MP: Lebanon heading towards a government of vengeane


Following the meeting of Future Movement bloc which was headed by former Lebanese PM Fouad Siniora, MP Hadi Hubeish told reporters that Lebanon is heading towards a government of vengeance:

The other camp’s ( Hezbollah-led march 8 alliance ) conditions ignored all the ideas that they had demanded during previous government formations and their positions pave the way for a government of vengeance. ”

He added :” We are still awaiting clear answers from Mikati before taking our final stand.”

Earlier today he commented to LBC TV on the future of Lebanon under a Hezbollah -led cabinet and said

“The March 8 coalition exercises everything but democracy…its logic is that of threats.”

He stressed that Mikati’s cabinet will carry out the policies of Hezbollah-led March 8 and will confront the international community.

The Iranian- and Syria-backed Hezbollah brought down PM Saad Hariri’s government on January 12 over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s ( STL) indictment which is widely expected to implicate Hezbollah members in the assassination of former PM Rafik Hariri in 2005 .

Mikati, who was backed by Hezbollah and its March 8 allies including MPs Walid Jumblatt and Mohammad Safadi, was appointed by president Michel Suleiman as PM-designate to form and head the next cabinet , giving Hezbollah and its allies increased leverage in the country and provoking widespread protests.



12 responses to “MP: Lebanon heading towards a government of vengeane”

  1. Georgeabuali Avatar

    May we all rest in peace!

    Mikati will only to do what he was sent to do, and rewarded for it, noting is for free, him and his family are Assad buddies, partners in telecommunication and other projects in Syria for years, benefiting him and the Assads. Mikati’s family are intermarried with Assad’s family, and Najib brother Taha is the director. Go figure- no wealth in the $ billions can be harvested but with cronies and Nepotism on the back of the poor and helpless. Mubarak is/ was an example

  2. Georgeabuali Avatar

    May we all rest in peace!

    Mikati will only to do what he was sent to do, and rewarded for it, noting is for free, him and his family are Assad buddies, partners in telecommunication and other projects in Syria for years, benefiting him and the Assads. Mikati’s family are intermarried with Assad’s family, and Najib brother Taha is the director. Go figure- no wealth in the $ billions can be harvested but with cronies and Nepotism on the back of the poor and helpless. Mubarak is/ was an example

  3.  Avatar

    May we all rest in peace!

    Mikati will only to do what he was sent to do, and rewarded for it, noting is for free, him and his family are Assad buddies, partners in telecommunication and other projects in Syria for years, benefiting him and the Assads. Mikati’s family are intermarried with Assad’s family, and Najib brother Taha is the director. Go figure- no wealth in the $ billions can be harvested but with cronies and Nepotism on the back of the poor and helpless. Mubarak is/ was an example

  4. Here is my 2 cents;
    I don’t think this is a bad thing after all… the past government was handicapped with the “veto” that March 8 had… let them have this government alone. The next elections when march 14 wins more seats.. Then they govern alone.
    The concept of a unity government is nothing but BS. In a real democracy, the winning team runs the government and the other becomes the opposition.. So let them try it.. Then we get next and will not include them in it.

    1. Constantin7 Avatar

      I completely agree with Zak, but the problem is that they are going to reverse all the decisions on the STL and not recognize its outcome, i.e. the murderers will get their way without any punishment. Otherwise, I would say also let them govern alone, so that we govern alone next time too. Also I agree that a “unity” government would never work it would be paralyzed like the one we had in the past year.

      1. oddchild Avatar

        If that happens, i bet we can say goodbye to all the American tourists who will hear that Lebanon was taken over by “Iranian Terrorists”… How long will the new PM stay in power before the new elections anyways? Does he have a full term?

    2. Constantin7 Avatar

      I completely agree with Zak, but the problem is that they are going to reverse all the decisions on the STL and not recognize its outcome, i.e. the murderers will get their way without any punishment. Otherwise, I would say also let them govern alone, so that we govern alone next time too. Also I agree that a “unity” government would never work it would be paralyzed like the one we had in the past year.

      1. oddchild Avatar

        If that happens, i bet we can say goodbye to all the American tourists who will hear that Lebanon was taken over by “Iranian Terrorists”… How long will the new PM stay in power before the new elections anyways? Does he have a full term?

  5. Here is my 2 cents;
    I don’t think this is a bad thing after all… the past government was handicapped with the “veto” that March 8 had… let them have this government alone. The next elections when march 14 wins more seats.. Then they govern alone.
    The concept of a unity government is nothing but BS. In a real democracy, the winning team runs the government and the other becomes the opposition.. So let them try it.. Then we get next and will not include them in it.

    1.  Avatar

      I completely agree with Zak, but the problem is that they are going to reverse all the decisions on the STL and not recognize its outcome, i.e. the murderers will get their way without any punishment. Otherwise, I would say also let them govern alone, so that we govern alone next time too. Also I agree that a “unity” government would never work it would be paralyzed like the one we had in the past year.

      1.  Avatar

        If that happens, i bet we can say goodbye to all the American tourists who will hear that Lebanon was taken over by “Iranian Tourists”…

        How long will the new PM stay in power before the new elections anyways? Does he have a full term?

      2.  Avatar

        If that happens, i bet we can say goodbye to all the American tourists who will hear that Lebanon was taken over by “Iranian Tourists”…

        How long will the new PM stay in power before the new elections anyways? Does he have a full term?

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