war on dictator killing their people for their own political interest.

      Politician should use persuasion to convince and election are the verdict of the judjement that people make on their politician.

      You made a comment that the crowd in Syria is smaller then the one in Egypt the most populated Arab country in the middle east.And because of that this revolt is not home grown but came from Isreal and Co…

      With all due respect this argumet is weak. So please admit that Syria is disconnected from the aspiration of the common man in the street seeking a better life for him and is family. Enough with you supporting a group (HA) that aim at pleasing their master in Iran. Join us in declaring war on despot and dillusional leader…Like Assad, Gaddafi and the other… Do it to be fair and preserve and sense of justice for all….

      Peace to you brother!

      1. Marc,

        Go back and read I said that the crowd thats protesting is the minority against bashar assad,against the

        the majority of the people who support bashar assad…not what your saying about Egypt and Tunsia, I support

        freedom Marc no one and nothing else…no groups nor leaders…the ones that support wht i detail is freedom

        is who i respect,not follow or obsessed over,but respect…Thanx bro

      2. Marc,

        Go back and read I said that the crowd thats protesting is the minority against bashar assad,against the

        the majority of the people who support bashar assad…not what your saying about Egypt and Tunsia, I support

        freedom Marc no one and nothing else…no groups nor leaders…the ones that support wht i detail is freedom

        is who i respect,not follow or obsessed over,but respect…Thanx bro

  25. eliasfd Avatar

    Ghassan while I understand your reasoning but since when and especially in Middle East including Lebanon people didn’t contradict each other especially when it comes to politics. Rafiq Hariri was given the Key to Beirut to Ghazi Kanaan while the later was butchering Lebanese. Every one i have practically came in contact in Lebanon speaks with double mouth barrels. I have to admit that’s why I am not there because i got tired of it. The Saudis wanted Lebanon for them by injecting Hariri and buying lands. There were rumors that back then that Hariri was told by the Saudis royal if you can’t convert the Christians to muslims, then buy their lands at all cost and make its ownership as Sunnis. The Christians had their days when they were in control and abused their powers too. In the end its all a matter who is with me and who’s against me. I do not support any political party and I do not trust any of them frankly, but in the end its the survival of the fittest. I am not saying what’s going in Syria is right and President Assad needs to change course otherwise i see civil war in Syria since both sides and I am sure of it arming themselves to the teeth. But picking on Hezbollah and ignoring the acts of other parties when they ignored Mubarak cracking down on the protesters or in Bahrain or in Algeria or Tunis. why they were silent about it. In the End Hezbollah its behaving for its own interest and they realized as i do unfortunately everyone for their own like it or not.. Basically corruption in Lebanon and lack of honest governing makes you do things that will contradicts your own beliefs and what you were out to accomplish.

    1. eliasfd,
      Its really sad isn’t it when a wrong is accepted just because someone else also practices it?

  26. eliasfd Avatar

    Ghassan while I understand your reasoning but since when and especially in Middle East including Lebanon people didn’t contradict each other especially when it comes to politics. Rafiq Hariri was given the Key to Beirut to Ghazi Kanaan while the later was butchering Lebanese. Every one i have practically came in contact in Lebanon speaks with double mouth barrels. I have to admit that’s why I am not there because i got tired of it. The Saudis wanted Lebanon for them by injecting Hariri and buying lands. There were rumors that back then that Hariri was told by the Saudis royal if you can’t convert the Christians to muslims, then buy their lands at all cost and make its ownership as Sunnis. The Christians had their days when they were in control and abused their powers too. In the end its all a matter who is with me and who’s against me. I do not support any political party and I do not trust any of them frankly, but in the end its the survival of the fittest. I am not saying what’s going in Syria is right and President Assad needs to change course otherwise i see civil war in Syria since both sides and I am sure of it arming themselves to the teeth. But picking on Hezbollah and ignoring the acts of other parties when they ignored Mubarak cracking down on the protesters or in Bahrain or in Algeria or Tunis. why they were silent about it. In the End Hezbollah its behaving for its own interest and they realized as i do unfortunately everyone for their own like it or not.. Basically corruption in Lebanon and lack of honest governing makes you do things that will contradicts your own beliefs and what you were out to accomplish.

    1. eliasfd,
      Its really sad isn’t it when a wrong is accepted just because someone else also practices it?

  27.  Avatar

    Ghassan while I understand your reasoning but since when and especially in Middle East including Lebanon people didn’t contradict each other especially when it comes to politics. Rafiq Hariri was given the Key to Beirut to Ghazi Kanaan while the later was butchering Lebanese. Every one i have practically came in contact in Lebanon speaks with double mouth barrels. I have to admit that’s why I am not there because i got tired of it. The Saudis wanted Lebanon for them by injecting Hariri and buying lands. There were rumors that back then that Hariri was told by the Saudis royal if you can’t convert the Christians to muslims, then buy their lands at all cost and make its ownership as Sunnis. The Christians had their days when they were in control and abused their powers too. In the end its all a matter who is with me and who’s against me. I do not support any political party and I do not trust any of them frankly, but in the end its the survival of the fittest. I am not saying what’s going in Syria is right and President Assad needs to change course otherwise i see civil war in Syria since both sides and I am sure of it arming themselves to the teeth. But picking on Hezbollah and ignoring the acts of other parties when they ignored Mubarak cracking down on the protesters or in Bahrain or in Algeria or Tunis. why they were silent about it. In the End Hezbollah its behaving for its own interest and they realized as i do unfortunately everyone for their own like it or not.. Basically corruption in Lebanon and lack of honest governing makes you do things that will contradicts your own beliefs and what you were out to accomplish.

    1. eliasfd,
      Its really sad isn’t it when a wrong is accepted just because someone else also practices it?

    2. eliasfd,
      Its really sad isn’t it when a wrong is accepted just because someone else also practices it?

  28. Fauzia45 Avatar

    II agree with you Ghassan.The contradictions are very clear !Masks always come off at difficult moments! It is said that ,¨It is difficulties that show what men are¨!The ¨resistance¨,must not be blind to these people s demands!They are doing them a great injustice !These people want freedom,democracy,dignity and their rights !Oppression ,force and military power does not defeat a people s when they are armed with will and determination to get their liberty!

    1. Fauzia,
      It is also interesting to note that many, such as Nassim Taleb, think that the more repression then the greater will be the possibility of a blow up. To support repression for some and liberation for others is simply compounding the moral sin.

  29.  Avatar

    II agree with you Ghassan.The contradictions are very clear !Masks always come off at difficult moments! It is said that ,¨It is difficulties that show what men are¨!The ¨resistance¨,must not be blind to these people s demands!They are doing them a great injustice !These people want freedom,democracy,dignity and their rights !Oppression ,force and military power does not defeat a people s when they are armed with will and determination to get their liberty!

    1. Fauzia,
      It is also interesting to note that many, such as Nassim Taleb, think that the more repression then the greater will be the possibility of a blow up. To support repression for some and liberation for others is simply compounding the moral sin.

  30.  Avatar

    II agree with you Ghassan.The contradictions are very clear !Masks always come off at difficult moments! It is said that ,¨It is difficulties that show what men are¨!The ¨resistance¨,must not be blind to these people s demands!They are doing them a great injustice !These people want freedom,democracy,dignity and their rights !Oppression ,force and military power does not defeat a people s when they are armed with will and determination to get their liberty!

  31. antar2011 Avatar

    i can understand why hizbollah is reluctant to condemn the crimes against the syrian pple…they have their own interests to worry about.

    but what i do not understand is the silence of other lebanese freedon seekers…
    and no, calling for freedom is not medling into another’s country’s affairs… looking at turkish protesters recently.

    the silence that’s coming out of the non hizbollah’s side on the crimes of syrian regime is….injustice itself.

    1. Antar,
      Your point about silence is a valid point and has been on my mind for a while but I am not sure that silence rises to the level of contradictions since silence does not imply support.

      1. antar2011 Avatar

        no, it does not imply support but it does not condemn injustice either which is what’s more important to the pple.

        a stand against injustice with words is much better and meaningful than that of a dumb shaytan.

      2. antar2011 Avatar

        no, it does not imply support but it does not condemn injustice either which is what’s more important to the pple.

        a stand against injustice with words is much better and meaningful than that of a dumb shaytan.

  32. antar2011 Avatar

    i can understand why hizbollah is reluctant to condemn the crimes against the syrian pple…they have their own interests to worry about.

    but what i do not understand is the silence of other lebanese freedon seekers…
    and no, calling for freedom is not medling into another’s country’s affairs… looking at turkish protesters recently.

    the silence that’s coming out of the non hizbollah’s side on the crimes of syrian regime is….injustice itself.

  33.  Avatar

    i can understand why hizbollah is reluctant to condemn the crimes against the syrian pple…they have their own interests to worry about.

    but what i do not understand is the silence of other lebanese freedon seekers…
    and no, calling for freedom is not medling into another’s country’s affairs… looking at turkish protesters recently.

    the silence that’s coming out of the non hizbollah’s side on the crimes of syrian regime is….injustice itself.

    1. Antar,
      Your point about silence is a valid point and has been on my mind for a while but I am not sure that silence rises to the level of contradictions since silence does not imply support.

      1.  Avatar

        no, it does not imply support but it does not condemn injustice either which is what’s more important to the pple.

        a stand against injustice with words is much better and meaningful than that of a dumb shaytan.

      2.  Avatar

        no, it does not imply support but it does not condemn injustice either which is what’s more important to the pple.

        a stand against injustice with words is much better and meaningful than that of a dumb shaytan.

  34. Guest Avatar

    My be there should be a University for politicians before they embark on taking positions of power and influence on others. You know, like make sure that these people are educated and trained to be ethical, for the good of the people, non-oppressive, etc.

    This is not a far fetched idea. In fact it is being put in practice, and hopefully it will come to “a country nearest you”.

  35. My be there should be a University for politicians before they embark on taking positions of power and influence on others. You know, like make sure that these people are educated and trained to be ethical, for the good of the people, non-oppressive, etc.

    This is not a far fetched idea. In fact it is being put in practice, and hopefully it will come to “a country nearest you”.

  36. kareemthehippy Avatar

    Great article.  In simpler terms, Syria and Amal wanted to destroy Hezbollah in the Civil War…but now they’re best friends!

  37.  Avatar

    Great article.  In simpler terms, Syria and Amal wanted to destroy Hezbollah in the Civil War…but now they’re best friends!

  38. Hannibal Avatar

    Aristotle said: ” ““One cannot say of something that it is and that it is not in the same respect and at the same time.”
    Well what do you say to the Lebanese “what’s up?” equivalent of “chou fii ma fii”? LOL

  39. Hannibal Avatar

    Aristotle said: ” ““One cannot say of something that it is and that it is not in the same respect and at the same time.”
    Well what do you say to the Lebanese “what’s up?” equivalent of “chou fii ma fii”? LOL

  40. Aristotle said: ” ““One cannot say of something that it is and that it is not in the same respect and at the same time.”
    Well what do you say to the Lebanese “what’s up?” equivalent of “chou fii ma fii”? LOL

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