CNA: Hariri’s speech on Feb 14 will mark a political turning point


Caretaker PM Saad Hariri’s speech on Monday February 14 will hold significant indications and will stand as a great political turning point in which the March 14 camp will officially become the opposition, Central News Agency (CNA) reported on Friday.

March 14 alliance announced earlier this week that it will hold the commemoration marking the sixth anniversary of the martyrdom of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and all martyrs of the Cedar Revolution at Biel hall in downtown Beirut on Monday February 14.

Hezbollah brought down Hariri’s government on January 12 over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s ( STL) indictment which is widely expected to implicate Hezbollah members in the assassination of former PM Rafik Hariri in 2005. The government would not have collapsed without the help of Suleiman’s minister of state Adnan el Sayyed Hussein.

Nagib Mikati, who was backed by Hezbollah and its March 8 allies including MPs Walid Jumblatt and Mohammad Safadi, was appointed by president Michel Suleiman as PM-designate to form and head the next cabinet , giving Hezbollah and its allies increased leverage in the country and provoking widespread protests.

Jumblatt who, along with his parliamentary bloc had the decisive vote in the naming of PM designate was reportedly subjected to repeated threats by Hezbollah

Mikati has called on all Lebanese parties to join his upcoming cabinet, but March 14 parties have said that they will not take part in a cabinet headed by a March 8 before Mikati first clarifies his stance on illegal weapons ( those of Hezbollah and Syrian backed Palestinians outside the camps) and the UN-backed tribunal STL.

President Michel Suleiman said on Friday in comments over the appointment of Mikati as a PM designate that the transfer of power from March 14 to March 8 was democratic according to a statement from his office.



67 responses to “CNA: Hariri’s speech on Feb 14 will mark a political turning point”

  1. soulmates11 Avatar

    Western lap dogs can NOT become the opposition . You can’t oppose the will of the people. At that point all you are is nothing but a barking dog or in Harrii’s case a barking poodle.

    1. Terrorists can’t run a country they are destin to fail,poodles are more loved and trusted to protect the country of Lebanorn from the shameful and the deceptive.

      1. Well, terrorists terrorize. I agree with you completely, but what choice does the voters have? Terrorists just make threats to voters. People who don’t have the guts and don’t care about Lebanon just vote for the terrorists. They don’t want to die. Hariri would have won hands down without the help of Hezbollah and his followers. But unfortunately, their way of government doesn’t let citizens vote on occasions, and apparently, this is one of them. All the good PM’s either got shot or blown up *ahem* Harriri *ahem*. So you see, poodles are destined to die in this case than the bull dogs.

        1. soulmates11 Avatar

          Boy what does Israel put in your water for you idiots to be so stupid . Or are you all paid to write this crap .

        2. Well, anybody can say whatever, the truth is and as the whole world knows,Hezbollah is a terrorist group,killers,assasins,have no loyalty to the country of Lebanon,and all their PM’s are Terrorist, why they feel like bull dogs ? because their arsenals are much bigger than what the Lebanese army posses,supported by almighty Iran and the Mullas and the wicked neighbores from the North. If you are a supporter of Hezbollah that makes a Terrorist as well, hated by the civilized world.Actually it does not matter who is a bull dog and who is a poodle,as the future drawn upon us, what really matters is the true Citizen of Lebanon will rise once again against the Terrorist and the evil.

    2. nabilabuzaid Avatar

      If Hariri is a poodle what does that make your buddies HA and M8 who are barking and running scared from the STL?
      why are these poodles keep threatening everyone if they’re not scared? only scared dogs bark and scream in trying to scare everybody else. But you can bark all you like. It took a long time to bring down many dictators and the last few like Saddam and Mubarak. Pretty soon no matter how the big dogs in Iran and Syria will rule with Iron fists. But they will tumble like everybody else by the will of the people. You and your bodies will tumble soon by the will of the little poodles. these poodles will pe you and your master Nassrallah.

      1. soulmates11 Avatar

        If the the attack in Alexandria on New Years Eve . By the government of Egypt on it’s on people does not prove to you how the Zionist and their Friends operate. Nothing ever will HA is screaming because they will not stand by while their being setup by the west . Put traitors like would love to be on all fours in front of the Enemies of the Arab Nation . Western Lap Dogs are going down one by one it started with Ben Ali and Hariri lets hope 2011 will be the year we get rid of all traitors like you.

        1. traitors are the groupes whom make deals with other country dosen;t matters if the where wester or not traitors are who help the syrian killing our familes and destroing lebanon traitors whom recieving arms from iran to destroy israel insted the used it in beirut and destroy it traitors are the chickey people who are not ashamed to open there gobs and let the crap out you can;t shut us by calling us traitors you are simly looking at the mirror and seen your shadows and lets hope thats 2011 we be the end of the traitors and the killer of our country HA IS THE BIGGEG TRAITORS OF ALL TIME and we will get ride of them scams

        2. soulmates11 Avatar

          lebnaneh HA got in your face and others like you . When traitors like you tried to shut their phone network down so Israel can spy on them . Scum bag traitors like you didn’t like it so much when you were were told to back the f of. If you want to argue keep it real morons.

        3. nabilabuzaid Avatar

          The Muslims Extremist blow up the church so its people like you who pretends to be friends with Christians like Aoun and pretend that you never hurt any christians during the civil war. Its people like you who have disowned their country and declared allegiance to Imam Khomeini and his mullah dogs. I can send many videos of Nassrallah and many HA leaders declaring allegiance to Iran. Announcing not that Lebanon will become an Islamic Nation but also part of Grand Islamic nations of Iran. We’re not screaming you are because you scared shit of the STL will have good evidence to indict you and your syrian and iranians masters. You’re enemy no#1 and Israel is #2, Syria and Iran can switch #’s i guess. Just because you have weapons and you got trained well on using them that don’t give you the authority to decide whether i am traitor or not? i would rather have a peace with israel rather than with you or your masters any day you scumbag.

        4. nabilabuzaid Avatar

          Western lapdogs you calling us so if you’re not in Iranian and Syrian lapdogs you’re a western dogs. The only dogs and thugs i see are coming from Dahia. You and Hezbollah make your money off Drugs, piracy and many illegal activities and on top of getting money from Iran. there are not enough description in the dictionary to describe your dirty ways and scums like you and Nassrallah belong underground where the sun don’t shine. The church in Alexandria i heard rumors it was someone in Mubarak Cabinet but we don’t know that for sure. But how many times muslim extremists attack the churches there and killed many people. When arrested Mubarak gov’t protected them by declaring unfit mentally. Its you who protect such extremists and nobody else. Western lapdogs my ass you stupid monkey.

        5. soulmates11 Avatar

          nabilabuzaid you and your Zionist friends lost Lebanon and the Region . You lap dogs can spread all the lies you want the fact is HA changed the Region and Lebanon right under your noses and all you Chicken Hawks can do is cry on the internet get a life you pathetic lap dog .

        6. kareemthehippy Avatar

          I’m sorry to interfere, but I have to say you both have it completely wrong. THEY ARE ALL POODLES. They just have different masters. It’s like comparing stomach cancer to AIDS. You both are going on different paths but eventually dealing with a slow and painful death.

          Isolate yourselves from all these puppets and think of the bigger picture. Think of Lebanon. Think of how you want the young Lebanese to study and learn, and come HOME and raise their country from the ground instead of letting the same people digging deeper holes into it.

          Syria and Iran’s iron fists, the Western lapdogs..these are all you’re all shouting true statements at each other, but think of the bigger picture.

          One side is socially liberal but is corrupt and follows an old racist political system, while the other is militant and extremist but represents secularism.

          I really want you guys to know that I respect your opinions and love everyone on here regardless, but think of the bigger picture.

        7. Kareemthehippy is the youngest Lebanese I’ve met and the wisest of them Lebanese of all, specially those posting on this site. We need more men like you dude and less of those morons who are a bunch of sectarian losers who pretend to love God but spit satan’s hatred words at each others. Really I am ashamed of being Lebanese and who cares whether I am Durzi, Maronite, Christian, Sunni or Shia. Lebanese is Lebanese and if I stand with the opposition that does not make me a zionist. This rhetoric has been used and abused. Even the Palestinians whose land has been usurped do not call each others zionists yet my fellow Lebanese right and left they throw this word around like in ping pong match because they are devoid of a soul and of a culture. Shame on you really!!!

      2. soulmates11 Avatar

        If the the attack in Alexandria on New Years Eve . By the government of Egypt on it’s on people does not prove to you how the Zionist and their Friends operate. Nothing ever will HA is screaming because they will not stand by while their being setup by the west . Put traitors like would love to be on all fours in front of the Enemies of the Arab Nation . Western Lap Dogs are going down one by one it started with Ben Ali and Hariri lets hope 2011 will be the year we get rid of all traitors like you.

        1. traitors are the groupes whom make deals with other country dosen;t matters if the where wester or not traitors are who help the syrian killing our familes and destroing lebanon traitors whom recieving arms from iran to destroy israel insted the used it in beirut and destroy it traitors are the chickey people who are not ashamed to open there gobs and let the crap out you can;t shut us by calling us traitors you are simly looking at the mirror and seen your shadows and lets hope thats 2011 we be the end of the traitors and the killer of our country HA IS THE BIGGEG TRAITORS OF ALL TIME and we will get ride of them scams

        2. soulmates11 Avatar

          lebnaneh HA got in your face and others like you . When traitors like you tried to shut their phone network down so Israel can spy on them . Scum bag traitors like you didn’t like it so much when you were were told to back the f of. If you want to argue keep it real morons.

        3. nabilabuzaid Avatar

          The Muslims Extremist blow up the church so its people like you who pretends to be friends with Christians like Aoun and pretend that you never hurt any christians during the civil war. Its people like you who have disowned their country and declared allegiance to Imam Khomeini and his mullah dogs. I can send many videos of Nassrallah and many HA leaders declaring allegiance to Iran. Announcing not that Lebanon will become an Islamic Nation but also part of Grand Islamic nations of Iran. We’re not screaming you are because you scared shit of the STL will have good evidence to indict you and your syrian and iranians masters. You’re enemy no#1 and Israel is #2, Syria and Iran can switch #’s i guess. Just because you have weapons and you got trained well on using them that don’t give you the authority to decide whether i am traitor or not? i would rather have a peace with israel rather than with you or your masters any day you scumbag.

        4. nabilabuzaid Avatar

          Western lapdogs you calling us so if you’re not in Iranian and Syrian lapdogs you’re a western dogs. The only dogs and thugs i see are coming from Dahia. You and Hezbollah make your money off Drugs, piracy and many illegal activities and on top of getting money from Iran. there are not enough description in the dictionary to describe your dirty ways and scums like you and Nassrallah belong underground where the sun don’t shine. The church in Alexandria i heard rumors it was someone in Mubarak Cabinet but we don’t know that for sure. But how many times muslim extremists attack the churches there and killed many people. When arrested Mubarak gov’t protected them by declaring unfit mentally. Its you who protect such extremists and nobody else. Western lapdogs my ass you stupid monkey.

        5. soulmates11 Avatar

          nabilabuzaid you and your Zionist friends lost Lebanon and the Region . You lap dogs can spread all the lies you want the fact is HA changed the Region and Lebanon right under your noses and all you Chicken Hawks can do is cry on the internet get a life you pathetic lap dog .

        6. Kareemthehippy is the youngest Lebanese I’ve met and the wisest of them Lebanese of all, specially those posting on this site. We need more men like you dude and less of those morons who are a bunch of sectarian losers who pretend to love God but spit satan’s hatred words at each others. Really I am ashamed of being Lebanese and who cares whether I am Durzi, Maronite, Christian, Sunni or Shia. Lebanese is Lebanese and if I stand with the opposition that does not make me a zionist. This rhetoric has been used and abused. Even the Palestinians whose land has been usurped do not call each others zionists yet my fellow Lebanese right and left they throw this word around like in ping pong match because they are devoid of a soul and of a culture. Shame on you really!!!

    3. Your The Defention Of Low Class Filth What Else Can I Say Honestly? Stop pulling the Israel Card, I think every Lebanese (thats normal) is tired of people using Israel as an accuse. Israel This…. Israel That…. Israel blamed for everything. Yes dont get me wrong Israel killed 20,000 Lebanese most of them innocent civilians, but thats nothing compared to the Syrian filth of the Middle-East, and what they did to Lebanon. It was nowhere near Israels interest to kill Hariri, i mean you must be really uneducated to think such a thing, if hariri is pro-west, why would Israel killed him? Im tired of dirty hezbollah supporters like you blaming everything on Israel, if a bird died in colorado, youd blame it on Israel. Wake up can you not see Israel couldnt really care less about the Lebanese people theyre very jealous people the Israeli people. Now i hope one day the dominoes fall on Syria and Iran and you get slammed on wherever your standing you dirty piece of sh*t. The worlds going to know what your dogs did, and it willl be the end of the word HA. West my a$$ can you not see, USA doesnt even give 2 sh!ts about lebanon, psttt wake up, we got the syrians and iranians so far our ass and policy, now its time to shit them out

      1. The only people who KILLED RAFIC HARRIRI is SYria and Hezbollah, why anyone would even think otherwise?
        Syria and Iran are dictatorship and would like to extend their power into Lebanon through HA, they did now it’s up to the LEBANESE people to stop this nonesense

      2. soulmates11 Avatar

        American and Israeli policy has always been divide and conquer . Obviously they did a hell of a good job with you. Syria came in to stop you morons from killing each other and Iran helped in throwing Israel out of Lebanon . You say Israel killed 20,000 . But you say Syria is worse . Name one thing that Syria or Iran did that is worse then that you moron. Your Israeli inspired agenda is dead that’s a fact you have to live with or get the F out of free Lebanon . One more thing moron please change your handle you are nothing close to being a Beiruti….

        1. nabilabuzaid Avatar

          don’t get all excited Soulmates because we put down your HA. By the way Nassrallah misses you Soulmate since you are his special Soulmate. Don’t be afraid to show your identity and show your homosexuality..

    4. nabilabuzaid Avatar

      Soulmate you talk about American and Israeli policy of divide and conquer. Fine I many agree more that the Israelis would do than American. But Syria had its share policy of divide and conquer and that’s how they divided then Marada and LF. THat’s how they divided Aoun and LF. That’s how they divided the SSNP within itself. I remember Pro Syrian SSNP attacked a wedding where the bride and groom where both SSNP in North lebanon. somewhat the Syrian commanders was not pleased with the was SSNP who were at the wedding. They sent another group of their surrogate SSNP and killed 14 people. What about the Druze for many years? what about the Sunnis? who attacked Tripoli, East Beirut, The PLO camps. And when Israel attacked the Syrian soldiers were docking for cover. shut the hell up you low life. Besides in 2006 many paid Somalis fought alongside Hezbollah besides the Iranians Guards. You’re lucky because Condie Rice decided to force the Israelis to stop with 1701 resolution. Maybe israel lost more than 140 troops but they never really lost the war. The next time around they won’t 1702 to save your ass especialy when the STL indict your benedict leaders and when the refuse the world will stand against them and most likely against Lebanon. You can run but you can’t hide.

    5. You’re not my soulmate that’s for sure! lol… Your rhetoric is so ayatollah dictatorial and in a world where dictatorships are crumbling like a dried out fruit cake your ways are on the wrong side of the equation. Green Revolution anyone?!?

  2. soulmates11 Avatar

    Western lap dogs can NOT become the opposition . You can’t oppose the will of the people. At that point all you are is nothing but a barking dog or in Harrii’s case a barking poodle.

    1. Terrorists can’t run a country they are destin to fail,poodles are more loved and trusted to protect the country of Lebanorn from the shameful and the deceptive.

      1. Well, terrorists terrorize. I agree with you completely, but what choice does the voters have? Terrorists just make threats to voters. People who don’t have the guts and don’t care about Lebanon just vote for the terrorists. They don’t want to die. Hariri would have won hands down without the help of Hezbollah and his followers. But unfortunately, their way of government doesn’t let citizens vote on occasions, and apparently, this is one of them. All the good PM’s either got shot or blown up *ahem* Harriri *ahem*. So you see, poodles are destined to die in this case than the bull dogs.

        1. soulmates11 Avatar

          Boy what does Israel put in your water for you idiots to be so stupid . Or are you all paid to write this crap .

        2. Well, anybody can say whatever, the truth is and as the whole world knows,Hezbollah is a terrorist group,killers,assasins,have no loyalty to the country of Lebanon,and all their PM’s are Terrorist, why they feel like bull dogs ? because their arsenals are much bigger than what the Lebanese army posses,supported by almighty Iran and the Mullas and the wicked neighbores from the North. If you are a supporter of Hezbollah that makes a Terrorist as well, hated by the civilized world.Actually it does not matter who is a bull dog and who is a poodle,as the future drawn upon us, what really matters is the true Citizen of Lebanon will rise once again against the Terrorist and the evil.

    2. Your The Defention Of Low Class Filth What Else Can I Say Honestly? Stop pulling the Israel Card, I think every Lebanese (thats normal) is tired of people using Israel as an accuse. Israel This…. Israel That…. Israel blamed for everything. Yes dont get me wrong Israel killed 20,000 Lebanese most of them innocent civilians, but thats nothing compared to the Syrian filth of the Middle-East, and what they did to Lebanon. It was nowhere near Israels interest to kill Hariri, i mean you must be really uneducated to think such a thing, if hariri is pro-west, why would Israel killed him? Im tired of dirty hezbollah supporters like you blaming everything on Israel, if a bird died in colorado, youd blame it on Israel. Wake up can you not see Israel couldnt really care less about the Lebanese people theyre very jealous people the Israeli people. Now i hope one day the dominoes fall on Syria and Iran and you get slammed on wherever your standing you dirty piece of sh*t. The worlds going to know what your dogs did, and it willl be the end of the word HA. West my a$$ can you not see, USA doesnt even give 2 sh!ts about lebanon, psttt wake up, we got the syrians and iranians so far our ass and policy, now its time to shit them out

      1. The only people who KILLED RAFIC HARRIRI is SYria and Hezbollah, why anyone would even think otherwise?
        Syria and Iran are dictatorship and would like to extend their power into Lebanon through HA, they did now it’s up to the LEBANESE people to stop this nonesense

      2. soulmates11 Avatar

        American and Israeli policy has always been divide and conquer . Obviously they did a hell of a good job with you. Syria came in to stop you morons from killing each other and Iran helped in throwing Israel out of Lebanon . You say Israel killed 20,000 . But you say Syria is worse . Name one thing that Syria or Iran did that is worse then that you moron. Your Israeli inspired agenda is dead that’s a fact you have to live with or get the F out of free Lebanon . One more thing moron please change your handle you are nothing close to being a Beiruti….

    3. You’re not my soulmate that’s for sure! lol… Your rhetoric is so ayatollah dictatorial and in a world where dictatorships are crumbling like a dried out fruit cake your ways are on the wrong side of the equation. Green Revolution anyone?!?

  3.  Avatar

    Western lap dogs can NOT become the opposition . You can’t oppose the will of the people. At that point all you are is nothing but a barking dog or in Harrii’s case a barking poodle.

    1.  Avatar

      Terrorists can’t run a country they are destin to fail,poodles are more loved and trusted to protect the country of Lebanorn from the shameful and the deceptive.

      1. Well, terrorists terrorize. I agree with you completely, but what choice does the voters have? Terrorists just make threats to voters. People who don’t have the guts and don’t care about Lebanon just vote for the terrorists. They don’t want to die. Hariri would have won hands down without the help of Hezbollah and his followers. But unfortunately, their way of government doesn’t let citizens vote on occasions, and apparently, this is one of them. All the good PM’s either got shot or blown up *ahem* Harriri *ahem*. So you see, poodles are destined to die in this case than the bull dogs.

        1.  Avatar

          Boy what does Israel put in your water for you idiots to be so stupid . Or are you all paid to write this crap .

        2.  Avatar

          Well, anybody can say whatever, the truth is and as the whole world knows,Hezbollah is a terrorist group,killers,assasins,have no loyalty to the country of Lebanon,and all their PM’s are Terrorist, why they feel like bull dogs ? because their arsenals are much bigger than what the Lebanese army posses,supported by almighty Iran and the Mullas and the wicked neighbores from the North. If you are a supporter of Hezbollah that makes a Terrorist as well, hated by the civilized world.Actually it does not matter who is a bull dog and who is a poodle,as the future drawn upon us, what really matters is the true Citizen of Lebanon will rise once again against the Terrorist and the evil.

    2.  Avatar

      If Hariri is a poodle what does that make your buddies HA and M8 who are barking and running scared from the STL?
      why are these poodles keep threatening everyone if they’re not scared? only scared dogs bark and scream in trying to scare everybody else. But you can bark all you like. It took a long time to bring down many dictators and the last few like Saddam and Mubarak. Pretty soon no matter how the big dogs in Iran and Syria will rule with Iron fists. But they will tumble like everybody else by the will of the people. You and your bodies will tumble soon by the will of the little poodles. these poodles will pe you and your master Nassrallah.

      1.  Avatar

        If the the attack in Alexandria on New Years Eve . By the government of Egypt on it’s on people does not prove to you how the Zionist and their Friends operate. Nothing ever will HA is screaming because they will not stand by while their being setup by the west . Put traitors like would love to be on all fours in front of the Enemies of the Arab Nation . Western Lap Dogs are going down one by one it started with Ben Ali and Hariri lets hope 2011 will be the year we get rid of all traitors like you.

        1.  Avatar

          traitors are the groupes whom make deals with other country dosen;t matters if the where wester or not traitors are who help the syrian killing our familes and destroing lebanon traitors whom recieving arms from iran to destroy israel insted the used it in beirut and destroy it traitors are the chickey people who are not ashamed to open there gobs and let the crap out you can;t shut us by calling us traitors you are simly looking at the mirror and seen your shadows and lets hope thats 2011 we be the end of the traitors and the killer of our country HA IS THE BIGGEG TRAITORS OF ALL TIME and we will get ride of them scams

        2.  Avatar

          lebnaneh HA got in your face and others like you . When traitors like you tried to shut their phone network down so Israel can spy on them . Scum bag traitors like you didn’t like it so much when you were were told to back the f of. If you want to argue keep it real morons.

        3.  Avatar

          The Muslims Extremist blow up the church so its people like you who pretends to be friends with Christians like Aoun and pretend that you never hurt any christians during the civil war. Its people like you who have disowned their country and declared allegiance to Imam Khomeini and his mullah dogs. I can send many videos of Nassrallah and many HA leaders declaring allegiance to Iran. Announcing not that Lebanon will become an Islamic Nation but also part of Grand Islamic nations of Iran. We’re not screaming you are because you scared shit of the STL will have good evidence to indict you and your syrian and iranians masters. You’re enemy no#1 and Israel is #2, Syria and Iran can switch #’s i guess. Just because you have weapons and you got trained well on using them that don’t give you the authority to decide whether i am traitor or not? i would rather have a peace with israel rather than with you or your masters any day you scumbag.

        4.  Avatar

          The Muslims Extremist blow up the church so its people like you who pretends to be friends with Christians like Aoun and pretend that you never hurt any christians during the civil war. Its people like you who have disowned their country and declared allegiance to Imam Khomeini and his mullah dogs. I can send many videos of Nassrallah and many HA leaders declaring allegiance to Iran. Announcing not that Lebanon will become an Islamic Nation but also part of Grand Islamic nations of Iran. We’re not screaming you are because you scared shit of the STL will have good evidence to indict you and your syrian and iranians masters. You’re enemy no#1 and Israel is #2, Syria and Iran can switch #’s i guess. Just because you have weapons and you got trained well on using them that don’t give you the authority to decide whether i am traitor or not? i would rather have a peace with israel rather than with you or your masters any day you scumbag.

        5.  Avatar

          Western lapdogs you calling us so if you’re not in Iranian and Syrian lapdogs you’re a western dogs. The only dogs and thugs i see are coming from Dahia. You and Hezbollah make your money off Drugs, piracy and many illegal activities and on top of getting money from Iran. there are not enough description in the dictionary to describe your dirty ways and scums like you and Nassrallah belong underground where the sun don’t shine. The church in Alexandria i heard rumors it was someone in Mubarak Cabinet but we don’t know that for sure. But how many times muslim extremists attack the churches there and killed many people. When arrested Mubarak gov’t protected them by declaring unfit mentally. Its you who protect such extremists and nobody else. Western lapdogs my ass you stupid monkey.

        6.  Avatar

          nabilabuzaid you and your Zionist friends lost Lebanon and the Region . You lap dogs can spread all the lies you want the fact is HA changed the Region and Lebanon right under your noses and all you Chicken Hawks can do is cry on the internet get a life you pathetic lap dog .

        7.  Avatar

          I’m sorry to interfere, but I have to say you both have it completely wrong. THEY ARE ALL POODLES. They just have different masters. It’s like comparing stomach cancer to AIDS. You both are going on different paths but eventually dealing with a slow and painful death.

          Isolate yourselves from all these puppets and think of the bigger picture. Think of Lebanon. Think of how you want the young Lebanese to study and learn, and come HOME and raise their country from the ground instead of letting the same people digging deeper holes into it.

          Syria and Iran’s iron fists, the Western lapdogs..these are all you’re all shouting true statements at each other, but think of the bigger picture.

          One side is socially liberal but is corrupt and follows an old racist political system, while the other is militant and extremist but represents secularism.

          I really want you guys to know that I respect your opinions and love everyone on here regardless, but think of the bigger picture.

        8. Kareemthehippy is the youngest Lebanese I’ve met and the wisest of them Lebanese overall, specially those posting on this site. We need more men like you dude and less of those morons who are a bunch of sectarian losers who pretend to love God but spit satan’s hatred words at each others. Really I am ashamed of being Lebanese and who cares whether I am Durzi, Maronite, Christian, Sunni or Shia. Lebanese is Lebanese and if I stand with the opposition that does not make me a zionist. This rhetoric has been used and abused. Even the Palestinians whose land has been usurped do not call each others zionists yet my fellow Lebanese right and left they throw this word around like in ping pong match because they are devoid of a soul and of a culture. Shame on you really!!!

    3.  Avatar

      Your The Defention Of Low Class Filth What Else Can I Say Honestly? Stop pulling the Israel Card, I think every Lebanese (thats normal) is tired of people using Israel as an accuse. Israel This…. Israel That…. Israel blamed for everything. Yes dont get me wrong Israel killed 20,000 Lebanese most of them innocent civilians, but thats nothing compared to the Syrian filth of the Middle-East, and what they did to Lebanon. It was nowhere near Israels interest to kill Hariri, i mean you must be really uneducated to think such a thing, if hariri is pro-west, why would Israel killed him? Im tired of dirty hezbollah supporters like you blaming everything on Israel, if a bird died in colorado, youd blame it on Israel. Wake up can you not see Israel couldnt really care less about the Lebanese people theyre very jealous people the Israeli people. Now i hope one day the dominoes fall on Syria and Iran and you get slammed on wherever your standing you dirty piece of sh*t. The worlds going to know what your dogs did, and it willl be the end of the word HA. West my a$$ can you not see, USA doesnt even give 2 sh!ts about lebanon, psttt wake up, we got the syrians and iranians so far our ass and policy, now its time to shit them out

      1.  Avatar

        The only people who KILLED RAFIC HARRIRI is SYria and Hezbollah, why anyone would even think otherwise?
        Syria and Iran are dictatorship and would like to extend their power into Lebanon through HA, they did now it’s up to the LEBANESE people to stop this nonesense

      2.  Avatar

        American and Israeli policy has always been divide and conquer . Obviously they did a hell of a good job with you. Syria came in to stop you morons from killing each other and Iran helped in throwing Israel out of Lebanon . You say Israel killed 20,000 . But you say Syria is worse . Name one thing that Syria or Iran did that is worse then that you moron. Your Israeli inspired agenda is dead that’s a fact you have to live with or get the F out of free Lebanon . One more thing moron please change your handle you are nothing close to being a Beiruti….

        1.  Avatar

          don’t get all excited Soulmates because we put down your HA. By the way Nassrallah misses you Soulmate since you are his special Soulmate. Don’t be afraid to show your identity and show your homosexuality..

    4.  Avatar

      Your The Defention Of Low Class Filth What Else Can I Say Honestly? Stop pulling the Israel Card, I think every Lebanese (thats normal) is tired of people using Israel as an accuse. Israel This…. Israel That…. Israel blamed for everything. Yes dont get me wrong Israel killed 20,000 Lebanese most of them innocent civilians, but thats nothing compared to the Syrian filth of the Middle-East, and what they did to Lebanon. It was nowhere near Israels interest to kill Hariri, i mean you must be really uneducated to think such a thing, if hariri is pro-west, why would Israel killed him? Im tired of dirty hezbollah supporters like you blaming everything on Israel, if a bird died in colorado, youd blame it on Israel. Wake up can you not see Israel couldnt really care less about the Lebanese people theyre very jealous people the Israeli people. Now i hope one day the dominoes fall on Syria and Iran and you get slammed on wherever your standing you dirty piece of sh*t. The worlds going to know what your dogs did, and it willl be the end of the word HA. West my a$$ can you not see, USA doesnt even give 2 sh!ts about lebanon, psttt wake up, we got the syrians and iranians so far our ass and policy, now its time to shit them out

    5.  Avatar

      Soulmate you talk about American and Israeli policy of divide and conquer. Fine I many agree more that the Israelis would do than American. But Syria had its share policy of divide and conquer and that’s how they divided then Marada and LF. THat’s how they divided Aoun and LF. That’s how they divided the SSNP within itself. I remember Pro Syrian SSNP attacked a wedding where the bride and groom where both SSNP in North lebanon. somewhat the Syrian commanders was not pleased with the was SSNP who were at the wedding. They sent another group of their surrogate SSNP and killed 14 people. What about the Druze for many years? what about the Sunnis? who attacked Tripoli, East Beirut, The PLO camps. And when Israel attacked the Syrian soldiers were docking for cover. shut the hell up you low life. Besides in 2006 many paid Somalis fought alongside Hezbollah besides the Iranians Guards. You’re lucky because Condie Rice decided to force the Israelis to stop with 1701 resolution. Maybe israel lost more than 140 troops but they never really lost the war. The next time around they won’t 1702 to save your ass especialy when the STL indict your benedict leaders and when the refuse the world will stand against them and most likely against Lebanon. You can run but you can’t hide.

    6. You’re not my soulmate that’s for sure! lol… Your rhetoric is so ayatollah dictatorial and in a world where dictatorships are crumbling like a dried out fruit cake your ways are on the wrong side of the equation. Green Revolution anyone?!?

  4. josephphdman Avatar

    dear harriri you have won the election but they stole it from you your civilized way to deal with the terrossit does,nt work terrossist only understand force you need to tell your 2 million supporters to march and protest until the terrossist returned what they stole from you and face justice

  5. josephphdman Avatar

    dear harriri you have won the election but they stole it from you your civilized way to deal with the terrossit does,nt work terrossist only understand force you need to tell your 2 million supporters to march and protest until the terrossist returned what they stole from you and face justice

  6.  Avatar

    dear harriri you have won the election but they stole it from you your civilized way to deal with the terrossit does,nt work terrossist only understand force you need to tell your 2 million supporters to march and protest until the terrossist returned what they stole from you and face justice

  7. josephphdman Avatar

    palestian weapons needs to go away outside the camp or inside the camp how can a tourist or a forigner have weapons in a sovreign country
    if they do that in any other countries they would have been jailed or deported long time ago

  8.  Avatar

    palestian weapons needs to go away outside the camp or inside the camp how can a tourist or a forigner have weapons in a sovreign country
    if they do that in any other countries they would have been killed or jailed long time ago

  9.  Avatar

    palestian weapons needs to go away outside the camp or inside the camp how can a tourist or a forigner have weapons in a sovreign country
    if they do that in any other countries they would have been killed or jailed long time ago

  10. It’s a shame when the language of argument between fellow citizens get this low !!.
    Everyone is in title to their own opinion and own believes…now with that being said let’s get to the points without insulting anyone:
    1. Weapons outside the government are illegal (If Israel is the main enemy then the weapons should be transferred to the army to defend Lebanon). End of story
    2. I think the Lebanese system of governing is ridiculous and does not work in any country in the world (to explain what I mean: in each and every democracy… there is a winner and there is a loser in elections… the winner forms a gov and implements their ideas. the losing team on the other hand becomes the opposition). The concept of a unity gov is a proven failure. So here is my opinion, let March 8 form their own gov and let’s see what happens… by next elections if March14 can win the election then there would be no reason to give a blocking 3rd to any party. That’s the right solution to form a gov that can actually perform to the needs of it voters.
    3. Most of you will prob decline on my answer here…but I do believe that the same players from our dark ages are still around… and to cross over to a ‘real democracy” we need new blood… our new generation has lots and lots of capable candidates that their main purpose is the advancements of Lebanon..No more influences from any outsiders “The west or Syria/Iran”
    4. Finally to the soulmates… I have respect to what HA did to help in Israel leaving Lebanon in 2000 but I have few things that u might not like much:
    A. The concept that everyone that doesn’t believe your way is traitor is ridiculus!! And it works both ways.
    B. As much as our history shows that Israel has caused Lebanon a lot… not every single thing that goes wrong in Lebanon can be pin pointed to Israel (in other word Israel can’t be the escape goat for everything) we have leaders that have their own personal agenda and their loyalty resides outside Lebanon (both camps have lots of those)
    C. In my personal opinion when someone fights something as bad as HA fought the STL… they sound guilty.. Let’s hear what the STL and what evidence they have to show before we judge it. How can you argue a result that you don’t know?? Let’s see what they have to say and then judge. HA is fighting this sooooooo badly that it sounds like they are hiding something. To prove to you what I mean.. Jumblat back when he wasn’t on HA side mentioned that the vehicle used to assassinate Hariri came from HA strong hold. That’s one, the other is the false witnesses… I agree they should be a trial for them.. but plz lets send all of them to trial including that ridicules Iraqi letter about a guy who claimed to be the one that assassinated Hariri (people forgot about that and about who brought the letter that turned out to be a complete false statement)

    Finally.. Long Live Free Lebanon

  11. It’s a shame when the language of argument between fellow citizens get this low !!.
    Everyone is in title to their own opinion and own believes…now with that being said let’s get to the points without insulting anyone:
    1. Weapons outside the government are illegal (If Israel is the main enemy then the weapons should be transferred to the army to defend Lebanon). End of story
    2. I think the Lebanese system of governing is ridiculous and does not work in any country in the world (to explain what I mean: in each and every democracy… there is a winner and there is a loser in elections… the winner forms a gov and implements their ideas. the losing team on the other hand becomes the opposition). The concept of a unity gov is a proven failure. So here is my opinion, let March 8 form their own gov and let’s see what happens… by next elections if March14 can win the election then there would be no reason to give a blocking 3rd to any party. That’s the right solution to form a gov that can actually perform to the needs of it voters.
    3. Most of you will prob decline on my answer here…but I do believe that the same players from our dark ages are still around… and to cross over to a ‘real democracy” we need new blood… our new generation has lots and lots of capable candidates that their main purpose is the advancements of Lebanon..No more influences from any outsiders “The west or Syria/Iran”
    4. Finally to the soulmates… I have respect to what HA did to help in Israel leaving Lebanon in 2000 but I have few things that u might not like much:
    A. The concept that everyone that doesn’t believe your way is traitor is ridiculus!! And it works both ways.
    B. As much as our history shows that Israel has caused Lebanon a lot… not every single thing that goes wrong in Lebanon can be pin pointed to Israel (in other word Israel can’t be the escape goat for everything) we have leaders that have their own personal agenda and their loyalty resides outside Lebanon (both camps have lots of those)
    C. In my personal opinion when someone fights something as bad as HA fought the STL… they sound guilty.. Let’s hear what the STL and what evidence they have to show before we judge it. How can you argue a result that you don’t know?? Let’s see what they have to say and then judge. HA is fighting this sooooooo badly that it sounds like they are hiding something. To prove to you what I mean.. Jumblat back when he wasn’t on HA side mentioned that the vehicle used to assassinate Hariri came from HA strong hold. That’s one, the other is the false witnesses… I agree they should be a trial for them.. but plz lets send all of them to trial including that ridicules Iraqi letter about a guy who claimed to be the one that assassinated Hariri (people forgot about that and about who brought the letter that turned out to be a complete false statement)

    Finally.. Long Live Free Lebanon

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