March 14 calls for ending tutelage of non-state arms


MP Marwan Hamade announced his endorsement of the March 14’s political document on Thursday , which calls for building a strong sovereign state that ends the tutelage of non-state arms.

“The pro-independence movement had extended its hand to the other camp in a bid to bring everyone under the State’s wings, but the other parties, mainly Hezbollah, staged their coup after refusing to acknowledge the end of Syria’s tutelage,” he said

March 14 leaders during the Bristol hotel meeting Thursday March 10, 2011

“They suspended the presidency, closed the doors of parliament and took over Beirut, crippling Lebanon’s political system.” he added in reference to March 8 alliance

Hamaded accused the Hezbollah-led March 8 alliance of trying to impose a theory “suggesting that Lebanon is an open battleground and that Hezbollah’s arms are superior to freedom, independence, prosperity, law and justice.

Hamadeh who reiterated March 14’s commitment to defending justice accused March 8 of seeking to cripple justice by obstructing the establishment of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL).

“The heresy that Lebanon is protected by one party or one category must end,” he said added during a press conference following the alliance’s meeting at the Bristol Hotel in Beirut.

Over 200 delegates attended the March 14 alliance meeting at the Bristol hotel Thursday March 10, 2011

Hamadeh warned that Lebanon faces the danger of being dragged into a foreign axis, a reference to Iran and Syria, “during a time when the Arab world is moving away from its isolation.”

“We call on the Lebanese people to face the attempt to harm Lebanon and undermine the concept of its existence.”

The MP accused March 8 of rejecting the results of the 2005 parliamentary elections, obstructing previous cabinets’ work and falsely accusing March 14 figures of treason.

Hamadeh who used to be in the defunct Democratic Gathering bloc that was headed by Progressive Socialist Party (PSP) leader MP Walid Jumblatt voted for Hariri last January during the consultations over selecting a new PM to form and lead a new government .

Jumblatt attacked Hamadeh yesterday and described his rift with him as “complete and final.”

The Iranian- and Syrian-backed Hezbollah brought down PM Saad Hariri’s government on January 12 over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s (STL) imminent indictment which is widely expected to implicate Hezbollah members in the assassination of former PM Rafik Hariri in 2005

Nagib Mikati, who was backed by Hezbollah and its March 8 allies including MP Walid Jumblatt and Mohammad Safadi, was appointed on January 25 by president Michel Suleiman as PM-designate to form and head the next cabinet , giving Hezbollah and its allies increased leverage in the country and provoking widespread protest.

Jumblatt and his PSP parliament members reportedly switched allegiance to Hezbollah’s PM candidate, following threats by Hezbollah.

Jumblatt, Mikati and Safadi were all elected on March 14 electoral tickets during the 2009 parliamentary elections.

March 14 parties have said that they will not take part in the cabinet currently being formed by Mikati. Hariri vowed last week to fight the use of non-state weapons “peacefully and democratically.”



  1. Mosetsfire Avatar

    This strong verbiage is overdue. Hezbollah used to enjoy a quasi immunity when it came to its illegal weapons but it seems those days are fading away.

    This is no longer the 1980’s and militias are a thing of the past. These Rambo wanna be criminals need to fall in line with the state or face prosecution. This most certainly includes their dog of a leader, Nassrallah.

    1. kareemthehippy Avatar

      What about Lebanese Forces (not the army the other Lebanese Forces)

      1. Beiruti Avatar

        If you read some books you would know that they surrendered their weapons to the army in 1991. Atleast they were civilized and gave their weapons. Since your too ignorant or lazy to learn some proper history, watch this video

      2. Beiruti Avatar

        If you read some books you would know that they surrendered their weapons to the army in 1991. Atleast they were civilized and gave their weapons. Since your too ignorant or lazy to learn some proper history, watch this video

      3. Mosetsfire Avatar

        I’m for the disarmament of all non state militias…The reason Hezbollah sticks out is because unlike the LAF who didn’t walk into peoples homes and shoot them (see May 7th 2008), Hezbollah has. This makes their weapons a bigger issue in my book than LAF. You cannot ask non hostile militia groups to disarm before you disarm the biggest most threatening group to the sovereignty of the state

        1. kareemthehippy Avatar

          Good. I’m against Hezbollah, but I’m making sure that you’re not using double standards like some people who say Lebanese Forces is peaceful vs Hezbollah being not…all the other militias should shut down regardless of how dormant they’ve been NOW..but for their warcrimes of the civil war. In fact, all the politicians in Lebanon should be on trial, but they still have power..but yeah you’d wanna stop Hezbollah then the smaller ones.

        2. “The reason Hezbollah sticks out is because unlike the LAF who didn’t walk into peoples homes and shoot them ”


          May 7,2008 led to the death of 80 people total ON BOTH SIDES>>.meaning it was done with presicion and accuracy,
          GEAGEA has tens of thousands of citzens blood on his hands,are u drunk Mohamed….wowwwwwwwwwwwww do people read and beleive this garbage….wowowowowowowowoowowowowowowoo thats allllll i can say…and thn u got Kareem who ses GOOD? like that was a good answer,wowwwww WTF am i doing here……wowowowwowowowowowowowowowowowoowww……im soooooo shocked that comment went by and no one made a comment….wowowowowowowowowwoowowowowooowwowowowowowowowoowoww…….God Bless 8 azar for having brains and may god bless there leaders…so long Ya Libnan….that comment has honestly made me no longer wanna be here….wowwwwwwwwww…..what a waist of time………

        3. Hannibal Avatar

          No Militia nor Legal army is immune to harming people. Discipline and the Law governing armed forces will solely reign them in. LFs under Bashir got very close to being disciplined and still violations were common. As soon as he was killed the LFs massacred Palestinian civilians with no reason whatsoever instead of pointing their guns at the Syrians who were behind the assassination of Bashir. That was the blackest day in the history of the Christians of Lebanon. We will live with this shame for a long long time. Now some of you will jump in and say how about Damour? Jiyye? and other atrocities the Palestinians did in the war? Well everyone was guilty and the simple fact is that we all know that the biggest mistake that the Palestinians have done to their cause is to get dragged into the Lebanese quagmire a mistake I am certain they will never repeat again. The common enemy of the Lebanese and the Palestinians are those who are not allowing the refugees to go back home to Palestine. Guess who? 😛 The raison d’être of Hezbollah will simply fade away if the Palestinians get their land back. I think we should all work towards this goal. Hezbollah is not legal for many reasons and not because it is not part of the Lebanese Armed Forces but because it denies the resistance to non-shiites and I believe all the people of Lebanon no matter what their religion is should have the right to bear arms against an invader or usurper of land therefore the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon is not Lebanese it is JUST that… Islamic… and I never heard of a country called Islamic I heard of a cedar country called since biblical times… Libnan…

      4. Mosetsfire Avatar

        I’m for the disarmament of all non state militias…The reason Hezbollah sticks out is because unlike the LAF who didn’t walk into peoples homes and shoot them (see May 7th 2008), Hezbollah has. This makes their weapons a bigger issue in my book than LAF. You cannot ask non hostile militia groups to disarm before you disarm the biggest most threatening group to the sovereignty of the state

        1. kareemthehippy Avatar

          Good. I’m against Hezbollah, but I’m making sure that you’re not using double standards like some people who say Lebanese Forces is peaceful vs Hezbollah being not…all the other militias should shut down regardless of how dormant they’ve been NOW..but for their warcrimes of the civil war. In fact, all the politicians in Lebanon should be on trial, but they still have power..but yeah you’d wanna stop Hezbollah then the smaller ones.

        2. “The reason Hezbollah sticks out is because unlike the LAF who didn’t walk into peoples homes and shoot them ”


          May 7,2008 led to the death of 80 people total ON BOTH SIDES>>.meaning it was done with presicion and accuracy,
          GEAGEA has tens of thousands of citzens blood on his hands,are u drunk Mohamed….wowwwwwwwwwwwww do people read and beleive this garbage….wowowowowowowowoowowowowowowoo thats allllll i can say…and thn u got Kareem who ses GOOD? like that was a good answer,wowwwww WTF am i doing here……wowowowwowowowowowowowowowowowoowww……im soooooo shocked that comment went by and no one made a comment….wowowowowowowowowwoowowowowooowwowowowowowowowoowoww…….God Bless 8 azar for having brains and may god bless there leaders…so long Ya Libnan….that comment has honestly made me no longer wanna be here….wowwwwwwwwww…..what a waist of time………

        3. Hannibal Avatar

          No Militia nor Legal army is immune to harming people. Discipline and the Law governing armed forces will solely reign them in. LFs under Bashir got very close to being disciplined and still violations were common. As soon as he was killed the LFs massacred Palestinian civilians with no reason whatsoever instead of pointing their guns at the Syrians who were behind the assassination of Bashir. That was the blackest day in the history of the Christians of Lebanon. We will live with this shame for a long long time. Now some of you will jump in and say how about Damour? Jiyye? and other atrocities the Palestinians did in the war? Well everyone was guilty and the simple fact is that we all know that the biggest mistake that the Palestinians have done to their cause is to get dragged into the Lebanese quagmire a mistake I am certain they will never repeat again. The common enemy of the Lebanese and the Palestinians are those who are not allowing the refugees to go back home to Palestine. Guess who? 😛 The raison d’être of Hezbollah will simply fade away if the Palestinians get their land back. I think we should all work towards this goal. Hezbollah is not legal for many reasons and not because it is not part of the Lebanese Armed Forces but because it denies the resistance to non-shiites and I believe all the people of Lebanon no matter what their religion is should have the right to bear arms against an invader or usurper of land therefore the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon is not Lebanese it is JUST that… Islamic… and I never heard of a country called Islamic I heard of a cedar country called since biblical times… Libnan…

  2. Mosetsfire Avatar

    This strong verbiage is overdue. Hezbollah used to enjoy a quasi immunity when it came to its illegal weapons but it seems those days are fading away.

    This is no longer the 1980’s and militias are a thing of the past. These Rambo wanna be criminals need to fall in line with the state or face prosecution. This most certainly includes their dog of a leader, Nassrallah.

  3. This strong verbiage is overdue. Hezbollah used to enjoy a quasi immunity when it came to its illegal weapons but it seems those days are fading away.

    This is no longer the 1980’s and militias are a thing of the past. These Rambo wanna be criminals need to fall in line with the state or face prosecution. This most certainly includes their dog of a leader, Nassrallah.

    1.  Avatar

      What about Lebanese Forces (not the army the other Lebanese Forces)

      1. I’m for the disarmament of all non state militias…The reason Hezbollah sticks out is because unlike the LAF who didn’t walk into peoples homes and shoot them (see May 7th 2008), Hezbollah has. This makes their weapons a bigger issue in my book than LAF. You cannot ask non hostile militia groups to disarm before you disarm the biggest most threatening group to the sovereignty of the state

        1.  Avatar

          Good. I’m against Hezbollah, but I’m making sure that you’re not using double standards like some people who say Lebanese Forces is peaceful vs Hezbollah being not…all the other militias should shut down regardless of how dormant they’ve been NOW..but for their warcrimes of the civil war. In fact, all the politicians in Lebanon should be on trial, but they still have power..but yeah you’d wanna stop Hezbollah then the smaller ones.

        2. “The reason Hezbollah sticks out is because unlike the LAF who didn’t walk into peoples homes and shoot them ”


          May 7,2008 led to the death of 80 people total ON BOTH SIDES>>.meaning it was done with presicion and accuracy,
          GEAGEA has tens of thousands of citzens blood on his hands,are u drunk Mohamed….wowwwwwwwwwwwww do people read and beleive this garbage….wowowowowowowowoowowowowowowoo thats allllll i can say…and thn u got Kareem who ses GOOD? like that was a good answer,wowwwww WTF am i doing here……wowowowwowowowowowowowowowowowoowww……im soooooo shocked that comment went by and no one made a comment….wowowowowowowowowwoowowowowooowwowowowowowowowoowoww…….God Bless 8 azar for having brains and may god bless there leaders…so long Ya Libnan….that comment has honestly made me no longer wanna be here….wowwwwwwwwww…..what a waist of time………

        3. No Militia nor Legal army is immune to harming people. Discipline and the Law governing armed forces will solely reign them in. LFs under Bashir got very close to being disciplined and still violations were common. As soon as he was killed the LFs massacred Palestinian civilians with no reason whatsoever instead of pointing their guns at the Syrians who were behind the assassination of Bashir. That was the blackest day in the history of the Christians of Lebanon. We will live with this shame for a long long time. Now some of you will jump in and say how about Damour? Jiyye? and other atrocities the Palestinians did in the war? Well everyone was guilty and the simple fact is that we all know that the biggest mistake that the Palestinians have done to their cause is to get dragged into the Lebanese quagmire a mistake I am certain they will never repeat again. The common enemy of the Lebanese and the Palestinians are those who are not allowing the refugees to go back home to Palestine. Guess who? 😛 The raison d’être of Hezbollah will simply fade away if the Palestinians get their land back. I think we should all work towards this goal. Hezbollah is not legal for many reasons and not because it is not part of the Lebanese Armed Forces but because it denies the resistance to non-shiites and I believe all the people of Lebanon no matter what their religion is should have the right to bear arms against an invader or usurper of land therefore the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon is not Lebanese it is JUST that… Islamic… and I never heard of a country called Islamic I heard of a cedar country called since biblical times… Libnan…

        4. No Militia nor Legal army is immune to harming people. Discipline and the Law governing armed forces will solely reign them in. LFs under Bashir got very close to being disciplined and still violations were common. As soon as he was killed the LFs massacred Palestinian civilians with no reason whatsoever instead of pointing their guns at the Syrians who were behind the assassination of Bashir. That was the blackest day in the history of the Christians of Lebanon. We will live with this shame for a long long time. Now some of you will jump in and say how about Damour? Jiyye? and other atrocities the Palestinians did in the war? Well everyone was guilty and the simple fact is that we all know that the biggest mistake that the Palestinians have done to their cause is to get dragged into the Lebanese quagmire a mistake I am certain they will never repeat again. The common enemy of the Lebanese and the Palestinians are those who are not allowing the refugees to go back home to Palestine. Guess who? 😛 The raison d’être of Hezbollah will simply fade away if the Palestinians get their land back. I think we should all work towards this goal. Hezbollah is not legal for many reasons and not because it is not part of the Lebanese Armed Forces but because it denies the resistance to non-shiites and I believe all the people of Lebanon no matter what their religion is should have the right to bear arms against an invader or usurper of land therefore the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon is not Lebanese it is JUST that… Islamic… and I never heard of a country called Islamic I heard of a cedar country called since biblical times… Libnan…

  4. Mosetsfire Avatar

    Michael, i cant respond to you inane posts below so I hope you are smart enough to follow that I am responding up here. If you want to go back to the civil war, then yes, there are many many crimes that have gone unpunished and thats unfortunate. But in the SHORT TERM history (circa 2005), no group has openly defied the government and committed hostile acts in Beirut other than Hezbollah. I am for all militia disarmament because I believe in a strong central Lebanese government. But Hebzollah has proven without a shadow of a doubt that they are not to be trusted, and we cannot reasonably disarm any ancillary defenses against Hezbollah’s aggression before we disarm Hezbollah.

    Also, No one wants you here, so you leaving is no big loss. But if you want to stay and engage in real dialect, ahlan wa sahlan.

  5. Michael, i cant respond to you inane posts below so I hope you are smart enough to follow that I am responding up here. If you want to go back to the civil war, then yes, there are many many crimes that have gone unpunished and thats unfortunate. But in the SHORT TERM history (circa 2005), no group has openly defied the government and committed hostile acts in Beirut other than Hezbollah. I am for all militia disarmament because I believe in a strong central Lebanese government. But Hebzollah has proven without a shadow of a doubt that they are not to be trusted, and we cannot reasonably disarm any ancillary defenses against Hezbollah’s aggression before we disarm Hezbollah.

    Also, No one wants you here, so you leaving is no big loss. But if you want to stay and engage in real dialect, ahlan wa sahlan.

  6. Michael, i cant respond to you inane posts below so I hope you are smart enough to follow that I am responding up here. If you want to go back to the civil war, then yes, there are many many crimes that have gone unpunished and thats unfortunate. But in the SHORT TERM history (circa 2005), no group has openly defied the government and committed hostile acts in Beirut other than Hezbollah. I am for all militia disarmament because I believe in a strong central Lebanese government. But Hebzollah has proven without a shadow of a doubt that they are not to be trusted, and we cannot reasonably disarm any ancillary defenses against Hezbollah’s aggression before we disarm Hezbollah.

    Also, No one wants you here, so you leaving is no big loss. But if you want to stay and engage in real dialect, ahlan wa sahlan.

  7. Beiruti Avatar

    @Michael are you like uneducated? Like can you speak proper english? What are you talking about? If its a waste of time on this website why are you commenting that it was a waste of time? Because I understand your uneducated and never opened a book in your life. Lebanese forces along with every militia gave up their arms in 1991 except Hezbollah.

  8. libnan1 Avatar

    I bet at least 100 delegates of this gathering should be in jail with hard labor for crimes against civilians.

  9.  Avatar

    I bet at least 100 delegates of this gathering should be in jail with hard labor for crimes against civilians.

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